“Magician`s Nephew” Essay - Critical Thinking Questions

“Magician’s Nephew” Essay/Critical Thinking Questions
1. Compare and contrast the four worlds that Digory and Polly find themselves in. In what ways
are they similar? In what ways are they different?
2. Compare and contrast: Uncle Andrew and Digory. How are they alike and different?
3. Compare/contrast: Creation vs. Destruction: One of the central contrasts in the novel is
between creation and destruction, or beginning and end. This contrast can be seen most
effectively through the creation of Narnia and the destruction of Charn. Describe the
differences between Charn and Narnia.
4. Compare/contrast: Discuss the founding of Narnia from the points of view of the following three characters:
a) the horse (Strawberry), b) Uncle Andrew and c) Digory.
5. CHARACTER: Polly immediately dislikes Jadis, but Digory is amazed by
her bravery and strength. Why does Digory think Jadis is beautiful at first,
while Polly does not? What about Jadis' behavior could have let Digory
know sooner that she was not trustworthy? What does Polly notice about her
that Digory doesn't? When does Digory finally notice that Jadis is evil? Use 2
quotes from the text to support your answer.(cite pg. & use quote mks)
6. CHARACTER: The Magician's Nephew features a complex
interaction among its characters, but Digory Kirke is the main
character. One important aspect of The Magician's Nephew is how
Digory matures from chapter to chapter. Describe HOW Digory
matures and changes in this story. What does he learn about
obedience and selfishness? Is Digory a better person at the end of
The Magician's Nephew than he was at the start? How has he
changed for the better or for the worse? Use 2 quotes from the text
to support your answer. (cite pg. & use quotation marks)
7. CHARACTER: Polly, Digory, and Cabby can all understand
Aslan and the other animals. Why are they able to understand
Alsan, but Uncle Andrew cannot? What about his personality
and actions make him unable to hear? Use 2 quotes from the text
to support your answer. (cite pg. & use quotation marks)
8. THEME: Discuss the religious parallels/similarities and
differences (between the Bible creation story and the creation of
Narnia) that Lewis uses within the story. Why do you think he
incorporates these? Which comparison do you think is most
effective in mimicking the Biblical account?
9. THEME: Fault & grace: Should Aslan be angry at Digory? Is
Digory at fault for bringing evil into Asian's new world? Explain.
Does Aslan have grace with Digory? How does Aslan show his love
and grace to Digory?
10. THEME: TEMPTATION: The Garden decision (the internal
conflict climax of the story): Describe the scene between the
Witch and Digory in the garden on top of the hill. What does
the Witch tell Digory about the silver apple? How does she try to
turn Digory against Aslan? What does the Witch say to Digory that
makes everything she has been saying sound “false and hollow”?
Why do you think he chose to return with the apple for Aslan
instead of bringing it to his mother? Why does Digory not eat the
fruit he picks in the walled garden? Why is it important that he
brings the fruit uneaten to Asian? How does the QUEST to the
garden change Digory?
11. THEME: Heart’s Desire: Aslan tells Digory, “All get what they
want; they do not always like it.” How has the Witch, as the
words on the garden gates said, found her “heart’s desire” and
found “despair”?
12. One major theme of The Magician’s Nephew is “rules have a purpose.”
Several characters in the book believe themselves to be “above the law,”
and each one pays a price. Discuss what you think this means (think about
Uncle Andrew, Jadis, and Digory). What lesson do each of them learn?