Operating System Architectures [Silberschatz ch2] OS as virtual

Operating System Architectures
[Silberschatz ch2]
 OS as virtual machine to users
 Mechanisms and Policies
How basic facilities should be
what specifics to be done (flexibility)
time construct for CPU protection
how long the timer for a user?
no change over place and time
change (only redfine certain param.)
giving priority
priority values I/O vs. CPU bound
* Microkernel: mechanism/policy separation to extreme
* small or basic set of primitive building blocks (policy free)
 Two Key Architectures: Monolithic/Microkernels
massive, undifferentiated, intractable
only basic abstractions (mechanism)
(addr map, drivers, ipc, interrupts, switch)
single addr. space, efficiency
extensibility, emulation (VM), secure
lack of structure-> layering, OO
modularity, open distri. System
Unix, Windows (XP)
Mach, Chorus
[Note: XP embodys basic OO mechanism with access-interface defined]
 Hybrid Approaches
Mach and Chorus (microkernel) improved version
initially developed by running servers as user processes which
communicate with kernel via interrupts/messages
Performance considerations: servers can be loaded dynamically
into kernel or user address space, client interactions via same ipc calls.
Can debug a server at user level, and then later run it inside the kernel addr.
for performance (but then may threatens integrity – if still has bugs)
SPIN (’95):
Finesses the problem of trading off efficiency for protection by employing
type-safe language facilities (modula-3) for protection.
Kernel and dynamically loaded modules grafted on to kernel (single addr.
space) – using type-safe language for mutual protection (access only given
by a reference)
Minimize dependencies between system modules by choosing an eventbased (net., timer, page fault) model for interactions between modules
System components register themselves for handlers for events
2nd generation microkernel design
Forces dynamically loaded system modules executed in user space (but
optimize IPC to offset the costs)
Offloads kernel complexity: management of addr space in user-level
Employing user-level libraries (instead of user-level servers)
to supply function extensions
Only Protected allocation of extremely low-level resources such as disk
Expects all other resource management functionality (even file system) to
be linked in to applications as libraries.
Machine hardware allocated between multiple virtual machines
(virtual hardware images), each running a separate OS instance
IBM 370VM.
Project Xen (2003) developed virtual machine monitor (for PC)
A software layer between HW (with host PS) and commodity OS
Such as Linux, Windows,
Commercial VMWare
 Dynamically loadable kernel modules: Disadvantages
Size: module management (using non-pageable kernel memory space)
Complexity of kernel bootstrap
Modules loaded from disk (driver needed to access disk must be
loaded first)
Manage bootstrap requiring extra work
 Loadable kernel modules: Choices
How often: modules (drivers) to be used – on demand?
Kernel to be built – usable on large variety of machines or single machine?
 Loadable kernel modules access kernel symbols:
Only a fixed set of entry points made available to kernel modules.
kernel module can not invoke arbitrary code with kernel
and interfere with kernel execution
that the kernel interactions at controlled points (invariants)
Limited number of symbols can be accessable to kernel module.
(loss in flexibility and performance because some details of kernel are
hidden from the module)
 Shared Libraries: advantages
Protection to prevent bug in kernel
less kernel memory
calling faster – since calling kernel involves syscall
loaded as needed, upgrade is easy- no system down
 Shared Libraries: drawbacks
Some code unsuitable in shared library
Low level dev drivers or file systems
Services shared around the entire system better implemented in kernel
if performance critical.
Otherwise if it is running as separate process/communicating with it
through IPC (requiring two context switches for each requested)
Security/Privilege Limitation
Shared lib. runs with privilege of process calling the lib
Can not directly access resources inaccessible to calling process
Service provided requires any privilege outside a normal process
or data managed by lib. needs to be protected from normal user process - ?
