Administrator Evaluator - Porterville Unified School District

Porterville Unified School District
Administrator Evaluation Process
Philosophy of Evaluation
Research and review of best practices confirm that highly skilled school administrators
are crucial to successful teaching and learning. High-quality student performance
depends on high-quality school leadership. An effective administrator must assume
multiple roles, but above all they must serve as instructional leaders whose decisions and
actions focus upon the goal that all students achieve academic proficiency.
The Administrator Evaluation Process is a collaborative endeavor between administrators
and their supervisors designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the complex and multiple
roles of a school administrator in relationship to the California Professional Standards for
Educational Leaders, district wide goals, school plans, and the goals set by the
administrator. The evaluation process must be acknowledged as a continual process to
encourage self-reflection and continuing professional growth.
Evaluation Process
Administrators will be evaluated on a two year cycle. School plans and goals will be
submitted and reviewed each year. Evaluations can be scheduled more frequently if there
is a need.
The Evaluation Process will consist of preparation of materials, goals and standards
conference with supervisor, and a follow-up meeting to review written evaluation.
Meetings will be scheduled each fall.
1. Preparation Prior to Conference
a. Review California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders
(CPSEL) and complete self-evaluation.
b. Updated school wide plan.*
c. Document progress if there is currently an assistance plan in place.
d. Prepare to discuss:
 teacher evaluation process and progress
 assessment data analysis process
 student interventions
 school safety
 accountability data
 personal professional goals
2. Goals/Standards Conference
Discussion and comparison of self and evaluators CPSEL rankings.
Review of progress on school wide action plan.
Discussion and mutual agreement upon new goals.
Evaluation on achievement of objectives if there is an active assistance
e. Discussion of annual summary evaluation form.
f. Schedule meeting for review of written evaluation.
3. Evaluation Meeting
a. Review of Summary Evaluation Form
b. Review of assistance plan if the need for a formalized plan to address
areas in need of improvement is documented.
*Adjustment may be made for evaluation of co-administrators in areas of school wide
School Year
A. Progress toward implementation of school wide action plans, that are aligned with
district priorities.
Support Statement:
B. Progress toward meeting California Professional Standards for Educational
Support Statement:
C. Progress toward meeting annual goals, that are aligned with district priorities.
Support Statement:
Summative Evaluation
______Competent and satisfactory administrative performance.
______There are weaknesses in performance that need to be strengthened prior to
next evaluation.
Other Comments:
I acknowledge that I have seen this evaluation and have been provide with suggestions where
improvement in performance is indicated. I understand that my signature does not necessarily mean
that I agree with this evaluation and that I may submit a statement in writing to accompany this form.
Evaluator_________________________________ Date__________________________________
cc: Evaluator
CPSEL Continuum
Standard 1
Facilitating the development,
articulation, implementation, and
stewardship of a vision of learning
that is shared and supported by the
school community
1.1 Develop a shared vision
1.2 Plan and implement activities
around the vision
1.3 Allocate resources to support
the vision
Standard 2
Advocating, nurturing, and
sustaining a school culture and
instructional program conducive to
student learning and staff
professional growth
2.1 Develop school culture and
ensure equity
2.2 Guide the instructional
2.3 Guide professional growth of
2.4 Create and utilize
accountability systems
Standard 3
Ensuring management of the
organization, operations, and
resources for a safe, efficient, and
effective learning environment.
3.1 Ensure a safe school
3.2 Create an infrastructure to
support an effective learning
3.3 Manage the school learningsupport system.
3.4 Monitor and evaluate the
program and staff
Practice Not Aligned to Standard
Approaches Alignment with Standard
Aligned With Standard
The administrator lacks a clear school
vision and frequently fails to provide and
promote leadership. The administrator may
have introduced idea of vision and
examination of data into some planning and
decision making activities. Decisions about
seeking and allocating resources are not
strongly linked to the goals of the vision or
to strategic planning for achieving the
The administrator has not made important
changes that need to take place in order for
the school to be a powerful learning
environment for all students. He or she has
not implemented programs and professional
practices in the staff to support all students
achieving high standards. The administrator
has implemented a limited number staff
development opportunities. The
administrator periodically reviews student
learning data with teachers.
The school vision has been developed with
limited input from the school community
and is not aligned with district goals.
Discussions are beginning to occur that
links examination of data to the courses of
action needed to reach goals of the school.
