Every simulation has been runned with MOLIERE You’ll find in this section a short description of the software used for all simulations as well as the adaptations of that model to the atmosphere of Mars. The strategy is simple. We first study each species for a standard case, which is going to be detailed in the next section. We then study several cases in order to optimize different parameters TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. I BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE SOFTWARE USED FOR MAMBO SIMULATIONS ...................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. I-1 FORWARD MODEL: ........................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. I-2 INVERSION MODEL: ...................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. I-3 MARS CUSTOMIZATION ............................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. I-3-1 CO2 continuum: ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. I-3-2 H20 continuum ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. I-3-3 Collisional broadening coefficients ................... Error! Bookmark not defined. I-3-4 Isotopic ratio ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. II STANDARD CASE ......................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. II-1 FORWARD MODEL: RESULTS ..................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. II-1-1 spectra in the 320-350Ghz range of frequencies for different altitudes. ........ Error! Bookmark not defined. II-1-2 spectra for each target ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. II-2 INVERSION MODEL: RESULTS .................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. III OPTIMIZATION ......................................................................................................... 4 III-1 OPTIMIZATION / ANTENNA ................................................................................. 4 OPTIMIZATION / SPECTRAL RESOLUTION ..................................................... 13 OPTIMIZATION / FILTERS ................................................................................... 17 III-4 OPTIMIZATION / COMBINATION - NUMBER OF MEASUREMENTS – INTEGRATION TIME ........................................................................................................ 20 III-5 OPTIMIZATION – OVERSAMPLING.................................................................. 22 III-6 OPTIMIZATION / INTEGRATION TIME ............................................................. 24 III-2 III-3 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 1 Figure 1: CO2 continuum .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 2: H2O continuum .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 3a: 320-350 Ghz – 12km –standard atmosphere ........... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 3b: 320-350 Ghz – 20km – standard atmosphere .......... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 4: 320-350 Ghz 44 km - standard atmosphere ............... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 5: 320-350 Ghz 72 km – standard atmopshere ............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6: H20 325 - 17 pr-m - spectrum ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 7: H20 325 - 100 pr-m spectrum .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 8: H20 325 - 1 pr-m - spectrum ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 9: HD0 335 – spectrum – standard atmosphere ............ Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 10: O3-H202 326 - profile #1 – spectrum – standard atmosphere ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 11: O3-H202 326 - profile #2 – spectrum – standard atmosphere ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 12: CO 345 – spectrum – standard atmosphere............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 13: 13CO 330 - spectrum – standard atmosphere ......... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 14: H20 325 inversion grid 5km .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 15: H20 325 inversion grid 5km, standard atmosphere (17 pr-m) ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 16: H20 321 inversion grid 5km, standard atmosphere (17 pr-m) ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 17: H20 325 wet inversion grid 5km .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 18: H20 321 wet inversion grid 5km .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 19: H202 profile #1, inversion grid 10km ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 20: H202 profile #2 low + continuum, inversion grid 10km ........Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 21: O3 profile #1 ,inversion grid 10km .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 22: O3 profile #2 + continuum, inversion grid 10km .... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 23: HDO, inversion grid 10km + continum ................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 24: Temperature retrieval with 345 C, inversion grid 5km – apriori=true ......... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 25: Temperature retrieval with 330 13CO, inversion grid 5km, apriori=true .... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 26:Temperature retrieval with CO 345, inversion grid 5km ........Error! Bookmark not defined. + continuum ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 27: 18cm_antenna .......................................................................................................... 