APPENDIX A HURSTVILLE CITY COUNCIL DRAFT POLICY (3RD DRAFT) THE REMOVAL & DISPOSAL OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Title 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Legislative Provisions 1.4 Definitions 2. OBJECTIVES 3. GENERAL PROVISONS – IMPOUNDING 3.1 When Is Something Impounded? 3.2 Impounding Officers May Impound an Article 3.3 Ordering the Removal of an Article – Section 125, Local Government Act, 1993 3.4 Impounding Officers 4. IMPOUNDING OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES 4.1 Procedures for the Impounding of Motor Vehicles 4.2 Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Where Ownership Cannot Be Identified 4.3 Removing the Contents or Property from a Vehicle – Identify Vehicle Ownership 4.4 Notification to Impound an Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Ownership Identified. 4.5 Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Where Ownership of the Vehicle Is Identified 4.6 Procedure for the Immediate Removal of Abandoned Motor Vehicles 4.7 The Immediate Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Obstructing Traffic or Dangerous 5. DELIVERY OF ABANDONED ARTICLES TO AN IMPOUNDING FACILITY 5.1 Delivery of Impounded Articles to an Impounding Facility 5.2 Contents of Impounded Vehicles – Hazardous or Dangerous Materials 5.3 Council Approved Contractor – Removal of Impounded Motor Vehicles 5.4 Contact With Approved Council Contractor 6. HOW IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES VALUED AT LESS THAN $500 ARE TO BE DEALT WITH 6.1 Procedure for Abandoned Motor Vehicles Valued at less than $500 6.2 Procedure for Assessing the Value of Vehicles 6.3 Notification to Destroy or Dispose of an Abandoned Motor Vehicle - Less that $500 6.4 Destruction and Disposal of Vehicles Valued – Less Than $500 7. HOW IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES VALUED AT MORE THAN $500 ARE TO BE DEALT WITH 7.1 Impounding Authority to Notify Owner 7.2 Form of Notice to the Owner 8. RELEASE OR SALE OF IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES 8.1 Application to Obtain the Release of an Impounded Motor Vehicle 8.2 Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles 8.3 Reasonable Inquiries – Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles 8.4 Proceeds for the Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles 8.5 Keeping of Records – Release or Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles 9. TRAINING & AUDITING PROCEDURES 9.1 Training Procedures 9.2 Auditing 10. IMPOUNDING FEES & CHARGES ___________ HURSTVILLE CITY COUNCIL DRAFT POLICY FOR THE REMOVAL & DISPOSAL OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES 1. INTRODUCTION 1.4 Title The title of this Policy is the ‘The Removal and Disposal of Abandoned Motor Vehicles’. 1.5 Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to explain the procedures and processes that must be taken to impound, remove, dispose of and deal with Abandoned Motor Vehicles. 1.6 Legislative Provisions This Policy has been developed in accordance with the relative provisions of:- the Local Government Act 1993; and, - the Impounding Act 1993 (hereinafter referred to as the Act). 1.4 Definitions For the purposes of this Policy the following words have the meaning specified:“Abandoned Motor Vehicle” – means a Motor Vehicle that, by its appearance, condition, situation, or location, found in or on any Public Place, that is reasonably believed to have been abandoned or discarded, and is, or is likely to become a nuisance, hazard, or obstruction, and is, or is likely to cause injury, damage, or is life threatening; “Article” – means anything capable of ownership except a living creature and includes a Motor Vehicle; “Council” – means Hurstville City Council; “Council Approved Contractor” – means the only person or entity or authorised to remove an impounded motor vehicle and convey it to Council’s Impounding Facility; “Impounded” – means impounded under the meaning of Section 8 of the Impounding Act 1993; “Impounded Article” – includes an Impounded Motor Vehicle; “Impounding Authority” – includes the Council; “Impounding Facility” – means a pound established by Council for the purpose of delivering an abandoned Motor Vehicle to after the vehicle has been impounded; “Impounded Motor Vehicle” – means a Motor Vehicle impounded under the meaning Section 8 of the Impounding Act 1993; “Impounding Officer” – means a person appointed by Council or an Impounding Authority to exercise the powers pursuant to the Impounding Act 1993; “Motor Vehicle” – means:a) a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Roads Transport (General) Act 1999, and includes a caravan or trailer; and, b) the remains of such a vehicle; and, c) any article (including parts and accessories) that is secured to or in such a vehicle at the time it was impounded; “Owner” –means any person who alone or jointly is entitled, whether at law or in equity, to possession of a Motor Vehicle or Article; “Power” – includes authority, duty and function; “Public Place” – means a place that is open to or frequented by the public, and includes a public road, public park, public car park, public reserve, and public footway. 