1 Splash erosion under natural rainfall on three soil types in NE 2 Spain 3 4 M. Angulo-Martínez *, S. Beguería, A. Navas, J. Machín. 5 Department of Soil and Water, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, Consejo Superior de 6 Investigaciones Científicas (EEAD–CSIC), 1005 Avda. Montañana, 50080 Zaragoza (Spain) 7 8 Correspondence to: marta.angulo24@gmail.com 9 10 Abstract 11 Splash detachment and transport of soil particles by raindrops impacting the soil surface is the 12 initiating mechanism of water erosion. The amount of splash depends on the rainfall characteristics 13 (mainly kinetic energy and intensity) and the soil properties. Experimental results of rainfall and 14 splash monitoring in three soil types under natural rainfall in NE Spain are presented. Some 27 15 rainfall events were evaluated, during which high rates of soil splash were measured (≤6.06 g per 16 splash cup), stressing its importance as an erosion process on bare soils. Sources of variation of soil 17 splash were analysed by a linear mixed-effect model. Significant relationships were found with the 18 rainfall erosivity index EI30. No significant differences were found between the soil types analysed. 19 The LME model explained 55% of variance, and most of the residual variability (≤ 74%) was due to 20 differences between splash cups within a single soil type and event (i.e. to random effects). 21 22 Keywords: Rainfall erosivity, EI30 index, splash erosion, erodibility, Linear Mixed-Effects models, 23 NE Spain 1 24 25 26 1 Introduction 27 Splash erosion is a complex process composed by the detachment of soil particles by raindrops 28 hitting the surface followed by splash transport of (a part of) the detached particles. Splash is 29 responsible for initiating water erosion, since it is the first erosion to occur when an erosive rainfall 30 event takes place (Sempere Torres et al., 1994; Hudson, 1995; Morgan, 2005). Rainfall erosivity, 31 i.e. the capacity of rain to erode soil, depends on the kinetic energy of rain, which depends in turn 32 on the mass and velocity of raindrops hitting the soil surface, and on rainfall intensity, which 33 determines the number of drops per unit surface. During a rainfall event these parameters are highly 34 variable in time and space, and so is splash erosion. The detachment of soil particles by splash 35 depends not only on the energy of rain drops, but also on soil erodibility, which relies on soil 36 physico-chemical characteristics, such as the soil crust, infiltration capacity, the nature of soil 37 aggregates, organic matter content, texture, cohesion and porosity, capacity of ionic interchange and 38 clay content (Poesen and Torri, 1988). The transport of detached particles depends mainly on the 39 kinetic energy of raindrops and on the mass of the particles. 40 Measuring both (rainfall erosivity and soil erodibility) during natural rainfall events requires 41 considerable instrumental effort and prolonged experiments to ensure a representative number of 42 events. Consequently, scientists have concentrated in measuring rainfall erosion under simulated 43 rainfall conditions. Most studies on splash erosion under simulated rain do not reflect the properties 44 of natural rainfall, because usually the soil is exposed to intense, steady rainfall rates during the 45 experiment, while in nature rainfall is characterized by very high frequency variation of intensity. In 46 addition, little variation of drop size distribution is possible, and often the largest drops found in 47 natural rainfall are missing (Navas et al., 1990; Navas, 1993). These experiments often result in soil 48 loss rates higher than those produced under natural rainfall (Dunkerley, 2008). However, the results 2 49 of these experiments are summarized in mathematical expressions used as erosion models and 50 applied to natural rainfall. 51 The classical method for quantifying splash erosion relies on the use of splash cups, or small traps 52 that collect the soil particles detached and transported by splash (Ellison, 1947; Morgan, 1978; 53 Poesen and Torri, 1988; Salles and Poesen, 1999; Van Dijk et al., 2003; Legout et al., 2005). The 54 data obtained by these measurements allowed the development of empirical formulae, such as the 55 erosivity models proposed by Ellison (1944), Bisal (1960) and Meyer (1981). These early empirical 56 models estimated soil loss as a power function of rainfall energy or rainfall intensity with a 57 modulating multiplying coefficient determined by soil erodibility and an exponent (Park et al., 58 1983; Mouzai and Bouhadef, 2003). Later work showed that a certain energy threshold must be 59 passed to initiate soil detachment, since initial energy is focused in breaking the soil crust or 60 infiltration (Sharma and Gupta, 1991). 