BOILERPLATE LANGUAGE FOR MEDICAL CONSENT FORMS Consent forms must be written in laymen terms and at least sixth grade language. RISKS AND DISCOMFORTS No Risks There are no additional risks to you from participating in this study. Pregnancy This clinical research may involve unknown risks to unborn children; therefore, you must practice medically accepted methods of birth control while you are on this study and sexually active. Acceptable methods of birth control include; birth control pills, depo-progesterone injections, a vaginal hormonal contraceptive ring, a barrier contraceptive such as a condom with spermicide cream or gel, diaphragms or cervical cap with spermicide cream or gel, or an intrauterine device (IUD). We do not know the effect of the study drug on babies before they are born, or on nursing children. Many drugs can get into the mother's milk. You should not breast feed your child while taking the study drug. Pregnancy tests will be done on all women who might be able to get pregnant at the start of the study. Be sure to indicate who will pay for the pregnancy tests. Men should not father children while in the study and should use a suitable contraceptive, either a condom with spermicidal cream or gel OR female contraceptive agreeable to partner. If you or your partner becomes pregnant during the study you should notify the researcher right away. If you are a woman and you are planning to get pregnant, you should not be in the study. Birth Control and Pregnancy (Minors) The risks of the research drug to the human embryo, fetus or nursing infant are unknown. Your child cannot take part in this study if she is pregnant or nursing an infant. If she is a female who is able to have children, she must agree not to become pregnant during her participation in this study. She must use birth control throughout the study. Acceptable methods of birth control include: hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine device, spermicide and barrier. If sexually abstinent and capable of pregnancy, she must agree to continue abstinence or to use an acceptable method of birth control (as listed above) should sexual activity commence. If your child becomes pregnant during the study, you or your child must tell the study doctor immediately and your child will be removed from the study. The study doctor will advise you regarding your child’s medical care. Anaphylaxis Reaction Revised 7/2//13 Page 1 of 6 As with any drug, it is possible that you could experience an allergic reaction to________. Such allergic reactions include: itching, skin rash, an acute or sudden drop in blood pressure to shock levels with loss of consciousness and/or associated with seizures, including the possibility of death. Blood Drawing The risks of blood drawing include: fainting, the occurrence of temporary discomfort and/or bruise at the site of puncture; rarely, infection or the formation of a small clot or swelling to the vein and surrounding area may occur. Venous Catheter There may be slight discomfort in your arm or hand during the inserting of the catheters into the vein. Occasionally, a small accumulation of blood (hematoma) may form at the point of insertion of the catheter. This may result in a small lump that will disappear. Occasionally, a small amount of bleeding may occur around the catheter site. On rare occasions, a local infection may occur around the catheter site. Arterial Catheter There may be slight discomfort in your arm or hand during the inserting of the catheters into the vein or artery. Occasionally, a small accumulation of blood (hematoma) may form at the point of insertion of the catheter, particularly over the radial or brachial artery. This may result in a small lump that will disappear. Occasionally, a small amount of bleeding may occur around the catheter site. On rare occasions, a local infection may occur around the catheter site. Other complications of the arterial catheter occur very rarely and are usually seen only when the catheter remains in the artery for extended periods of time. These complications may include obstruction of the artery with critical reduction in the circulation of the hand, requiring immediate surgery to re-open the artery.” Bone Marrow Aspirate The risks of a bone marrow aspirate include the following: temporary discomfort and or bruise at the site of puncture, fainting, and rarely infection or a small clot or swelling in the area of the puncture. Drugs causing drowsiness Because the study medication may produce drowsiness in some patients, you should not operate heavy machinery, including driving a car. Potential to harm or hurt yourself or others All information will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law, except that if any information collected indicates the immediate potential for harm to you, your child, or others, the investigators and or their staff or associates may be required to disclose such information. Hypoglycemia This medication could lower your blood sugar too much (hypoglycemia). This could make you feel tired, dizzy, sweaty, and/or nauseated. Also, it could cause your heart to feel as if it is racing. Revised 7/2//13 Page 2 of 6 There may also be other effects. Untreated hypoglycemia could cause convulsions, loss of consciousness and can lead to death. PET scan If you take part in this research, you will have one or more medical imaging studies which use radiation. The tests or treatments you will have include a PET FDG scan. To give you an idea about how much radiation you will get, we will make a comparison with an every-day situation. Everyone receives a small amount of unavoidable radiation each year. Some of this radiation comes from space and some from naturally-occurring radioactive forms of water and minerals. This research gives your body the equivalent of about 6 extra years' worth of this natural radiation. The radiation dose we have discussed is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. MUGA scan If you take part in this research, you will have one or more medical imaging studies which use radiation. The tests or treatments you will have include a MUGA scan. To give you an idea about how much radiation you will get, we will make a comparison with an every-day situation. Everyone receives a small amount of unavoidable radiation each year. Some of this radiation comes from space and some from naturally-occurring radioactive forms of water and minerals. This research gives your body the equivalent of about 2 extra years' worth of this natural radiation. The radiation dose we have discussed is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. CT scan If you take part in this research, you will have one or more medical imaging studies which use radiation. The tests or treatments you will have include a whole body CT scan. To give you an idea about how much radiation you will get, we will make a comparison with an every-day situation. Everyone receives a small amount of unavoidable radiation each year. Some of this radiation comes from space and some from naturally-occurring radioactive forms of water and minerals. This research gives your body the equivalent of about 3 extra years' worth of this natural radiation. The radiation dose we have discussed is what you will receive from this study only and does not include any exposure you may have