LAUSD Linked Learning Pathway Readiness Rubric Pathway Readiness Criteria Accomplished Approaching Beginning Purpose for Becoming a Linked Learning Pathway The proposed pathway has a clear, comprehensive and well thought-out purpose and rationale for adopting Linked Learning that is centered on improving outcomes for students. The proposed pathway has a purpose and rationale for becoming a Linked Learning pathway that needs further clarity and thought. The proposed pathway has a preliminary purpose that needs further development and alignment with Linked Learning principles. Mission, Vision, Theme, and Career Focus The pathway has a well-developed mission, vision, theme and career focus that is clearly aligned to one of the 15 California career pathways, demonstrates student, parent and community interest, provides opportunities for future employment and drives all aspects of the school including culture, curriculum, instruction and assessments The proposed pathway has developed parts of its mission, vision, theme or career focus but one or more of these elements are still being developed. Student, parent and community input and industry focus are in the process of being developed. The proposed pathway’s mission and vision are being developed and/or the theme and career focus are in the process of being established. Student, parent and community input and industry focus are in a planning stage. Outcomes and Expected School-Wide Learning Results (ESLRs) The proposed pathway has developed clear student learning outcomes that outline the skills, knowledge and disposition graduates will demonstrate, an “a-g” and technical curriculum, projects, workbased learning and support services that allow students to graduate prepared for college and career. The proposed pathway has ESLRs that connect to student outcomes but are not yet apparent in the scope and sequence of student work, experiences, daily life and culture of the school that allow for students to graduate prepared for college and career. The proposed pathway may or may not have stated ESLRs but the ESLRs are not yet connected to student learning outcomes and there is little evidence and data that students have the opportunity and support services to graduate prepared for college and career. College and Career Preparation The proposed pathway provides an “a-g” academic curriculum and technical program that ensure all pathway graduates are admissible to and prepared to succeed in a postsecondary program and have careerready knowledge and skills. The proposed pathway has some but not all elements of an “a-g” academic curriculum and technical program that ensure all pathway graduates are admissible to and prepared to succeed in a post-secondary program and have career-ready knowledge and skills. The proposed pathway is beginning to develop the components of an “ag” academic curriculum and technical program that ensure all pathway graduates are admissible to and prepared to succeed in a postsecondary program and have careerready knowledge and skills. 1 Pathway Readiness Criteria Accomplished Approaching Beginning Support Services The proposed pathway has clear systems in place to identify the needs of their students. They have established support services to provide college access, work-based learning opportunities, student personalization, academic assistance, and socio-emotional support that includes parents as essential partners in students’ lives. The proposed pathway has some support services in place but many students still need academic and/or socio-emotional support. Parents attend events, but the pathway needs to find more ways to engage them as partners in supporting their child. The proposed pathway is beginning to develop systems to identify students’ needs. Support services within and outside the pathway need to be identified and developed. The pathway needs to identify and develop opportunities for parents to be active partners with the pathway. Community Partners The proposed pathway has welldeveloped community partnerships that support and enhance student services and provide additional school and programmatic support. The proposed pathway has some partnerships that support students. Additional support services are needed to assist the pathway in addressing all students’ needs. The proposed pathway has a few partnerships with community organizations but a stronger and clearer relationship needs to be developed. Industry Partners The proposed pathway has developed industry partnerships that are aligned to its theme and provide meaningful work-based learning opportunities for all students. The proposed pathway has industry The proposed pathway is in the partnerships that provide work-based process of developing partnerships learning opportunities for students. with industry. Articulation and Dual Enrollment Agreements The proposed pathway program has active relationships with local twoand four-year colleges that provide students opportunity for college credits while in high school. The proposed pathway has developed partnerships with colleges and is in the process of developing articulation and dual enrollment agreements. The proposed pathway is in the process of identifying possible college courses to offer their students and is working to create partnerships with colleges who will offer these classes. Industry Certifications The proposed pathway provides opportunities for students to earn industry certifications that are aligned with its theme. The proposed pathway has identified industry certifications they will offer their students. The proposed pathway is working to identify industry certifications they might offer their students. Extended Learning Time Opportunities The proposed pathway provides enrichment and remedial opportunities for student learning beyond the traditional school day The proposed pathway has some enrichment and remedial opportunities for students to learn beyond the school day, including The proposed pathway has yet to develop enrichment and remedial opportunities for students beyond the traditional school day. 2 including work-based learning. some work-based learning. School Improvement Data The proposed pathway regularly practices a Cycle of Improvement by analyzing multiple sources of data, and creating, instituting and evaluating a plan of action to improve teaching and learning and increase student results. The proposed pathway examines data regularly and creates a plan of action although the plan may not be fully actualized. The proposed pathway examines data, however, there is not a clear connection between the evaluation of the data and the plan of action. Master Schedule The proposed pathway has a master schedule that allows students to access “a-g” courses and a four-year sequence of technical courses as well. There are pure cohorts of students in the pathway. It provides time for teachers to develop integrated pathway coursework, projects and work-based learning. The proposed pathway has a master schedule that allows students to access “a-g” courses with a clear three or four- year sequence of technical courses. The cohorts are mostly pure and there is some common planning time for teachers. The proposed pathway has a master schedule that allows students to access “a-g” courses with a clear three or four- year sequence of technical courses. The cohorts are mixed and there is little to no common planning time for teachers. Technical Course Sequence The proposed pathway has an established four-year sequence of technical courses aligned to its industry theme that prepares students for entry-level employment upon graduating. The proposed pathway has an established three or four-year sequence of technical courses aligned to its industry theme. The proposed pathway has some technical courses and is working to align them to the industry theme. Number and Kinds of CTE/ROP Teachers The proposed pathway has professional faculty credentialed in the areas that support the technical program and provide expertise and leadership for the technical core program. The proposed pathway has one or two faculty members for the technical program, although they may not have professional experience. The proposed pathway has some technical courses and is working to add professionals to teach the technical courses. PD Schedule and Focus The proposed pathway faculty schedule provides at least six hours per month for teachers to collaborate on pathway design, integrated curriculum, instructional approaches, and analysis and evaluation of The proposed pathway has some professional development time devoted to Linked Learning and is working toward devoting six hours per month to this work. The proposed pathway is developing a professional development schedule that will include time for Linked Learning. 3 student work and data. Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Instruction The proposed pathway connects subject areas through a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum and projects that allow students multiple opportunities to demonstrate graduate outcomes. The proposed pathway has interdisciplinary curriculum and projects. More academic and technical rigor needs to be infused into the projects. The proposed pathway is developing multidisciplinary curriculum and projects. 4