The Scoop on Hurricanes! Name: ________________________ Teacher: Date Submitted: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria Process: Teamwork (Group Grade) News Team Product: (Group Grade) Points 4 3 2 1 It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final product. The news cast was grounded with facts and research from the role pages and background activities The team worked well together, but could have utilized more facts and research from the roles and background activities. The team had problems working together. There was little presence of facts or research from the roles or background activities. The news cast is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group did not use research or facts from the roles or background activities. The news cast as a whole reflects the group’s understanding of social awareness, hurricane formation, the effects of climate change on hurricanes, hurricane tracking, and disaster, safety, and relief. The understanding is deep in every area. The news cast as a whole reflects the group’s understanding of all of the following: social awareness, hurricane formation, the effects of climate change on hurricanes, hurricane tracking, and disaster, safety, and relief. But the level of understanding is not equally developed in every area The news cast as a whole reflects the group’s understanding of most of the following: social awareness, hurricane formation, the effects of climate change on hurricanes, hurricane tracking, and disaster, safety, and relief. Also, understanding is not equally developed in every area. The news cast as a whole reflects the group’s understanding of just a few of the following: social awareness, hurricane formation, the effects of climate change on hurricanes, hurricane tracking, and disaster, safety, and relief. Also, understanding is not equally developed in every area. Total----> Teacher Comments: Individual Background Assignments Teacher:______________ ____ Name:______________ Criteria Background Activities Types of Storms (Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon) Treasure Hunt Hurricane Formation Hurricane Tracking 4 The reflection, research, and group discussion reflect deep understanding of the difference between the storms (location, climate, etc…) The student contributed a great deal of information and findings to the group presentation and discussion, reflecting a deep understanding of the history of hurricanes The student incorporated findings from readings and the class activity, well written (grammar and spelling), and include creativity (written from the voice of a hurricane.) It reflected a deep understanding of how a hurricane begins and moves. The student’s chart and explanation reflect deep understanding of a hurricane’s path and movement 3 2 The reflection, research, and group discussion reflect moderate understanding of the difference between the storms 1 The reflection, research, and group discussion reflect introductory understanding o the difference between the storms The student The student contributed contributed some information to the information to the group presentation group presentation and discussion, and discussion, reflecting a reflecting an moderate level of introductory understanding of understanding of hurricane history. hurricane history. The reflection, research, and group discussion reflect minimal understanding o the difference between the storms The student incorporated some of the findings from readings and the class activity, it had a some grammar or spelling errors, but included creativity. It reflected a moderate understanding of how a hurricane begins and moves. The student did not incorporate findings from readings or the class activity. It had many grammar and spelling errors and it was not creative. It reflected a minimal level of understanding of how a hurricane begins and moves. The student incorporated a minimal amount of findings from readings or the class activity. It had some grammar and spelling errors, it did not include creativity. It reflected an introductory level of understanding of how a hurricane begins and moves. The student’s The student’s chart and chart and explanation reflect explanation reflect moderate an introductory understanding of a level of hurricane’s path understanding of a and movement hurricane’s path and movement The student did not contribute information to the group presentation or discussion, reflecting that the student has a minimal level of understanding of hurricane history. The student’s chart and explanation reflect that the student has a minimal level of understanding of a hurricane’s path and movement Climate Changes Safety and Relief Reflections of the People The student’s research and contribution to the discussion reflects that (s)he deeply understands what role climate plays in a hurricane, how it has changed, and how it impacts hurricanes. The student’s safety kit content’s is thoroughly supported by reasoning. The student’s “Mayor List” of what needs to be considered in city planning for hurricanes and discussion reflects deep understanding of how to be prepared as an individual and a city. The student’s response reflects deep understanding of the effects of hurricanes on the people and community (psychologically and physically.) The response is detailed and empathetic. The student’s research and contribution to the discussion reflects that (s)he understands this concept but needs to further develop specific information The student’s research and contribution to the discussion reflects that (s)he has an introductory level of understanding of the concept The student’s research and contribution to the discussion reflects a minimal level of understanding. The student’s safety kit is supported by reasoning. The Mayor List and class discussion reflect a moderate level of understanding of how to be prepared as an individual and city. The student’s safety kit is not entirely supported by reasoning. The Mayor List and class discussion reflect an introductory level of understanding of how to be prepared as an individual and a city. The student’s safety kit is not supported by reasoning. The Mayor List and class discussion reflect a minimal level of understanding of how to be prepared as an individual and a city. The student’s response reflects a moderate understanding of the effects of hurricanes on the people and community (psychologically and physically.) The response is empathetic but could be more detailed. The student’s response reflects an introductory understanding of the effects of hurricanes on the people and community (psychologically and physically.) The response could be more empathetic and more detailed. The student’s response reflects a minimal understanding of the effects of hurricanes on the people and community (psychologically and physically.) The response lacks detail and empathy.