61 One of the most extensively used indices for quantify rainfall erosivity, EI30; (Renard et al., 1997) 62 requires knowledge of the kinetic energy of rain (E), precipitation volume per unit of time, together 63 with the maximum intensity in 30 minutes as a measure of the saturation of the soil and starting of 64 runoff. Since the 1960s the scientific community has developed increased interest in the size and 65 velocity of hydrometeors, especially in relation with the development of radar methodology. This 66 motivated the development of instruments such as optical disdrometers and laser precipitation 67 monitors. Lately these instruments have been integrated into soil erosion studies (Salles and Poesen, 68 1999; Fernández-Raga et al., 2010; Scholten et al., 2011), but studies are still scarce and spatial and 69 temporally constrained. 70 The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyse the relationship between rainfall erosivity and 71 soil erodibility under natural rainfall conditions in three soil types of the inner Ebro valley, NE 72 Spain. Rainfall characteristics were determined using an optical disdrometer, and splash erosion 73 was monitored in three plots using splash cups. 3 74 75 2. Materials and methods 76 2.1. Experimental design 77 In order to evaluate the relationship between rainfall erosivity parameters and the amount of soil 78 particles detached and transported by splash, we designed an experiment to monitor rainfall 79 characteristics under natural conditions and splash erosion produced by natural rainfall events over 80 three typical soils types commonly found in the Ebro valley (NE Spain). The monitoring period 81 was 04/03/2010−<30/10/2011. The experiment was located at 41º43’30’’N, 0º48’39’’O., 230 m. 82 a.s.l. Rainfall characteristics were monitored using a THIES Clima Laser Precipitation Monitor, 83 which had a very good performance during the experiment. 84 The Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM, also known as Optical Spectro Pluviometer) was designed 85 to measure the size and fall velocity of every raindrop ≥ 0.16 mm diameter at ground level. Initially 86 developed by Donnadieu et al. (1969), the LPM derives fall velocity and diameter of hydrometeors 87 from the duration and amplitude of obscurations in the path of an infrared laser beam, between a 88 light emitting diode and a receiver, with a sampling area of 0.00514 m2. The geometry of the beam 89 limits the estimation of fall velocity to the vertical component (Salles and Poesen, 1999), so 90 velocity measures can be overestimated with strong wind. The size and velocity of measured drops 91 are grouped into 22 and 20 classes, respectively (Table 1). From these data several rainfall variables 92 are integrated every minute. For each rainfall period we calculated the cumulative time rainfall (P, 93 mm); effective duration (Deff, minutes); maximum intensity in 30 minutes (I30, mm h-1) and kinetic 94 energy per minute (er, J m2 mm-1), (Table 2). We considered the beginning of every event since the 95 moment when splash cups were placed at the experimental site, and the end of it, once splash 96 sediment was found and splash cups were removed. Hence the total duration of the event 97 corresponds to the time during which splash cups were in the field, and effective duration was 98 calculated from the period in which actual rainfall was recorded. 4 99 The kinetic energy kei,j (J) of a drop pertaining to diameter class i and velocity class j was estimated 100 following the formula: 101 kei , j 102 where mi is the mean mass corresponding to drop diameter class i (g); ρ is the density of water (1 g 103 cm-3); vj is the mean speed for the velocity class j (m s-1); and Di is the mean diameter for class i 104 (mm). The mass of raindrops was calculated from the diameter measured by the LPM, by assuming 105 a spherical drop shape. Total kinetic energy kesum per minute was determined by multiplying kei,j by 106 the number of drops registered in each size and velocity class. Finally, the unit energy (er) was 107 obtained by dividing the sampling area of the device (a) (in our case 0.00514 m2) by rainfall amount 108 per minute (pr) for obtaining energy rates per unit surface and precipitation amount (J m-2 mm-1), 109 and then transformed into MJ ha-1 mm-1: 110 6 kesum 2 -1 10 er er (J m mm ) 4 er (MJ ha 1 mm -1 ) , a pr 10 111 where er and vr are, respectively, the unit rainfall energy (MJ ha-1 mm-1), obtained from eq. (2), and 112 the rainfall amount (mm) during a time period r (one minute), and I30 is the maximum rainfall 113 intensity during a period of 30 consecutive minutes in the event (mm h-1). 