1841 Broadway, Suite 507 New York, NY 10023 Ph# 212-757-3551 Fax# 212-757-3559 320 East 65th Street, Suite # 117 New York, NY 10065 Ph# 212-249-2588 Fax# 212-249-2594 150 W. 92nd. Street, Suite # BB New York, NY 10025 Ph# 212-595-1705 Fax# 212-595-1706 _________________________________________________________________________________ Summer Scheduling Information The time has come to begin scheduling therapy sessions for the summer. It is important that you read the information below and fill out the entire request form. There will be a new schedule for July and August for all children. If your child is in Early Intervention, his/her mandate will remain the same. If your child comes to Making Milestones through the Board of Education, he/she is either mandated for 10 or 12 months of service. Children with a 10 month mandate will end services at the end of June and will resume services in September (in June we will begin scheduling for the Fall). Children with a 12 month mandate will be able to receive services for 6 weeks (July 5 – Aug 12). This information (10 or 12 months) is found on the IEP. August 15th – September 1st will we reserved for make ups, EI clients, and private paying clients. Board of Ed clients, please confirm that your child is approved for 12 months. *Please attach to the scheduling request a copy of your child’s IEP that shows the approval for 12 months of service (for CSPE and CSE only). We will not begin services without a copy of this IEP. If your child is approved for 10 months but you are requesting 12 months, we will accept your request form but we will not schedule your child until a meeting with your administrator has been scheduled. *CSE children must have a new RSA for the summer. Services will not begin until the RSA has been submitted to Making Milestones. Sessions will be scheduled as the services are mandated (ie. 2x30 has to be provided on 2 separate days). We will not be able to combine mandates (ie. Provide a 60 minute session for a 2x30 mandate). When scheduling sessions, we will do our best to schedule your child within the time frame that you have requested. Keep in mind that we have many children to schedule, so please be as flexible as possible and give all of the possible times that he/she has available. There is no guarantee that your child will have the same therapist that he/she had during the school year. We might be able to provide services in your home, so please indicate this as a request. We will do our best to accommodate your request if we can. Please fill out the request form and return to Making Milestones by May 13th. We expect to have the schedule completed by mid June. We will confirm your child’s schedule with you before we begin on Tuesday, July 5th. 320 East 65th Street, Suite # 117 New York, NY 10065 Ph# 212-249-2588 Fax# 212-249-2594 1841 Broadway, Suite 507 New York, NY 10023 Ph# 212-757-3551 Fax# 212-757-3559 150 W. 92nd. Street, Suite # BB New York, NY 10025 Ph# 212-595-1705 Fax# 212-595-1706 Summer Scheduling Request Form Child’s Name: _____________________________________________ DOB __________________ Parent’s Name: _____________________________ Email Address: ___________________________ Phone #s (h) ____________________________ © ________________________________________ Home address: ______________________________________________________________________ Circle one: CPSE / CSE / EI / Private BOE NYC ID # ______________________________ Board of Education clients: CPSE administrator (if applicable); circle one: Ellen / Fran / Rosemary / Chantal / Jose / Mary Jo / Dr Walsh, Milta, other__________ * We will only be able to schedule according to the exact mandate. Mandates cannot be combined (ie. 1 hour instead of 2x30). Please list the services that will take place through Making Milestones: Mandate: (example… OT 2x45) OT____________________________ PT____________________________ Speech Individual_______________ Speech Group __________________ OFFICE USE ONLY: ______ M ______ 12 ______ S ______ C *Requested Location of services (circle one): UES (E 65th) / UWS (W 92nd) / Columbus Circle (60th & Bdwy) / Home Camp schedule (dates and times): ____________________________________________________________________ Please indicate below ALL of the possible times that your child might be scheduled for services at M.M. We will not be able to accommodate specific times, you must give blocks of time to allow flexibility. *(example: “any day after 2:00” – which means a session could be scheduled at 2:00) Monday (8:30-7:00) Tuesday (8:30-7:00) Wednesday (8:30-7:00) Thursday (8:30-7:00) Closed Fridays AM PM If your child is unable to attend services in the gym due to a camp schedule, we might be able to accommodate him/her in your home or at his/her camp during the day. Indicate this below if you are interested in this possibility. ____ Home ____ Camp (Location of camp ___________________________________________________________)