Independent Topic Study

Independent Topic Study- 150 points
Here’s what I want you to retain from each presentation:
Tyler- African Honeybees
Why and where was the African Honeybee developed?
How did this animal become a problem? Why is it still a
At what rate can a swarm of African Honeybees spread?
When did the bees reach the U.S.?
Liz-Necrotizing fasciitis
What does the name “Necrotizing fasciitis” mean?
What family of bacteria causes Necrotizing fasciitis?
Describe some symptoms.
What are 3 other diseases caused by these same
List 3 treatment possibilities for an NF patient.
Wylie- Wolves
Describe the physical differences between Canis lupus
and Canis lycaon
What is the connection between these two animals/how
are they related?
What is the geographical distribution of each species?
Relate the concept of speciation to the evolution of the
Jamie- The Running Man
What physical adaptations does man have that allows
for endurance running?
Why might endurance running have evolved? What was
the goal/function?
Adam- Human Impacts on Moose and Maple Trees
Describe how global warming has impacted each
Aside from contributions towards global warming,
explain one other human impact on each species.
Nash- Biomimicry/Shark Skin
What is biomimicry?
What are two benefits of shark skin?
What are two uses for synthetic shark skin? (one
practical, one medical)
Ted and Aidan- Sasquatch
What is some circumstantial evidence supporting the
existence of the sasquatch?
How is the possible existence of the sasquatch different
than other reported/mythical creatures ex: Champ, the
Loch Ness Monster, etc
Name 3 pieces of evidence that have been reported by
people believing they saw a sasquatch
Alyx- Allergies and Other Failures of the Immune
What is the immune system?
Ali- Neurofibromatosis
What is the pattern of inheritance for this disorder? Does
it always follow this same pattern? Explain.
What are 2 symptoms of the most common type of
Is neurofibromatosis always cancerous? Explain.
Trent- Weaponized anthrax/smallpox
What are some biological weapons that have been
Provide an historical example of bio-warfare
What were the casualties from the 2001 “Anthrax
Letters” cases?
Josh- Bioluminescence
Compare and contrast luminescence and fluorescence.
How does bioluminescence support the theory of
What is needed for bioluminescence to occur?
Name 4 functions of bioluminescence.
Describe one medical use for bioluminescence.
Kristina- Sugar vs. Sugar Substitutes
What is the chemical difference between sugar and
sucralose (the ingredient in Equal®)?
What are 2 pros and 2 cons to both sugar and artificial
Austin- The Effects of Pollution on Trout Habitat
Provide 4 characteristics of a perfect trout habitat
Describe 2 major human impacts on trout health
What are 3 actions you can take to reduce your impact
on trout habitat?
ZB- Mirror Neurons
How are mirror neurons linked to empathy?
What is the connection between mirror neurons and
How are mirror neurons medically significant?
Tom/William- Worm Holes
What is a worm hole?
What is one benefit of using a worm hole for space
Aside from Austin cracking his skull on the computer
cart, what is a danger of using worm holes?
What is the purpose of negative matter?
What is mesothelioma?
Where is pleural mesothelioma located? What
What is the difference between humoral immunity and
cell-mediated immunity?
What is an allergy/allergic reaction?
Justin- Chronic Wasting Disease
What is CWD?
What is a prion?
Name 2 ways CWD might be contracted.
carcinogen is this associated with?
Where is peritoneal mesothelioma located?
Where is pericardial mesothelioma located?
What are the 3 most common treatments for someone
with mesothelioma?
Elise- Synthesthesia
Give two different examples of synthesthesia (different
ways people might experience this syndrome)
How is synthesthesia transmitted?
What might be the root cause of synthesthesia?