UNITED NATIONS EP UNEP/Ozl.Pro.WG.1/33/INF/5 Distr.: General 28 June 2013 United Nations Environment Programme English only Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Thirty-third meeting Bangkok, Thailand, 24 – 28 June 2013 Provisional List of Participants UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Parties Antigua and Barbuda Albania Ms. Corah Lineth Hackett National Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit Industry and Commerce Division P.O. Box 1550 , 2nd Floor, First Caribbean Bank Bld. Old Parham Road St. John's W.I. Antigua and Barbuda Tel: +268 562 1609 Cell: +268 723 1553 Fax: +1 268 462 1625 E-mail: odsunit@candw.ag Mr. Rrezart Fshazi Head of the Integration Unit Directory of Integration & Projects, Forestry and Water Administration Ministry of Environment Rr.Durresit,No. 27 Tirana Albania Tel: +355 4 2270622 Cell: +355 6920 57614 / 06720 51962 Fax: +355 4 2270627 E-mail: Rezart.Fshazi@moe.gov.al , kozeta.goga@moe.gov.al Argentina Ms. Victoria J. Armayor Directorate General of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship Esmeralda 1212, Piso 14 Buenos Aires C1007 ABR Argentina Tel: +54 11 4819 7414 Fax: +54 11 4819 7413 E-mail: vjy@mrecic.gov.ar Angola Hon. Mr. Syanga Kivuila Samuel Abilio Vice Minister Ministry of Environment 83/10566 - Av. 4 De Feveriro Edificio Atlantico Luanda Angola Tel: +244 91250 3610 E-mail: sabilio@yahoo.com Ms. Laura Berón Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable 25 de Mayo 306, 6to Piso Buenos Aires C1002ABH Argentina Tel: +54 11 4348 8413 Cell: +54 11 4394 5266 Fax: +54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: lberon@ambiente.gob.ar Mr. Vasco Patricio Catala Director of the Cabinet for the Secretary of State Environment Ministry, New Technologies and Environment Quality Ruaa dos Enganos, Edif, Zimbo Tower Luanda Angola Tel: +244 9265 47794 Cell: +244 926 547794 E-mail: vascocatala@gmail.com 2 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Matthew Dadswell Assistant Secretary Environment Standards Branch Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra 2601 Australia Tel: +612 62741824 E-mail: matthew.dadswell@environment.gov.au Armenia Ms. Asya Muradyan Chief Specialist Air Polultion Division Ministry of Nature Protection 3rd. Government Building Republic Square Yerevan 0010 Armenia Tel: +374 10 541 182 / 583 934 Cell: +374 100 9120 7632 Fax: +374 10 541 183 E-mail: asya.muradyan@mnp.am , as.muradyan@mail.ru Ms. Jasna Mitic Senior Policy Officer Ozone and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Policy Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra 2601 Australia Tel: +612 6274 1701 E-mail: jasna.mitic@environment.gov.au Australia Mr. Patrick McInerney Director Ozone and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Policy Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: +612 627 41035 Fax: +612 6274 1610 E-mail: patrick.mcinerney@environment.gov.au Bahamas Ms. Melony McKenzie Director Department of Environmental Health Ministry of the Environment Box SS 19048 Nassau Bahamas Tel: +242 322 8037 Fax: +242 322 8120 E-mail: noubahamas@hotmail.com , melonycmckenzie@gmail.com Ms. Annie Gabriel Assistant Director Ozone and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Policy Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: +612 6274 2023 Fax: +612 6274 1 610 E-mail: annie.gabriel@environment.gov.au Mr. Ryan Scotti Perpall National Ozone Officer Department of Environmental Health, Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment Ministry of Environment Farrington Rd. Box-SS 19048 Nassau Bahamas Tel: +242 322 2845 Fax: +242 323 3863 E-mail: noubahamas@hotmail.com 3 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Bahrain Belarus Mr. Jaffar Ahmed Salman Ebrahim Head of Pollution Control Section & National Ozone Officer Environment Control Directorate Supreme Council for Environment P.O. Box 18233 Bahrain Mall Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 613 Cell: +973 39 189 053 Fax: +973 17 920 213 E-mail: jaffare@pmew.gov.bh Ms. Ekaterina Boldyreva Chief Specialist Department of Regulation, Impact on Air and Ozone Layer Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minsk 220048 Belarus Tel: +375 17200 7119 E-mail: minpriroda.ozone@tut.by Mr. Hassan Mubarak Head of Hazardous Chemical Management Unit Environment Control Directorate Supreme Council for Environment P.O. Box 18233 Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 567 / 386567 Cell: +973 39 994 811 Fax: +973 17 920 213 E-mail: hassanm@pmew.gov.bh Mr. Alain Wilmart Adviser/Directorate- General Environment Ozone Layer and Fluor Gases Policy / Climate Change Dept Federal Public Service, Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment DG5-Environment, Victor Horta Place, 40B10 Brussels B-1060 Belgium Tel: +32 2 524 95 43 Cell: +32 473 338 365 Fax: +32 2 524 96 01 E-mail: alain.wilmart@environment.belgium.be Belgium Bangladesh Mr. Moshtaq Uddin Ahmed Senior Assistant Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests 1000 Bangladesh Tel: +880 29540676 Cell: +880 1727095386 Fax: +880 29540210 E-mail: moshtaquddinahmed@yahoo.co.uk Belize Mr. Martin Alegria Chief Environment Officer Environment Department 10/12 Ambergris Ave. Belmopan Belize Tel: + 501 822 2542 Fax: + 501 822 2862 E-mail: envirodept@btl.net , envirodept@btl.net 4 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Benin Brazil Mr. Wabi Marcos National Focal Point Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 21 312 065 Fax: +229 21 315 081 E-mail: mawabi@yahoo.fr Mr. Filipe Abbott Galvao Sobreira Lopes Diplomat Department of the Environment and Special Affairs Ministry of External Relations Esplanade dos Ministeries, Palacio Itamarat/ Anexo II, Sala 29 Brasilia DF 70170-900 Brazil Tel: +55 61 2030 9205 Cell: +55 61 8149 8242 Fax: +55 61 2030 9199 E-mail: filipe.lopes@itamaraty.gov.br Bhutan Ms. Peldon Tshering Chief Environment Officer National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: +975 17614950 Fax: +975 2 323 385 E-mail: peldon@nec.gov.bt , peldonnec@hotmail.com Mr. Rafael Paulino Diplomat Trade and Economic Section, Embassy of Brazil in Thailand 1168/101 Rama4 Rd. Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: +66 2 679 8567-8 Fax: +66 2 679 8569 E-mail: rafael.paulino@itamaraty.gov.br Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Tulio Cesar Mourthe de Alvim Andrade Diplomat Department of the Environment and Special Affairs Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H, anexo II Brasilia DF 70170-900 Brazil Tel: +55 61 2030 9293 E-mail: tulio.andrade@itamaraty.gov.br Ms. Azra Rogovic-Grubic Focal Point for Vienna Convention & Montreal Protocol Senior Adviser and Ozone Officer Sect. of Natural Resorces, Energy & Environment Protection Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 Sarajevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: + 387 33 953 531 Cell: +387 61 323 226 Fax: +387 33 206 141 E-mail: azra.rogovic-grubic@mvteo.gov.ba , rogovicazra@yahoo.com Ms. Magna Luduvice National Ozone Unit Officer/Coordination of the Ozone Layer Protection Department of Climate Change, Secretariat of Climate Change and Environment Quality Ministry of the Environment Ed. Marie Prendi Cruz,SEPN 505 Norte, Bloco "B" Sala 301 Brasilia DF 70.730-542 Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 2274/2272 Fax: +55 61 2028 2272 E-mail: magna.luduvice@mma.gov.br 5 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Miriam Potzernheim Environmental Analyst Directory of Environmental Quality, IBAMA Brazilian Federal Environmental Agency SCEN Trecho 2 - Ed. Sede Bloco C,1° andar Brasilia DF 70000 Brazil Tel: +55 61 3316 1325 Cell: +55 61 8118 5148 E-mail: miriam.potzernheim@ibama.gov.br , miriamleone@gmail.com Burkina Faso Mr. Victor Yameogo Coordinateur du Programme de Pays Ozone Responsable du Centre National de Reconversion Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 7044 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 306 861/748 Cell: +226 70 206 484 Fax: +226 50 318 134 E-mail: ikouka@fasonet.bf , ytikouk@gmail.com Brunei Darussalam Zaiaini Haji Noorkhan Director Park & Recreation Department of the Environment No. 14, Anggerek Desa Negara Brunei Darussalam Tel: +673 87 85625 E-mail: Zaiaini.Noorkhan@env.gov.bn Cambodia Mr. Pak Sokharavuth Deputy Director Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Environment #48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk, Tonle Bassac, Chamkar Morn Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: +855 23 222 439 Cell: + 855 12 962 103 Fax: +855 23 987 880 E-mail: sokharavuth@online.com.kh Ms. Suryanti Jurinah Haji Mohd Jumin Environmental Officer Pollution Control Division Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation Ministry of Development Ministry of Development Building Old Airport Road Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510 Brunei Darussalam Tel: +673 2383222 Fax: + 673 2383644 E-mail: suryanti.jumin@env.gov.bn , suryanti.jumin@env.gov.bn Cameroon Mr. Patrick Kum Bong Akwa Secretary General Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development Yaounde BP:320 Cameroon Tel: +237 222 36 016 Cell: +237 22 236 016 / 7768 4544 Fax: +237 776 84 544 E-mail: patakwa@yahoo.com Mr. Alan Wong Yee Phin Ozone Officer Department of Envirionment Parks and Recreation Negara Brunei Darussalam E-mail: awp14@hotmail.com 6 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Pauline Essome Siliki Magistrate/ Sub-Directorate Department Legislation Department of Legislation Ministry of Justice P.O. Box 3962 Yaoundé 1000 Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 85 04 Cell: +237 99 52 36 31 Fax: +237 22 22 8504 E-mail: pessil@voila.fr Central African Republic Mr. Jean-Claude Bomba Ozone Focal Point Ministry of Environment and Ecology BP 830 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: +236 75 50 82 79 Fax: +236 21 61 78 90 E-mail: jcbomba@hotmail.com Chile Canada Ms. Claudia Paratori Cortés Coordinator of Ozone Programme Division of Natural Resources, Waste & Risk Assessment Ministry of Environment Teatinos Street 254 Santiago 8340434 Chile Tel: +562 224 05 660 E-mail: cparatori@mma.gob.cl Mr. Philippe Chemouny Manager, Montreal Protocol Program Multilateral and Bilateral Affairs Division Environment Canada Fontaine bld. 200 Sacre-Coeur Blvd. Gatineau K1A 0H3 Canada Tel: +1 819 997 2768 Fax: +1 819 994 6227 E-mail: philippe.chemouny@ec.gc.ca China Ms. Nancy Seymour Head, Ozone Protection Programs Chemicals Production Division Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd., 11th floor Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 819 994 1109 Fax: +1 819 994 0007 E-mail: nancy.seymour@ec.gc.ca Mr. Yingxian Xia Director International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 Xicheng District China Tel: +86 10 6655 6518 Fax: +86 10 6655 6513 E-mail: xia.yingxian@mep.gov.cn Ms. Lucie Desforges Director Chemical Production Division Enviornment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. 11th Floor. Gatineau K1A OH3 QC Tel: +1 819 994 4404 Fax: 1 819 994 5030 E-mail: lucie.desforges@ec.gc.ca Mr. Jiang Zhao Li Director Climate Change Department National Development & Reform Commission Yuetannanjie 38# Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6850 5633 Fax: +86 10 6850 2358 E-mail: jiangzl@ndrc.gov.cn 7 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Xuezhi Xiao Deputy Director General Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 5, Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8220 0507 Fax: +86 10 8220 0507 E-mail: xiao.xuezhi@mepfeco.org.cn Ms. Yang Xiaohua Programme Officer Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection China Tel: +8610 82268890 Fax: +8610 82200522 E-mail: yang.xiaohua@mepfeco.org.cn Mr. Xu Huidong Consultant International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: + 86 10 6655 6506 Cell: +86 135 204 61760 Fax: + 86 10 6655 6513 E-mail: xu.huidong@mep.gov.cn Mr. Wang Yong Deputy Director Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No.5, Houyingfang Hutong Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8226 8888 Fax: +86 10 8220 0510 E-mail: wang.yong@mepfeco.org.cn Mr. Huang Hongkun Deputy Director Rural Energy and Evironment Agency Building 24, Mairidian,Chowyang Beijing 100125 China Tel: +8610 59196372 Fax: +8610 59196373 E-mail: nybstzzhbc@163.com Mr. Guo Xiaofeng Deputy Director Department of Treaty and Law Climate Change Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 2 Chao Yang Men Nan Da Jie Beijing 100701 China Tel: +8610 6596 4254 Fax: +8610 6596 3257 E-mail: guo_xiaofeng@mfa.gov.cn Ms. Lian Xiaopei Consultant Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry China Tel: +8621 55514600-424 Fax: +8621 55514600-425 E-mail: lxpsipi@163.com Ms. Xiaolin Guo Program Officer Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 5, Houyingfang Hutong Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8226 8883 Fax: +86 10 8220 0523 E-mail: guo.xiaolin@mepfeco.org.cn Ms. Cui Yuqing Program Officer Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, MEP China Tel: +8610 82268923 Fax: +8610 82200533 E-mail: cui.yuqing@mepfeco.org.cn Ms. Chen Tingting Programme Officer China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association China Tel: +8610 8833 0721 Fax: +8610 8833 0721 E-mail: ctt1001@163.com 8 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Colombia Côte d'Ivoire Mr. Javier Ernesto Camargo Adviser Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Calle 37 no. 8-40 Bogota Colombia Tel: +571 332 3402 Cell: +57 313 433 8104 Fax: +571 332 3400 ext 1811 E-mail: jecamargo@minambiente.gov.co Mr. Benjamin Deh-Deh Assistant au Coordonnateur National du Projet Ozone Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 06 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 20 210 641 / 40 105 218 Cell: +225 0608 6390 / 58 4957 93 E-mail: benjamindehdeh@yahoo.fr Ms. Leydy Maria Suarez Orozco National Ozone Officer Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 1 332 3638 E-mail: lsuarez@minambiente.gov.co Croatia Ms. Snjezana Ilicic