Gephysical Research Letters Supporting Information for Interpreting fluid pressure anomalies in shallow intraplate argillaceous formations C.E. Neuzil U.S. Geological Survey, 431 National Center, Reston, Virginia, USA Contents of this file Table S1 Introduction Table S1 provides details about the formations discussed in the main article and their properties, and provides the published sources of these data. References for Table S1 Bekele, E.B., B.J. Rostron, and M.A. Person (2003), J. of Geochem. Explor. 78-79, 143147. Boisson, J.-Y., L. Bertrand, J.-F. Heitz, and Y. Moreau-Le Govan (2001), In situ and laboratory investigations of fluid flow through an argillaceous formation at different scales of space and time, Tournemire tunnel, southern France, Hydrogeol. J. 9, 108123. Boisson, J.-Y., J. Cabrera, L. Bertrand, and J.-F. Heitz (1998), Mesures de très faibles perméabilitiés in-situ et en laboratoire sur les argilites de Tournemire (Aveyron). 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