Manufacturers Eligible classes: Audio and video equipment manufacturing No alarm or security systems. Bakeries - commercial Bakery products Ball and roller bearings Bookbinding Bottled water manufacturing Bras, girdles, and allied garments Burial caskets Candy and other confectionery products Cane sugar refining Carpet and rugs Chocolate and cocoa products Coated fabrics, not rubberized Computer manufacturing Includes PC's, laptops, workstations, and serves. No mainframes or software development. No E&O coverage available. Computer peripheral equipment manufacturing No E&O coverage available. Computer storage device manufacturing No E&O coverage available. Computer terminal manufacturing No E&O coverage available. Cordage and twine Corrugated and solid fiber boxes Cutlery and flatware (except precious) manufacturing Dairy products Dried and dehydrated food manufacturing No baby food. Dry pasta manufacturing Fabricated rubber products Fastener, button, needle and pin manufacturing No precious metals, or precious/semi-precious stones and gems Fiber cans, drums and similar parts Flour and other grain mill products Folding paperboard boxes Food preparations Footwear cut stock Footwear, excluding rubber Fur goods Furniture (metal household) manufacturing No children's furniture Girls and children's outerwear Greeting cards - manufacturers Handbags and purses Assembly of pre-molded pieces only. No plastic manufacturing. Hats, caps and millinery Hosiery Household furniture Kitchen utensil, pot and pan manufacturing Leather and sheep-lined clothing Leather goods (personal) manufacturing Not for women's handbags and purses. No tanning. Leather gloves and mittens Lessor's Risk only - non-residential buildings Except mini warehouses. Light bulb manufacturing Lighting fixture manufacturing Luggage manufacturing Assembly of pre-molded pieces only. No plastic manufacturing. Machine shops All products to customer specifications with customer sign-off. No industrial, automotive, aircraft/aerospace, or other transportation-critical parts. Mechanical rubber goods Men's and boys' furnishings Men's and boys' suits and coats Metal cans Metal container (light gauge) manufacturing No aerosol cans. Mental doors, sash and trim Metal foil and leaf manufacturing Metal forgings and stampings Metal goods manufacturing - stamping Includes unfinished metal stampings and spinning unfinished metal products. Excludes crowns, cans, closures, coins, automotive, and aircraft/aerospace. Metal household furniture Metal pattern/plate work manufacturing Excludes boiler plates and electrical plates. Metal sanitary ware Metal springs (light gauge) wire good manufacturing Metal work - decorative or artistic Misc. apparel and accessories Misc. converted paper products Misc. fabricated textile products Misc. fabricated wire products Nail or spike manufacturing Nailed wood boxes and shook Netting made on net machines Manufacturing of nets or netting made from purchased materials. Includes fishing nets, sports nets and tennis nets. No safety nets. Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating Nuts and bolts manufacturing No aircraft, aerospace or transportation products. Office furniture, excluding wood Office machinery manufacturing Not for computers or photocopiers. Optical instruments and lens manufacturing No medical, aircraft, aerospace or satellite products. Pens and mechanical pencil manufacturing Plastic plumbing products Plumbing fixture fittings and trim No industrial, sprinkler or boiler parts. Potato chips and similar snacks Prepared flour mixes and doughs Preserved fruit and vegetables Printed circuit assembly Public building and related furniture Radio, TV broadcasting and wireless communication equipment manufacturing No navigational, search or guidance control equipment. No towers, antenna, satellite, or alarm equipment. No installation. Rubber and plastics footwear Screw machine products, bolts Setup paperboard boxes Sewing machine manufacturing No industrial or commercial grade machines. Sheet metal work No installation. Sign (electric) manufacturing No installation. Special dies, tools, jigs and fixtures Stamp and marketing device manufacturing Includes hand-operated stamps, embossing stamps and stencils. Inks must be water-based. Steel springs, except wire Telephone apparatus manufacturing Textile goods Tire cord and fabrics Tool and die manufacturing Umbrella manufacturing Unsupported plastics film and sheet Upholstered household furniture Watch, clock and parts manufacturing Jeweler's block available through marine specialist. Window and door (metal) manufacturing No automatic, revolving, overhead or fire doors. No installation. Wire springs Women's and misses' outerwear Women's and children's underwear Women's hoisery, excluding socks Wood containers Wood kitchen cabinets Wood office furniture Wood partitions and fixtures Wood TV and radio cabinets Ineligible classes: Automotive, aircraft, aerospace or other transportation-related product manufacturing Medical device/equipment products manufacturing Sports equipment products Nuclear, petrochemical or pharmaceutical products Clean room exposures (except precious) Electroplating Machinery manufacturing Remote warehousing not connected to a manufacturer's location Railroad Plastics Account size Up to $15 million in total annual receipts Up to $15 million in total property value per location Flammables on premises Must not exceed one 55-gallon drum Must be property handled and stored Exposures requiring company authorization Welding Spray painting Discontinued or recalled products Flammable storage Woodwoorking Property Limits by Location 4 types of limits apply: Building limit Business personal property limit Business income Embedded additional coverages Underwriting Guidelines Three years in business is preferred for all risks. Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts. Central station fire alarms are required. Risks with sprinkler systems are preferred. Businesses should have a comprehensive quality control program. Revenue generated by transactional Web sites must be less than 50 percent of total revenues. Additional class, coverage and risk-specific underwriting criteria will apply. Consult Your Underwriter New ventures Operations in frame buildings Workers Compensation coverage availability For local exceptions and restrictions