Senior Expert Advisor, NOU Sector for Atmosphere, Sea and Soil Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection Ulica Republike Austrije 14 Zagreb 10 000 Croatia Tel: +385 137 17 233 Fax: +385 137 17 135 E-mail: snjezana.ilicic@mzoip.hr Congo Mr. Martin Tchoumou Ozone Focal Point Directorate General of Environment Ministry of Sustainable Development, Forestry Economy and the Environment B.P 2702 Brazzaville Congo Cell: +242 055 815 864 Fax: +242 668 64 91 E-mail: tchoumartin@yahoo.fr Cuba Mr. Enrique Moret Hernandez Director International Affairs Department Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Capitolio Nacional Havana 71300 Cuba Tel: +537 214 4256 Fax: +537 214 4257 E-mail: emoret@citma.cu 9 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Democratic People's Republic of Korea Djibouti Mr. Idriss Ismael Nour Coordinateur National du Projet Ozone Direction de l'Amenagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement BP 2091 Djibouti Tel: +253 21 351 020 / 097 Fax: +253 21 354837 / 21 351 618 E-mail: distri_play@yahoo.fr Mr. Jang Chol Gun Senior Officer National Ozone Unit Ministry of Land and Environment Protection Pyongyang PDR Democratic People's Republic of Korea Tel: +8502 18111 Fax: +8502 3814660 E-mail: hyong.chol.ri@undp.org Mr. Kim Yu Chol Officer Department of External Cooperation Ministry of Chemical Induatry Sinri-dong, Tongdaewon District, Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea Tel: +850 2 18111-3818974 Fax: +850 2 381 4410 ,4416 E-mail: hwahak33@star-co.net.kp Dominica Mr. Bradley Guye Ozone Officer Environment Coordinating Unit Roseau Fisheries Complex Building, Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard Roseau, Dominica Tel: +767 2665256 Fax: +767 4484577 E-mail: 23098000kingiwa@gmail.com , ecu@dominica.gov.dm Democratic Republic of the Congo Mr. Mwananteba Ali Malanga Baba Directeur de Cabinet Adjoint Ministere de I'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 15 Avenue Papa Ileo (ex-des Cliniques), commune de la Gombe, Kin 1 Kinshasa B.P. 12348 Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 9999 16724 Cell: +243 8151 39395 E-mail: mecnt@yahoo.fr , alimwanantiba@yahoo.fr Dominican Republic Mr. Elias Gomez Mesa Coordinator Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Av, Luperon Esq. Av. Cayetano Germosen, Santo Domingo 11105 Dominican Republic Tel: +809 567 4300/ Ext. 6250 E-mail: elias.gomez@ambiente.gob.do Mr. Justin Tshikudi Muepu Coordonnateur National Ozone Secrétariat Général á L'Environnement et Conservation de la Nature Ministere de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 15, Av. Papa Ileo No. 15 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Cell: +243 89600 6840 E-mail: justintshikudi@yahoo.fr , nationalozonedrc@yahoo.fr 10 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Kaidi VIrronen Seior Officer Ministry of the Environment Estonia E-mail: Kaidi.Virronen@envir.ee Egypt Eng. Ahmed A. Elkorashy Senior Projects Engineer National Ozone Unit Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency 30 Misr Helwan Rd., Maadi Cairo 11728 Egypt Tel: +202 25 256 452 Cell: +201 222375923 Fax: +202 25 256 490 E-mail: orashy@yahoo.com Ethiopia Mr. Wondwossen Tadesse Debelle Environmental Law Expert Environment Protection Authority P.O. BOX 12760 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 191221 5967 Fax: +251 116464882/76 E-mail: tadwonde@gmail.com Mr. Amir William Project Coordinator 67A Misr Helwan El Zyrae Rd. Cairo 11728 Egypt Tel: +02 01223290474 E-mail: amir.william@hotmail.com European Union Mr. Philip Owen Head of Unit European Commission, Directorate General Climate Action Unit C.2 Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu, 24 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 2296 5562 Fax: +32 2296 9554 E-mail: philip.owen@ec.europa.eu El Salvador Mr. Italo Andres Flamenco Cordova National Focal Point Direccion General de Gobernanza Ambiental Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Km. 5 1/2 Carretera a Santa Tecla, Calle ya Colonia, Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN No 1 San Salvador El Salvador Tel: +503 21329560 Cell: +503 78560518 E-mail: icordova@marn.gob.sv Mr. Cornelius Rhein Policy Officer European Commission, Directorate General Climate Action Unit C.2 Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu, 24 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 2295 4749 Fax: +32 2296 9554 E-mail: cornelius.rhein@ec.europa.eu Estonia Mr. Margus Kört Chairman of the Board Estonian Environmental Research Centre Marja 4D Tallinn 10617 Estonia Tel: +372 611 2900 Cell: +372 501 7514 Fax: +372 611 2900 E-mail: Margus.Kort@klab.ee 11 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Alexandros Kiriazis Policy Officer European Commission, Directorate General Climate Action Unit C.2 Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu 24 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 2299 4962 Fax: +32 2296 9554 E-mail: alexandros.kiriazis@ec.europa.eu Finland Ms. Nufar Inari Finel Senior Advisor, Contaminants Unit Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production Finnish Environment Institute Mechelininkatu 34a, P.O. Box 140, Helsinki FI-00251 Finland Cell: +358 40 579 0809 Fax: +358 9 5490 2490 E-mail: nufar.finel@ymparisto.fi Fiji Ms. Vika Tuiyasawa Rogers NOU Officer Environment Department of Environment P.O. Box 2109, Government Building, 19 McGregor Road, Suva Fiji Tel: +679 3311 069/699 Cell: +679 777 6554 Fax: +679 3318 098 / 3312 879 E-mail: rogersvika@gmail.com , ozonefiji@gmail.com Ms. Eeva Nurmi Senior Adviser Environmental Protection Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35 Helsinki 00023 Finland Tel: +358 40 131 6516 Cell: +358 9 1603 9389 Fax: +358 9 1603 9389 E-mail: eeva.nurmi@ymparisto.fi Ms. Vijeshni Ashna Nand Department of Environment National Ozone Unit Magam House, 19 McGreger Rd. Suva Fiji Tel: +67 933 11069 Cell: +67 97 776 556 Fax: +67 933 12879 E-mail: vijeshni.nand@govnet.gov.fj Mr. Ralid Ajabboune General Directorate for Risks Prevention European and International Affairs Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing Arche Nord - 92055 La Défense cedex Paris France Tel: +33 140 818637 Cell: +33 6 78947445 Fax: +33 140 818641 E-mail: ralid.ajabboune@developpementdurable.gouv.fr France Mr. Lote Rusaqoli A/ Principal Environment Officer Department of Environment Ministry HQ 2nd Fl., FFA House, 4 Gladstone Rd. P.O. Box 2131 Government Buildings, Suva Fiji Tel: +679 331 1699 Cell: +679 9904201 Fax: +679 331 2879 E-mail: lote.rusaqoli@govnet.gov.fj 12 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Clarisse Durand Policy Adviser General Directorate for Risk Prevention French Ministry of Ecology La Grand Arche de la Defense Paris 92055 France Tel: +33 14 081 8702 Fax: +33 14 081 9039 E-mail: Clarisse.Durand@developpementdurable.gouv.fr Germany Ms. Elisabeth Munzert Chemicals Legislation, Division IG II I Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert Schuman Platz 3, P.O. Box 120629 Bonn 53175 Germany Tel: +49 228 99 305 2732 Cell: +49 1735 230149 Fax: +49 228 99 305 3524 E-mail: Elisabeth.Munzert@bmu.bund.de Ms. Beatrice Vincent International Consultant Secretariat of the French GEF/FFEM 5 Rue Roland Barthes, Cedex 12 Paris 75598 France Tel: +33 1 534 43943 Fax: +33 1 534 43248 E-mail: vincentb1@afd.fr Mr. Rolf Engelhardt Environmental Health, Chemicals Safety, Division IG II 1 Federal Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 120629 Bonn 53048 Germany Tel: +49 22 899 305 2751 Cell: +49 173 289 3747 Fax: +49 22 899 305 3524 E-mail: rolf.engelhardt@bmu.bund.de Gambia Mr. Samba Bajie Programme Officer Technical Service Network National Environment Agency Jimpex Road, Kanifing, PMB 48, Banjul Gambia Tel: +220 750 9383 Cell: +220 990 1879 E-mail: sbajie22@yahoo.co.uk Mr. Peter Christmann Senior Environmental Advisor Division of Environment Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Postfach 12 03 22 Bonn 53045 Germany Tel: + 49 228 3754 Fax: +49 228 99535 / 3755 E-mail: peterchristmann@hotmail.com Georgia Mr. Noe Megrelishvili Senior Specialist Division of Air Protection Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection 6 Gulua street Tbilisi 0114 Georgia Tel: +995 322 72 72 28 Fax: +995 322 72 72 28 E-mail: noe.megrelishvili@caucasus.net Mr. Martin Dobias Advisor German Embassy 9 South Sathorn Road Thailand Tel: +660 22879000/9087 Fax: +660 22856232 E-mail: martin.dobias@diplo.de 13 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Bernhard Siegele Programme Manager Environment and Climate Change GTZ Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5 Eschborn 65760 Germany Tel: +49 6196 79 1968 Cell: +49175 228 2081 Fax: +49 6196 7980 1968 E-mail: bernhard.siegele@giz.de Guinea Mr. Mamadou Nimaga Point Focal du Protocole de Montrèal Secrétaire Exécutif du Comité National de Gestion des Produits Chimiques Ministère de l'Environnement des Eaux et Forêts B.P. 3118 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 62 90 5445 Cell: +224 67 829 257 E-mail: nimmag2003@yahoo.fr Mr. Juergen Usinger Senior Advisor GIZ-Proklima Zum Talblick 2 Glashuetten 61479 Germany Tel: +49 61 74 96 40 77 Fax: +49 17 96 90 62 70 E-mail: juergen.usinger@proklima.net Guinea-Bissau Mr. Quecuta Injai Point Focal Convention de Vienne et Protocol de Montréal & Coordinateur du Programme Nacional B.P. 399 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 660 5183 Cell: +245 660 5183 Fax: +245 201 753 E-mail: quecutainjai@yahoo.com.br Ghana Mr. Emmanuel Osae-Quansah Director/Project Co-ordinator of the Ozone Unit National Ozone Unit Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 21 667 374 Cell: +233 244 633992 Fax: +233 21 667 374 E-mail: epaozone@africaonline.com.gh , ozone@epaghana.org Haiti Mr. Fritz Nau Coordonnateur Bureau National Ozone Vie Ministere de l'Environnement Ministry of Environment 11, Rue 4 Pacot Port-au Prince Haiti Tel: +509 3832 4074 Fax: +509 245 7360 E-mail: fritznau@yahoo.fr Grenada Mr. Leslie Dave Smith Project Officer National Ozone Unit, Energy Division Ministry of Finance, Economy, Foreign Trade, Energy & Co-operatives Building #1, Carenage St. George's Grenada Tel: +473 435 8708 Cell: +473 409 8128 Fax: +473 435 9115 E-mail: smithld31@gmail.com 14 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Azizia Permatasari Abdullah ODS Control Officer Ministry of the Environment JI. DI Panjaitan Kav 24, Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +6221 85902521 Cell: +62 821 20343483 Fax: +6221 8517164 E-mail: azizia.abdullah@yahoo.com India Dr. Arumugam Duraisamy Director, Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4B, 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 2464 2176 Cell: +91 98 11 304722 Fax: +91 11 2464 2175 E-mail: ozone-mef@nic.in Mr. Wisnu Dwinanto Functional Official (Diplomat) Directorate of Economic Developement and Environment Ministry of Foreign Affairs J1 Pejambon 6 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +6221 384 8626 Fax: +6221 3857315 E-mail: wisnulombart@yahoo.co.id Prof. Radhey S. Agarwal Senior Advisor and Coordinator Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4B, 2nd floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 2464 1687 Cell: +91 98 11 361865 Fax: +91 11 2464 1687 E-mail: agarwal@sppu-india.org , agarwalrsa@gmail.com Ms. Meinarti Fauzie 1st Secretary, Economic Enbassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Thailand 600-602 Petchburi Rd. Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +66 92 259 6796 E-mail: mei.fauzie@kemlu.go.id , mei.fauzie@yahoo.com Mr. S.V. Subbarao National Program Manager SPPU Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4B, 2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 2463 5794 E-mail: svsrao2010@gmail.com Mr. Engkos Kosasih Head of Monitoring Control DDS Monitoring Control ODS Ministry of Environment J1, DI Panjaitan Kebonnanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 851 7164 Cell: +62 8138 229 6610 Fax: +66 21 8517163 E-mail: kosasiheq@yahoo.com Indonesia Ms. Emma Rachmawaty Assistant Deputy Minister Mitigation and Atmospheric Function Preservation Ministry of Environment J1, DI Panjaitan Kav 24, Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 85902521 Fax: +62 21 8517164 E-mail: e_rachmawaty@yahoo.com 15 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Nurlaila Nurlaila Disease Control & Environment Health Ministry of Health J1 Percetakan Negara No. 29 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia Tel: +6221 4247608 E-mail: eladairin@gmail.com Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mr. Ebrahim Hajizadeh Director of Ozone Layer Protection Unit & National Project Manager Department of Environment Pardisan Park, Hakim Highway P.O. Box 4665/159 Tehran 9111 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: + 98 21 88 23 30 84 Cell: +98 912 390 67 14 Fax: + 98 21 88 23 30 83 E-mail: info@iranozone.ir , hajitm@yahoo.com Mr. Hasoloan Panjaitan Assistant Deputy for Mitigation and Atmosphere ODS Control Division Ministry of Environment Jl. DI Panjaitan KAV. 24, Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 851 7164 Cell: +62 6611 857760 Fax: +62 21 859 02521 E-mail: hasoloanp@yahoo.com Iraq Mr. Basim Akram Ghafil Engineer Baghdad Iraq Tel: +964 7703 966333 E-mail: basimghafil@yahoo.com Mr. Bambang Hestu Susilo Head of non-seed Plant Quarantine Agriculture Quarantine Agency, Ministry of Agriculture J1Harsono RM.3, Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12550 Indonesia Tel: +6221 781 6482 Fax: +6221 781 6482 E-mail: quaria2001@yahoo.com Mr. Tuama Al Helou NOU Coordinator Baghdad Environment Office Ministry of the Environment P.O Box 10062 Al-krade Baghdad Iraq Cell: +964 790 193 3504 E-mail: moen_iraq@yahoo.com , oz.tuama2009@yahoo.com Ms. Zulhasni Head of Division Ozone Depleting Substances Control Ministry of Environment 6th Floor, "A" Building JI. D.I Pandjaitan No. 24 Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 8517164 Fax: +62 21 85902521 E-mail: bitoel2007@yahoo.com , bitul.zulhasni@gmail.com Ireland Ms. Jean Clarke