Morning Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Upcoming Events June June 16, 2013 Regina Mangum, Organist Gail Luck, Pianist MUSICAL MEDITATION Regina Mangum WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS INVOCATION 24 27 30 Dorcas Sew Day, 9:30 – 3:00 Diaconate Meeting, 7 pm Church Council Meeting, 9 am WMU Operation Christmas Child - Items for June Boys toys / items - socks, underwear, yo-yo, marbles, baseballs, ball caps, t-shirts, bible story books, solar calculators, flashlights and batteries, stickers, toy cars and trucks Rev. Matt Riggsbee PRELUDE TO WORSHIP Regina Mangum CALL TO WORSHIP Chancel Choir “Come to the Table of Grace” RECOGNITION OF FATHERS *HYMN OF PRAISE No. 563 “Christ Receiveth Sinful Men” CHILDREN’S SERMON Rev. Matt Riggsbee “Keep On Forgiving” CONCERNS AND MORNING PRAYER *OFFERTORY HYMN No. 438 “Heaven Came Down” OFFERTORY PRAYER WE WORSHIP GOD WITH HIS TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS SPECIAL MUSIC Chancel Choir “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” SCRIPTURE (Pew Bible, Pg. 364 ) MORNING MESSAGE II Chronicles 7:14 Dr. Gary McCollough “God Allows U-Turns” *HYMN OF DECISION No. 146 “O How He Loves You and Me” *BENEDICTION AND RESPONSE Chancel Choir “Grace, Love and Fellowship” IMO Sandra Parries – Music Program Leonard Harris IMO Mary Bridges High - General Fund Roy D. High IMO Leonard Keith – Music Program Fund Leonard Harris FSBC Chancel Choir IMO Wayne Davis – Bus Maintenance Alice Davis IMO Leonard Keith – General Fund Jesse & Athelene Walker IMO Wayne Davis – Golden Fellowship Alice Davis IMO Leonard Keith – Baptist Men -Ronald McDonald House Ministry Clyde and Peggy Watson Roger and Diane Quiggle David, Maureen & Mallory Aycock G.I.F.T. Sunday School Class IMO Archie Yarborough – General Fund Cameron and Stacy Cox IMO Leonard Keith – S.A.M. Tommy and Gail Bridges IMO Sandra Parries – S.A.M. Tommy and Gail Bridges IMO Tom Benthall – Music Program Brent and Jean Smith FSBC Chancel Choir David, Maureen, & Mallory Aycock IMO Tom Benthall – S.A.M. Tommy and Gail Bridges Jean Tillotson *CONGREGATION STANDING Welcome Visitors ! We are pleased to have you visiting with us today. If you are visiting with us for the first time , please take a moment to fill out a visitor’s card so that we may have a record of your visit. On Saturday, June 22 , from 11am – 2 pm, Frances Holder Eastridge, author of “Roses Will Bloom Again” will have a book signing in the atrium area of the church. Worship Opportunities Father’s Day Breakfast Sunday School Morning Worship ~ No Rehearsals ~ ~ No Journey ~ Monday 8:30 – 11:30 Vacation Bible School Tuesday 8:30 – 11:30 Vacation Bible School 5:00 S.A.M. Nursing Home Visitation – Dairy Bar – Oakhaven & Sanford Health & Rehab Wednesday 8:30 – 11:30 Vacation Bible School 6:45 Prayer Meeting 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday 8:30 – 11:30 Vacation Bible School Friday 8:30 – 10:45 Vacation Bible School (Class Time) 11:00 VBS Commencement Pizza Party Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 2 – 4 Bridal Shower for Caitlyn Worrell 5:00 “Eternity” Rehearsal Youth Committee Meeting 6:00 Cookout to Welcome New 7th Graders to Youth 6:00 “Four the Lord” Rehearsal 6–8 “Journey” Sunday 8:30 9:45 11:00 June 17 thru June 21 Monday thru Friday 8:30 – 11:30 AM Fri. 8:30 – 12:00, Commencement (11:00) Followed by Pizza Party Register your children for VBS @ Flowers are placed on the communion table today in memory of John Westmoreland by Diane and Drew Moore & Family. God Allows U-Turns II Chronicles 7:14 INTRODUCTION Have you ever seen those signs that read “No U-turns”. I usually only see them when I want to make a U-turn! Today, on Father’s Day, I have good news, God allows us to make a U-turn anywhere and at any time. I. Connect with the need to turn our lives. a. After we realize we belong to God (called by his name) we are humbled. b. Once we are humbled we can begin to pray and seek God’s face. c. When we seek God, we are aware of our condition. (Isaiah 6) II. Confessing to God is the turning point in one’s life. a. When a humbled and seeking heart sees God, we confess. b. This is where the power of God’s atonement meets us and changes us forever. c. Confession is required for both salvation and discipleship. III. Continuing in the right direction is our goal in life. a. It makes no sense to do a U-Turn and not travel in the new direction. b. It makes no sense to confess our sin and continue in the sin. c. God’s faithfulness to forgive is contingent on us traveling in the right direction. CONCLUSION Today, the question is not whether we need to make a U-turn, but where do we need to make a U-turn! I am thankful God not only allows U-turns, God helps us make them! Birthdays This Week Debbie Wicker – Jun 16 Jeb Bridges – Jun 17 Judith Nance – Jun 17 Kathy Seal – Jun 17 Tommy Bridges – Jun 18 Annette Keith – Jun 19 Angela Kirkley – Jun 19 Jeremy Wilhite – Jun 20 Laura Leigh Thomas – Jun 20 Adelyn Davis – Jun 21 Nursery Workers: Sunday Morning: 11:00 Diane Moore & Liane Cochrane Next Sunday: 11:00 Dustin & Lauren Mitchell Our Deacon Ministry: Deacon Of The Month – Johnny Bridges Tom Luck, Chairman-2014, Mel Shaver, Vice Chairman -2013, Betsy Phillips, Secretary-2015, Johnny Bridges-2013, Tony Ragan-2013, Steve Cotten-2014, Bobby Hurley-2014, Tommy Bridges-2015 & Mark Jackson-2015 Children’s Church: 06/16/13 06/23/13 Justin & Amanda Covert Josh & Anna Smith Dr. Gary McCollough, Pastor Rev. Matt Riggsbee, Associate Pastor of Family Ministry Leonard Harris, Minister of Music Kathy Seal, Church Secretary Special Ongoing Concerns Brian Boisvert, Jr. Gail Bridges Evelyn Davis Family Susan Johns Bob Lemmond, Sr. Sarah Schenck Marion Chriscoe Margie Cole Amy Jackling Ruth Bryan Willard West Evyleen Luck Annette Fawcett Art Jones Inez Riddle Kathy Freedle Sophie Johnson Lisa Rattz Darlene Kearns Buddy Denise Anthony Harrington Billl Cotten Zelma Mayfield Grace McDuffie Glenda Miller Russ Hunt Robert Thomas Janet Fields LouAnne Griffin Beckie McCollough Brian Sibbitt Roy Smith Evan Delgado Last Week at a Glance Weekly Budget Requirements Budget Received 06 /09 /2013 Designated: Golden Fellowship 130.00 Youth Mission Trip 160.00 Music Program 45.00 S.A.M. 25.00 Building Fund 100.00 $6,077.00 4,172.00 460.00 Total Income $4,632.00 Flat Springs Baptist Church 4148 Deep River Road Sanford, NC 27330 (919) 775-5922 Flat Springs Baptist Church is a family of believers who seek . . . to Glorify God, to Guide others to Christ, to Grow in our faith, and to Give of ourselves.