114 The event’s rainfall erosivity EI30 (MJ mm ha-1 h-1) (Renard et al., 1997) was obtained as follows: 115 0 EI 30 er vr I 30 , r 1 1 1 2 mi v j 10 3 v 2j Di3 , 2 12 (1) (2) (3) 116 117 118 2.2. Soil characteristics 119 The three types of soils used in this study were Cambisol, Gypsisol and Solonchak (FAO, 1989). 120 They are representative of the central Ebro valley in NW Spain, and they are subject to accelerated 5 121 erosion rates because they are either occupied by agricultural lands that remain bare during several 122 months every year (Machín and Navas, 1998) or else they sustain low-coverage plant communities 123 due to their restrictive conditions for vegetation and semi-arid climate (Guerrero et al., 1999; Pueyo 124 et al., 2007). 125 The soils were brought to the experimental site from a nearby location taken from the upper 30 cm 126 of the topsoil horizon. Cambisols are developed over glacis and terraces from fluvial deposits and 127 marls. Its texture is silty with 25% pebbles, alkaline pH and low salinity. They show good drainage, 128 low organic matter content (< 2%) and low gypsum content (2.5%), and 35.4% carbonate content. 129 Gypsisols are located in colluvial-alluvial valley areas developed over deposits from nearby 130 gypsiferous hills. They have a sandy-loam texture, alkaline pH and higher salinity than Cambisols. 131 They have a low organic matter and carbonate content and high gypsum content. Solonchaks are 132 found in depressions or level areas. Their texture is clay-loam, and they have poor drainage. 133 Detailed descriptions of the soils are given by Bermúdez (1997). Their main properties are 134 summarized in Table 3. Data on this table was based on one sample of the upper 20 cm of soil for 135 each soil type. The samples were air-dried, grinded, homogenized and quartered, to pass through a 2 136 mm sieve. The following properties were determined for each sample: i) bulk (considering the soil 137 pores) and real (considering only the solid phase) density; ii) porosity; iii) fractions of sand (coarse 138 sand: 250-2000 m, medium sand: 100-250 m, and fine sand: 50-100 m), silt (50 to 2 m) and 139 clay (< 2 m) particles and texture classification according to USDA (1973); iv) pH; v) electric 140 conductivity; vi) cation exchange capacity; vii) organic matter, Carbon and Nitrogen content, 141 Carbon / Nitrogen ratio; vii) carbonates and gypsum content. The properties were measured 142 following standard techniques. Grain size was determined by a Coulter LS 230 equipment after 143 chemical elimination of the organic matter. The pH (1:2.5 soil:water) was measured using a pH- 144 meter. Electric conductivity was determined by a Crison 522 conductivimeter. Organic matter was 145 determined by titration. Carbonates were measured using a pressure calcimeter. Total nitrogen was 6 146 measured using the Kjeldhal Method. The cation exchange capacity was determined by a Mg 147 (NO3)2 solution was followed by ICP-OES analysis. 148 149 2.3. Splash monitoring 150 Splash erosion was monitored with Morgan’s splash cups (Morgan 1981). This simple device 151 consists in a circle with another smaller circle inside in contact with the soil, with a soil sampling 152 area of 0.0085 m2. Soil particles detached by raindrop impacts need to jump over a rim of 2.5 cm, 153 and accumulate inside the splash cup. To avoid sediment loss, some drainage is allowed with small 154 holes at the edges of cups. A porous membrane was used that let the water slowly drain from the 155 cups but prevented the sediment from escaping. 156 157 The experimental design is shown in Fig. 1. The three soils were arranged side to side in three plots 158 of 14x1 m. The soils were kept bare during the monitoring period by manual removing of the new 159 seedlings. The three plots are completely level to avoid slope differences. Apart from that, the soils 160 were kept undisturbed and as close to their natural condition as possible. 161 162 Five splash cups were deployed in each plot. Splash cups were checked after every rain event, and 163 if sediment was present they were replaced by clean ones and sediment was sieved and weighed. If 164 no significant sediment was registered (<0.0012g per splash cup), the cups were cleaned and placed 165 again. In order to maintain randomness and avoid sediment exhaustion effects, splash cups were 166 placed each time in a different site within a corresponding rectangle. 