Environment Inspectorate Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Custom House, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +3531 8882529 E-mail: jean.Clarke@environ.ie 16 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Caitriona Collins Inspector Office of Climate, Licensing and Resource Use Environmental Protection Agency P.O. BOX 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate Wexford Ireland Tel: +353 53916 0600 Fax: +353 53916 0699 E-mail: c.collins@epa.ie Ms. Antonella Angelosante Bruno Scientific Expert Department for Sustainable Development/Climate Change and Energy Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 Rome 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 228 176 Fax: +39 06 5722 8178 E-mail: angelosante.antonella@minambiente.it Mr. Martin Hehir Executive Officer Department of Environment Custom House Dublin D1 Ireland Tel: +3531 8882249 Cell: +353 877370398 E-mail: martin.hehir@environ.ie Ms. Elisabetta Scialanca Policy Advisor Department of Sustainable Development/Climate Change & International Cooperation Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea Via C. Colombo 44 Rome 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 22 8101 Fax: +39 06 57 22 8178 E-mail: scialanca.elisabetta@minambiente.it Mr. Gary Mc Guinn Assistant Principal Officer Department of Environment Community & Local Government Newton Road Wexford Ireland Tel: +3530539 117 353 Cell: +353 879 708 300 E-mail: gary.mcguinn@envion.ie Japan Dr. Atsushi Suginaka Director Global Environment Division International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: atsushi.suginaka@mofa.go.jp Italy Mr. Alessandro Giuliano Peru Senior Policy Advisor / Head of Ozone Unit Department for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Energy Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44 Rome 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 22 81 66 Fax: +39 06 57 22 91 73 E-mail: peru.alessandro@minambiente.it Ms. Masami Fujimoto Deputy Director Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: masami.fujimoto@mofa.go.jp 17 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Masato Fukushima Director of Plant Quarantine Office Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8950 Japan Tel: +81 3 3502 5978 Fax: +81 3 5521 8329 E-mail: masato_fukushima@nm.maff.go.jp Ms. Keiko Shindo Assistant Director Ozone Layer Protectin Policy Office Chemical Management Policy Division 1-3-1, Ksumagaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: +813 35014724 Fax: +813 55016604 E-mail: shindo-keiko@meti.go.jp Mr. Takeshi Suzuki Section Chief Fire and Disaster Management Agency Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication 2-1-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8927 Japan Tel: +813 52537523 Fax: +813 52530235 E-mail: suzuki-ta@soumu.go.jp Ms. Kimura Hitomi Official Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy Global Environment Bureau Ministry of the Environment 1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ju, Tokyo 100-0013 Japan Tel: +81 3 5521 8329 Fax: +81 3 3581 3348 E-mail: hitomi_kimura@env.go.jp Mr. Niro Tohi Consultant PREC Institute 3-7-6 Kouji-machi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102 0083 Japan Tel: +81 3 5226 1103 Fax: +81 3 5226 1112 E-mail: tohi@prec.co.jp Mr. Hiromitsu Naito Senior Researcher Yokohama Plant Protection Station Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-16-10, Shin-yamashita, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa 231-0801 Japan Tel: +81 45 622 8893 Fax: +81 45 621 7560 E-mail: naitoh@pps.maff.go.jp Mr. Mitsuru Yagi Manager Fire and Environment Protection Network (NBK Ltd) 4-7-3 Kudan-Minam, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3265 0509 Fax: +81 3 3265 9228 E-mail: yagi@nohmi.co.jp Mr. Hiroyuki Shibata Executive Secretary Fire and Envirnment Protection Network 4th Floor NKK Building 2-18-2, nishishinbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo 1005-0003 Japan Tel: +81 354042180 Fax: +81 354047372 E-mail: h-shibata@sknetwork.or.jp 18 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Leonard Marindany Kirui Co-ordinator, NOU Multilateral Environmental Agreements Kenya National Ozone Office P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 359 9683 Cell: +254 722 847 342 Fax: + 254 20 213 6167 E-mail: marindanykirui@yahoo.com Jordan Eng. Emad Ed-Din Ali Fattouh Engineer Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1408 Amman Jordan Cell: +962 7955 58538 Fax: +962 6553 1996 E-mail: emaddn@yahoo.com , Emad.fattouh@MOEnv.Gov.jo Ms. Sellellah Atieno Okoth Senior Compliance and Enforcement Officer Desk Officer ODS Compliance and Enforcement National Environment Management Authority P.O. 67839 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 601 945 Cell: +254 721 600 458 Fax: +254 20 608 997 E-mail: sokoth@nema.go.ke Kenya Amb. Martin Kimani Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations Kenya Mission to UNON P.O Box 41395 Narobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 807 9149 / 3760013 Cell: +254 723 368 612 Fax: +254 20 216 33 72 E-mail: kenyaprunon@gmail.com Kuwait Mr. Salman Al-Nessef Head Department of Exemption Customs P.O. Box 33172 Al-Rawda 73452 Kuwait Tel: +965 530 2200 Cell: +965 9 960 6363 Fax: +965 530 2210 E-mail: alnesf62@hotmail.com Ms. Diana Kiambuti Deputy Head of Mission Kenyan Embassy in Bangkok Ministry of Foreign Affairs 62 Thonglor Soi 5 Sikhumvit Road, Klongtan, Wattan Bangkok 10110 Thailand Kenya Tel: +66 271 25721 Fax: +66 877973267 E-mail: dkiambuthi@gmail.com Mr. Hadi M. Alajmi Import Superintendent Customs Department Street 15, Block 8 Kuwait 55 393 Kuwait Tel: +965 2 398 0949 Cell: +965 990 14700 Fax: +965 249 55919 E-mail: hi.alajmi@customs.gov.kw Ms. Anne Wangui Mwaura Second Secretary Kenya Mission to United Nations P.O. Box 41295 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 807 9149 Cell: +254 724 287 355 Fax: +254 20 216 3372 E-mail: annemwaura07@yahoo.com , amwaura@mfa.go.ke 19 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Dr. Yehya Al-Hadban Associate Research Scientist Building and Energy Technologies Department Environment and Urban Development Division Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O Box 24885 Safat 13109 Kuwait Tel: +965 2498 9251 Cell: +965 9906 9066 Fax: + 965 2498 9099 E-mail: yhadban@kisr.edu.kw , dralhadban@gmail.com Lao People's Democratic Republic Ms. Keobang A. Keola Director General Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 7864 Vientiane City 856-21 Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 243700 Cell: +856 20 5568 2540 Fax: +856 21 243702 E-mail: keobanga@gmail.com Mr. Heuan Chanphana Director of Division of Administration and Planning Department of Pollution Control Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Vientiane Capital P.O. Box 7864 Vientiane City Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +85 621 243 700 Cell: +856 20 55655 069 Fax: +85 621 243 702 E-mail: chanphana@gmail.com Mr. Yaqoub Almatouq Refrigeration Expert Kuwait National Ozone Unit Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 67215 Bayan 43763 Kuwait Tel: +965 24 821 278 Cell: +965 99737006 Fax: +965 24 820 599 E-mail: almatouq1@hotmail.com Kyrgyzstan Ms. Bang-On Sayarath Deputy Director Natural Resources and Environment Department Vientiane Capital Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 260 209 Cell: +856 20 2222 8837 / 5560 5798 Fax: +856 21 260 211 E-mail: b.sayarath@hotmail.com Mr. Mars Amanaliev Head of NOU National Ozone Center Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations 142 Gorky Street, Room 234 Bishkek 720055 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 548 852 Cell: +996 772 535 292 Fax: +996 312 548 853 E-mail: ecoconv@ozonecenter.kg , ecoconv@elcat.kg 20 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Latvia Libya Ms. Daina Ozola Head of Division Pollution Prevention and Waste Division Environmental Protection Department Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 25 Peldu Str. Riga, Riga LV-1494 Latvia Tel: +371 6702 6516 Cell: +371 2659 3724 Fax: +371 6782 0442 E-mail: daina.ozola@varam.gov.lv Mr. Nuri Al-marghani Member of the Executive Committee, Environment General Authority (EGA) Libya National Ozone Unit P.O. BOX 83618 Tripoli Libya Tel: +021 4870266 Cell: +218 91311 1989 Fax: +021 4873761 E-mail: nmarghani@gmail.com Mr. Mohamed Reda Dukali International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Libya Tel: +218 313402703 Cell: +218 913212955 Fax: +218 313403011 E-mail: ahmed_naili@yahoo.com , dukalir@yahoo.com Lebanon Mr. Mazen Khalil Hussein Head National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment 11-2727, Riad Solh Square, Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 1 976 555 ext 432 Cell: +961 3 204 318 Fax: +961 1 981 534 E-mail: mkhussein@moe.gov.lb Eng. Najmadeen B. Miloud Jalouta Human Resources Manager Ministry of Industry PO BOX 83584 Tripoli Libya Tel: + 218 21 334 6502 Cell: +218 91 374 1354 Fax: + 218 21 334 6502 E-mail: najmideen@yahoo.com , najmideen@industry.gov.ly Lesotho Mr. Mathatela Augustinus Ntsatsi National Ozone Officer Lesotho Meteorological Services Ministry of Natural Resources P.O Box 14515 Maseru 100 Tel: +266 22 322 075 Cell: +266 58 003 177 Fax: +266 22 325 057 E-mail: ntsatsi100@yahoo.com , ntsatsimathatela@gmail.com Lithuania Ms. Marija Teriosina Head of the Chemicals Division Pollution Prevention Ministry of Environment A. Jaksto Str. 4/9 Vilnius LT 01105 Lithuania Tel: +370 5 266 3501 Cell: +370 645 58336 Fax: +370 5 266 3502 E-mail: m.teriosina@am.lt 21 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Ineta Bauzyte Project Manager Ministry of Environment Jaksto 4/9 Vilnius LT-01105 Tel: +370 5 266 36 62 Fax: +370 5 266 36 63 E-mail: ineta@lietuvis.lt Madagascar Mr. Rabemananjara A. Rivomalala Point Focal National Ozone/Bureau National Ozone Chef du Service de la Promotion du Partenariat, avec les Cellules Environnementales et CTD Ministry of Environment and Forest B.P. 571 Ampandrianomby-Minenv Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Tel: +261 3405 62035 / 3302 23615 / 3202 56403 E-mail: ozoneproject@moov.mg , ozoneproject@yahoo.fr Mr. Tomas Smilgius Chief Specialist Chemical Substances Environmental Protection Agency A. Juozapavicius Str. 9 Vilnius LT-09311 Lithuania Tel: +370 5 212 6097 Cell: +370 656 14 491 E-mail: t.smilgius@aaa.am.lt Malawi Mr. Peter Mmora Environmental Officer (Ozone Desk Officer) Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management Private Bag 394 Lilongwe Malawi Tel: +265 1 771 111 Cell: + 265 999 485 904 Fax: +265 1 773 379 E-mail: petermmora@yahoo.co.uk Mr. Marius Sulga Environmentalist Chemicals Substance Division Environmental Protection Agency A. Mickeviciaus 24-22 Vilnius 09311 Lithuania Cell: +370 603 31 055 E-mail: m.sulga@aaa.am.lt , marsulga@gmail.com Ms. Zita Varanaviciene Chief Specialist Department of Pollution Prevention Jaksto 4/9 Vilnius LT-01105 Lithuania Tel: +370 706 61858 E-mail: z.varanaviciene@am.lt Malaysia Ms. Aminah Ali Assistant Director National Ozone Unit, Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Wisma Sumber Asli. Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 88 712 000 Fax: +603 88 884 800 E-mail: min@doe.gov.my 22 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Shafiza Jabar Basha Assistant Director National Ozone Unit, Department of Environment level 4 Podium3, Wisma Sumber Asli, No.25, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 887 12328 Fax: +603 88884151 E-mail: shafiza@doe.gov.my Ms. Miruza Mohamed National Ozone Officer Environment Department Ministry of Environment and Energy Male 20392 Maldives Tel: +960 300 4319 Cell: +960 777 4224 Fax: +960 300 4301 E-mail: miruza.mohamed@environment.gov.mv , miruza@gmail.com Ms. Mashitah Darus Principal Assistant Director Department of Environment Air Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Wisma Sumber Asli, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4, Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 88 712 319 Fax: +603 88 884 151 E-mail: md@doe.gov.my Mali Mr. Sacko Modibo Coordinator National Ozone Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuissances Ministère de l'energie, EAU l'Environnement BPE 3114 Bamako Mali Tel: +223 20 29 38 04 Cell: +223 66742342 Fax: +223 20 29 39 45 E-mail: sakhoa58@me.com , ozone@afribonemali.net Mr. Mohd Ridzuan bin Ismail Principal Assistant Director Crops Protection and Plant Quarantine Division, Dept of Agriculture Malaysia Tel: +603 20301405 Fax: +6012 2100617 E-mail: ridzuan@doa.gov.my Mauritius Mr. Rajendra Kumar Foolmaun Acting Divisional Environment Officer Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Mauritius Tel: +230 211 0229 Fax: +230 210 5751 E-mail: rfoolmaun@mail.gov.mu Maldives Mr. Ahmed Saleem Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Energy Male 20392 Maldives Tel: +960 300 4300 Cell: +960 790 6107 Fax: +960 300 4301 E-mail: ahmed.saleem@environment.gov.mv 23 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) H.E. Mr. Jorge Eduardo Chen Charpentier Ambassador Embassy of Mexico in Thailand 20/60-62 Thai Wha Tower1 Sathorn 10120 Bangkok Thailand Cell: +66 81 443 7093 E-mail: embassador@mexicanembassythailand.com Mr. Tilson Kephas Program Manager Office of Environment and Emergency Management PS 69 FSM National Government Pohnpei 96941 Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel: +691 320 8814 Fax: +691 320 8936 E-mail: tilsonkephas@yahoo.com Mr. Agustín Guevara Sanchez Coordinator Ozone Protection Unit General Directorate for Air Quality Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Av. Revolución 1425 Nivel 39 Col. Tlacopac San. Angel Mexico D.F. 01040 Mexico Tel: +55 5624 3552 Fax: +55 5624 3583 E-mail: agustin.sanchez@semarnat.gob.mx Mr. Dennis Michael Clare Adviser Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations 820 2nd Ave., Suite #17A New York 10017 United States of America Tel: +1 917 548 8841 E-mail: dennis.clare@gmail.com Mongolia Prof. Adiyasuren Tsokhio Director National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Green Development Room 1207,Government Building 11, Sambuu Street 11, P.O Box 38 Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia Tel: +976 11 312 458 Cell: +976 99 192 160 E-mail: ozoff@magicnet.mn , asuren2013@yahoo.com Mr. Jorge Luis Hidalgo-Castellanos Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of Mexico to Thailand Thai Wah Tower1, 20th Fl. 21/60-62 South Sathon Rd., Sathon Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: +66 2 285 0991 Fax: +66 2 285 0667 E-mail: hidalgo@mexicanembassythailand.com Ms. Dulamsuren Dashdorj Senior HPMP Officer Ministry of Environment & Green Development National Ozone Authority Room 1205, Government Building 11 Sambuu Street 11, P.O. Box 38 Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia Tel: + 976 11 31 2458 Fax: + 976 11 31 2320 E-mail: ozoff@magicnet.mn , dulamsuren_d@yahoo.com Mr. Gabriel Mendoza-Lopez Embassy of Mexico in Thailand 20/60-62 South Sathorn Rd. Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: +66 91 009 2115 E-mail: gmendoza@mexicanembassythailand.com 24 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Montenegro Myanmar Ms. Iva Kolinovic Adviser Environmental Protection Agency IV Proleterske No. 19, Podgorica 20000 Montenegro Tel: +382 20618246 / 382 67 404263 Fax: +382 20466587 E-mail: iva.kolinovic@epa.org.me Mr. Than Aye Director Environmental Conservation Department Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar Tel: +95 67 431 324 Cell: +95 9 450 541 351 Fax: +95 67 431 322 E-mail: thanaye82@gmail.com Morocco Nepal Mr. Chakour Abderrahim Chef de Division Ministere de l'industrie du Commerce et des Nouvelles Technologies Quartier Administratif - Chellah Rabat 10 000 Morocco Tel: +212 537 669632 Cell: +212 661521967 Fax: +212 637669655 E-mail: abderrahimc@mcinet.gov.ma Mr. Gorkarna Mani Duwadee Joint Secretary Division of Administration and Planning Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Singha Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +9841454474 Fax: +97714211954 E-mail: gduwadee@hotmail.com Mozambique Netherlands Mr. Leonardo Manuel Sulila Ozone Officer, National Focal Point Multilateral Cooperation Department Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Av. Acordos de Lusaka, P.O. Box 2020 Maputo 2115 Mozambique Tel: +258 21 466 245 Cell: +258 824 162 680 Fax: +258 21 466245 / 465141 E-mail: leonardosulila@yahoo.com.br Ms. Gudi Alkemade Senior Policy Advisor Climate, Air Quality & Noise Directorate Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment P.O. Box 20901 The Hague 2500 EX Netherlands Tel: +31 70 45 66 515 Cell: +31 6 1501 7780 E-mail: gudi.alkemade@minienm.nl New Zealand Ms. Meredith Davis Policy Analyst Ministry for the Environment 23 Kate Sheppard Place Wellington 6143 New Zealand Tel: +644 439 76 53 Fax: +64 4 439 7700 E-mail: meredith.davis@mfe.govt.nz 25 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Penny Race Senior Policy Analyst International Climate and Environment Ministry for the Environment 23 Kate Sheppard Place, Thorndon Wellington 6160 New Zealand Tel: +614 397 448 Cell: +64 21 2900 545 Fax: +644 397 700 E-mail: penny.race@mfe.govt.nz Nigeria Nicaragua Mr. Abdul-Kazeem Kasimu Bayero Deputy Director/National Ozone Officer National Ozone Office Department of Pollution Control & Environmental Health Federal Ministry of Environment 14 Aguiyi Ironsi Rd Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 941 3 5971 Cell: + 234 803 311 3755 Fax: +234 941 36317 E-mail: kasimubayero@yahoo.com Mr. Nart Augustine Kolo Minister Nigerian High Commission P.O. Box 30516 - 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 20 387 5871 Cell: +254 774 260 578 E-mail: kolona65@yahoo.co.uk Ms. Hilda Espinoza Urbina Punto Focal de Protocolo de Montreal Directora General de Calidad Ambiental Dirección General Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Kilómetro 10, 1/2 Carretera Panamericana Norte Frente Zona Franca Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 2233 4455 Cell: +505 888 9897 Fax: +505 263 2620 E-mail: hespinoza@marena.gob.ni , espinoza.urbina@gmail.com Princess Aramide O. Gbadamosi Special Assistant to the President (on Administration - Vice President) Liaisons Franco - Nigerianes Environment Federal Ministry of Environment #411, 28 Boulevard du General Lederc Neuilly Sur Seine 92200 France Tel: +234 806 089 1322/080 755 80311 E-mail: aramideog@yahoo.com Niger Mr. Sani Mahazou Coordonnateur NOU Directeur de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie Direction Générale de l'Envionnment et des Eaux & Forêts Ministere de l'hydraulique et de l'Environnement B.P. 578 Niamey Niger Tel: + 227 20 73 83 04 Cell: +227 96 96 73 66 Fax: + 227 20 73 55 91 E-mail: mahazous@yahoo.com , sani.mahazou@gmail.com Norway Ms. Alice Gaustad Senior Adviser Section for Climate Science Climate Department Climate and Pollution Agency P.O. Box 8100 Dep. Oslo N-0032 Norway Tel: +47 22 57 34 00 Fax: +47 22 676706 E-mail: alice.gaustad@klif.no 26 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Oman Panama Mr. Saif Majid Al Balushi Environmental Inspector Climate Affair Department of the Environment P.O. Box 323, P.C. 100 Muscat Oman Tel: +96 82 440 727 Cell: +96 89 953 5867 E-mail: al-bulashi@hotmail.com Ms. Niurka Sarahi Gonzalez Co-ordinator Ozone Unit Ministry of Health Calle Paseo Gorgas, Edificio 237, Ancon Panama 06812 Tel: +507 512 9131 Fax: +507 512 9353 E-mail: niurkasg@hotmail.com Paraguay Mr. Ibrahim Yaqoob Al-Harthi Environmental Inspector Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Climate Affairs Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P.O. Box 323 Muscat PC 100 Oman Tel: +968 9505 4105 Cell: +968 2440 4681 Fax: +968 2440 4554 E-mail: ibrahim2fl08@yahoo.com Ms. Gilda Maria Anazco Escobar Environment Secretary Administrative of Montreal Protocol, Ozone Unit Madame Lynch Nro, 3.500 Asuncion 59521 Paraguay Tel: +59 52 1615 809 E-mail: gildaanazco@gmail.com Philippines Pakistan Mr. Rommel Abesamis Assistant Secretary Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Department of Environment and Natural Resources 5th Floor DENR Main Buiding, Visayas Avenue., Diliman Quezon City Phil. 1101 Philippines Tel: +632 929 6626/ 2162 Fax: +632 925 8276 E-mail: asecabesamis@denr.gov.ph Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Joint Secretary (International Cooperation) Climate Change Ministry of Climate Change LG&RD Complex, Sector G-5/2 Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Tel: +92 51 924 5523 Cell: +92 332 4713547 Fax: +92 51 924 5524 E-mail: jsicenv@gmail.com Mr. Muhammad Asif Khan National Programme Manager Ozone Cell Ministry of Climate Change 339 Ravi Road G-8/2 Islamabad Pakistan Tel: +92 51 9260686 Cell: +92 300 510 7096 Fax: +92 51 9262255 E-mail: asifmkh@yahoo.com 27 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Ella Deocadiz Program Manager Philippine Ozone Desk, Environmental Management Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue Quezon City 1110 Philippines Tel: +63 2 426 4340 Cell: +63 917 843 7808 Fax: +63 2 426 4340/ 928 1244 E-mail: esdeocadiz@emb.gov.ph , gellamini@yahoo.com Poland Prof. Janusz Kozakiewicz Director's Plenipotentiary Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Affairs Unit Industrial Chemistry Research Institute 8 Rydygiera Str. Warsaw 01-793 Poland Tel: +48 22 568 2845 Fax: +48 22 633 9291 E-mail: kozak@ichp.pl Dr. Agnieszka Tomaszewska Senior Specialist Department of Air Protection Ministry of Environment Ministerstwo Srodowiska, UL, 52/54, Wawelska St Warsaw 00-922 Poland Tel: +48 22 5792 498 Fax: +48 22 5792 790 E-mail: agnieszka.tomaszewska@mos.gov.pl Ms. Elvira Salvani Pausing Project Manager EMB-Philippine Ozone Desk (POD) National CFC Phaseout Plan (NCPP) Environmental Management Bureau EMB Bldg., Visayas Avenue, Diliman, 1181, Quezon City Quezon City 1100 Philippines Tel: +63 2928 4578/89 Cell: +63 2 9285082901 Fax: +63 2 426 4338 E-mail: pausingelvira@yahoo.com.ph Dr. Jadwiga Poplawska-Jach Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Unit Industrial Chemistry Research Institute 8, Rydygiera Street Warsaw 01-793 Poland Tel: +48 22 568 2182 Fax: +48 22 633 9291 E-mail: jadwiga.poplawska-jach@ichp.pl Mr. Raoul E. Littaua Executive Consultant Foreign-Assisted & Special Projects Department of Environment and Natural Resources 5th Floor DENR Main Building, Visayas Ave., Diliman Quezon City Phil. 1101 Philippines Tel: +632 929 6626/ 2162 Cell: +63 0918 9390807 Fax: +632 925 8276 E-mail: raoul.littaua@gmail.com Ms. Malgorzata Wejtko Director Department of Air Protection Ministry of Environment 52/54 Wawelska St. Warsaw 00-922 Poland Tel: +48 22 3692 770 Fax: +48 22 3692 217 E-mail: malgorzata.wejtko@mos.gov.pl 28 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Portugal Romania Mr. Abel Martins Technician Air and Noise Management Rua da Murgueira 9/9A- Zambujal, Aparado 7585 Amadora 2611865 Portugal Tel: +351 966 516592 E-mail: abel.martins@apambiente.pt Ms. Claudia Dumitru Councillor Waste and Dangerous Chemicals Management Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Libertatii Blv., No 12 Bucharest 7000 Romania Tel: +40 21 408 9582 Cell: +40 724 390 063 Fax: +40 213 160 298 E-mail: claudia.dumitru@mmediu.ro Qatar Mr. Hussain Saad Hussein Al-Kubaisi Chemical Engineer Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel: +974 55515211 Cell: +974 5551 5211 Fax: +974 4420 7000 E-mail: hskuibasi@moe.gov.qa Russian Federation Dr. Evgeniy V. Gorshkov Deputy Director General / Permanent Representative in Moscow Atmospheric Air Protection 7 Karbyshev St. St. Petersburg 19402 Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 297 86 62 Cell: +7 921 306 22 49 Fax: +7 812 297 86 62 E-mail: niiatm_moscow@inbox.ru , info@nil-atmosphere.ru Republic of Moldova Mr. Anatolie Tarita NOU Coordinator Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Uf Dosoftei 154A Chisinau 2009 Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 718938 Cell: +373 794 80106 Fax: +373 22 718938 E-mail: environment@ozon.mldnet.com Mr. Nuritdin R. Inamov Director Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str. Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 7662672 Fax: +7 495 2548283 29 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Dr. Yakov Shatrov Head of Division Environmental Safety for Rocket & Space Activities 4 Pionerskaya St. Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 513 5325 Cell: +7 916 612 41 00 Fax: +7 495 513 4620 E-mail: newlv@roscosmos.ru , ecologrcd@tsnillmash.ru Ms. Alla Sheshukova Department of State regulation of the drug market Rakhamovskiy, 3 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +8 007 495 606 1660 Cell: +8 926 213 9461 Fax: +8 007 495 606 1539 E-mail: shishukovaAA@rosminzdrav.ru Ms. Maria Volosatova Head of Division Climate and Air Protection Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Str Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 254 60 11 Cell: +7 916 611 28 09 Fax: +7 499 254 54 06 E-mail: mpv@mnr.gov.ru Mr. Sergey Vasiliev Focal Point for Ozone Agreements Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6, B. Grouzinskaya Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 766 26 61 Fax: +7 499 254 82 83 E-mail: svas@mnr.gov.ru Saint Lucia Ms. Joanna Sumitra Nerdine OctaveRosemond Ozone Assistant Sustainable Development and Environment Division Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy Science and Technology Castries Saint Lucia Tel: +1 758 451 8746 E-mail: jrosemondsde@gmail.com Mr. Kirill Borisov Deputy Chief of Department Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 766 2661 Fax: +7 495 2548283 E-mail: svas@mnr.gov.ru Ms. Alexandra Medvedeva Deputy Head of Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Russian Federation Tel: +7499 766 2611 Fax: +7 495 254 8283 E-mail: svas@mnr.gov.ru 30 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Samoa Sierra Leone Ms. Tumau Faasaoina Ozone Project Coordinator Climate, Research and Application, Meteorology Division Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology Meteorology Office, P.O Box 3020 Apia 685 Mulinuu Samoa Tel: +685 763785 / 20855 Cell: +685-20855 / +685 7587818 Fax: + 685 208 23141 E-mail: tumau.faasaoina@mnre.gov.ws , tumau.faasaoina@gmail.com Ms. Haddijatou Jallow Executive Chairperson Environment Protection Agency 21 Old Railway Line Brooksfields Freetown Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 866 768 Cell: +232 766 77235 E-mail: Jatou.forna@gmail.com Mr. Victor Harold, Onishegun Sawyerr Deputy Director and National Ozone Officer Office of the President Environment Protection Agency 21 Old Railway Line Brookfield Freetown Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 603184 Cell: +232 33 603184 E-mail: victor.sawyerr@yahoo.com Senegal Ms. Reine Marie Coly Badiane Adjointe au Coordonnateur du Programme Ozone Senegal Ministere de L'Ecologie et de la Protection de la Nature, des Bassins de Retentions et des Lacs Artificiels 106, Rue Carnot Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 338 226211/223848 Cell: +221 77 648 0059 Fax: +221 338 226 212 E-mail: rmcoly@orange.sn , badianermc@gmail.com Singapore Ms. Pearl Lynn Tan Executive International Relations Department Policy and Planning Division National Environment Agency 40 Scotts Rd.