File - Alejandra`s E

Name:__Alejandra Romero_____________________________
Title: What predictions can you
make from the title? What are your
initial thoughts about the poem?
What might be the theme of the
Ah, Are You Digging on My grave? I think the poem is about
someone wondering who is digging at their grave. This poem is
probably about loneliness and abandonment.
Is it my love digging at my grave? No, he got married yesterday with a
very wealthy woman. He said, ‘it can’t hurt her now that I’m not loyal.’
Is it my most close kin digging at my grave? No, they sit and think that
there is no use to come and plant flowers because that won’t bring you
back.’ But I’m sure someone is digging at my grave. Is it my enemy?
No, when she heard you had died she thought you were nothing to her
anymore and doesn’t care where you are buried. Then who is digging at
my grave? Since I haven’t guessed- tell me. It’s me owner, your little
dog that still lives nearby. I hope my movements here haven’t
interrupted your rest. Oh wonderful! YOU are digging on my grave.
Why didn’t I think that I left a true love behind? What feelings could
ever find among people to compare to a dog’s fidelity? Owner, I dug
upon your grave to bury a bone in case I ever get hungry when I pass
by this spot on my daily walk. I am very sorry but honestly I had
forgotten this was where you were buried.
Connotation: Write the connotative Once people die, everybody forgets about you. Below the surface of the
or interpretive meaning of the poem.
poem is the fact that once you are dead even the people that you think
What’s below the surface? What is the closest to you forget about you.
Paraphrase: Rewrite the poem in
your own words.
connotative meaning of the poem?
Find examples of imagery, metaphors,
similes, etc. and elaborate on their
connotative meanings.
‘Mistress, I dug upon your grave to bury a bone, in case I should be
hungry near this spot when passing on my daily trot.’ To me, this
means that the only reason the dog had started digging at the grave was
to bury a bone and had totally forgotten about his owner.
Attitude: What attitude does the poet The speaker in the poem is hopeful that someone is going to visit her,
have toward the subject of the poem?
yet no one remembers her. “Ah, are you digging on my grave my loved
Find and list examples that illustrate
one?- planting rue?” This shows how hopeful the speaker is that her
the tone and mood of the poem.
loved one is visiting her.
Shift: Is there a shift in the
tone/attitude of the poem? Where is
the shift? What does the tone shift to?
Title: Revisit the title and explain
any new insights it provides to the
meaning of the poem. Discuss the
meaning on an interpretive level.
At the beginning of the poem the speaker is hopeful yet towards the end
I believe the speaker feels abandoned since no one remembers her.
I was mostly right about what the title told about the poem. The poem
did turn out to be about loneliness and abandonment.
Name:__Alejandra Romero_____________________________
Theme: What is the overall theme of The poet is saying that once you are dead, even the closest and most
the poem? What is the poet saying?
loved ones forget about you.