167 168 2.4. Statistical analysis 7 169 Previous to modelling the relationship between rainfall erosivity and splash erosion, an exploratory 170 analysis was carried out. ANOVA tests between the amount of soil particles eroded per event by 171 soil type was performed in order to check the statistical significance of differences between soil 172 types. Secondly, we modelled the relationship between the EI30 and soil splash by soil type. The 173 relationship between the response variable (soil splash erosion) and the covariate (EI30 index) takes 174 the form of an exponential function. Therefore, we took the logarithms of all variables and 175 evaluated their relationship with linear models. 176 A linear mixed-effects model (LME) was used to account for pseudo-replication. Unlike standard 177 linear models, mixed-effects models allow incorporating both fixed-effects and random-effects in 178 the regression analysis (Pinheiro and Bates, 2000). The fixed-effects in a linear model describe the 179 values of the response variable in terms of explanatory variables that are considered to be non- 180 random, whereas random-effects are treated as arising from random causes. Random effects can be 181 associated with individual experimental units sampled from the population. Hence, mixed-effects 182 models are particularly suited to experimental settings where measurements are made on groups of 183 related experimental units. If the classification factor is ignored when modelling grouped data, the 184 random (group) effects are incorporated in the residuals, leading to an inflated estimate of within- 185 site variability. In our case, relationships were explored between the response variable (splash 186 erosion) and the rainfall erosivity covariate EI30, on a data set grouped according to soil type. Five 187 measurements (pseudo-replicates) were available for each rain event and soil type. Hence, the 188 mixed-effects model allows exploring relationships between the response variable and the 189 covariates that are general to the soil type, regardless of local differences given by the pseudo- 190 replicates, which are considered a random effect. The mixed-effects model combines a linear 191 regression model with a random-effects Analysis of Variance. The mathematical formula takes the 192 form: 193 y ji 1 2 x ji b j ji (4) 8 194 b j ~ N (0, 2b j ), ji ~ N (0, 2j ) 195 where yji is the ith observation in the jth group of data and xji is the corresponding value of the 196 covariates, β1 is a global intercept, bj is a random effect on the intercept for given soil type j, and εji 197 is a random error allowing for different variance between the soil type, σj2. In our case, we counted 198 with three soil types, i.e. j = 1,…,3, and 15 observations (five pseudo-replicates per soil type, i.e. i = 199 1,…,15). 200 The LME model in Eq. (4) was fitted by generalized least squares (GLS). Function lme from the R 201 library nlme (Pinheiro and Bates, 2011) was used for the linear mixed effects modelling. 202 Minimization of the Akaike’s Information Criterion, AIC, was used for selecting the best model, 203 and for comparing between homoscedastic (equal error variances) and heteroscedastic (unequal 204 error variances for different soil types) models. The AIC is a measure of goodness of fit that 205 penalizes the complexity of the model, and hence is much suited for model selection than statistics 206 that only measure goodness of fit such as the R2. The fitting process started with the most complex 207 formulae that included all interactions between the factor (soil type) and the model parameters 208 (intercept and slope), and heterocedasticity. No significant factors were progressively eliminated 209 until a minimum model was attained, in which all factors were significant. (5) 210 211 3. Results 212 During the monitoring period 45 rainfall events were registered. Quality control of the rainfall 213 events and of the corresponding soil splash allowed us to select 27 events from the total in which 214 rainfall erosivity parameters and splash erosion were perfectly recorded (Table 4). The other rainfall 215 events were rejected, due to problems with any of the monitoring devices, i.e. due to data loss 216 during earlier stages of the experiment (thirteen events), or due to splash sediment lost by water 217 washing or strong wind blowing after the erosive event (five events). From the twenty-seven 218 rainfall events, twelve events did not register substantial sediment. During the monitoring period the 9 219 highest splash sediment collected per rainfall event was 6.06 g per splash cup for Gypsisols. The 220 same event mobilized 4.99 g per splash cup for Solonchaks, and 2.87 g