#11-00, Environment bld. Singapore 228231 Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9646 Fax: +65 6731 9922 E-mail: pearl_lynn_tan@nea.gov.sg Seychelles Ms. Inese Chang-Waye Jeannine Ozone Coordinator Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Energy P.O. Box 1145 Victoria Mahe Seychelles Tel: + 248 438 4353 Fax: + 248 4384369 E-mail: i.chang-waye@meteo.gov.st , ichangwaye@hotmail.com Ms. Stefanie Koh Scientific Officer Pollution Control Department Singapore Tel: +65 67319667 Fax: +6568362294 E-mail: stefanie_koh@nea.gov.sg 31 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Mary-Anne Pan Senior Assistant Director International Policy 40 Scotts Road #23-00 Environment Building 228231 Singapore Tel: +65 67319189 Cell: +65 67384468 Fax: +65 97515493 E-mail: maryanne_pan@mewr.gov.sg Mr. Lubabalo Maweni Deputy Director Department of Environmental Affairs Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3199 Cell: +27 74 849 5895 Fax: +27 12 322 5515 E-mail: lmaweni@environment.gov.za Slovakia Ms. Katarina Jankovicova Head of Air Protection Department Ministry of the Environment Nam. Ludovita Stura 1, Bratislava 81201 Slovakia Tel: +421 905669538 E-mail: katarina.jankovicova@enviro.gov.sk Mr. Alfred Wills Deputy Director General Environment Affairs Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3913 Cell: +27 82 464 1223 Fax: +27 12 320 0346 E-mail: awills@environment.gov.za South Africa South Sudan Mr. Obed Meringo Baloyi Chief Director Chemicals Management Department of Environmental Affairs Private bag 447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: + 27 12 310 3833 Fax: + 27 12 322 5515 E-mail: obaloyi@environment.gov.za Hon. Philip Palet Gadin Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment Juba Central Equatoria State South Sudan Cell: +211 929 66 44 49 E-mail: philippalet@yahoo.com Ms. Kapuki Tongun Lado Acting Director General Environmental Education & Information Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Juba Central Equatoria State South Sudan Cell: +211 955 70 78 55 E-mail: kapuki_tongun@yahoo.com Mr. Jeboho Sebego Policy Analyst: Chemical & Waste Cooperation Chemical and Waste Management Department of Environmental Affairs Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 Gauteng South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3913 Cell: +27 82 889 9796 Fax: +27 12 320 0346 E-mail: TSebego@environment.gov.za 32 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Sri Lanka Swaziland Mr. G.M.J.K. Gunawardana Director Promotion, Environmental Education and National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment 'Sampathpaya' 82, Rajamalwatta Rd., Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 4933 499 Cell: +94 71 8068 450 E-mail: janakagunawardana@yahoo.com Mr. Mboni Za. Dlamini Director Environmental Assessment and Compliance Swaziland Environment Authority P.O. Box 2602 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 2404 6960 Cell: +268 76 025 947 Fax: +268 2404 1719 E-mail: mboni_dlamini@yahoo.co.uk , mdlamini@sea.org.sz Mr. Rupasinghe Arachchige Rohana Rathnasiri Administration and Environment Promotion Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy "Sampathpaya" 82, Rajamalawatte Road, Battaramulla Colombo Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2888205 Cell: +94 11 0713 55 6273 Fax: +94 11 283417 E-mail: secoffice@menr.lk , secoffice@menr.lk Sweden Dr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai Senior Adviser EU and Multilateral Environmental Agreements Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Valhallavagen 195 Stockholm SE 106 48 Sweden Tel: +46 10 698 1145 Cell: +46 708 166 945 Fax: +46 10 698 1602 E-mail: husamuddin.ahmadzai@swedishepa.se Sudan Ms. Nagat Mahmoud Adam Ministry of Environment and Physical Development P.O. BOX 10488 Khartoum Sudan Tel: +2491 76501 784279 E-mail: hcenr2005@yahoo.com , nagatmahmoud2@hotmial.com Ms. Sofia Tapper Deputy Director Division of Chemicals Ministry of the Environment Tegelbacken 2 Stockholm 10333 Sweden Tel: +46 8 405 24 19 Cell: +46 767 88 24 19 Fax: +46 8 613 30 72 E-mail: Sofia.Tapper@gov.se Mr. Khalid Maheildin Ibrahim Hamad Ministry of Environment and Physical Development P.O. Box 10488 Khartoum Sudan E-mail: hcenr2005@yahoo.com , wadalsahwa@yahoo.com 33 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Maria Ujfalusi Senior Adviser Unit for European Union & Multilateral Environmental Agreements Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Valhallavagen 195 Stockholm S-106 48 Sweden Tel: +46 10 698 1140 Cell: +46 76 115 1908 E-mail: maria.ujfalusi@naturvardsverket.se Thailand Ms. Sirakarn Srilekha NOU Director Treaties and International Strategies Bureau Department of Industrial Works Rama6 VI Road, Ratchathewi, Phayathai Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +662 202 4104 Cell: +66 89 600 9232 Fax: +662 202 4015 E-mail: ozone@ozonediw.org , sirakarn@diw.mail.go.th Switzerland Mr. Blaise Horisberger Deputy Head of section Biocides and Plant Protection Products Section Waste Management, Chemicals and Biotechnology Div. Federal Office for the Environment Berne CH-3003 Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 9024 Cell: +41 79 560 1337 Fax: +41 31 323 0369 E-mail: blaise.horisberger@bafu.admin.ch Mr. Chessada Sakulku Director of GHG Information Center Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) 9th fl., 120 Chaengwattana Rd., Laksi Bangkok 10210 Thailand Tel: +66 2 141 9840 Fax: +66 2 143 8404 E-mail: chessada.s@tgo.or.th Ms. Natawan Sukchai NOU Officer Ministry of Industry Department of Industrial Works, 75/6, Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi 10400 Thailand Tel: +662 202 4228 Fax: +662 202 4015 E-mail: ozone@ozonediw.org , natawan.s@diw.mail.go.th Tajikistan Mr. Muzaffar Shodmonov Head International Relations Department State Organization of Hydrometeorology 47 Shevchenko Str. Dushanbe 734025 Tajikistan Tel: +992 93 514 5294 Fax: + 992 372 276181 E-mail: mshodmonov@gmail.com , cc_center@meteo.tj 34 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tonga Mr. Uikelotu Vunga National ODS Coordinator Climate Change Division Ministry of Environment and Climate Change P.O. BOX 917, Vuna Road Nuku'alofa Tonga Tel: +676 27 767 Cell: +676 888 6999 Fax: +676 27 769 E-mail: vungauikelotu@gmail.com Ms. Emilija Kupeva-Nedelkova Assistant National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Bul. Goce Delcev no. 18 Skopje 1000 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: + 389 02 311 9622 Cell: + 389 076 446 953 Fax: + 389 2 311 9622 E-mail: e.kupeva@pops.org.mk , e.kupeva@pops.org.mk Trinidad and Tobago Dr. Marissa Gowrie Deputy Environmental Manager/National Ozone Officer Environmental Policy & Planning Division Department of the Environment and Water Resources level 26 Tower D Waterfront Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 623 3158 Cell: +868 743 3524 Fax: +868 624 2455 E-mail: marissa.gowrie@gov.tt Timor-Leste Mr. Luis dos Santos Belo Secretary of NOU Ministry of Environment Dili Timor-Leste Tel: +670 3339119 Fax: +670 7311192 E-mail: alubelo78@gmail.com , 1santos@cambioclimatico.gub.uy Togo Turkmenistan Mr. Malouesson Gbandi Assistant Coordinator Ozone Unit Direction de l'Environnement, Lutte contre Pollutions et Nuissances BP 4825 Lome Togo Tel: +228 90 24 20 08 Cell: +228 924 20 08 Fax: +228 22 22 68 97 E-mail: gbmalson@yahoo.fr Ms. Gulshirin Jorayeva NOU Coordinator's Assistant Ministry of Nature Protection 59, Azadi str. Ashgabat 740000 Turkmenistan Tel: +993 12 93 07 91 Fax: +993 12 93 14 93 E-mail: ozoneturkm@mail.ru , skirinajg@mail.ru 35 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Tuvalu United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ms. Masikiga Elisala National Ozone Officer Department of Environment National Ozone Unit Private Mail Bag, Vaiaku Funafuti Tuvalu Tel: +688 20 617 Cell: +688 900 051 E-mail: kemiss26@gmail.com Mr. Dornford Rugg Head of Stratospheric Ozone and F-Gases Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Area 2C, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7238 4398 Cell: +44 781 689 6919 E-mail: dornford.rugg@defra.gsi.gov.uk Uganda Mr. Stephen Cowperthwaite Stratospheric Ozone & F-Gas Policy Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Area 2C, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7238 3179 Cell: +44 7824 597515 Fax: +44 207 238 3341 E-mail: stephen.cowperthwaite@defra.gsi.gov.uk Ms. Margaret Aanyu Ozone Desk Officer Environment Impact Assessment Coordinator National Environment Management Authority P.O. BOX 2225 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 251 064/5/8 Cell: +256 77 142 2125 Fax: +256 414 257 521 E-mail: maanyu@nemaug.org , magaanyu@hotmail.com Mr. Mathias Banda Coordinator - NOU Zambia Environmental Management Agency P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +264 1 254023/59 Cell: +264 097 8 05 06 38 Fax: +264 1 254164 E-mail: mbanda@necz.org.zm , mbanda73@hotmail.com Ms. Fiona Walters Policy Advisor Stratospheric Ozone & F-Gas Policy Team Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Area 2C, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 6839 Cell: +44 7833 058 758 E-mail: fiona.walters@defra.gsi.gov.uk United Arab Emirates Ms. Fatima Yousif Al Hammadi Environmental Coordinator Air Quality Department Ministry of Environment Dubai United Arab Emirates Cell: +97 150 6100501 E-mail: fyalhammadi@moew.gov.ae 36 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. William J. Chism Senior Agronomist Biological and Economic Analysis Division Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC 20460-0001 United States of America Tel: +1 703 308 8136 Fax: +1 703 308 8090 E-mail: chism.bill@epa.gov United Republic of Tanzania Ms. Magdalena J. Mtenga Assistant Director of Environment Vice President's Office P.O. Box 5380 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 22 2113857 / 211 6995 Fax: +255 22 2113856 E-mail: ps@vpo.go.tz , magejohn@yahoo.com Mr. Tom Land Montreal Protocol Negotiator Stratospheric Protection Division Office of Air and Radiation Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Mail Code 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9815 Fax: +1 202 343 2362 E-mail: land.tom@epa.gov United States of America Mr. John Thompson Deputy Director Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Environmental Policy 2201 C Street, NW Suite 2657 Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 9799 Fax: +1 202 647 5947 E-mail: thompsonje2@state.gov Ms. Elisa G. Rim Economist Office of Air and Radiation Stratospheric Protection Division Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW MC 6205J Washington 20460 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9947 Cell: +1 202 701 4538 Fax: +1 202 343 2362 E-mail: rim.elisa@epa.gov Ms. Cindy Newberg Branch Chief, AERB Office of Air and Radiation Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, MC 6205J Washington DC 20460 MC United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9729 Cell: +1 202 664 3436 Fax: +1 202 343 2338 E-mail: newberg.cindy@epa.gov Mr. Federico M. San Martini Foreign Affairs Officer Bureau of Oceans, Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of State Office of Environmental Policy Room 2657, 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 3819 Fax: +1 202 647 1052 E-mail: Sanmartinifm@state.gov Mr. Teung Fook Chin Biologist Office of Pest Management Policy United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. (MS-0314) Washington DC 20250-0314 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 222 8619 Fax: + 1 202 720 3191 E-mail: teung.chin@ars.usda.gov 37 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Andrew Clark Foreign Affairs Officer Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues (OES/EQT) U.S. Department of State 2201 C St. NW, Suite 2657 Washington D.C. 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 4819 Fax: +1 202 647 1052 E-mail: Clarkad@state.gov Uruguay Mr. Luis Santos Coordinator Ozone Unit, National Environment Directorate (DINAMA) Ministry of Environment Galicia 1133, Piso 3 Montevideo 11100 Uruguay Tel: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. 4306 Cell: +598 95 618 904 Fax: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. 4321 E-mail: lsantos@cambioclimatico.gub.uy , lsantos@cambioclimatico.gub.uy Ph.D. Nancy H. Akerman Science & Technology Policy Fellow Environmental Protection Agency / Office of Atmospheric Programs / stratospheric Protection Division 1310 L Street, NW 10th Floor, Washington 20005 DC Tel: +1 202 343 9535 Cell: +1 571 213 0999 E-mail: skerman.nancy@epa.gov , nancyakerman@gmail.com Mr. Roberto Marvid Consultant, Ozone Unit National Environment Directorate (DINAMA) Ministry of Environment Galicia 1133, Floor 3 Montevideo CP 11100 Uruguay Tel: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. 4301 Cell: +598 99 618 740 Fax: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. 