4 Figure 28: 23cm_antenna .......................................................................................................... 4 Figure 29: 30cm_antenna .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 30: 40cm_antenna .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 31: 50cm_antenna .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 32: H20 325 Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna.............................................. 6 Figure 33: H20 325 wet Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna ....................................... 6 Figure 36: H20 325 Inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna ...................................... 7 Figure 37: H20 325wet Inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna ................................ 7 Figure 40: HDO 335, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna ........................................ 8 Figure 41: HDO 335, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna ................................... 8 Figure 42: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, antenna ................... 9 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 2 Figure 43: T retrieval with 330 13CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, antenna ............... 9 Figure 44: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna .......... 10 Figure 45: T retrieval with 330 13CO, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna ...... 10 Figure 46: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna ..................................... 11 Figure 47: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, antenna .............................. 11 Figure 48: 326 O3, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna .......................................... 12 Figure 49: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, antenna .............................. 12 Figures 50 (a & b): T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error in Kelvin, spectral resolution .................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 50c : T retrieval with 345 CO, Invgrid 5km, absolute error in Kelvin ZOOM.............. 15 Figure 51: 325 H2O, inversion grid 5km, relative error, spectral resolution ......................... 16 Figure 52: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, spectral resolution ............. 16 Figure 53: Filters setup............................................................................................................ 17 Figure 54: 325 H20, inversion grid 5km, filters ...................................................................... 18 Figure 55: 325 H20, inversion grid 5km, standard case ......................................................... 18 Figure 56: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, filters ............................................. 19 Figure 57: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, standard case ................................ 19 Figure 58: H20 325, relative error, combination .................................................................... 20 Figure 59: O3 326, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, combination ................................... 21 Figure 60: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error in K, combination .. 21 Figure 61: H20 325, inversion grid 10km, relative error, oversampling ................................ 22 Figure 62: T retrieval with CO 345, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, oversampling ........ 23 Figure 63: T retrieval with 13CO 330, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, oversampling .. 23 Figure 64: H20 325, inversion grid 5km, relative error integration time ............................... 24 Figure 65: H20 325, H2O 321, relative erro, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time ..... 25 Figure 66: HDO 335, relative error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time ................... 25 Figure 67: O3 326, absolute error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time ...................... 26 Figure 68: H2O2 326, absolute error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time ................. 26 Figure 69: T retrieval with 345 CO and 330 13 CO, absolute error in K, 50s integration time .................................................................................................................................................. 27 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 3 III OPTIMIZATION After having studied the standard case for each species, we began to do simulations with different values for antenna, integration time, spectral resolution, and to study the effect of filters for H20 and T retrieval. Most of the graphs we are going to present here are contour graphs. On the x abscisse, you’ll find the parameter we tested (antenna size for instance). On the y abscisse, you’ll find the altitude in km. The contour itself represents either relativ error (case for H20), or absolute error. The inversion grid was of 5km with respect to H20 and T retrieval, and it was of 10km for the other species. We also did simulations in order to study the effect of the change of one specific parameter on vertical resolution. These tests have been done with a inversion grid of 2 km, which is the best grid for MOLIERE to give us significant results on vertical resolution. III-1 OPTIMIZATION / ANTENNA First simulations for optimization have been done in order to optimize the size of the antenna. You can find below the antenna response functions for each antenna. The central frequency is of 335KHz. Figure 