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of this Policy are to:a) ensure that the procedures and policies in relation to the removal and disposal of Abandoned Motor Vehicles are carried out strictly in accordance with all applicable legislative provisions; b) remove any Abandoned Motor Vehicle that is causing or likely to cause an obstruction; c) remove any Abandoned Motor Vehicle, where the vehicle is obstructing a road, and is likely to cause injury, damage or is life threatening; d) provide for the release of Impounded Motor Vehicles and articles that are claimed by their owners; and, e) provide for the disposal of Impounded Motor Vehicles and articles that are not claimed by their owners and, if they are disposed of by sale, to provide for the disposal of the proceeds of sale. 3. GENERAL PROVISONS – IMPOUNDING 3.1 When Is Something Impounded? Something (and for the purpose of this Policy something is taken to mean a Motor Vehicle or an Article) is impounded as soon as an Impounding Officer takes possession of it under a power conferred by the Act. The Motor Vehicle or Article continues to be impounded until it is released or disposed of in accordance with the Act. An Article does not have to be taken to an Impounding Facility for it to be impounded for the purposes of the Act. 3.2 Impounding Officers May Impound an Article An Impounding Officer may impound an Article found in the officer's area of operations if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that the Article has been abandoned or left unattended. Section 16 of the Act affects this if the Article is a Motor Vehicle. 3.3 Ordering the Removal of an Article – Section 125, Local Government Act, 1993 Section 125 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that Council may order the removal of an Article that is causing or likely to cause an obstruction where the article is obstructing a road and is likely to cause injury, damage or is life threatening. 3.4 Impounding Officers Any Officer of Council appointed by Council or an Impounding Authority to exercise the powers pursuant to the Impounding Act 1993, are the only officers authorised to impound motor vehicles. 4. IMPOUNDING OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES 4.1 Procedures for the Impounding of Motor Vehicles Section 16 of the Act provides special procedures for the Impounding of Motor Vehicles. When an Impounding Officer receives a report, complaint, or identifies a motor vehicle that has been, or is likely to be abandoned, the Officer must register all details on Council’s Customer Request Management System (CRMS). These details are to include:- the date of the report or complaint; - where applicable, name and address of the person making the report or complaint; - the location of the vehicle; and, - a description of the vehicle. In conjunction with the CRMS Report the Impounding Officer shall carry out an inspection of the vehicle and provide a description of the vehicle on Council’s “ABANDONED VEHICLE REPORT” (see attached – ATTACHMENT 1). These details are to include:- the make, model, and colour of the vehicle; - where possible, the registration number and engine number of the vehicle; - the location of the vehicle; - an assessment of the vehicle’s condition; - an assessment (by the Impounding Officer) of the value of the vehicle; - details of enquiries as to the ownership of the vehicle; and, - a photograph of the vehicle. At the time of inspection an “IMPOUNDING NOTICE” (see copy attached – Attachment 2) is to be placed on the front windscreen of the vehicle. This Notice is to indicate Council’s intention to impound the vehicle in accordance with the relative provisions of the Act. The above documentation is to be registered on Council’s Corporate Records System and copies attached to the appropriate file. Details of the Report shall also be recorded in Council’s “REGISTER OF ABANDONED VEHICLES” which is in the form of an ‘Exel Spreadsheet’ produced annually in each Calendar Year. If the Impounding Officer intends to impound an Abandoned Motor Vehicle, the Impounding Officer must make all reasonable inquiries in an effort to find out the name and address of the Owner of the Motor Vehicle before the officer impounds the vehicle. Reasonable inquiries shall be deemed to have been made if the following procedures have been complied with:a) the Impounding Officer has formally contacted the Hurstville Local Area Command on Council’s “NOTIFICATION INTENTION TO REMOVE ABANDONED VEHICLE” (see Copy attached – ATTACHMENT 3). This letter is to be registered on Council’s Corporate Records System and a copy attached to the appropriate file; b) in conjunction with notifying the Hurstville Local Area Command, the Impounding Officer shall make enquiries as to the ownership of the vehicle by, where practical, door knocking at least three (3) premises surrounding, or in the immediate vicinity of the location of the vehicle. The Impounding Officer shall record all details of these enquiries on the “Abandoned Vehicle Report” Form and attach this Report to the appropriate file. These details are to be countersigned by the Senior Compliance Officer or Manager, Environmental Services. 