 Virtual Machines
Layered approach to its logical conclusion
Treats HW and OS kernel as though they are all hardware
Provides interface identical to underlying bare hardware
Complete protection of system resources (isolated) – OS development
Introduction to Linux Kernel
 Monolithic (much from Micro-kernel)
Dynamically loadable kernel module
 SMP support
 Kernel preemptive, schedulable
 Thread support: process/thread, shared/partial shared (clone)
 Processor affinity
 Implement only that makes real-sense/applications
 Kernel memory not pageable
 Kernel version notation: 2.5 develop / 2.6 stable (2.6.1 patch)
 Kernel different from user-space applications
No libc (not linked) – speed and size issue
many functions implemented inside the kernel: printk
Source in GNU C (not ANSI C): some extensions
inline function, inline assembly
No memory protection, kernel memory not pageable
No (Easy) use of Floating Point (no easy way to trap itself)
Small fixed-size stack (user stack can be large, dynamic)
More susceptible to race condition (synchronization/concurrency)
preemptive multitasking/SMP/interrupts
More important on portability
Architecture indep. C and architecture dep. Part on kernel source tree
Remain endian neutral, be 64-bit clean, no assumption on word/page size
 Linux on various hardware platform and needs to be portable to
different CPU and memory architectures – How is kernel designed
and implemented?
(a) Keep as much as possible on common code
(b) Provide a clean way of defining architecture-specific properties and code
Two separate subdirectory hierarchies for each hardware architecture
Code for the architecture (syscalls interface, interrupts)
C header files (descriptive of the architecture): type definition and macro
hiding architecture difference – word/page size, endian order conversion
Process Management
 Manipulating Current Process States
 Process Context
User Space
System Calls -> kernel space (on behalf of process) – process context
[Current macro is valid]
Interrupt context
 Process Family Tree
init init_task pid=1
// starts in last step of boot
reads system initscripts – completing boot process
Tree: parent, children, siblings
task list is circular doubly linked list
macros: next_task (task), prev_task (task), for_each_process(task)
 Process creation - fork, vfork, clone, exec
fork: copy, But own pid, ppid, pending signals, copy-on-write
 Copy On Write (COW)
Share addr. space (data marked: if written, dup)
Delay copying until actually written (exec case, will never)
Only overhead of fork: dup of parent page tables, creation of process
 Fork
Implement fork via clone syscall
fork, vfork,_clone library calls : all invoke clone syscall
do-fork (in kernel/fork.c) -> copy_process
dup_task_struct: new kernel stack, thread_info, task_struct
check resource limit
process descriptor (shared, or adjusted – initial values)
Task_UNINTERRUPTIBLE (ensure - not running yet)
Copy_flags (update flags in task_struct)
Based on flags passed to clone
Dup/share open files, filesystem info. Signal handlers, addr. space
Remaining time slice split between parent/child
 Vfork
Same as fork except: page table entries not copied
Implemented via a special flag to clone syscall
Child executes as sole thread in parent addr. space
Parent blocked till child exec/exit
Child not allowed writing to addr. space
Because: COW and child run first semantics
The only benefit of vfork is: not copying parent page table entries
 Implementation of Threads
No concept of thread
Implement as process
Other OS: threads are an abstraction to provide a lighter/quicker execution unit
One process descriptor (shared) - in turn pointing to different threads (indiv.)
Linux simply a manner of sharing resources between processes
Simply several processes and several task_struct structures (and share some
 Process Termination
exit () syscall or implicitly, do_exit()
task_struct : EXITING
remove kernel timer, release mm_struct, exit_sem
exit_files, fs, namespace, sighand (ref. count)
set exit code
exit_notify signal to parent
reparent any of the task’s children to another thread in their thread group
or to init process.
call schedule()
The only memory it occupies: kernel stack, thread_info, task_struct
(freed when parent wait for – completion)
wait family are implemented via a single wait4() syscall by parent
AT END: release_task (free all resources)
 Parentless Task
Parent exit before its children -> reparent child tasks
To either another process in the current thread group or
If fails, the init process.
do_exit -> notify_parent ->forget_original_parent