Name _______________ Number ____ Response to Literature Rubric Content Organizational Structure Introduction Body Conclusion Ideas/Evidence Exceptional Advanced Proficiency Proficiency 6 (100%) 5 (95%) Clearly has all Clearly has all required content required content Written Written above significantly above grade level grade level Essay effectively organized in logical pattern (may be different than taught) Highly relevant ideas that connect to real life Essay organized in logical pattern, including within each paragraph Relevant ideas that require critical thinking Effective arguments supported by strong evidence Arguments supported by strong evidence Convincingly communicates opinion about the book Clearly communicates opinion about the book with strong reasons Advanced, interesting language Varied, appropriate language Developing Proficient Proficiency 4 (85%) 3 (75%) Has all required Does not have content all required content Limited Proficiency 2 (65%) Missing many parts of the required content Minimal Proficiency 1 (55%) Has little of the required content Essay follows organization taught correctly Some organization, but not all clear Relevant ideas Some relevant ideas Confusing ideas Ideas lacks logic Argument(s) supported by ineffective evidence Vague and confusing argument(s) No argument(s) Gives an opinion, but reasons backing it up are not strong Vaguely gives an opinion and reasons Fails to give an opinion or support for it Grade-level, repetitive language Limited language Inaccurate language Arguments supported by evidence Gives reasonable opinion and reasons to back it up Grade-level appropriate language Incorrectly organized essay Little or no evidence of organization in essay Sentence Structure Conventions (Punctuation, Capitalization, Paragraphing, Verb Tenses, Verb/ Subject Agreement) Introduction Background Thesis Blueprint Exceptional Proficiency 6 (100%) Uses a variety of well-crafted, above grade level sentence structures; uses transitions and conjunctions to connect ideas Uses and spells above grade level words correctly Advanced Proficiency 5 (95%) Uses well-crafted sentence structures; uses transitions and conjunctions to connect ideas; no errors No errors in above gradelevel conventions Essay is easy to read Uses above grade level words correctly but some may be misspelled or misused Minimal, infrequent errors in above grade-level conventions Essay is easy to read Developing Proficiency 3 (75%) Correct use of simple or repetitive sentences Limited Proficiency 2 (65%) Some fragments or run- on sentences with some simple sentences Minimal Proficiency 1 (55%) Many fragments and run-on sentences High frequency and grade level words used and spelled with no errors Some errors in use and spelling of high frequency and grade level words Frequent errors in use of high frequency and grade-level words Severe spelling and grammar errors Minimal, infrequent errors in grade level conventions Some errors in conventions Frequent errors Severe errors in in conventions conventions Proficient 4 (85%) Uses a variety of sentence structures with minimal, infrequent errors Errors do not affect readability Errors minimally affect readability Missing Content (highlighted below) Body Paragraphs topic sentence introduction to the quote a quote from the book 3 sentence explanation of the quote Errors affect readability Errors severely affect readability Conclusion Re-state the thesis Either summarize, convince, challenge, or connect Exceptional Proficiency Content Organizational Structure Ideas/Evidence Sentence Structure Conventions (Punctuation, Capitalization, Paragraphing, Verb Tenses, Verb/ Subject Agreement) Clearly has all required content Written significantly above grade level Content effectively organized in logical pattern Highly relevant ideas that connect to real life Effective arguments supported by strong evidence a transition sentence to next paragraph Developing Advanced Proficient Proficiency Proficiency Limited Proficiency Missing many parts of the required content Minimal Proficiency Has little of the required content Clearly has all Has all required Does not have required content, some all required content may not be content obvious Written above grade level Content organized Content in essay Some organized Incorrectly Little or no in logical pattern adequately content organized content evidence of organized organized content Relevant ideas Mostly relevant Some relevant Confusing Ideas lacks ideas ideas ideas logic Arguments supported by Arguments Argument(s) Vague and No strong supported by supported by confusing argument(s) evidence evidence ineffective argument(s) Fails to give an evidence Strong reasons Reasonable Vaguely gives opinion or Reasons opinion and an opinion and support for it reasons backing it up reasons are not strong Uses a variety of Uses well-crafted Uses a variety of Correct use of Some fragments Many fragments well-crafted, above sentence sentence structures simple or or run- on and run-on grade level sentence structures; uses with minimal, repetitive sentences with sentences structures; uses transitions and infrequent errors sentences some simple transitions and conjunctions to sentences conjunctions to connect ideas; no connect ideas errors Uses and spells Uses above High frequency Some errors in Frequent errors Severe spelling above grade grade level and grade level use and in use of high and grammar level words words words used and spelling of frequency and errors correctly correctly, some spelled with no high grade-level Severe errors in may be error frequency and words No errors in conventions misspelled grade level above grade Minimal, Frequent errors words Minimal errors level infrequent in conventions Some errors in conventions in above errors in grade Exceptional Proficiency Advanced Proficiency grade-level conventions Proficient level conventions Developing Proficiency conventions Limited Proficiency Minimal Proficiency