received or will receive from other tests. Psychological stress in completing a questionnaire You will be asked to complete questionnaires that ask questions about your feelings and behaviors. Some of the questions may discuss issues that might make you feel uncomfortable or cause you stress. UM students needing counseling If you become distressed during the course of the study, the University of Miami Counseling Center offers counseling to students. VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION / WITHDRAWAL FROM STUDY Revised 7/2//13 Page 3 of 6 Student Rights If you are a student, your desire not to participate, or your request to withdraw from the study, will not affect your grades or other academic standings within the University. Employee Rights If you are an employee of the University, your decision to participate in or to withdraw from the study will not affect your employment within the University. LEGAL RIGHTS Replacement language for Sponsor’s statement: “By participating in this study/signing this consent form you do not give up any of your legal rights”. By participating in this study, you do not give up any rights to which you would otherwise be entitled. This replacement language is only used if a sponsor’s consent form already includes similar language. Otherwise, this section is not included in the consent form. BENEFITS Choose or modify ONE of the following groups of sentences as appropriate to the specific study: Research is designed to benefit society by gaining new knowledge. You (your child) will not benefit personally from being in this research study. Research is designed to benefit society by gaining new knowledge. There is little chance you (your child) will benefit from being in this research study. Research is designed to benefit society by gaining new knowledge. The benefits to you (your child) from being in this study may be Hematology Oncology/Radiation Oncology/ Pediatric Oncology Protocols It is hoped that this treatment will cause you to achieve an increase in the disease-free time frame compared to the standard therapy alone. COST For Category B devices, include the following: You or your insurance company will be billed only what the University will pay to obtain the device from the manufacturer. COMPENSATION FOR INJURY Non-Sponsored studies that involve greater than minimal risks: Revised 7/2//13 Page 4 of 6 You may be exposed to risk of injury from participation in this study. If injury occurs, treatment will in most cases be available. If you have insurance, your insurance company may or may not pay for these costs. If you do not have insurance, or if your insurance company refuses to pay, you will be expected to pay. Funds to compensate for pain, expenses, lost wages and other damages caused by injury are not routinely available. Sponsored studies that involve greater than minimal risks: You may be exposed to risk of injury from participation in this study. If injury occurs, treatment will in most cases be available. If you experience an injury as a result of the study drug or procedures, the Sponsor will cover the cost of treatment of these injuries. Funds to compensate for pain, expenses, lost wages and other damages caused by injury are not routinely available. Studies that involve minimal to no risks: Although risks are unlikely, if injury should occur, treatment will in most cases be available. If you have insurance, your insurance company may or may not pay for these costs. If you do not have insurance, or if your insurance company refuses to pay, you will be expected to pay. Funds to compensate for pain, expenses, lost wages and other damages caused by injury are not routinely available. Standard language for studies that involve risk: All medications can have side effects or other reactions. While you are taking part in this clinical study, your doctor will check your health very carefully. Hematology Oncology/Radiation Oncology/ Pediatric Oncology Protocols It is possible in the course of the study that new adverse effects of treatment may be discovered that result in physical injury. If you experience an injury due to your participation in this study, medical treatment will be offered to you. If you have insurance, your insurance company may or may not pay for these costs. If you do not have insurance, or if your insurance company refuses to pay, you will be expected to pay. No financial compensation is available for your participation in this study. PAYMENT FOR PARTICIPATION You will be paid $__ for your participation in this study. You must complete a W-9 form in order to receive payment for participation. This information will not be linked to any of the study data and will only be used for payment purposes. CONFIDENTIALITY Child Abuse If information is revealed concerning child abuse, it is required by law that this be reported to the appropriate authorities. Other Abuse The only exception is if information is revealed concerning harm to yourself or others, child abuse, neglect, or other forms of abuse that is required by law to be reported to the appropriate authorities. Revised 7/2//13 Page 5 of 6 Include for clinical trials – Per FDA regulations, the exact wording is mandatory and cannot be altered A description of this clinical trial will be available on, as required by U.S. Law. This Web site will not include information that can identify you. At most, the Web site will include a summary of the results. You can search this Web site at any time. COMMERCIAL ISSUES Use of Specimens for Commercialization Any blood, urine or tissue specimens obtained for the purposes of this study become the exclusive property of the University of Miami. The University of Miami may retain, preserve or dispose of these specimens and may use these specimens for research which may result in commercial applications. You will not receive money for donating blood, urine or tissue samples nor will you receive money from any future proceeds as a result of this research project. Institutional/Investigator Conflict of Interest The University of Miami has patented the technology of the [Name of drug/device/biologic] and licensed the patent to [Name of Company], a biotechnology company. The University of Miami has a financial interest in the commercialization of this [drug/device/biologic] and owns stock in [Name of Company]. The inventor of the [drug/device/biologic] also owns stock in [[Name of Company] and is a faculty member at the University of Miami. The [drug/device/biologic] will be manufactured at the University of Miami, one of the study sites. ADDITIONAL ISSUES Studies having a federal Certificate of Confidentiality Insert language provided by the federal agency that issued the certificate. Studies that involve video or audio recording Describe what will be done with tapes. Include plans for storage during use and what will be done after transcription, e.g., how long the tapes will be kept. Advise subjects that audio and video recordings may be requested to be turned off, if that is true for the study. Studies that involve group interviews or focus groups Advise subjects that they do not need to reveal their name, or that they may use a fictitious name. Advise subjects that they must agree not to reveal anything they learn from group discussions or other activities. Revised 7/2//13 Page 6 of 6