per splash cup for 221 Cambisols 222 Variability of soil splash between events was high, while differences between soil types were lower 223 (Fig. 2). The variability between pseudo-replicates (i.e. within a single event and soil type) was high 224 and increased with the amount of sediment mobilized. The “low” events (10, 19, 22, 23, 27, 40 and 225 45) showed smaller variability between pseudo-replicates for all soil types. Most of them had low 226 I30 values ranging between 1.08>–<20.79 mm h-1, had a long effective duration, and high 227 cumulative rainfall amounts were reached. Most of these events occurred during winter, early 228 spring or autumn, corresponding to atmospheric dynamics typical of frontal systems. Rainfall 229 energy, precipitation amount, and EI30 were relatively low during these events, although high 230 variability was found. Energy ranged between 0.25>–<3.79 MJ ha-1 mm-1 and EI30 ranged between 231 0.27>–<45.50 MJ mm-1 ha-1 h-1. The events with the highest energies were 19, 23 and 40. Highest 232 amounts of splash were found in most cases in Solonchack. 233 The events registering higher amounts of soil splash (2, 5, 6, 11, 13, 32, 33 and 38) showed more 234 coincidence with rainfall parameters, but more variability between pseudo-replicates. Soil splash 235 ranged between 0.97>–<6.06 g per splash cup. These events registered high precipitation amounts, 236 between 8.2≥–<61.3 mm, with a short effective duration, with the exception of event nº 2 that 237 lasted for 20.8 h. All these events occurred during late spring and summer. They were characterized 238 by intense showers in which rain fell at high intensity rates during a short period. Energy ranged 239 between 1.67–11.70 MJ ha-1 mm-1, showing variability between the events. I30 ranged between 240 11.5–92.9 mm h-1 with more dispersion between events. Consequently, EI30 also showed high 241 variability, between 19.24>–<1086.7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1. 10 242 Event 6 can be considered an exception, since rainfall was moderate (8.2 mm) and energy, I30 and 243 EI30 were low, but soil splash was high. In this group no differences in splash erosion were found 244 between soil types. 245 A relationship between splash and rainfall erosivity was found (Fig. 3), although the high variability 246 between the pseudo-replicates masked the global effect. LME analysis incorporated EI30 as the 247 significant covariate explaining soil splash in all soil types (Table 5). The soil type was not 248 significant. Heterocedasticity was included in the model, meaning that within group errors had a 249 different variance, depending on soil type. The model explained 55% of variance of the measured 250 variable (r2 coefficient). Variability between splash cups was very high, accounting for 72.4, 55.6, 251 and 55.6% of the random variance for Cambisols, Solonchaks and Gypsisols, respectively. The 252 remaining 27.6, 44.4, and 44.5% corresponded to random errors. 253 The results of the linear mixed-effects model yielded the following equation, in which splash 254 erosion for soils with similar characteristics as the ones included in the study depend upon the EI30 : 255 S 0.32 ( EI 30 ) 2.19 , 256 where, S is soil splash (g per splash cup). 257 Events with zero soil splash were not included in the LME analysis, due to the logarithmic 258 transformation required. However, a plot of rainfall erosivity for events with and without splash 259 helps in defining a threshold value for splash for the soils analysed (Fig. 4). Such value appears to 260 be around 1 MJ mm ha-1 h-1. Events 10, 22, 27 and 45 with EI30 values of 2.02, 0.27, 0.63, and 2.49 261 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, respectively registered splash sediment, although events 7 and 34 with EI30 values 262 of 2.21 and 1.46 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, respectively, did not. However, considering the small number of 263 events such threshold should be taken as an approximate value. (6) 264 265 4. Discussion 11 266 There are few similar studies evaluating the effects of natural rainfall on splash erosion, and the 267 ones available in the scientific literature deal mostly with extreme rainfall events (Dunkerley, 268 2008). Most soil splash studies used simulated rainfall, and it has been argued that soil splash 269 erosion rates obtained are highly overestimated (Poesen and Torri 1988; Dunkerley 2008). Another 270 difference between previous studies and this one is that we were able to directly measure rainfall 271 energy, instead of estimating it from rainfall intensity. Longer monitoring periods in different 272 geographical regions using similar experimental designs are needed for attaining more general 273 results. Fernandez-Raga et al. (2010) performed a similar experiment in Soutelo, northern Portugal. 