4321 E-mail: rmarvid@ozono.gub.uy Mr. Robert Michael Baca . Environmental Compliance Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine United States Department of Agriculture 4700 River Road, Unit 150, Riverdale, MD 20737 United States of America Tel: +1 301 851 2292 Cell: +1 301 526 8521 Fax: + 1 301 734 3308 E-mail: robert.m.baca@aphis.usda.gov Uzbekistan Ms. Nadejda Dotsenko Chief Department of Air Protection State Committee for Nature Protection Tashkent 100159 Uzbekistan Tel: + 99 871 239 48 23 Fax: + 99 871 239 1494 E-mail: n.dotsenko_uzb@mail.ru Mr. David Michael Gravallese Attorney - Adviser Office of Legal Adviser United States Department of State 2201 C. St. NW Washington 20520 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 736 4760 E-mail: gravallesedm@state.gov 38 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Faisal Ahmed Nasser Bin Ali Gaber Deputy Chairman of EPA & National Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 19136 Sana'a Yemen Tel: +967 1 203 714 Cell: +967 7711 66061 Fax: +967 1 203 714 E-mail: aligaber.nou@y.net.ye , fbinaligaber@gmail.com Vanuatu Ms. Anna Kalpokas National Ozone Officer Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources PMB 9063 Port Vila Vanuatu Tel: +678 25 302 Fax: + 678 22 227 E-mail: abule@vanuatu.gov.vu Mr. Salah Mansoor Naseer Al Hasani Administration Assistant National Ozone Unit Environment Protection Authority Alzubiry street P.O. Box 19136 Sana'a Yemen Tel: + 967 1203714 Cell: + 967 71111 2109 Fax: + 967 203 714 E-mail: aligaber.nou@y.net.ye , aligaber.nou@y.net.ye Viet Nam Dr. Luong Duc Khoa Ozone Coordinator Meteorology, Hydrology & Climate Change/National Ozone Unit Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No.8 Phao Dai Lang Str. Hanoi 10000 Viet Nam Tel: +84 4 377 57109 Cell: +84 9034 53319 Fax: +84 4 377 57108 E-mail: ozoneoffice@fpt.vn Zimbabwe Mr. George Chaumba Ozone Project Manager National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management 11th Flr Kaguvi Building, P. Bag 7753, Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 701681/2/3 Cell: +263 71 2610994 Fax: +263 4 701551/252673 E-mail: ozone@ecoweb.co.zw , george.chaumba@gmail.com Yemen Ms. Hayat Ghaleb Ahmed Ali Director General National Ozone Unit Environmental Protection Authority P.O. Box 19136, Al-Zubairy Street Sana'a Yemen Tel: +967 1 203 714 Cell: + 967 7711 23969 Fax: +967 1 203 714 E-mail: hayat312@hotmail.com Representatives of United Nations secretariat units and bodies 39 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Chemicals Technicals Options Committee Global Environment Facility Mr. Anil Bruce Sookdeo Environmental Specialist Climate and Chemicals Global Environment Facility 1818 H. Street, NW, Mail Stop P4-400 Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 0683 Fax: +1 202 522 3240 E-mail: asookdeo@TheGEF.org Prof. Biao Jiang Co-Chair, Chemicals TOC/Professor Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 354 Fenglin Road Shanghai 200032 China Tel: +86 2154925207 Fax: +86 2164166128 E-mail: jiangb@mail.sioc.ac.cn , jiangb@sari.ac.or Medical Technical Options Committee Dr. Helen Tope Co-Chair, MTOC Principal Consultant, Energy International Australia Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Unit 2, 9 Osborne Street Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: +61 3 9016 0435 Cell: +61 414 563 474 Fax: +61 3 9012 7935 E-mail: helentope@energyinter.com Environmental Effects Assessment Panel Prof. Janet F. Bornman Director Curtin University, International Institute for Agri-food Security (IIAFS) GPO Box U1987 Perth 6845 New Zealand Tel: +61 8 9266 4575 Cell: +64 272 698 444 Fax: +61 8 9266 7897 E-mail: JBornman@curtin.edu.au , janetbornman@gmail.com Ozone Secretariat Mr. Marco Gonzalez Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3885/3611 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: marco.gonzalez@unep.org Prof. Nigel Duncan Paul Professor Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YQ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 124 510 208 Cell: +44 798 159 2955 E-mail: n.paul@lancaster.ac.uk 40 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Megumi Seki Ag. Deputy Executive Secretary/Senior Scientific Affairs Officer, Chief, Assessment Panel Secretariat Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3452/4213 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: megumi.seki@unep.org Mr. Gerald Mutisya Database Manager Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 4057 Cell: +254 722 202 587 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: gerald.mutisya@unep.org Refrigeration Technical Options Committee Mr. Gilbert M. Bankobeza Senior Legal Officer Chief, Legal Affairs and Compliance Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3854/3848 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: gilbert.bankobeza@unep.org Mr. Martin Dieryckx Refrigeration TOC Member Daikin Europe NV Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Zandvoordestraat 300 Oostende 8400 Belgium Tel: +32 59 558 614 Cell: +32 477 663 625 Fax: +32 59 558 521 E-mail: dieryckx.m@daikineurope.com Ms. Ruth Batten Senior Administrative and Fund Management Officer, Chief, Administration and Communications Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 4032/3849 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: ruth.batten@unep.org Scientific Assessment Panel Prof. Ayite-Lo N. Ajavon Co-Chair Africa Global Recycling 353 rue Naware, BP 4396 Lomé Togo Tel: +228 22 269170/9944 9444 / 322 265243 Cell: +228 9004 1593 Fax: +228 223 8595 E-mail: sossiayite@gmail.com , al.ajavon@africaglobal-recyling.com Ms. Sophia Mylona Monitoring and Compliance Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3430 Fax: +254 20 762 0335 E-mail: sophia.mylona@unep.org 41 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Dr. A. R. Ravishankara Co-Chair, SAP/Director Chemical Sciences Division Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 325 Broadway Boulder 80305 Colorado United States of America Tel: +1 303 497 5821 Cell: +1 303 3191658 Fax: +1 303 497 5822 E-mail: a.r.ravishankara@noaa.gov Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Ms. Maria Ulana Nolan Chief Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière Street West Suite 4100 Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 7851 Cell: +1 514 582 210 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: maria.nolan@unmfs.org Dr. Paul Newman Co-Chair, SAP/ Senior Scientist Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch Goddard Space Flight Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Greenbelt, MD 20771 United States of America Tel: +1 301 614 5985 Cell: +1 301 793 4591 Fax: +1 301 614 5903 E-mail: paul.a.newman@nasa.gov Mr. Eduardo Ganem Deputy Chief Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: eganem@unmfs.org Mr. Andrew Reed Deputy Chief Officer Financial and Economic Affairs 1000 de la Gauchetière Street West Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: areed@unmfs.org Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Mr. Quang Nguyen Computer Systems Officer Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 Saint Jacques Street, Suite 800 Montreal QC H2y 1N9 Canada Tel: +1 514 287 7059 / 288 2220 Fax: +1 514 288 6588 E-mail: quang.nguyen@cbd.int Ms. Bouthena Sayah Bendahmane Senior Administrative and Fund Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Cell: +1 514 815 8327 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: bouthena.bendahmane@unmfs.org 42 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Cecilia Mercado Senior Project Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière Street West Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: cmercado@unmfs.org Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Mr. Donald Cooper Coordinator of Mitigation,Data and Analysis Programme Executive Direction and Management Martin-Luther-King Strasse 8 Bonn 53175 Germany Germany Tel: +49 228 815 1027 Cell: +49 173 851 3881 Fax: +49 228 815 1999 E-mail: dcooper@unfccc.int , JHodgkin@unfccc.int Mr. Stephan Sicars Senior Programme Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west 41st Floor Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: stephan.sicars@unmfs.org Technology and Economic Assessment Panel Mr. Alejandro Ramirez-Pabon Senior Project Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Suite 4100 Montreal Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 7879 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: aramirez@unmfs.org Dr. Stephen Oliver Andersen Co-Chair, TEAP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 2317 North Road Barnard 05031-0257 VT United States of America Tel: +1 802 234 5251 Cell: +1 202 255 3733 E-mail: SOliverAndersen@aol.com Ms. Martha Leyva Programme Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: mleyva@unmfs.org Dr. Lambert J. M. Kuijpers Co-Chair, TEAP ECfS-TDO, Technical University Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee P.O. Box 513 Eindhoven 5600MB Netherlands Tel: +31 49 247 6365 Cell: +31 65 3501145 Fax: +31 49 247 6369 E-mail: lambert.kuijpers@kpnmail.nl Mr. Mulu Alem Associate Information Technology Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College Avenue 27th Floor Montréal H3A 3J6 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: mulu.alem@unmfs.org , secretariat@unmfs.org 43 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Marta Pizano Co-chair , TEAP and MBTOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Calle 85 #19B - 31 of 401 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 634 8028 Cell: +57 315 875 1328 Fax: +57 1 634 8028 E-mail: mpizano@hortitecnia.com Mr. Keiichi Ohnishi Co-Chair, CTOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Shinmarunouchi Bldg., 1-5-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8405 Japan Tel: +81 3 3218 5310 Fax: +81 3 3218 7858 E-mail: keiichi-ohnishi@agc.com Dr. Masaaki Yamabe Senior Expert, TEAP, Emeritius Researcher National Institute (AIST) Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Minami Tsukushino 2-3-13 Machida, Tokyo 194-0002 Japan Tel: +81 42795 6498 Cell: +81 90 6011 6498 Fax: +81 42 795 6498 E-mail: m-yamabe@aist.go.jp Prof. Miguel Wenceslao Quintero Guzman Co-chair, FTOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee AK1# 78-10,IV-601 Bogota .D.C 11001 Colombia Tel: + 571 349 2325 Cell: +573 14 26 37 857 E-mail: miquinte@gmail.com Ms. Bella A. Maranion TEAP Senior Expert, Program Analyst Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Mail Code 6205J Washington 20460 DC United States of America Tel: + 202 343 9749 Cell: +1 202 257 7922 Fax: + 202 343 2363 E-mail: maranion.bella@epa.gov Dr. Ian James Porter MBTOC Co-Chair Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 103 Ashburn Grove Ashburton 3147 Victoria Australia Tel: +613 9885 2132 Cell: +61 417 544 080 Fax: +613 9032 7600 E-mail: ian.j.porter@dpi.vic.gov.au Ms. Michelle Marcotte Co-Chair, Methyl Bromide TOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 4883 Simcoe St. Niagara Falls L2E 1V8 Ontario Canada Tel: +1 289 296 6200 E-mail: marcotteconsulting@cogeco.ca Prof. Ian David Rae Co-Chair, Chemicals TOC TEAP Member Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 16 Bates Drive Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: +61 3 9397 3794 Fax: +61 3 9397 3794 E-mail: iandrae@bigpond.com 44 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Ken Vick National Program Leader, Methyl Bromide TOC United States Department of Agriculture Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 4883 Simcoe St. Niagara Falls L2E 1V8 Canada Tel: +1 301 504 5321 Cell: +1 240 888 5124 E-mail: ken.vick@cogeco.ca Dr. Sergey Kopylov Co-Chair, Halons TOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee 63-61 Sverdlora Str. Balashikha 143905 Moscow Region Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 521 9747 Cell: +7 495 798 7151 Fax: +7 495 521 4394 E-mail: firetest@mail.ru Mr. Paul Keith Ashford Co-Chair, FTOC Caleb Management Services, Managing Director Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee The Stables, Somerset House Church Road, Tormarton Badminton GL9 1HT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1454 269 330 Cell: +44 7774 110 814 Fax: +44 1454 216 030 E-mail: paul@calebgroup.net Prof. Ashley Woodcock Co-chair, MTOC University of Manchester Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee North West Lung Centre Manchester M23 9LT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 797 472 7690 Fax: +44 161 291 2398 E-mail: ashley.woodcock@manchester.ac.uk Dr. Roberto Aguiar Peixoto Co-chair, Refrigeration TOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Maua Institute of Technology Praca Maua 1 Sao Caetano Do Sul 09580-900 Sao Paulo/Brazil Tel: +55 11 4239 3021 Cell: +55 11 99595143 Fax: +55 11 4239 3041 E-mail: robertopeixoto@maua.br , robertopeixoto@hotmail.com.br Dr. Daniel Verdonik Director, Environmental Programs Co-Chair, Halons TOC Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Hughes Associates, Inc. 3610 Commerce Drive Baltimore STE 817 Maryland United States of America Tel: +1 443 253 7587 Fax: +1 410 737 8688 E-mail: danv@haifire.com 45 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Balaji Natarajan Technical Specialist Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals, BDP / Environment & Energy Group UN Service Building, 4th Floor Bangkok 10501 Thailand Tel: +66 2 304 9100 Ext. 2260 Cell: +66 8 07510 6773 Fax: +66 2 280 2700 E-mail: balaji.natarajan@undp.org Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee Mr. Mohamed Besri Co-Chair, Methyl Bromide TOC IAV Hassan II B.P. 6202 Rabat-Instituts Morocco Tel: +212 5377 78364 Cell: +212 6646 03721 Fax: + 212 5377 78364 E-mail: mohamedbesri@gmail.com , m.besri@iav.ac.ma Ms. Tomoko Furusawa Programme Specialist Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals, BDP / Environment & Energy Group UN Service Building, 4th Floor Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 304 9100 Ext. 2718 Fax: +66 2 280 2700 E-mail: tomoko.furusawa@undp.org Mr. Alistair McGlone Director Alistair McGlone and Associates Ltd. 55 Aberdeen Park London N5 2AZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 0526 Cell: +44 7545 306 789 Fax: +44 207 238 6242 E-mail: alistairmcglone@virginmedia.com Mr. Ajiniyaz Reimov Programme Analyst Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals, BDP / Environment & Energy Group 304 East 45th St, Room FF-972 New York NY 10017 United States of America Tel: +1 212 906 5853 E-mail: ajiniyaz.reimov@undp.org United Nations Development Programme Ms. Suely M. Carvalho Director, Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals BDP / Environment & Energy Group 304 East 45th St., Room FF-970 New York 10017 United States of America Tel: +1 212 906 6687 Fax: +1 212 906 6947 E-mail: suely.carvalho@undp.org , mpu.registry@undp.org Mr. Anderson Alves Programme Analyst Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals, BDP / Environment & Energy Group Case de las Naciones Unidas Panama,Ciudad del Saber,Edif 129 Clayton Panama City Panama Tel: + 507 302 4640 Cell: + 55 302 5420 Fax: +507 302 5462 E-mail: anderson.alves@undp.org 46 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Carlos Andres Hernandez Arias Regional Advisor Montreal Protocol Unit / Chemicals BDP / Environment & Energy Group Casa de las Naciones Unidas Panama, Ciudad del Saber, Edif. 129 Clayton Clayton Panama Tel: +507 3024574 Fax: +507 643 25462 E-mail: carlosandres.hernandez@undp.org Mr. Atul Bagai Senior Regional Coordinator (Networking) for South Asia Regional Office for Asia/Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme OzonAction Branch UN Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 1662 Fax: +66 2 280 3829 /288 3041 E-mail: atul.bagai@unep.org Mr. Etienne Gonin Programme Analyst Montreal Protocol Unit / Chemicals BDP / Environment & Energy Group UNDP Reginal Centor Grosslingova 35 Bratislava 81109 Slovakia Tel: +421 2 59337 301 Fax: +421 2 59337 450 E-mail: etienne.gonin@undp.org Mr. Hu Shaofeng PIC Network Coordinator Regional Office for Asia and Pacific UNEP OzonAction Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 1126 Fax: +66 2 288 3041 E-mail: shaofeng.hu@unep.org Ms. Panida Charotok Programme Assistant Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals, Environment and Energy Group, BDP United Nations Development Programme UNDP Asia-Pacific regional Centre, UN Service Building, 4th Floor, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 2 304 9100 Ext. 1461 Fax: +66 2 280 2700 E-mail: panida.charotok@undp.org Mr. Amir Radfar Consultant and Technical Expert United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics UN Building, 2nd Floor, Block B, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 1255 Cell: +66 82 223 8148 Fax: +66 2 288 3041 E-mail: radfar@un.org United Nations Environment Programme - Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics Ms. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle Head OzonAction Branch 15, Rue de Milan Paris 75009 Tel: +331 4437 1455 Fax: +331 4437 8060 E-mail: Shamila.Nair-Bedouelle@unep.org 47 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Office in Nairobi Mr. Moses Ajibade Finance Officer Office for Operations and Corporate Services Section United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3590 E-mail: moses.ajibade@unep.org Mr. Sidi Menad Si-Ahmed Director Montreal Protocol Branch Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Strasse 5 P.O. Box 300 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: +43 126 026 3782 Cell: +43 69 914 593 782 Fax: +43 126 026 6804 E-mail: S.Si-Ahmed@unido.org WMO Ms. Sumaman Buntoung WMO Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University Nakhon Pathom 73000 Thailand Tel: +66 34 270761 Fax: +66 34 271189 E-mail: s.buntoung@gmail.com Mr. Manuel Caballero Alarcon Industrial Development Officer Programme Development and Technical Coprporation Division Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300 Vienna 1400 Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 3717 Fax: +43 1 26026 6804 E-mail: M.Caballero-Alarcon@unido.org Mr. Serm Janjai Expert WMO Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University Nakhon Pathom 73000 Thailand Tel: +66 34 270761 Fax: +66 34 271189 E-mail: serm@su.ac.th Ms. Sooksiri Chamsuk Programme Officer 5th Floor 57 Phrasument Road Banglamphoo Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 2 280 8691 ext 108 Cell: +66 87 022 1166 Fax: +66 2 280 8695 E-mail: s.chamsuk@unido.org , officer.thailand@unido.org World Bank Ms. Karin J. Shepardson Programme Manager Climate, Policy and Finance Department Implementing Agency Coordination Unit 1818 H. Street NW Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 1398 Fax: +1 202 522 3258 E-mail: kshepardson@worldbank.org Mr. Yuri Sorokin Industrial Development Officer Montreal Protocol Branch Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division Vienna International Center, Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 300 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 3624 Cell: +43 664 230 9911 Fax: +43 1 26026 6804 E-mail: Y.Sorokin@unido.org 48 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Viraj Vithoontien Senior Environmental Specialist East Asia Sustainable Development Department 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 6303 Cell: + 1 703 507 3189 Fax: +1 202 522 3258 E-mail: vvithoontien@worldbank.org Mr. Pipat Poopeerasupong Consultant 30th Floor, Siam Tower 989 Rama 1 Road Pathumwan 10260 Bangkok Thailand Cell: +66 81 848 3459 E-mail: xpipat@yahoo.com Non-governmental organizations Mr. Thanavat Junchaya Senior Environmental Engineer Climate, Policy and Finance Department Implementing Agency Coordination Unit 1818 H. Street,NW Washington 20433 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 3841 Fax: +1 202 522 3258 E-mail: tjunchaya@worldbank.org Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Mr. David Calabrese Air-conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy 2111 Wilson Blvd Suite 500 Arlington 22201 VA United States of America Tel: +1 703 600 0381 Cell: +1 571 721 8574 E-mail: dcalabrese@ahrinet.org Ms. Mary-Ellen Foley Senior Environmental Specialist Climate, Policy and Finance Department Implementing Agency Coordination Unit 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 0445 Fax: + 1 202 522 3258 E-mail: mfoley1@worldbank.org Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy Mr. Steve Bernhardt Honeywell 101 Columbia Road Morristown 07962 NJ United States of America Tel: +1 973 455 6294 Cell: +1 201 486 7359 Fax: +1 973 455 6141 E-mail: steven.bernhardt@honeywell.com Mr. Erik Pedersen Consultant H1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 3026 Cell: +1 703 243 5044 Fax: + 1 202 522 3258 E-mail: epedersen@worldbank.org 49 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Dave Stirpe Executive Director 2111 Wilson Blvd, 8th Floor Arlington 22201 VA United States of America Tel: +1 703 243 0344 Fax: +1 703 243 2874 E-mail: alliance98@aol.com Mr. Darcy Nicolle Director Government Affairs Europe Carrier Corporation Avenue de Cortenbergh 75 Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2 739 4901 Cell: +32 478539855 Fax: +32 2 732 9770 E-mail: darcy.nicolle@utc.com Dr. Paul de Larminat Johnson Controls Building Efficiency, 14 Rue de Bel Air Carquefou Cedex 444473 France Tel: +33 2 4030 6218 E-mail: Paul.deLarminat@jci.com Mr. Matthew Ritter Director, Government Activities Arkema Inc. 900 First Avenue King of Prussia 19406 PA United States of America Tel: +1 610 205 7710 Fax: +1 610 205 7249 E-mail: matthew.ritter@arkema.com Mr. Kevin Fay Executive Director International Climate Change Partnership 2111 Wilson Blvd, 8th Floor Arlington 22201 Virginia United States of America Tel: +1 703 841 0626 Fax: +1 703 243 2874 E-mail: fay@alcalde-fay.com Mr. Peter Sleigh Regulatory Manager Mexichem UK Ltd. P.O Box 13, The Heath Business and Technical Park Runcorn Chesire WA7 4QX United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1928 517 449 Fax: +44 1928 511 418 E-mail: peter.sleigh@mexichem.com Mr. Tae-Sung Kim Regional Business & Market Manager DuPont (Korea) Inc 3rd Floor Asia Tower Seoul 135 719 Republic of Korea Tel: +822 2222 5420 Cell: +82 10 4724 5420 E-mail: tae-sung.kim@dupont.com Mr. Mark Stanga Advisor CSR Corporate Division Daikin Industries, Ltd 3188 Key Boulevard Arlington 22201 VA United States of America Tel: +1 202 669 2002 Fax: +1 703 243 5038 E-mail: mstanga@verizon.net Mr. Mack Mcfarland Global Environmental Manager DuPont Chemicals and Fluoroproducts 4417 Lancaster Pike, Chestnut Run Plaza 702-1278E Wilmington DE 19805 United States of America Tel: +1 302 999 2505 Cell: +1 302 521 3752 Fax: +1 302 999 2816 E-mail: mack.mcfarland@usa.dupont.com 50 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Holly Stevens Halotron 508 River Chase Georgetown 76628 TX United States of America Tel: +1 512 635 5867 E-mail: holly.stevens@suddenlink.net Business Council for Sustainable Energy Mr. James Wolf President 5622 Columbia Pike # 408 Falls Church 22041 VA United States of America Tel: +1 703 898 7476 Cell: +1 703 898 7476 Fax: +1 703 820 2039 E-mail: gpawolf87@aol.com Mr. Mike Thompson Global leader of Refrigerant Strategy Ingersoll Rand 3600 Pammel Creek Road La Crosse 54601-7599 WI United States of America Tel: +1 979 776 0736 Cell: +1 979 209 4762 Fax: +1 979 209 4762 E-mail: mthompson@trane.com California Citrus Quality Council Mr. James Robert Cranney President 853 Lincoln Way, Suite 206 Auburn 95603 CA United States of America Tel: +1 530 885 1894 Cell: +1 530 906 6546 Fax: +1 530 885 1546 E-mail: jcranney@calcitrusquality.org Ms. Helen Walter-Terrinoni Global Marketing Manager DuPont Chemicals & Fluoroproducts 4417 Lancaster Pike, CRP 702-1276E Wilmington DE 19805 United States of America Tel: +1 302 999 2442 Fax: +1 302 999 4485 E-mail: Helen.A.WalterTerrinoni@usa.dupont.com California Strawberry Commission Ms. Martha Maude Brownlee-Terry Risk Manager Agriculture 1025 Cachuma Ave #26 Ventura 93004 CA United States of America Cell: +1 805 216 8072 E-mail: martha@terryfarmsinc.com American Lung Association Mr. Bradford Colton Director Halotron 3883 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 700 Las Vegas 89169 United States of America Tel: +1 702 699 4131 Fax: +1 702 735 4876 E-mail: bcolton@apfc.com Dr. Dan Legard Vice President, Research and Education P.O. Box 269 Watsonville 95077 CA United States of America Tel: +1 831 724 1301 Cell: +1 831 334 3042 Fax: +1 831 724 5973 E-mail: dlegard@calstrawberry.org 51 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Alyssa Louise Terry 1025 Cachuma Ave #26 Ventura 93004 CA United States of America Tel: +1 805 477 8381 E-mail: Alyssa.Terry@terryfarmsinc.com Daikin Europe NV Ms. Hilde Dhont Section Manager Environment Readiness Environment Research Centre Zandvoordestraat 300 Oostende B-8400 Belgium Tel: +32 59 55 86 26 Cell: +32 476 43 10 08 Fax: +32 59 55 82 21 E-mail: Dhont.H@daikineurope.com Mr. Edgar Allen Terry Grower P.O. Box 5779 Ventura 93005 CA United States of America Tel: +1 805 656 0310 Cell: +1 805 732 0755 Fax: +1 805 642 8138 E-mail: edgar.terry@terryfarmsinc.com DuPont Mr. Jorge Dieguez Manager Government & Regulatory Affair DuPont Chemical and Fluoroproducts DuPont International Chemin du Pavillon 2 - P.O. Box 50 Le Grand-Saconnex CH 1218 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 56 33 Cell: + 41 79 473 85 03 Fax: +41 22 717 6169 E-mail: jorge.dieguez@che.dupont.com Mr. Rick Tomlinson Director of Public Policy 1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento CA 95814 United States of America Tel: +1 916 445 3335 Cell: +1 916 612 2922 Fax: +1 916 492 9344 E-mail: rtomlinson@calstrawberry.org Centre for Science and Environment Mr. In Bae Lee Product and Market Leader Specialities, Fluorochemicals, Asia Pacific, DC&F 3-5th Floor, Asia Tower, #726, Yeoksamdong, Kangnum-ku Seoul 135-719 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 2 2222 5372 Fax: +82 2 2222 5319 / 5483 E-mail: In-Bae.Lee@kor.dupont.com , InBae.Lee@dupont.com Mr. Chandra Bhushan Deputy Director General Centre for Science and Environment 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062 India Tel: +91 11 29955124 Fax: +91 1129955879 E-mail: chandra@cseindia.org 52 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Peijie Zheng Government and Regulatory Affairs Leader Dupont China Holding Co. Ltd 18/F, Tower A, Gemdale Plaza, No. 91. Jianguo Rd. Beijng 100022 China Tel: +86 10 8557 1069 Cell: +86 186 10047998 Fax: +86 10 8557 1888 E-mail: jason-pei-jie.zheng@dupont.com Ms. Natasha Solveig Hurley Global Environment Campaigner 62-63 Upper Street London E1 2HD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 354 7981 Cell: +44 7585 663648 E-mail: natashahurley@eia-international.org European Partnership for Energy and the Environment Environmental Investigation Agency Ms. Andrea Voigt Director General Avenue des Arts 46, B4 Brussels B-1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2 213 49 57 Cell: +32 474 08 03 04 Fax: +32 2 732 71 76 E-mail: a.voigt@epeeglobal.org , secretariat@epeeglobal.org Mr. Mark Roberts Senior Counsel and International Policy Advisor 122 Kirkland Dr. Stow 01775 MA United States of America Tel: +1 978 298 5705 Cell: +1 617 722 8222 E-mail: markroberts@eia-global.org GIZ Proklima Ms. Clare Perry Senior Campaigner 62-63 Upper st. London N1 0NY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7354 7960 Fax: +44 20 7354 7961 E-mail: clareperry@eia-international.org Mr. Rolf Joseph Huehren Senior Advisor Zum Taliblck 2 Glashütten 61479 Germany Tel: +49 1211 21073281 Cell: +49 174 2099994 E-mail: rolf.huehren@proklima.net Ms. Avipsa Mahapatra Policy Analyst Climate Pollcy 222 St. NW, APT #53 Washington DC 20036 Tel: +1 347 931 0129 E-mail: amahapatra@eia-global.org , amahapatra@eia-global.org Ms. Claudia Becker PR and Event Manager Zum Talblick 2 Glashütten 61479 Germany Tel: +49 6174 964 077 Fax: +49 6174 61209 E-mail: claudia.becker@proklima.net Ms. Danielle Gagne 62-63 Upper St. N1 0NY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 53 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Industrial Technology Research Institute Natural Resources Defense Council Mr. Bhaskar Deol India Representative 111 sutter Street, 20th floor San Francisco 94104 CA United States of America Tel: +91 958 222 9399 E-mail: bdeol@nrdc.org Ms. Li-Ying Hsu Associate Researcher Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL) Rm. 113, bldg. 64, No.195 Chung Hsing Road, Sec.4, Chu Tung, Hsinchu 310 Taiwan China Tel: +886 3 591 3791 Fax: +886 3 582 0376 E-mail: LY-Hsu@itri.org.tw Natural Resources Defense Council Mr. David D. Doniger Policy Director Climate and Clean Air Program 1152 15th St. NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20005 United States of America Tel: +1 202 289 2403 Cell: +1 202 321 3435 Fax: +1 202 789 0859 E-mail: ddoniger@nrdc.org Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development Mr. Mohamed Rida Derder Special Counsel 2300 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 D.C United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: vmillion@inece.org , msowers@igsd.org Shecco Mr. Marc Chasserot Managing Director Rue Royale 15 Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 3700 Cell: +324 7 597 2006 E-mail: marc.chasserot@shecco.com Ms. Danielle Grabiel Law Fellow 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW 300B Washington DC 20007 United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Cell: +1 202 441 8371 E-mail: dgrabiel@igsd.org Ms. Franziska Menten Events Manager Rue Royale 15 Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2230 3700 Cell: +32 2 493 660 179 Fax: +32 493 660 179 E-mail: franziska.menten@shecco.com Mr. Michael Frizzell Media Consultant 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 D.C United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Cell: +1 818 314 3567 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: mfrizzell40@yahoo.com , msowers@igsd.org