Application Form for Non-Urban Land Changes Assigning

Form 04
Application for Non-urban D Land Re-classification
Agency receiving application:
_______________________ city (county) government
I, __________________________________________ , the applicant, plan to use the following lot(s) of land for the purpose of ____________________________________________
and hereby request approval in accordance with Article 28 of the Regulations for Monitoring Non-urban D Land Uses.
Land Demarcation
Lot Category Level
Originally Authorized
Area & Classification
Intended Re-classification
Business as the
Basis for
Current Land Uses
Total: ________________ lot(s) of land with an area of __________________ hectare(s) to be approved for re-classification
Name of Applicant(s):(print) ______________________________________
ID or Passport Number: ___________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Date: _________ (MM) _________ (DD) ___________ (YY)
Appendix to Form 04 (Application for Non-Urban Area Land Re-Classification)
1. According to the Regulations for Monitoring Non-urban Area Land Uses (hereinafter, the “Regulations”), re-classifications of non-urban land that has
been previously classified are limited to the designated uses of the intended land.
2. A set of five copies of this application form shall be submitted to the special municipality city government or the county (city) government where the
land is located for approval. The applicant must also pay the necessary fees and attach to the application form the following documents:
A. Business proposal approved by the government
B. Written agreement for re-classification application
i. This document is waived if the applicant is the owner of the land.
ii. In the case that the intended land may be requisitioned and is purchased by the government through price negotiation according to Article
208 of the Land Act, the required written agreement can be substituted by the official record that lists the land and the owner who receives
the payment for the land.
iii. In the case that the intended land is owned by more than one person, the application must meet the requirements stipulated in Article 34 of
the Land Act.
C. The official land registration record or its photocopy and a photocopy of land cadastral map with the area of the intended land colored
D. A map with a scale of no less than 1:1,200 showing how the intended land will be utilized, and a map with a scale of no less than 1:5,000
showing the location of the land. Both maps must be colored.
E. Other relevant documents
Documents required by Subparagraph C are waived if they can be processed by computer.
Applications for re-classification than meet the following criteria are waived of documents required by Subparagraph A and Subparagraph D of the
preceding paragraph:
A. Small-sized or narrow land that meets the criteria stipulated in Article 35, and in Paragraph Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1
of Article 35-1 of the Regulations
B. Privately owned land that meets the criteria stipulated in Article 38 of the Regulations or land that meets the criteria stipulated in Article 39 or
Article 40 of the Regulations
C. Land that meets the criteria stipulated in Article 38-1 of the Regulations
D. Rural land to be re-classified as B-type land for house building
E. Land to be re-classified for farming, cattle raising, or forestry purposes
3. For applications in which the applicant is required to pay the government compensation founds pursuant to the law, the Municipal City government or
the County (City) government should, upon approving the re-classification, notify the applicant to pay such funds.