Information related to instructional needs is
part of the budgeting process.
The school vision reflects the needs and
strengths of the students, aligns and academic
standards, and district goals. Relevant data are
available and examined regularly to monitor
progress and adjust plans. All short and long
term decisions about resource allocation are
justified and aligned with the school plan to
support learning.
The Administrator provides opportunities
for faculty to examine standards-based
education, professionalism, equity, and
excellence and to identify ways in which
current beliefs, values and practices fall
short of desired ideals. He or she guides
staff in using data to set goals and
implement strategies and ensures that all
staff participates in professional learning
The administrator lacks understanding for
creating and maintaining a safe school
The administrator fails to recognize and
implement support required for achieving
student success
The administrator lacks understanding that
the school is an organizational institution
The administrator ensures appropriate plans
are in place to monitor a safe school
The administrator identifies and implements
practices that enhance teaching and learning
The administrator exercises responsibility
for legal and contractual obligations
The school leader facilitates ongoing activities
to shape professional culture that provides a
standards-based system and the principle of
equity for all students. He or she works with
faculty to articulate and extend understanding
of standards-based teaching and learning. The
leader establishes with staff that their
continued professional growth is a key
element in improving student learning and
builds leadership capacity in staff members.
The school leader actively promotes school
improvement, aligning professional growth
goals with assessment data.
The administrator implements and
institutionalizes a positive school environment
by promoting shared responsibility for student
The administrator develops, implements, and
monitors strategies that engage all
The administrator is actively engage as a
mentor and teacher at the site to legal matters
and contractual obligations
CPSEL Continuum
Standard 4
Collaborating with families and
community members, responding
to diverse community interests and
needs, and mobilizing community
4.1 Collaborate to incorporate the
perspective of families and
community members
4.2 Establish and manage linkage
between the site and the larger
community context
4.3 Engage and coordinate
support from agencies outside
the school
Standard 5
Modeling a personal code of ethics
and developing professional
leadership capacity.
5.1 Maintain ethical standards of
5.2 Guide sound courses of action
using pertinent, state-of-theart methods
5.3 Model reflective practice and
continuous growth
5.4 Sustain professional
commitment and effort
Standard 6
Understanding, responding to, and
influencing the larger political,
social, economic, legal, and
cultural context.
6.1 Engage with the policy
environment to support school
6.2 Interact with stakeholders
6.3 Incorporate input from the
The administrator lacks an understanding of
the importance of incorporating the
perspectives of families and community
members into the life of the school.
Connections between the school and
community are not well established and
The administrator demonstrates an
understanding of the importance of
incorporating the perspectives of families
and community members into the life of the
school. The leader establishes connections
between the school and community based
on site needs.
The administrator establishes and implements
a range of strategies whereby all family and
community perspectives are sought and
considered as an integral part of the planning
process. The leader networks to create
partnerships within the community and
facilitates meetings and forums in a manner
that welcomes and treats fairly the input of all
The administrator demonstrates knowledge
and compliance of ethical standards. The
leader’s decisions rarely use sound data or
best practice strategies in developing school
programs. The administrator is aware of
reflective practice and participates in
professional growth opportunities. She or
he identifies strategies to assist and support
members of the school community focus on
student learning.
The administrator consistently models
personal and professional ethics, integrity,
justice and fairness. The leader’s decisions
are data-driven and/or based on best
practices research. The administrator
demonstrates a willingness to use reflective
practices to examine his or her practice,
identify growth needs and engage in
appropriate growth opportunities.
The administrator lacks the realization that
district, state, and federal policy impacts the
site and students. Information is not made
available and adequately shared with the
school community. Public engagement is
The administrator understands that district,
state, and federal policy impacts the site and
students. Information is made available and
adequately shared with the school
community. Public engagement is positive
and represents a range of interests.
The school leader practices personal and
professional ethics, integrity, justice and
fairness, and consistently holds others to these
expectations. His or her words and actions
demonstrate the utmost level of commitment
to promoting the highest quality programs and
equal access to a quality education for all
students. The leader ensures that decisions are
based on relevant student data and best
practices research. He/she consistently
models reflective practice and continuous
professional growth.
The administrator considers influencing policy
as an integral part of his or her work.
Knowledge and understanding of policy
development is maintained. Information is
consistently shared in a timely manner
including data about school performance. In
the interest of children and achieving goals, a
professional image is well established with the