These are classes (for Specialty only) recommended to apply assignments to certain
standards. You MAY use other assignments that you feel are relevant. These are just
Core Standard One –
EDUC 5203 - Educational Practices (Final Event Project)
Core Standard Two –
EDUC 5822 - Multicultural Education (Social Action Project)
Core Standard Three –
EDUC 5203 Intro to Educational Research (Assignment)
Core Standard Four –
EDUC 5112 Psych of Teaching
(Assignment: Final Paper)
Specialty Standard One: facilitating the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning
supported by the school community. –
EDUC 5753 Principles of Public School Administration (Case Study)
should cover ELCC elements 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Specialty Standard Two: promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective
instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing
comprehensive professional growth plans for staff resources in a way that promotes a
safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. –
EDUC 5703 School Personnel & Administration (Professional Development Plan)
This plan should cover ELCC Elements 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4
Specialty Standard Three: managing the organization, operations, and resources in a
way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. –
ELCC 3.1 Manage the Organization
EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching
o Finnie Tyler High School and Germando Elementary School Case Study
o Psychological dilemma and isolation factors which associated with work
environment of teachers
o Supervisory Behavior assignment
 Developmental Supervision: Case Studies
 Gerald Watson
 Janice Smith
 Mike Phillips
 Stella Simpson
EDUC 5703 School Personnel Administration
o Combes Public School Case Study
o True Threats Case Study
o VooDoo Case Study
ELCC 3.2 Manage the Operations
EDUC 5763 Public School Finance
o Court Rulings Research Paper
EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines
o School Law Book – in Binders
o Accreditation Guidelines – in Binders
EDUC 5703 School Personnel Administration
o Personnel and Adverse Situations
o Proactive and Corrective Actions
o Performance Expectations
o School Policies
o Due Process
o Controversial Personnel Issues
o Supervision of Marginal Employees
ELCC 3.3 Manage the Resources
EDUC 5763 Public School Finance
o Exam on Financial Accountability of General Funds, Federal Funds, Activity
Account Funds
EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching
o Collegial Supervision
o Practitioner Reflection
Specialty Standard Four: collaborating with families and other community members,
responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community
resources. –
EDUC 5753 Principles of Public School Administration (Case Study) should cover
ELCC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Specialty Standard Five: acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner. –
EDUC 5703 School Personnel & Administration (Professional Development Plan)
This will cover ELCC standards 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3
Specialty Standard Six: understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger
political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. –
ELCC 6.1 Understand the Larger Context
EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching
o Action Research Project – Instructional improvement objective
o Addressing Diversity
o Building Community
EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines
o School Law Book – in Binders
o Federal Programs Guidelines – in Binders
o Disadvantage Students– in Binders
o Special Needs Children– in Binders
o ELL Students– in Binders
o Principal Interviews
EDUC 5763 Public School Finance
o Local Funds
o Bond Issues
o Funding Formula
ELCC 6.2 Respond to the Larger Context
EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching
o Building Community
o Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger
EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines
o School Law Book – in Binders
ELCC 6.3 Influence the Larger Context
EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching
o Building Community
o Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger
EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines
o School Law Book – in Binders
Specialty Standard Seven: Internship. The internship provides significant opportunities
for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills
identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real
settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district
personnel for graduate credit. –
EDUC 5500 Internship
(Using log sheets and reflections from duties)
How to write a well-crafted reflective essay for each portfolio standard:
1st paragraph - How does your artifact meet the standard?
2nd paragraph - Summarize the artifact.
3rd paragraph - Why is it important to meet the standard?
4th paragraph - How will you apply what you learned to your professional life?