4.2 Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Where Ownership of the Vehicle Cannot Be Identified If the Impounding Officer's inquiries fail to reveal the name and address of the Owner, the officer may proceed to impound the vehicle, but only on the expiration of the “Impounding Notice”. The vehicle shall only be impounded by a Council approved Contractor who has appropriate facilities to remove the vehicle. Upon notification to impound the vehicle, the Contractor shall transport the vehicle directly to Council’s Impounding Facility. The vehicle shall be transported to the Impounding Facility within twenty four (24) hours of Council’s notification to the Contractor. Upon receipt of the vehicle at Council’s Impounding Facility, the Impounding Officer shall record all details of the vehicle’s delivery to the Facility on the ‘Abandoned Vehicle Report’ Form. The Contractor shall also provide to Council a receipt which records the time and date the vehicle was delivered to the Facility as well as any costs incurred in relation to this process, and any damage that may have been caused to the vehicle during the course of its delivery to the Impounding Facility. This information is to be recorded in Council’s “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 4.3 Removing the Contents or Property from a Vehicle – Identify Vehicle Ownership Should an Impounding Officer require the contents or property of a vehicle to be removed for the purpose of attempting to establish the identity of the owner of the vehicle, the contents or property may only be removed in accordance with the following procedures:a) the vehicle shall be accessed twenty four (24) hours after ‘Reasonable Enquiries’ as to the ownership of the vehicle have been made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4.1 of this Policy; b) if the vehicle is locked or entry to it otherwise difficult, access to the vehicle is to be gained with a view to causing minimal damage, and any damage to the vehicle as a result of gaining access to it is to be documented; c) the time, date and manner in which the vehicle was accessed being documented; d) an observer is present to witness the vehicle being accessed; e) all details of the contents of, or property contained within the vehicle that has been removed is to be documented and placed on the appropriate Council file, and is to be signed by both the Impounding Officer and the observer who witnessed the vehicles contents or property that was removed from the vehicle; and, f) the contents of or any property removed from an impounded motor vehicle shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8 of this Policy. 4.4 Notification to Impound an Abandoned Motor Vehicle – Where Ownership of the Vehicle Is Identified. If the Impounding Officer's inquiries do reveal the name and address of the Owner, the officer is not to impound the vehicle until notice of the proposed impounding has been given to the owner and the period specified in the notice has elapsed. The notice to the Owner must be in writing addressed to the owner and must indicate that the vehicle may be impounded unless it is removed within a specified period (not less than 3 days) and may be destroyed if its value is less than $500 (or such other amount as may be prescribed under the provisions of the Act). 4.5 Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Where Ownership of the Vehicle Is Identified If the owner of the vehicle fails to remove the vehicle as a result of the procedures outlined in Clause 4.3 of this Policy, the officer shall impound the vehicle, but only on the expiration of the “Impounding Notice”. The vehicle shall only be impounded by a Council approved Contractor who has appropriate facilities to remove the vehicle. The Contractor shall transport the vehicle directly to Council’s Impounding Facility. Upon receipt of the vehicle to Council’s Impounding Facility, the Impounding Officer shall record all details of the vehicle’s delivery to the Facility on the ‘Abandoned Vehicle Report’ Form. The Contractor shall also provide to Council a receipt which records the time and date the vehicle was delivered to the Facility as well as any costs incurred in relation to this process, and any damage to the vehicle that may have been caused during the course of its delivery to the Impounding Facility. This