EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIO These are classes (for Specialty only) recommended to apply assignments to certain standards. You MAY use other assignments that you feel are relevant. These are just suggestions. Core Standard One – EDUC 5203 - Educational Practices (Final Event Project) Core Standard Two – EDUC 5822 - Multicultural Education (Social Action Project) Core Standard Three – EDUC 5203 Intro to Educational Research (Assignment) Core Standard Four – EDUC 5112 Psych of Teaching (Assignment: Final Paper) Specialty Standard One: facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community. – EDUC 5753 Principles of Public School Administration (Case Study) should cover ELCC elements 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Specialty Standard Two: promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. – EDUC 5703 School Personnel & Administration (Professional Development Plan) This plan should cover ELCC Elements 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 Specialty Standard Three: managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. – ELCC 3.1 Manage the Organization EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching o Finnie Tyler High School and Germando Elementary School Case Study o Psychological dilemma and isolation factors which associated with work environment of teachers o Supervisory Behavior assignment Developmental Supervision: Case Studies Gerald Watson Janice Smith Mike Phillips Stella Simpson EDUC 5703 School Personnel Administration o Combes Public School Case Study o True Threats Case Study o VooDoo Case Study ELCC 3.2 Manage the Operations EDUC 5763 Public School Finance o Court Rulings Research Paper EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines o School Law Book – in Binders o Accreditation Guidelines – in Binders EDUC 5703 School Personnel Administration o Personnel and Adverse Situations o Proactive and Corrective Actions o Performance Expectations o School Policies o Due Process o Controversial Personnel Issues o Supervision of Marginal Employees ELCC 3.3 Manage the Resources EDUC 5763 Public School Finance o Exam on Financial Accountability of General Funds, Federal Funds, Activity Account Funds EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching o Collegial Supervision o Practitioner Reflection Specialty Standard Four: collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. – EDUC 5753 Principles of Public School Administration (Case Study) should cover ELCC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Specialty Standard Five: acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner. – EDUC 5703 School Personnel & Administration (Professional Development Plan) This will cover ELCC standards 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 Specialty Standard Six: understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. – ELCC 6.1 Understand the Larger Context EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching o Action Research Project – Instructional improvement objective o Addressing Diversity o Building Community EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines o School Law Book – in Binders o Federal Programs Guidelines – in Binders o Disadvantage Students– in Binders o Special Needs Children– in Binders o ELL Students– in Binders o Principal Interviews EDUC 5763 Public School Finance o Local Funds o Bond Issues o Funding Formula ELCC 6.2 Respond to the Larger Context EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching o Building Community o Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger Society EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines o School Law Book – in Binders ELCC 6.3 Influence the Larger Context EDUC 5782 Supervision of Teaching o Building Community o Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger Society EDUC 5783 Imp. Of State and Federal Guidelines o School Law Book – in Binders Specialty Standard Seven: Internship. The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit. – EDUC 5500 Internship (Using log sheets and reflections from duties) REFLECTIONS How to write a well-crafted reflective essay for each portfolio standard: 1st paragraph - How does your artifact meet the standard? 2nd paragraph - Summarize the artifact. 3rd paragraph - Why is it important to meet the standard? 4th paragraph - How will you apply what you learned to your professional life?