274 They found good agreement between kinetic energy and soil detachment, although they found large 275 sources of uncertainty when undertaking experiments under natural conditions, such as the effects 276 of rain washing or wind, leading to uncertain estimates of splash erosion. We found similar 277 difficulties and a relative high number of events that had to be discarded due to problems of rain or 278 wind sediment washing. Splash amounts collected in the experiment of Fernandez-Raga et al. 279 (2010) were relatively low compared with our results; this could be explained by the large 280 contribution of small drops and low rainfall intensities. 281 As common in splash experiments under natural rain, the sampling intervals include several days, 282 and in some cases more than one event occurred before the cups were removed (i.e. Shakesby et al., 283 1993, Terry, 1989). In our experiment we dealt with similar situations, resulting in several events 284 that had to be rejected due to sediment wash by subsequent rains before the cups could be removed. 285 It is possible that better results would be obtained by collecting splash cups more frequently, to 286 isolate individual rain events, but this can be some problematic. 287 It has been argued that the soil conditions previous to the rainfall event and properties changes 288 produced during the event may control splash conditions (Wainwright, 1996). In our case, the high 289 splash amount recorded in event 6 could be explained by splash detachment prone conditions 290 regarding soil crust and porosity. Inspection revealed higher levels of moisture and porosity, 291 although no measurements were taken. The study of Singer and Le Bissonnais (1998) in 17 12 292 Mediterranean soils allowed them to distinguish two groups of soils. They found seal formation to 293 be the main factor controlling splash and wash erosion. Other authors also pointed to large 294 aggregate size and high organic matter content (O.M.) as being significant for protecting against 295 splash detachment (Luk, 1979; Ekwue, 1991). In our case differences in O. M. between the three 296 soils were relatively low, but differences in soil texture did not lead to differences in splash. 297 The results of our analysis suggested that whilst I30 is an important parameter controlling splash 298 erosion (Moldenhauer and Kemper, 1969; Mohammad and Kohl, 1987; Torri et al., 1999), E exerts 299 a very important role as well. Both must be contained in EI30 index. A Linear-Mixed effects model 300 between soil splash and the three rainfall erosivity covariates (EI30 and its components E and I30) 301 yielded no significance for E and I30 alone, whereas EI30 was significant at the 99% confidence 302 level. This supports the usefulness of the EI30 index in its original formulation. Another relevant 303 result of our analysis is the high variability found between pseudo-replicates within the same soil 304 type and rainfall event. This demonstrates that splash erosion is highly variable in space, and 305 recommends the use of many splash cups per sampling unit in further experimental studies. Since 306 these were pseudo-replicates (i.e. the samples from different splash cups within the same soil type 307 were not statistically independent), ordinary regression was a sub-optimal model. The mixed-effects 308 model, however, provided a convenient framework for analysing such an experimental design, since 309 it allows incorporating fixed effects (soil type and rainfall erosivity index) and random effects 310 (variability between splash cups within one soil type). 311 Several issues not accounted for in our experimental design could have had an influence on the 312 results. We assumed that rainfall energy measurements from one single disdrometer were 313 representative for the whole experimental site (approx. 60 m2). However, rainfall erosivity can be 314 expected to vary in space so our assumption represents a source of random variability that might 315 reduce the power of the statistical analysis. Despite that, significant results were found for the 316 relationship between splash erosion and rainfall erosivity. Another source of uncertainty could be 317 possible changes in the soil surface such as crust formation. We did not appreciate signs of crust 13 318 activity and sealing did not take place during the experiment, but we did not strictly monitor it. It is 319 possible that small differences in soil surface processes existed between soils that could affect the 320 comparison between them. This is an issue that should be taken into consideration for further 321 studies. 