information is to be recorded in Council’s “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 4.6 Procedure for the Immediate Removal of Abandoned Motor Vehicles A Motor Vehicle may be impounded immediately (without following the procedures set down in Section 16 of the Impounding Act) if the vehicle is in a Public Place and the Impounding Officer is satisfied on reasonable grounds that its immediate removal is justified because:a) it is causing an obstruction to traffic (vehicular or pedestrian); or, b) it is, or is likely to be a danger to the public. In the case of an Impounding Officer being satisfied that a vehicle be impounded because it is causing an obstruction to traffic (vehicular or pedestrian), or it is, or is likely to be a danger to the public, the Impounding Officer is to follow the procedures outlined in Clause 4.1 of this Policy, and to formally contact the Hurstville Local Area Command on Council’s “Notification Intention To Remove Abandoned Vehicle”, but is also to indicate that it is the intention of Council to impound the vehicle immediately. The Impounding Officer shall also make enquiries as to the ownership of the vehicle by, where practical, door knocking at least three (3) premises surrounding, or in the immediate vicinity of the location of the vehicle. The Impounding Officer shall record all details of these enquiries on the “Abandoned Vehicle Report” Form and attach this Report to the appropriate file. At the time of inspection, an “Impounding Notice” is to be placed on the front windscreen of the vehicle. This Notice is to indicate Council’s intention to impound the vehicle in accordance with the relative provisions of the Act. 4.7 The Immediate Impounding of a Motor Vehicle – Obstructing Traffic or Dangerous If the owner of the vehicle fails to remove the vehicle as a result of the procedures outlined in Clause 4.5 of this Policy, the officer shall impound the vehicle. The vehicle shall only be impounded by a Council approved Contractor who has appropriate facilities to remove the vehicle. The Contractor shall transport the vehicle directly to Council’s Impounding Facility. Upon receipt of the vehicle to Council’s Impounding Facility, the Impounding Officer shall record all details of the vehicle’s delivery to the Facility on the ‘Abandoned Vehicle Report’ Form. The Contractor shall also provide to Council a receipt which records the time and date the vehicle was delivered to the Facility as well as any costs incurred in relation to this process, and any damage to the vehicle that may have been caused during the course of its delivery to the Impounding Facility. This information is to be recorded in Council’s “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 5. DELIVERY OF ABANDONED ARTICLES TO AN IMPOUNDING FACILITY 5.1 Delivery of Impounded Articles to an Impounding Facility An Impounding Officer must have an Impounded Motor Vehicle delivered to its Impounding Facility as soon as practicable after it is impounded. The location of the Hurstville Impounding Facility is its Council Depot situated in Boundary Road, Mortdale. The Impounding Facility to be used is the nearest convenient pound (if it is impounded by a police officer) or the nearest pound operated or used by Council (if it is impounded by an Impounding Officer of Council). An impounded Article need not be delivered to an Impounding Facility if:a) size, quantity or nature of the article concerned makes its delivery to or storage at a pound impracticable; b) it is unreasonably costly or more costly than the value of the Article. In such cases, the Impounded Article may be left where it is impounded. 5. 2 Contents of Impounded Vehicles – Hazardous or Dangerous Materials The contents of an impounded vehicle are not to be removed from the vehicle, except where the Impounding Officer identifies any article that may be hazardous or dangerous. In the case of any article that has been identified as having the potential to be hazardous or dangerous, the Impounding Officer shall immediately notify the Hurstville Local Area Command. The Local Area Command shall then make a decision as to the manner in which these articles are to be dealt with. This information is to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 5.3 Council Approved Contractor – Removal of Impounded Motor Vehicles Only a Council Approved Contractor is to remove an impounded motor vehicle from the location that the vehicle was impounded from. The Contractor shall transport the vehicle directly to Council’s Impounding Facility. Because the cost of providing a service to secure a Contractor to remove abandoned motor vehicles is less than $100,000, Council shall call for expressions of interest from all interested parties for the removal and conveyance of all impounded motor vehicles in accordance with its ‘Tender Quotation Procedure’ adopted by Council in July 2004. Council will select a Contractor in accordance with this procedure based on the following criteria:a) pricing arrangements; b) ability to deliver the service; c) quality assurance; and, d) industry experience. Council will reopen this process every three (3) years. 