Imagine a young adult, aged 22, who lives in Rotorua, New Zealand, is going on his OE.
His first destination is Marseille in the South of France. You have been asked to give him a factual and accurate account of how the climates are different. It is important that you use a comparative style to write this account.
Comparative Style
1) Start with generalisations about the differences between the two climates e.g. the climate of X is overall wetter than Y or state that in place X there is a lot of rainfall whereas/unlike/compared/in comparison to y where there is very little rain. It is much hotter in x than it is in y.
2) After you have completed your generalisations, compare specific aspects in both places.
The total amount of rain
Highest rainfall (Season/months/mm)
Lowest rainfall (Season/months/mm)
When most of the rain falls (season/months)
The overall temperature range
The highest temperatures (season/months/⁰C)
The lowest temperatures (season/months/⁰C)
Whether the temperature is constant or variable
Geostuff Ltd.
Marseille, France
Latitude 43°27'N Longitude 005°14'E Elevation 36m
Annual Temperature Graph
Rotorua, New Zealand
Latitude: 38°07'S Longitude: 176°19'E Elevation: 287m
Annual Temperature Graph
Annual Average Precipitation Graph
Geostuff Ltd.
Annual Average Precipitation Graph
Geostuff Ltd.