322 323 324 5. Conclusions 325 In this study, we conducted an experiment to determine relationships between rainfall erosivity 326 parameters and soil splash erosion in three soil types under natural conditions. Linear Mixed-Effects 327 analysis allowed us to explain most variability. Soil type did not significantly affect the amount of 328 soil splash. Monitoring the rainfall properties relevant for soil splash erosion (kinetic energy, 329 maximum intensity, effective storm duration and rainfall amount falling above a certain intensity 330 threshold) and relating them to the amount of sediment mobilized is still needed in order to better 331 understand the role of rainfall properties and soil characteristics in soil splash. Rainfall monitoring 332 at high time resolution (e.g. every minute) is important to determine these properties, since more 333 aggregated data (e.g. hourly or daily) are unable to capture these properties (Dunkerley, 2008, 334 2010). 335 This work has presented the experimental results of rainfall and splash erosion monitoring in three 336 soil types under natural rainfall in NE Spain. During the measuring period (04/03/2010– 337 30/10/2011), 27 events were evaluated. High rates of soil detachment were measured (≤ 6.06 g per 338 splash cup per event), which stress the importance of soil splash as an erosion process in bare soils. 339 We analysed the sources of variation of splash rates, and found significant relationships with the 340 EI30 index, while no significant differences were found between the analysed soil types. The LME 341 model explained 55% of variance, and the largest part of the residual variability (≤ 74%) was due to 342 differences between splash cups within a single soil type and event (i.e. to random effects). This 14 343 result has implications for further studies, since it makes clear that many pseudo-replicates (splash 344 cups) need to be analysed to assess relationships between splash erosion, rainfall and soil 345 characteristics. This also implies that the linear mixed-effects model, which includes both fixed and 346 random effects, need to be used to analyse data generated by this experiment setup. 347 348 Acknowledgements 349 This work has been supported by the research projects CGL2011–24185/BTE, CGL2008- 350 00831/BTE, and CGL2008-01189/BTE, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. 351 Research of M. A.-M. is supported by a JAE-Predoc Research Grant from the Spanish National 352 Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC). 353 354 References 355 Bermúdez, F.G. 1997. Aplicación agronómica de lodos residuales a suelos en ambientes semiáridos 356 y su efecto sobre propiedades físico-químicas. Tesis Doctoral, Zaragoza-Lleida. 368 pages. 357 Bisal, F. 1960. The effect of raindrop size and impact velocity on sand splash. Can. J. Soil Sci. 40, 358 242-245. 359 Brawn, D., Upton, G., 2008. 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Laser Precipitation Monitor classification of drop diameter and velocity Particle diameter class Class Particle speed class Diameter from (mm) To (mm) Class width Class Speed from 1 0.125 0.250 0.125 1 0.00 0.20 0.20 2 0.250 0.375 0.125 2 0.20 0.40 0.20 3 0.375 0.500 0.125 3 0.40 0.60 0.20 4 0.500 0.750 0.250 4 0.60 0.80 0.20 5 0.750 1.000 0.250 5 0.80 1.00 0.20 6 1.000 1.250 0.250 6 1.00 1.40 0.40 7 1.250 1.500 0.250 7 1.40 1.80 0.40 8 1.500 1.750 0.250 8 1.80 2.20 0.40 9 1.750 2.000 0.250 9 2.20 2.60 0.40 10 2.000 2.500 0.500 10 2.60 3.00 0.40 11 2.500 3.000 0.500 11 3.00 3.40 0.40 12 3.000 3.500 0.500 12 3.40 4.20 0.80 13 3.500 4.000 0.500 13 4.20 5.00 0.80 14 4.000 4.500 0.500 14 5.00 5.80 0.80 15 4.500 5.000 0.500 15 5.80 6.60 0.80 16 5.000 5.500 0.500 16 6.60 7.40 0.80 17 5.500 6.000 0.500 17 7.40 8.20 0.80 18 6.000 6.500 0.500 18 8.20 9.00 0.80 19 6.500 7.000 0.500 19 9.00 10.00 1.00 20 7.000 7.500 0.500 20 10.00 ∞ ∞ 21 7.500 8.000 0.500 - - - - 22 8.000 ∞ ∞ - - - - (m s-1) (mm) Speed to Class width (m s-1) (m s-1) 440 441 20 442 Table 2. Laser Precipitation Monitor variables recorded in real time every minute Name Unit Description Synop code 4677 - Hydrometeor code Rain intensity mm h-1 Amount of drops falling in a minute Precipitation amount mm Water content g m-3 Kinetic energy J m-2 mm-1 Estimated from the LPM classes. 