5.4 Contact With the Approved Council Contractor All contact, dealings and meetings with the Council Approved Contractor is to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 6. HOW IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES VALUED AT LESS THAN $500 ARE TO BE DEALT WITH 6.1 Procedure for Abandoned Motor Vehicles Valued at less than $500 An Impounding Officer may cause an Impounded Motor Vehicle to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as soon as it is impounded, if the Impounding Officer believes on reasonable grounds that the value of the vehicle is less than $500 (or such other amount as may be prescribed). A Motor Vehicle impounded without inquiries having been made as to its Owner (on the grounds that it was causing an obstruction to traffic or was or was likely to be a danger to the public) is not to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of until:a) the Impounding Officer has made all reasonable inquiries in an effort to find out the name and address of the owner of the vehicle; and, b) if those inquiries reveal the name and address of the owner notice of the impounding been given to the owner and the period specified in the notice has elapsed without an application for its release being made. 6.2 Procedure for Assessing the Value of Vehicles When an Impounding Officer believes on reasonable grounds that the value of a vehicle is less than $500, the Officer shall document the reasons for that assessment. This documentation must include:a) photographic evidence as to the condition of the vehicle; b) a description of the condition of the vehicle; c) corroboration in the form of the Automotive Data Services P/L ‘Red Book’ (an AS/ISO 9002 Quality Assurance System, Australian Standards accredited source in establishing the value of motor vehicles); and, d) where appropriate, any additional supporting evidence or documentation. If the Impounding Officer is unsure as to the value of a vehicle, the services of an independent industry professional shall be engaged to assess and document the value of the vehicle. These details are to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and copies attached to the appropriate file. Details as to the value of the vehicle are to be recorded in Council’s “Register of Abandoned Vehicles”. 6.3 Notification to Destroy or Dispose of an Abandoned Motor Vehicle Valued less that $500 Notification to destroy or dispose of an Abandoned Motor Vehicle valued at less than $500:a) must be in writing addressed to the owner; and, b) must indicate that the vehicle has been impounded; and, c) may be destroyed if its value is less than $500 (or such other amount as may be prescribed under this section), unless its release is applied for within the period specified in the notice (not less than 7 days). The destruction or other disposal of a Motor Vehicle is to be carried out in accordance with the directions of Council. 6.4 Destruction and Disposal of Vehicles Valued at Less Than $500 The destruction and disposal of vehicles valued at less than $500 is to be carried out in accordance with the following procedures:a) the vehicle must be destroyed or disposed of, only after satisfying and completing the procedures described in Clause 6.3 of this Policy; b) the Impounding Officer shall notify a Council approved Contractor who has appropriate facilities to collect and dispose of the vehicle; c) the Contractor shall transport the vehicle to a facility approved for the disposal and destruction of motor vehicles; and, d) upon receipt of the vehicle to an approved facility, and its destruction or disposal, the Contractor shall provide appropriate documentation as to the date, location, and manner in which the vehicle was disposed of or destroyed, and any costs incurred by the Council in relation to this process. This information is to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. An Impounding Officer who impounds a Motor Vehicle or causes a Motor Vehicle to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of must ensure that the officer in charge of Hurstville Local Area Command is informed of that action as soon as practicable after the Motor Vehicle is delivered to a pound, destroyed or otherwise disposed of. 7. HOW IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES VALUED AT MORE THAN $500 ARE TO BE DEALT WITH 7.1 Impounding Authority to Notify Owner Council must make all reasonable inquiries in an effort to find out the name and address of the owner of the Impounded Motor Vehicle. If Council determines the name and address of the Owner, it must cause notice of the impounding, to be given to the Owner of the Impounded Motor Vehicle as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the name and address of the Owner. 