Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference

Abstract template:
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
Affiliation of the first author
Affiliation of the second author
Affiliation of the third author
An abstract should not exceed one A4 page and must be comprised of text only. The
character size and style is 12 points Time New Roman, respectively. The left side margin
must be 30 mm, whereas right side, top and bottom ones 25 mm. The space between lines is
1.5. References may be included with the appropriate reference styles as follow: [1] Author I.
2006. J. Microsc. 20: 220-222. [2] Author I. 2006. Book title. Publisher, Country. Please do
not include tables and figures.
Abstracts should be sent via e-mail or fax to the following addresses by 30th April 2007:
Biological sciences: Grzegorz Tylko, Department of Cytology and Histology, Institute of
Zoology, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 6, 30-060 Kraków, fax +48-12-634-49-51, email: tylko@zuk.iz.uj.edu.pl
Geological sciences: Bartosz Budzyń, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian
University, Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Kraków, fax +48-633-22-70, e-mail: budzyn@ing.uj.edu.pl
For further information, please visit:
The final announcement will be issued on 30th June 2007.
Contact details:
Grzegorz Tylko, Department of Cytology and Histology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian
University, Ingardena 6, 30-060 Kraków, tel. +48-12-663-24-25, fax +48-12-634-49-51, email: tylko@zuk.iz.uj.edu.pl
Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference
Krakow, 17-18th September 2007
to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Scanning Electron Microscopy
Laboratory of Biological and Geological Sciences
Scope of the conference.
The conference is intended to enable exchange of information among the scientists interested
in scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as electron microprobe techniques.
Areas of interests include all aspects of electron microscopy and associated techniques in the
field of biology, geology and material sciences.
All participants in the conference are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster
contribution. Deadline for abstract submission is April 30, 2007.
Poster presentations.
The participants have opportunity to present submitted abstracts as posters. The authors of
the selected abstracts will be invited to present their work as oral presentation.
The conference will be held in Auditorium Maximum at Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Conference fee.
Before June 15th: 300 PLN or 80 €, students and accompanying persons – 150 PLN or 40 €
After June 15th: 400 PLN or 105 €, students and accompanying persons – 250 PLN or 65 €
Department of Cytology and Histology, Institute of Zoology and Department of Mineralogy,
Petrology and Geochemistry, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University; the
Mineralogical Society of Poland
Scientific programme.
The programme contains invited plenary lectures, biological and geological sessions, oral
presentations of the most interesting papers and poster presentations. The main subjects of
the meeting are:
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy in morphological studies,
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with x-ray microanalytical
techniques in biological and geological sciences,
Developments in scanning and transmission electron microscopy,
Developments in x-ray microanalytical techniques,
Electron tomography and 3-D reconstruction,
Sample processing techniques for scanning and transmission electron microscopy in
biological and geological sciences.
Scientific committee:
Elżbieta Pyza - Chairperson, Barbara Bilińska, Szczepan Biliński, Wincenty Kilarski,
Elżbieta Kuta, Marek Michalik, Katarzyna Turnau
Organizing committee:
Grzegorz Tylko - Chairperson, Zuzanna Banach, Bartosz Budzyń, Andrzej Fiertak, Alicja
Görlich, Monika Kasina, Anna Łatkiewicz, Danuta Semik, Beata Zych
Under the Auspices of: The Rector of Jagiellonian University, The Mineralogical Society of
Poland, European Microbeam Analysis Society – Polish National Branch, Polish Society for
Microscopy, Microscopy Commission of Polish Academy of Sciences
Registration form
Please complete this form and return by June 15th 2007 to:
Maciej Pilch, Jagiellonian University, Events Office, 24, Golebia Street, 31-007 Krakow,
Poland; fax/phone: +48 12 663 38 58; e-mail: cbin@adm.uj.edu.pl
Payment can be made as follows:
should be made payable to the Jagiellonian University – EMMC2007 and should be sent to
Jagiellonian University BOI, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Krakow, Poland. Please indicate which
of the following means of payment you wish to use (in case of a bank transfer, please cover
the banking charges):
Title: _____Surname: ________________________First name(s):_____________________
Institute or Company: ________________________________________________________
Department or Division: ______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _____________ City: ___________________ Country: ___________________
Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: _______________________________
 Bank transfer to:
Jagiellonian University BOI, Bank: BPH S.A. O/Krakow, Account number: IBAN:
PL 75 1060 0076 0000 3300 0015 7610, SWIFT: BPHK PL PK (please give the
reference ‘EMMC2007’, as well as the name of the participant. Do not forget to
bring a copy of a document confirming your payment)
 Credit card
I authorise the Jagiellonian University Events Office to charge the amount of
PLN/EUR……………… to the following credit card:
E-mail: _____________________________________________________
Name of accompanying person (if any): __________________________________________
paid before June 15th 2007
_____ PLN or _____ €
after June 15th 2007
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
Accompanying person:
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
Conference dinner (not included in registration fee; Monday, Sept. 18th, 2007).
Price: 95 PLN or 30 € per person
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
Accompanying person
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
_____ PLN or _____ €
Conference excursion (Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 2007; price included in registration fee)
I will take part in the excursion
My accompanying person will take part in the excursion
Date: ____________________
Signature: ______________________
 JCB Card
 American Express
 Other
Card number: ________________________________________
Expiry date: ___-___ (month/year)
Name of card holder: __________________________________
Billing address
Date: ___-___-_____
Signature: ____________________
EMAS grants are available to student members of the Society. The conditions are as follows:
the applicant must submit an abstract for a poster contribution together with a letter from the
supervisor, must be a young scientist and an EMAS member.
The quality and relevance of the work presented in the abstract are the main criteria on which
successful applications will be judged.
Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference
Krakow, 17-18th September 2007
to celebrate the 30 Anniversary of Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory of
Biological and Geological Sciences