Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies Minutes Meeting Date: Approval Date: November 30, 2004 December 16, 2004 Members Present: Intisar Hibschweiler, Denise Mills, Laura Sommer, Andrew Wise, George Siefert, Linda Kuechler, Dianne McCarthy Members Absent: Gary Styn Visitors: Mary Fox, Paulette Anzelone, Keith Taylor, Blake Thurman ITEM 1: Approval of the minutes of November 16, 2004 Motion to approve: Denise Mills Second: Linda Kuechler Vote: All in favor ITEM 2: Meeting Times for Spring 2005 Discussion: members discussed and agreed to have the Spring 2005 semester meeting times on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. on the following dates: February 1 & 15th April 5th and 19th st th March 1 and 15 May 3rd and 17th Andrew wise cannot meet at these times. He indicated his willingness to resign. ITEM 3: Revision Writing Intensive Criteria Discussion: The committee discussed alternatives such as reducing the number of credits hours required. Members agreed that the Writing Intensive requirements will be modified to give the instructors more flexibility and to invite more faculty to teach writing intensive courses. The following changes were proposed: a.) Requirement #1 will be modified to state the following: A minimum of 25% of the course grade is based on writing performance. b.) Requirement #2 will remain the same. c.) Requirement #3 will be modified as follows: A minimum of 10-15 pages of revised writing is required, inclusive of one or more assignments. Suggested minimum for introductory 100 or 200 level WI courses is 10 pages; whereas, suggested minimum for advanced 300 or 400 level WI courses is 15 pages. d.) Requirement #4 will be deleted. It is implemented in requirement #2. The revised Writing Intensive criteria will be posted on the faculty list for feed back. This proposal will be voted on at the next meeting on December 14, 2004. ITEM 4: Credit Transfer Policy in the New Core Discussion: The proposal the committee discussed addressed concerns relating to the current published policy that can be found on the Registrar’s website. This proposal will depend on the number of credits a student transfers rather than whether they are classified as a transfer or freshman student. The committee proposed the following suggestions: a.) Students with 12 or fewer credits of transfer to the core will have to follow the core as is, no exemptions. b.) Students with more than 12 outstanding core credits, of transfer, but less than an associate’s degree; the remaining credits to fulfill the core must be chosen in the following order, whenever possible: 1. Core Competencies 2. Writing Intensive Requirements 3. Service Learning Requirements 4. Learning Communities, this to include IND101 5. All other core requirements c.) The policies established for transfer students shall apply to all re-admitted students. This proposal generated various discussions such as the proper order of the core requirements for the transfer or the freshman students. Some members believed that fulfilling LC requirement is more important than fulfilling WI requirement. Other members believed otherwise. Some members proposed that the order should differ for the two groups, freshmen and transfers. It is decided that more time is needed to discuss this transfer policy. No vote was taken at this time. This issue will be brought back for discussion at a future meeting ITEM 4: CIS Subcommittee The CIS subcommittee brought six courses to the committee for approval: a. Sexuality and the Psychology of Love - PSY209 submitted by Professor Cimbalo (Revised core course) b. Introduction to Women’s Studies - WSX 2XX submitted by Professor Messinger (New core course) c. Introduction to the History of American Women – HIS309 submitted by Professor Messinger (New core course) d. Introduction to Forensic Science – FOR101 submitted by Professor Swartz (New core course) e. Sensation and Perception – PSY321 submitted by Professor SpechtKashino (Revised for WI) f. Blacks and Education – IND??? submitted by Dr. Sadler (New core course) Motion to approve all courses as amended: George Siefert Second: Linda Kuechler Vote: All in favor 2 The meeting adjourned at 12:30PM and the remaining agenda items will be discussed at a future meeting. The next meeting will be held on December 14, 2004 at 11:30 AM. Respectfully submitted, Terri Gates 3