7.2 Form of Notice to the Owner A Notice to the Owner of an Impounded Motor Vehicle that the vehicle is to be sold or otherwise disposed of must:a) be in writing addressed to the person to be given the notice; and, b) clearly indicate that the Motor Vehicle has been impounded; and c) indicate that the vehicle will be sold or otherwise disposed of if not claimed within a period of 28 days. This information is to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. This does not apply to a Motor Vehicle that is valued at less than $500. 8. RELEASE OR SALE OF IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES 8.1 Application to Obtain the Release of an Impounded Motor Vehicle An application may be made to Council, for the release of an Impounded Motor Vehicle. Council must release the vehicle if:a) it is satisfied that on reasonable grounds that the applicant is the Owner of the vehicle, is authorised to claim the vehicle on the owners behalf, or is otherwise authorised to lawful possession of the vehicle; and, b) all fees and charges payable in respect of the impounding, holding and disposing of the vehicle are paid to Council; and, c) it is satisfied that all penalties imposed in connection with the event that gave rise to the impounding have been paid; and, d) the applicant signs a receipt for the release of the vehicle. 8.2 Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles Council must offer for sale the Impounded Motor Vehicle if:a) notice has been given in accordance with the provisions of Section 20 of the Act and the vehicle has not been claimed within 28 days of that Notice; or, b) reasonable inquiries have failed to reveal the name and address of the owner, 28 days from the day on which those enquiries were completed, or the date on which the vehicle was impounded (whichever is the latter). 8.3 Reasonable Inquiries – Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles For the purposes of Clauses 8.2 and 8.3 of this Policy, “Reasonable Inquiries” shall be deemed to have been made if:a) the Impounding Officer has formally contacted the Hurstville Local Area Command on Council’s “Notification Intention to Remove Abandoned Vehicle” Form; b) the Impounding Officer has made enquiries as to the ownership of the vehicle by, where practical, door knocking at least three (3) premises surrounding, or in the immediate vicinity of, the location of the vehicle; and, c) an “Impounding Notice” is placed on the front windscreen of the vehicle. This Notice is to indicate Council’s intention to impound the vehicle in accordance with the relative provisions of the Act. The Impounding Officer shall record all details of these enquiries on the “Abandoned Vehicle Report” Form and attach this Report to the appropriate file. These details are to be countersigned by the Senior Compliance Officer or Manager, Environmental Services. Subject to satisfying all other provisions of Clause 8.2 of this Policy, Council shall invite Tenders for the sale of an Impounded Motor Vehicle in accordance with the relative provisions of the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1999, irrespective of the value the vehicle. 8.4 Proceeds for the Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles Council may retain the net proceeds from the sale of an Impounded Motor Vehicle if no application is made by the Owner of the vehicle (immediately before its sale) within 12 months from the date of sale of the vehicle. 8.5 Keeping of Records – Release or Sale of Impounded Motor Vehicles All information relating to the release or sale of impounded motor vehicle is to be recorded in Council’s Corporate Records System and “Register of Abandoned Vehicles” and a copy attached the appropriate file. 9. TRAINING & AUDITING PROCEDURES 9.1 Training Procedures The Manger, Environmental Services shall ensure that all Impounding Officers have been provided with adequate training and resources in terms of the implementation, development and operation of the Impounding Act and the procedures outlined herein. Additionally, this Policy is to be read in conjunction with Council’s adopted Policy for the Code and Conduct of Employees. 9.2 Auditing Council’s Internal Auditor shall carry out random audits of this Policy and the manner in which it is enacted. Additionally, an internal audit of the Policy will be carried out annually, at the end of each calendar year, and a report on its operation and effectiveness in that twelve month period will be presented to the Executive Committee of Council incorporating appropriate recommendations as to its findings. 10. IMPOUNDING FEES & CHARGES Council may fix the fees and charges that are paid in respect of the impounding, holding and disposing of an Impounded Motor Vehicle, and the activities of its Impounding Officers as a result of the impounding of the vehicle. ___________