Mr. David Sherry Consultant, Chlorine Derivatives Sherry Consulting QC H3G2J4 Tel: +515 9355 469 E-mail: dsherry194838@yahoo.ca 54 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Daikin Airconditioning Singapore Pte. Ltd Industry AHT Cooling Systems Asia Ltd Mr. Mitsuru Matsui General Manager, Marketing 10 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 Singapore 569501 Singapore Tel: +65 6583 8888 Cell: +65 8611 8737 Fax: +65 6349 7305 E-mail: mitsuru.matsui@daikin.co.jp Ms. SUMITRA EKISITHICHAI Sales Director 333/25-26 Moo8, Samrong-Klang, Phra pradeng Samutprakan 10130 Thailand Tel: +66 2 739 7600-4 Cell: +66 81 617 5444 Fax: +66 2 739 7605 E-mail: sumitra.eksithichal@ahtasia.hk Daikin Industries Ltd Mr. Tadafumi Mikoshi Senior Manager CSR & Global Environment Centre Umeda Center Bldg., 2-4-12, Nakazaki-Nishi, Kita-Ku Osaka 530-8323 Japan Tel: +81 6 6374 9304 Fax: +81 6 6373 4380 E-mail: tadafumi.mikoshi@daikin.co.jp Asada Corporation Mr. Hiroshi Murakami Manager Overseas Sales Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association 3-60 Kamida Nishi-machi Kita-ku Nagoya 462-8551 Japan Tel: +81 52 914 1062 Fax: +81 52 914 1144 E-mail: murakami@asada.co.jp Ms. Asami Takenaka Public Relations JR Shinagawa east Blidg., 2-18-1, Konan, Mintato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075 Japan Tel: +81 3 6716 0319 Fax: +81 3 6716 0210 E-mail: asami.takenaka@daikin.co.jp Chemtura Mr. Stephen Falloon General Manager Fumigants, Great Lakes Solution 1801 US HWY 52 NW West Lafayette 47906 Tel: +1 765 4976777 Fax: +17654277307 E-mail: stephen.falloon@chemtura.com Ms. Yuko Masuda Air Conditioning Manafacturing Division Umeda Centre Bldg. 2-4-12, Nakazaki-Nishi Osaka 5308323 Japan Tel: +816 6374 9304 Fax: +816 63734380 E-mail: yuuko.masuda@daikin.co.jp Chemtura Corporation Mr. David McAllister Commercial Director Fumigants 1801 Highway 52W. West Lafayette IN 47906 United States of America Tel: +1 870 818 6489 Fax: +1 501 865 1479 E-mail: david.mcallister@chemtura.com 55 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Raul Dacomba Formulation Chemist-Polyurethanes 4387 N. Rider Trail Earth City 63045 Missuri United States of America Tel: +1 800 325 4875 Cell: +1 314 344 1511 E-mail: rdacomba@foamsupplies.com Emergent Ventures International (EVI) Mr. Ashutosh Pandey Chief Executive Officer Sustainability ENVI, 5th floor, Universal Trade Tower, Sohna-Gurgaon Rd, Sec. 49 Gurgaon 12200 India Tel: +91 124 6653100 Cell: +91 9910 422889 Fax: +91 124 6653200 E-mail: ashutosh@emergent-ventures.com Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Mr. Abhijit A. Acharekar Associate General manager - R & D Godrej-GE Appliances Ltd. Plant1 Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli Mumbai 400 079 India Tel: +91 22 6796 6372 Cell: +91 99200 15302 Fax: +91 22 6796 6033 E-mail: rndwas@godrej.com Mr. Ankan Datta Senior Consultant Montreal Protocol Unit Emergent Ventures (EVI) 5th floor, Universal Trade Tower SohnaGurgaon Rd., Sec-49, Gurgaon 122001 Haryanal India Tel: +91 124 6653100 Cell: +91 98 10 14 55 19 Fax: +91 124 6653200 E-mail: ankan.datta@emergent-ventures.com Diptendu Bhattacharya Sr. General Manager Institution Sales & Export Godrej Appliances Plan 11, 1st fl. Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli Mumbai 400 079 India Tel: +91 22 6796 6652 / 1700 Fax: +91 22 6796 6066 E-mail: diptendu@godrej.com Expert Group Mr. Peter Brodribb Managing Director Level1, 181 Bay Street, Victoria Brighton 3186 Australia Tel: +613 95929111 Cell: +61 400 120995 Fax: +6130400120995 E-mail: pbrodribb@bigpond.com Mr. Anurag Mahesh Manager - Exports Godrej Appliances Plan 11, 1st fl. Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli Mumbai 400 079 India Tel: +91 22 6796 6428 Cell: +91 91673 85167 Fax: +66 22 6796 6066 E-mail: anuragm@godrej.com Foam Supplies Inc. Mr. Roy Choudhury 4387 North Rider trail Earth City MO United States of America Tel: +1 314 344 1527 Cell: +1 314 239 9797 E-mail: royc.aus@gmail.com 56 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Dilip D. Rajadhyaksha Sr. General Manager - Mfg. Gat No. 600/601, Village Wing Post-Shirwal, Satara 412 801 India Tel: +91 2169 284 171 Cell: +919307 58974 Fax: +91 2169 284 174 E-mail: dilipr@godrej.com Mr. Katsutoshi Shirasago 2-5-1 Atago Minato-ku Tokyo 1056207 Japan Tel: +81 354254310 E-mail: katsutoshi.shirasago@solvay.com Green Cooling Council Mr. Haruhiko Matsuda Deputy Director General Hong-Wakai Building, 2-40-17 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113 0033 Japan Tel: +813 56897981 Fax: +813 56897983 E-mail: matjicop@sirius.ocn.ne.jp Japan Industrial Conference for Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Mr. Brent Hoare Executive Director Green Cooling Association P.O. Box 558 Katoomba 2780 NSW Australia Tel: +61 2 47 82 66 39 Cell: +61 417 478 268 E-mail: brent@greencooling.org , brenthoare@gmail.com Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association Mr. Osami Kataoka Chief Manager International & Environment Kikai Shinko Bldg. 201. 3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-Ku Tokyo 105-0011 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3432 1671 Fax: + 81 3 3438 0308 E-mail: kataoka@jraia.or.jp Industrial Foams PVT. Ltd. Mr. Samir Arora Director Industrial Foams PVT Ltd. 1-78, Suite-V,Greater Noida (U.P), Regds. Off,:228 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi 110020 India Tel: +91 11 401 23123 Cell: +91 98 110 42509 Fax: +91 11 263 14209 E-mail: samira@industrialfoams.com , sam@sam3.in Mr. Nishi Masuhiro TASCO Japan Co. Ltd 1-2-16, Kawaguchi, Nishi-ku 5500021 Japan Tel: +816 65848841 Fax: +816 63734380 E-mail: nishi@tascojapan.co.jp Japan Fluorocarbon Manufacturers Association Mr. Kenroh Kitamura Secretary General Hongo-Wakai Bldg, 2-40-17, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113- 0033 Japan Tel: +81 3 5684 3372 Fax: +81 3 5684 3373 E-mail: jfmajp@ca.mbn.or.jp 57 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Koji Matsuura Director Asada (Thailand) Co. Ltd, 27 Soi Chalongkrung 31, Latkrabang Industrial Estate, Lamplathew, Latkrabang Bangkook 10520 Thailand Tel: +66 27394481 Fax: +66 27394485 E-mail: matsuura@asada.co.th Mr. Kenji Takaichi Staff Engineer Material Technology Group / R&D Support Center Panasonic Corporation 2-3-1-2 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu City, Shiga 525-8555 Japan Tel: +81 77 561 5855 Fax: +81 77 561 9359 E-mail: takaichi.kenji@jp.panasonic.com Mr. Akinori Maya HVAC Equipment 1/29 Bangna Thani Bldg, 14th Fl., Bangna Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel: +66 274 69 933 Fax: +66 2 746 9940 E-mail: maya@legaeng.com Mr. Joji Yamada Manager TASCO Japan Co. Ltd 1-2-16, Kawuguchi, Nishi-ku Osaka Japan Tel: +81 665848841 Cell: +81 8038447412 Fax: +81 665841056 E-mail: yamada@tascojapan.co.jp Mr. Worawut Salphum Sales Manager ASADA (Thailand) Co. Ltd., 27 Soi Chalongkrung 31 Latkrabang Bangkook 10520 Thailand Tel: +66 27394481 Cell: +66 089 9231238 Fax: +66 27394485 E-mail: matsuura@asada.co.th , worawut@asada.co.th JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation Mr. Teru Shibata Manager, Refrigeration Oil & Greases Group Lubricants & Specialties Sales Department 6-3, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8162 Japan Tel: +81 3 6275 5103 Cell: +81 3 6275 4347 Fax: +81 3 3276 1307 E-mail: teru.shibata@noe.jx-group.co.jp Ms. Anuchsalee Sarutipaisal HVAC Equipment 1/29 Bangna Thani Bld, 14th Fl., Soi BangnaTrad 34, Bangna Trad Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel: +66 274 69 933 Fax: +66 2 746 9940 E-mail: sales09@legaeng.com Korea Speciality Chemical Industry Association Mr. Sang-Woo Lee Team Manager MP Implementation Team #501, KICOX Venture Center, 29 Digital-ro 32-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul 152-759 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 2 3775 2040-4 Ext 350 Cell: +82 10 2692 4181 Fax: +82 2 3775 2045 E-mail: sangwoo@kscia.or.kr Mr. Mihai Scumpieru Expert Avenue Louise 326, Blue Tower Bruxelles Tel: +32 491079568 Fax: +44 7595566540 E-mail: mihai.scumpieru@mecc.mee.com 58 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Ms. Jiyoon Park Assistant Manager MP Implementation Team #501, KICOX Venture Center, 29 Digital-or 32-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul 152-759 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 2 3775 2040-4 ext 320 Cell: +82 10 4915 0809 Fax: +82 2 3775 2045 E-mail: jiyoon.park@kscia.or.kr Navin Fluorine International Limited Mr. Partha Roy Chowdhury Vice President Finance and Accounts Department 2nd Floor, Sunteck Centre, 37/40 Subhash Road Mumbai 400057 India Tel: +91 22 6650 9999 Cell: +91 22 6650 9903 Fax: +91 22 6650 9800 E-mail: partha.roychowdhury@nfil.in MEBROM MV Mr. Jef Geerts MEBROM Assenedestraat 4 Rieme-Ertvelde 9940 Belgium Tel: +32 9 341 9776 Cell: +32 497 97 97 76 Fax: +32 9 341 9770 E-mail: jefgeerts@mebrom.com Pollet Environmental Consulting Mr. Kris Pollet Director European Law & Policy Rue Breydelstraat 36 Brussels B-1040 Belgium Tel: +32 2 235 8615 Cell: +32 476 280 536 Fax: +32 2 734 7910 E-mail: kpollet@polletenvconsultant.eu MEBROM PTY Ltd. Mr. Kevin Bartolo Manager Australia and Pacific Region P.O. Box 80, Lot 101, Wilkins Rd Port Adelaide 5015 Australia Tel: +61 8260 6255 Cell: +61 488 999 572 E-mail: kevin-bartolo@mebrom.com.hk Productos Halogenados de Venezuela Mr. Carlos Jose Cubeddu Director General Centro Plaza, Torre C, Piso 19, Ofic. H. Los Palos Grandes Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +58 212 2858285 / 02423608256 Cell: +58 0414 481 5690 Fax: +58 212 2856073 / 3608254 / 3608123 E-mail: ccubeddu03@gmail.com , ccubeddu02@cantv.net Mitsubishi Electric Mr. Nobuyuki Miyazaki Department manager Business Relations Department 700/406 Moo 7, Tambon Don Hua Roh, Muang 20000 Chonburi Thailand Tel: +66 3826 5800 ext 2261 Fax: +66 3821 4880 E-mail: miyazaki.n@mcp.meap.com 59 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Mr. Greg Picker Executive Director P.O. Box 3961 Manuka 2603 Tel: +61 40374`7`5 E-mail: greg.picker@refrigerantsaustralia.org Quimobasicos Mr. Sergio Lozano-Garcia General Manager Chemical Division Ave. Ruiz Cortines #2333 Pte, Col. Pedro Lozano Monterrey 64400 Mexico Tel: +52 81 8305 4601 Cell: +52 181 801 02199 E-mail: pdavilar@cydsa.com SIAM Compressor Industry Mr. Motohiko Ishikawa Director / Marketing Division Manager 979/108-110, 32nd floor S.M. Tower Phaholyothin Rd., samsennai Phayathai 10400 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 298 0371 -7 Ext 400 Fax: +66 2 298 0411-2 E-mail: ishikawam@siamcompressor.com Mr. Jaime Segovia Rodriguez Director Chemicals Division Quimobasicos. S.A. DE. C.V., Ruiz Cortines 2333 PTE Monterrey N. L. 64400 Mexico Tel: +81 8152 4519 Fax: +81 8152 4809 E-mail: avillarreal@cydsa.com SRF Limited Mr. Rabinder Nath Kaul Senior Vice President Strategic Sourcing & Regulatory Affairs Block-C, Sector-45 Gurgaon 122003 Haryana India Tel: +91 124 435 400 Cell: +91 981 0302363 Fax: +91 981 060 2363 E-mail: rkaul@srf.com Refrigerant Reclaim Australia Mr. Michael Bennett Chief Executive Refrigerant Reclaim Australia Ltd. GPO Box 753 Canberra 2601 Australia Tel: +61 2 62 305 244 Fax: +61 2 62 304 533 E-mail: michael.bennett@refrigerantreclaim.com.au Mr. Roop Salotra President & CEO Chemical Business Block-C, Sector-45 Gurgaon 122003 India Tel: +91 124 435 4400 Fax: +91 124 435 4500 E-mail: salotra@srf.com Refrigerants Australia Mr. Stephen Anderson Executive Director Refrigerants Australia P.O. Box 3961 Manuka ACT 2603 Australia Tel: +61 2 6239 5858 Cell: +61 417 492412 E-mail: sanderson@refrigerantsaustralia.org 60 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 Trident Agricultural Products, Inc. Council on Energy, Environment & Water Mr. Robert Michael Conway Vice President/ General Manager P.O. Box1909 Woodland 98674 WA United States of America Tel: +1 360 225 3588 Cell: +1 360 772 2527 Fax: +1 360 225 1126 E-mail: mconway@tridentag.com Dr. Arunabha Ghosh Chief Executive Officer Thapar House, 124, Janpath New Delhi 110001 India Tel: +91 11 4073 3300 Cell: +91 95 6087 6555 E-mail: arunabha.ghosh@ceew.in DLA Piper LLP (US) Observers Mr. Steven Shimberg Principal SJ Solutions 4634 30th St NW Washington DC 20008 United States of America Tel: +1 202 689 4920 E-mail: sjshimberg@sjsolutions.biz Abacus Renewable Energy Corp Mr. Terapol Ketphan Managing Director Carbon Finance Project / Solar Wind Biofuel 1002 New Pethaburi Rd., 3 Fl. R. modern House Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2254 3298 Cell: +66 86 614 1469 Fax: +66 2254 3297 E-mail: katuphan@yahoo.com Fuso Co. Ltd Mr. Narumi Sonoda Executive Manager International department Tornare Nihonbashi Hamacho 214,3-3-1 Nihonbashi-hamacho, Chuo-ku, 103-0007 Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 5652 1151 Cell: +81 80 4400 5511 Fax: +81 3 5652 1161 E-mail: sonoda@fusorika.co.jp Assumption University Mr. Ioan Voicu Visiting Professor Assumption University of Thailand Ramkhamhaeng Rd. Soi 24, Huamark Campus Bangkok 10240 Thailand Tel: +66 2719 1244-6 Ext. 4405 Cell: +66 8 5113 8154 Fax: +66 2719 1521 E-mail: ioanvoicu@yahoo.com Mr. Yoshihiko Takeshima Sales & Marketing Tornare Nihonbashi Hamacho 214, 3-31,Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0007 Japan Tel: +813 56521151 Cell: +81 8034932161 Fax: +813 56521161 E-mail: takeshima@fusorika.co.jp 61 UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/33/INF/5 ICF International Mr. Mark C. Wagner Senior Vice President 1725 Eye St. N.W. Suite 1000 Washington DC 20006 United States of America Tel: +1 202 862 1155 Cell: +1 202 257 8094 Fax: +1 202 862 1144 E-mail: mwagner@icfi.com Ms. Rebecca Ferenchiak 1725 I St. NW, Suite 1000 Washington 20006 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 572 9457 Cell: +1 201 738 3131 Fax: +1 202 862 1144 E-mail: rebecca.ferenchiak@icfi.com , RFerenchiak@icfi.com PREC Institute Mr. Katsufumi Shibata Professional Engineer Jp PREC Institute 3-7-6 Kouji-machi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel: +81 3 5226 1178 Fax: +81 3 5226 2698 E-mail: k-shibata@prec.co.jp 62