27: 18cm_antenna 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft Figure 28: 23cm_antenna 4 Figure 29: 30cm_antenna Figure 31: 50cm_antenna Figure 30: 40cm_antenna 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 5 OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Contour plots for H20 (1) Integration time: Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB RELATIVE ERROR VERSUS ANTENNA Figure 32: H20 325 Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna Figure 33: H20 325 wet Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna Figure 34: H20 321 Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna, CO2 continuum Figure 35: H20 321 wet, Inversion grid 5km, relative error, antenna, CO2 continuum Conclusion for H2O – antenna effect – total error The strongest effect is seen on H20 321, for standard atmosphere. We can reduce the realtive error from 20% with a 23cm diameter antenna to 5% with a 50cm diameter antenna. The gain of using bigger antenna is also significant for upper layer, using 325 H20 (the threshold of 30% as relative error goes from 45km with a 23cm antenna to 53 km with a 50cm antenna). 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 6 Contour plots for H20 (2) VERTICAL RESOLUTION VERSUS ANTENNA OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Figure 36: H20 325 Inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna Figure 37: H20 325wet Inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna Figure 38: H20 321 Inversion grid 2km, Figure 39: H20 321 wet Inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna +continuum vertical resolution, antenna + continuum Conclusion for H2O – antenna effect – vertical resolution The strongest effect is again seen on H20 321, for standard atmosphere. We can reach a vertical resolution less than 4km at 20km with a 50cm antenna versus 7km at the same height with a 23cm diameter antenna. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 7 OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Contour plots for HDO (1&2) ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS ANTENNA Figure 40: HDO 335, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Linear improvement. VERTICAL RESOLUTION VERSUS ANTENNA Figure 41: HDO 335, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna Conclusion for HDO – antenna effect – vertical resolution It could be interesting to choose a 30cm diameter antenna if we want to reach a vertical resolution less than 5km up to 40km . We can even reach 3km of vertical resolution below 30km with a 50cm diameter. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 8 Contour plots for T retrieval (1) ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS ANTENNA OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Figure 42: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, antenna Figure 43: T retrieval with 330 13CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, antenna Conclusion for T retrieval – antenna effect – absolute error The effect of the size of the antenna is more obvious for T retrieval using 13CO than by using 345 CO. In that case, the ‘’slope ‘’ is the biggest for a change in antenna size from 23cm to 30cm, with a decrease of almost 3K in a range of 20 to 35 km 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 9 Contour plots for T retrieval (2) VERTICAL RESOLUTION VERSUS ANTENNA OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Figure 44: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna Figure 45: T retrieval with 330 13CO, inversion grid 2km, vertical resolution, antenna The effect of the size of the antenna is mostly significant for rather high altitudes. Around 100km, we can reach 6km of resolution with a 50cm diameter antenna versus 10km with a 23cm antenna for T retreival with 345 CO Using 13CO, we can increase the resolution from 1 to 2 km for altitudes between 20 and 40km. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 10 OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Contour plots for H202 (1 & 2) ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS ANTENNA Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Figure 46: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna No significant changes VERTICAL RESOLUTION VERSUS ANTENNA Figure 47: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, antenna A bigger antenna allows to reach a vertical resolution less than 5km up to 40km. Depending on the objectives, it can be interesting to increase the size of the antenna for H2O2. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 11 OPTIMIZATION - ANTENNA Contour plots for O3 (1 & 2) ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS ANTENNA Integration time : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution : Antenna size : Tsys : 1s every 2km 200MHz 400KHz variable 3178K SSB Figure 48: 326 O3, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, antenna Linear improvement. VERTICAL RESOLUTION VERSUS ANTENNA Figure 49: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, antenna A bigger antenna allows to reach a vertical resolution less than 5km up to 40km. Depending on the objectives, it can be interesting to increase the size of the antenna for O3. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 12 III-2 OPTIMIZATION / SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Simulations have been launched in order to test the effect of spectral resolution changes. Two kinds of tests have been done: - variations of the spectral resolution, with all other parameters defined as in the standard case, which means an integration time of 1s every 2km. - variations of the spectral resolution, but this time with a integration time of 50s, in order to enhance the changes. 