Code of Conduct - Whitney Point Central School District Home

Whitney Point Central School District
-Annual NotificationsPlain Language Summary Code of Conduct
The following summary of the Whitney
to behave as a representative of the
Point Central School District’s Code of
district and hold himself/herself to the
Conduct is provided in accordance with
highest standards of conduct, demeanor,
Project SAYE Legislation and Section 100.2
of the Commissioner’s regulations.
responsibility for his/her actions.
4. To seek help in solving problems that
might lead to disciplinary procedures.
To be in regular attendance at school
The district is committed to safeguarding the
and in class.
rights given to all students under state and
6. To contribute to an orderly, learningfederal law. In addition, to promote a safe,
centered environment and to show due
healthy, orderly, and civil school
respect for persons and property.
environment, all district students have the
7. To make constructive contributions to
expressed opportunity:
the school, and to report fairly the
1. To take part in all district activities on
circumstances of school related issues.
an equal basis regardless of race, sex,
religion, national origin, or disability.
Student Dress Code
2. To attend school and participate in
A student’s attire, grooming and appearance,
school programs unless suspended from
including hairstyle and color, jewelry, makeinstruction and participation for legally
up and nails shall:
sufficient cause as determined in
1. Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or
accordance with due process of law.
interfere with the education process.
3. To have school rules and conditions
2. Recognize that extremely brief and
available for review and, when
revealing garments are not appropriate.
necessary, explanation by school
3. Ensure that underwear is completely
covered with outer clothing.
4. To be suspended from instruction only
4. Include footwear at all times. Footwear
after his/her rights pursuant to Education
that is a safety hazard will not be
Law §3214 have been observed.
5. In all disciplinary matters, to have the
5. Not include the wearing of head
opportunity to present his/her version of
coverings except for a medical or
the facts and circumstances leading to
religious purpose.
imposition of disciplinary sanctions to
6. Not include “body piercings and
the professional staff member imposing
accompanying jewelry” that interferes
such sanction.
with the educational process.
6. To express his/her opinions verbally as
7. Not include the wearing of head
long as his/her expression does not
coverings except for a medical or
interfere with the rights of others or
religious purpose.
disrupt normal school operations.
8. Not include items that are vulgar,
obscene, libelous or denigrate others on
account of race, color, religion, creed,
It shall be the responsibility of each
national origin, gender or sexual
1. To be familiar with and abide by all
orientation or disability.
district policies, rules, and regulations
9. Not wear outer garments, such as coats
pertaining to student conduct.
and hats, in the school buildings or
2. To work to the best of his/her ability in
classroom during school hours.
all academic and extracurricular
pursuits, and strive toward the highest
Students who violate the dress code shall be
level of achievement possible.
required to change or cover the offending
3. When participating in or attending
item. Failure to do so may result in
school-sponsored extracurricular events,
Whitney Point Central School District
-Annual NotificationsPlain Language Summary Code of Conduct
1. Verbal warning
Prohibited Student Conduct
Students may be subject to disciplinary
2. Written warning
action, up to and including suspension from
3. Written notification to the parent
school when they:
4. Counseling
A. Engage in conduct that is disorderly.
5. Removal from classroom
(Examples of disorderly conduct can be
6. Suspension from transportation
found in the full version of the Code of
7. Suspension from athletic participation
8. Suspension
B. Engage in conduct that is insubordinate.
extracurricular activites.
C. Engage in conduct that is disruptive.
9. Suspension of other privileges.
D. Engage in conduct that is violent.
10. In school suspension.
E. Engage in any conduct that endangers
11. Short-term suspension from school
the safety, morals, health or welfare of
12. Long-term suspension from school
13. Permanent suspension from school
F. Engage in misconduct while on the
school bus.