443 444 445 Table 3. Soil type properties Parameters Units Cambisol Gypsisol Solonchak Real density g cm-3 2.52 2.01 2.52 Apparent density g cm-3 1.31 1.18 1.31 % 47.88 41.26 47.94 Coarse Sand (250-2000 μm) % 2.4 7.2 3.2 Medium Sand (100-250 μm) % 13 16.6 13 Fine Sand (50-100 μm) % 11.1 9.9 12.4 Silt (2-50 μm) % 59.2 55.2 55.4 Clay (< 2 μm) % 14.3 11.1 16 Silt Sandy loam Clay loam 8.63 8.35 8.13 0.37 2.4 2.33 3.84 5.92 Total porosity Granulometry Texture pH -1 EC 1/5 dSm EC (es) ‘’ C.I.C. meqL-1 149.4 119.88 155.99 Carbon % 1.02 0.49 1.03 Organic matter % 1.73 0.84 1.78 Nitrogen % 0.11 0.07 0.06 9.19 7.54 17.76 C/N CO3= % 35.41 15.72 35.7 Gypsums % 2.5 61.79 3.81 446 447 21 448 Table 4. Properties of rainfall events registered and corresponding soil splash: nº of event; was it erosive 449 (Y) or not (N: splash was negligible, less than 0.25 g m-2); D: total time during which splash cups were 450 deployed (hours); Deff: total time of rain registered at the monitoring site (hours); P: total rainfall (mm); 451 E: total kinetic energy (MJ ha-1 mm-1); I30: maximum intensity in 30 minutes (mm h-1); EI30: rainfall 452 erosivity index (MJ mm ha-1 h-1); mean soil splash by soil type (g per splash cup): CA = Cambisol, GA= 453 Gypsisol, SA = Solonchak. Events eliminated due to loss of data are not shown. 454 Event Erosive D Deff P E I30 EI30 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 16 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 42 44 45 Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N N Y N Y Y N N N Y Y N N Y 430.6 19.5 16.3 175.3 3.5 9.8 29.8 25.7 160.4 741.9 1.9 12 90.2 23.5 4.1 35.4 10.5 26.3 79.1 15.6 155.1 0.9 8.5 42.8 16509 21.0 9.6 20.8 12.0 4.9 8.3 2.8 8.3 3.8 3.4 7.7 56.5 1.4 11.8 26.6 2.7 3.5 6.2 7.0 7.6 8.9 5.1 1.8 0.6 3.2 0.4 2.8 3.0 8.3 26.4 4.6 24.3 8.2 3.6 6.7 44.4 61.3 2.76 20.9 0.2 3.2 30.0 1.1 1.2 3 3.14 27.0 37.2 3.4 0.3 0.9 30.4 10.4 0.55 0.5 6.1 4.92 0.53 4.34 1.67 0.40 0.87 10.57 11.70 0.32 2.79 0.02 0.25 3.79 0.11 0.11 0.33 0.36 4.85 6.40 0.54 0.00 0.20 7.86 2.19 0.06 0.07 0.88 15.85 1.55 24.25 11.53 5.50 2.34 56.11 92.90 1.31 11.65 0.30 1.08 7.31 1.13 0.75 1.93 1.23 26.18 61.61 2.71 0.10 1.64 35.57 20.79 0.53 0.34 2.84 77.92 0.81 105.21 19.24 2.21 2.02 592.94 1086.70 0.41 32.55 0.00 0.27 27.73 0.12 0.08 0.63 0.44 126.94 394.23 1.46 0.00 0.33 279.45 45.50 0.03 0.02 2.49 Soil splash by soil CA GA SA 1.48 0.00 3.09 2.87 0.00 0.61 2.25 2.28 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.34 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.97 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.88 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.22 0.00 1.96 6.06 0.00 0.33 3.65 2.52 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.15 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 1.95 2.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.24 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.16 2.45 0.00 2.61 4.99 0.00 0.63 3.39 2.81 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.65 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 1.24 2.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.98 1.19 0.00 0.00 0.46 455 456 22 457 Table 5. Linear Mixed-Effects analysis summary. Only significant covariates are shown. Fixed effects value std error df t-value p-value Intercept -0.49 0.07 178 -7.12 <0.001 Log(EI30) 0.34 0.04 43 9.18 <0.001 Akaike Information Criterium (AIC) 27.92 2 Variance explained (r ) 0.55 Correlation coefficient 0.74 Error variance components for soil type: Cambisol Solonchak Gypsisol Splash cups variability 72.42 55.62 55.55 Other variability 27.58 44.38 44.45 458 459 23 460 Figure captions 461 Fig. 1. Experimental scheme at the Experimental Station of Aula Dei-CSIC (41º43’30’’N, 462 0º48’39’’O. 230 m. a.s.l.). Soil plots dimensions: 14x1 m. The circles indicate the placement of the 463 Morgan’s splash cups. LPM is the Laser Precipitation Monitor recording rainfall properties every 464 60 seconds. 465 466 24 467 Fig. 2. Soil splash (g per splash cup) boxplots by soil type sorted by the amount collected. The 468 boxes indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, the thick line indicates the median (50th percentile), the 469 whiskers are extreme observations (highest/lowest observation which is not more/less than 1.5 470 times the interquartile range from the box), and the circles indicate outlier observations 471 (observations which are higher/lower than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box). 472 25 473 Fig. 3. Scatter plot of soil splash (g per splash cup) vs. rainfall erosivity index EI30 (MJ mm ha-1 h- 474 1 475 Solonchak (cross) and Gypsisol (triangle). ); Both variables are log-transformed. Soil types are indicated by symbols: Cambisol (circle), 476 477 26 478 Fig. 4. Rainfall erosivity (EI30) for events with soil splash sediment (T) and events without it (F). 479 27