50s every 2km is of course not realistic, but it can simulate an average. The values which have been tested are: 100KHz, 400KHz, 800KHz, 1000KHz, 1250KHz, 2000KHz, 3000KHz and 5000KHz (tests have also been performed with 50kHz and 200KHz for T retrieval). You’ll find below contour plots for T retrieval (absolute error), and then you’ll find simulations for H2O and H2O2. Simulations for O3 and HDO give the same kind of results as for H2O2. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 13 Contour plots for T retrieval ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Figures 50 (a & b): T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error in Kelvin, spectral resolution A priori = true OPTIMIZATION SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Integration time : 1s every 2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution : variable Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB OPTIMIZATION SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Integration time : 50s every 2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution : variable Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB A high spectral resolution is important for high altitudes. It seems obvious around 80km. The total error can be raised of 5K using a spectral resolution of 50KHz instead of 1000KHz. Using 100KHz seems to be a good compromise. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 14 Figure 50c : T retrieval with 345 CO, Invgrid 5km, absolute error in Kelvin ZOOM A priori = true 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 15 Contour plots for H2O and H2O2 RELATIVE ERROR VERSUS SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Figure 51: 325 H2O, inversion grid 5km, relative error, spectral resolution OPTIMIZATION SPECTRAL RESOLUTION Integration time : 50s every 2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution : variable Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB Figure 52: 326 H2O2, inversion grid 10km, vertical resolution, spectral resolution The influence of the spectral resolution in these cases is not obvious. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 16 III-3 OPTIMIZATION / FILTERS Given the fact that spectra for H20 and CO are very large, and that as a consequence, information is more difficult to retrieve for low atmosphere, simulations have been runned with the use of filters. The graph below shows the configuration we used for H2O, 100 pr-m atmosphere ( worst case). Figure 53: Filters setup 6km 12km 20km 28km The central bandwitdh of 200MHz represents the CTS (200MHz, 400KHz of spectral resolution) On each side of the cts, we added several filters. - 100MHz - 200MHz - 400MHz - 800MHz 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 17 Plots for H2O Figure 54: 325 H20, inversion grid 5km, filters Figure 55: 325 H20, inversion grid 5km, standard case 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft OPTIMIZATION FILTERS Integration time : 1s every 2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution : 400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB Compared to the same simulation without filters, the results are much better with filters for the low atmosphere 18 Plots for T retrieval Figure 56: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, filters OPTIMIZATION FILTERS Integration time : 1s every 2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution: 400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB Figure 57: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, standard case 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft Compared to the same simulation without filters, the results are much better with filters for the low atmosphere. But at this point, we should keep in mind that the use of 13CO is also very efficient for low atmosphere. 19 III-4 OPTIMIZATION / COMBINATION - NUMBER OF MEASUREMENTS – INTEGRATION TIME The scope of this section is to determine weather it is more efficient to do less measurements with bigger integration time or more measurements with a smaller integration time. In those simulations, we keep the same total integration time for a entire scan (50s for a 100km scan). What is the best combination: 1s every 2km, 2s every 4km, 2.5s every 5km, 3s every 7km, or 5s every 10km? Contour Plot for H2O RELATIVE ERROR VERSUS “COMBINATION” Figure 58: H20 325, relative error, combination OPTIMIZATION « COMBINATION » Integration time + # measurement : variable Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution :400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB Except for high altitudes (not so useful for H20) where it seems to be slightly more efficient do perform more measurements, there are no significant changes between the different combinations. