N o r th E a s t In d e pen d e nt S c ho o l Di s tr ic t 1st Grade Science Unit 5 Trade Books Title pages TEKS August, 2005 Author ISBN # Unit 5: Plants Plant Parts 1.6A Gail Saunders-Smith 1560657715 1.9A, B Simple text and vivid photographs make this an ideal book to look at the seeds of plants and learn why they are important. How seeds grow and what they need to grow into new plants is also included. 1.6B A Fruit is a Suitcase for Seeds 32 Jean Richards 0761316221 1.9A, B Provides an excellent introduction to seeds, their purpose, and growth that should be easy for young children to grasp. Use of bright watercolors adds appeal to the illustrations of various fruits, vegetables, animals, and habitats. Taking Root 32 1.6B Allan Fowler 0516215914 Colorful photographs and simple text describe the physical features of a variety of plant roots, some of them very unusual. Flowers 24 1.6B Ernestine Giesecke 1575726831 Presents a brief introduction to the characteristics of flowers and provides photographs and simple information to help the reader identify such flowers as the dandelion, lily, and rose. Trees Are Terrific! 17 1.6B Lisa Trumbauer 0736829237 Simple text and vivid photographs help young students compare and contrast various trees and their parts. The book discuses that trees need sunlight to make food and describes a tree in several seasons. What’s Inside? 12 1.6B Jean Bennett 0792292162 (National Geographic) 1.9A Using bright photographs, this book shows the outsides of various fruits and then what is inside. It is taken from a human view point as it explains we cannot eat the outside, but we do eat the inside. Note: Other organisms may eat the skin as well. Seeds 24 Some annotations are based on reviews from: Publisher’s Weekly, School Library Journal, Card catalog, NSTA, and book jacket. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 1 N o r th E a s t In d e pen d e nt S c ho o l Di s tr ic t 1st Grade Science Unit 5 Trade Books Title pages TEKS August, 2005 Author ISBN # Basic Needs How Does My Garden Grow? 8 1.9A David Tunkin 0792242645 (National Geographic) 1.6B Identifies the basic needs of plants as a young child plants a garden. How each part of the plant helps it meet its needs, is also discussed. 1.9A Pansies for Mom 8 1.7D Leroy Taylor 0792242785 (National Geographic) 1.6B As a young girl plants pansy seeds, some basic needs of the plant (soil and watersunlight is omitted) are shown. The stages of the plant are identified as it develops into a flowering plant. Life Cycles 1.7D Betsy Maestro 0060200553 1.6B Describes the apple from bare winter branches until the time of picking. The parts of the flower are presented in a simple manner and labeled. Fertilization is also discussed in a way that is easily understood. Colorful water color illustrations enhance the text. My Bean Plant 16 1.7D Joseph Ciciano 0792243234 (National Geographic) 1.6B As a young man plants a bean seed we watch the life cycle of the bean unfold. As the bean grows, detailed photographs highlight the parts of the plant. The last page is a picture glossary of all the plant parts. 1.7D Big Red Tomatoes 24 1.6B Pamela Greene 0792292219 (National Geographic) 1.9A Explains the life cycle and the journey of tomatoes from seeds to tomatoes at the market. As the stages of the tomato’s development are shown, the parts are identified. How Do Apples Grow? 32 Some annotations are based on reviews from: Publisher’s Weekly, School Library Journal, Card catalog, NSTA, and book jacket. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 2 N o r th E a s t In d e pen d e nt S c ho o l Di s tr ic t 1st Grade Science Unit 5 Trade Books Title pages TEKS August, 2005 Author ISBN # 1.7D 1.6B Pamela Graham 0792289633 1.9A Explains the life cycle, basic needs, and uses of peanuts. A Tree’s Life 12 1.7D David Tunkin 0792243137 (National Geographic) 1.6B Details the life cycle of a pine tree. Photographs enhance the text. Watermelons 8 1.7D Terry O’Brady 0792284550 (National Geographic) 1.6B Vibrant photographs depict the life cycle of the watermelon, from seed to a fruit with new seeds. Note: May be used with the Vista: “What Goes in a Picnic Basket?” Peanuts (National Geographic) 16 Some annotations are based on reviews from: Publisher’s Weekly, School Library Journal, Card catalog, NSTA, and book jacket. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 3