The amount of due process a student is
G. Engage in any form of academic
entitled to receive before a penalty is
misconduct. These areas of conduct are
imposed depends on the penalty being
more fully explained by use of examples
imposed. In all cases, regardless of the
in the full version of the Code of
penalty imposed, the school personnel
Conduct. If a student engages in a
authorized to impose the penalty must
prohibited student conduct which may
inform the student of the alleged misconduct
constitute a crime, the building principal
and must investigate to the extent necessary,
or designee must notify the appropriate
the facts surrounding the alleged
local law enforcement agency as soon as
misconduct. All students will have an
opportunity to present their version of the
facts to the school personnel imposing the
disciplinary penalty in connection with the
In assessing disciplinary penalties, school
imposition of the penalty.
personnel will consider the following:
1. The student’s age.
Minimum Periods of Suspension
2. The nature of the offense and
1. Students who bring a weapon to school
circumstances which led to the offense.
will be subject to suspension from
3. The student’s prior disciplinary record.
school for at least one calendar year
4. The effectiveness of other forms of
unless otherwise determined by the
5. Information from parents, teachers or
2. Students who commit violent acts other
others, as appropriate.
than bringing a weapon to school shall
6. Other extenuating circumstances.
be subject to suspension from school for
at least five days unless otherwise
As a general rule, discipline will be
determined by the superintendent.
progressive. This means that a student’s
3. Students
first violation will usually merit a lighter
substantially disruptive of the education
penalty than subsequent violations.
process or repeatedly substantially
Discipline penalties will be assessed in
interfere with the teacher’s authority
compliance with DEAL and NYS Law
over the classroom will be suspended
where the student is a student with a
from school for at least five days. For
the purposes of the Code of Conduct,
Students found to have violate the District’s
“repeatedly substantially disruptive”
Code of Conduct may be subject to one or
means engaging in conduct that results
more of the following penalties:
in the student being removed from the
Whitney Point Central School District
-Annual NotificationsPlain Language Summary Code of Conduct
classroom pursuant to Education Law
No person shall:
§3214(3)(a) and this code on multiple
1. Intentionally injure any person or
threaten to do so.
2. Intentionally damage or destroy school
property or the personal property of a
teacher, administrator, other district
The building principal or designee is
employee or any person lawfully on
responsible for all persons is the building
school property.
and on the grounds. For these reasons, the
3. Disrupt the orderly conduct of classes,
following rules apply to all visitors to the
school programs or other school
1. Anyone not a regular staff member or
4. Distribute or wear materials on school
student will be considered a visitor.
grounds or at school functions that are
2. All visitors must report to the Main
obscene, advocate illegal action, appear
Office to sign in. Anyone visiting a
libelous, obstruct the rights of others, or
secondary student must first secure
are disruptive to the school program.
permission from the Building Principal.
5. Intimidate, harass or discriminate
All visitors must be issued and must
against any person on the basis of race,
wear a visitor’s identification badge.
color, creed, national origin, religion,
Visitors must sign out and return the
age, gender, sexual orientation or
badge upon leaving the premises.
3. Visitors attending most school functions
6. Enter any portion of the school premises
that are open to the public are not
without authorization to remain in any
required to sign in.
building or facility after it is normally
4. Parents or citizens who which to
observe a classroom while school is in
7. Obstruct the free movement of any
session are required to arrange such
person in any place to which this code
visits in advance with the principal and
the classroom teacher.
8. Violate the traffic laws, parking
5. Teachers are not expected to take class
regulations or other restrictions on
time to discuss individual matters with
9. Possess, consume, sell, distribute or
6. Any unauthorized persons on school
property will be reported to the
controlled substance or be under the
principal. Unauthorized persons will be
influence of either on school property or
asked to leave. The police will be
at a school function.
contacted if necessary.
10. Possess or use weapons in or on school
7. All visitors are expected to abide by the
property or at a school function.
rules for public conduct on school
11. Loiter on or about school property.
property contained in this code of
12. Use profane or lewd language.
13. Refuse to comply with any reasonable
order of identifiable school district
official performing their duties,
including the Athletic Director or
All persons on school property or attending
Faculty during the course of an athletic
a school function shall conduct themselves
in a respectful and orderly manner. In
14. Willfully incite others to commit any of
addition, all persons on school property or
the acts prohibited by this code.
attending a school function are expected to
15. Violate any federal or state statute, local
be properly attired for the purpose they are
ordinance or board policy while on
on school property.
Whitney Point Central School District
-Annual NotificationsPlain Language Summary Code of Conduct
school property or while at a school
Persons who violate this code shall be
subject to the following penalties:
1. Visitors will have their authorization to
remain on school property revoked and
they will be directed to leave the
premises. If they refuse to leave, they
will be ejected.
2. Students will be subject to disciplinary
action as the facts may warrant.
3. Employees may be subject to
disciplinary measures as detailed by law
and dictated by the facts.