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 20 Contour Plot for O3 ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS “COMBINATION” Figure 59: O3 326, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, combination + continuum OPTIMIZATION « COMBINATION » Integration time + # measurement : variable Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution :400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB No significant changes ABSOLUTE ERROR VERSUS “COMBINATION” Contour Plot for T retrieval Figure 60: T retrieval with 345 CO, inversion grid 5km, absolute error in K, combination No significant changes 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 21 III-5 OPTIMIZATION – OVERSAMPLING What we mean here by oversampling is for instance that for a desired vertical resolution of 10km, we try to do measurements every 2km, every 3km and every 5km, compared to one measurement every 10km. We present here tests for H2O and T retrieval. Contour Plot for H2O Figure 61: H20 325, inversion grid 10km, relative error, oversampling OPTIMIZATION OVERSAMPLING Integration time : 1s Measurement grid :variable Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution: 400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB It seems to be valuable to do oversampling for altitudes around 40 to 50km (decrease of the error of almost 5%). Notice that this improvement is due to an increase of the total integration time (1s every 2km yields a total integration time of 50s for a 100km scan versus 5s of total integration time with 1s every 10km). 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 22 Contour Plot for T retrieval Figure 62: T retrieval with CO 345, inversion grid 5km, absolute error, oversampling OPTIMIZATION OVERSAMPLING Integration time : 1s Measurement grid :variable Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution: 400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB Figure 63: T retrieval with 13CO 330, inversion grid 10km, absolute error, oversampling We can decrease the error up to 5K by doing oversampling. The standard case (1s every 2km) seems to be a good choice. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 23 III-6 OPTIMIZATION / INTEGRATION TIME The scope of this section is to determine the effect of increasing the integration during a scan. For a standard case, we had 1s every 2km. Here, we’ll have 2s, 5s, 10s and 50s of integration every 2km. These large integration times are not realistic, but they simulate a zonal mean. We can that way have a good idea of the minimum error we can expect by averaging different results. You’ll find below only one example of contour plots. The slope of the changes (absolute error or relative error) versus integration time is about the same for every species. You’ll find a summary which resume the minimum error we can reach depending on the altitude with respect to an integration time of 50s (simulation of averaging). Contour Plot for H2O Figure 64: H20 325, inversion grid 5km, relative error integration time + CO2 continuum OPTIMIZATION INTEGRATION TIME Integration time : variable Measurement grid :2km Bandwitdh : 200MHz Spectral resolution: 400KHz Antenna size : 23cm Tsys : 3178K SSB From this plot, we can see that an increase from 1s to 2s significantly reduces the error at several altitudes (5% instead of 7% of error at 35 km for instance). The « slope » of the changes is smoother between 10 and 50s of integration time. We can reach a total relative error lower than 10% up to 50km with 50s of integration time. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 24 Figure 65: H20 325, H2O 321, relative error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time CO2 Continuum is taken into account. The plot on the left stands for a standard atmosphere, the one on the right is for a “wet” atmosphere. Altitude [km] Altitude [km] <3% 70 - <3% <5% 65 - <5% <10% 60 - 55 - <20% 55 - 50 - <30% 50 - 70 65 - standard average 60 (50s) 45 - 45 - 40 - 40 - 35 - 35 - 30 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 20 - 20 - 15 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 5 - 5 - 0 - 0 - H2O 325 H20 321 <10% standard average (50s) <20% <30% H2O wet H2O_321 wet Figure 66: HDO 335, relative error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time CO2 continuum is taken into account, Altitude [km] <1% 70 - <5% 65 - standard average (50s) 60 - <10% 55 - <20% 50 - <30% OPTIMIZATION INTEGRATION TIME Integration time : Measurement grid : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution: Antenna size : Tsys : 50s (simulation of averaging) 2km 200MHz 400KHz 23cm 3178K DSB 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 - HDO 335 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 25 Figure 67: O3 326, absolute error (vmr), inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time CO2 continuum is taken into account OPTIMIZATION INTEGRATION TIME Altitude [km] 70 -standard average (50s) 65 - < 3 10-9 60 - < 8 10-9 55 - < 1 10-8 50 - < 3 10-8 Integration time : Measurement grid : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution: Antenna size : Tsys : 50s (simulation of averaging) 2km 200MHz 400KHz 23cm 3178K DSB 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 - 0 - O3 Figure 68: H2O2 326, absolute error, inversion grid 10km, 50s integration time CO2 continuum is taken into account Altitude [km] 70 -standard 65 - Average (50s) < 2 10-9 60 - < 5 10-9 55 - < 8 10-9 50 - < 1 10-8 45 - < 2 10-8 40 - < 4 10-8 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 - H2O2 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 26 Figure 69: T retrieval with 345 CO and 330 13 CO, absolute error in K, 50s integration time A priori = true OPTIMIZATION INTEGRATION TIME Integration time : Measurement grid : Bandwitdh : Spectral resolution: Antenna size : Tsys : 50s (simulation of averaging) 2km 200MHz 400KHz 23cm 3178K DSB Altitude [km] <1K 130 120 110 - <3K <5K standard average (50s) <10K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 - T-CO 5km T-CO 10km T-CO 13km T-13CO 5km From this plot, we can see that we can stay under 3K of error up to 65km with a vertical resolution of 5km (average), up to 110km with a vertical resolution of 10km, and up to 130km with a vertical resolution of 13km. 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 27 16/02/2016 MAMBO draft 28