NURSING III NUR 130 SYLLABUS SUMMER 2008 INSTRUCTOR: Mary Briley 252-222-6057 PHONE: Wayne West 234 OFFICE LOCATION: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: As posted on office door INSTRUCTOR: Marilyn Springle 252-222-6053 PHONE: Wayne West 343 OFFICE LOCATION: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: As posted on office door INSTRUCTOR: Cindy Yount 252-222-6112 PHONE: Wayne West 232 OFFICE LOCATION: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: As posted on office door SEMESTER HOURS CREDIT: CONTACT HOURS: 7 PREREQUISITES: NUR 120 13 COREQUISITES: None TEXT: Required textbooks: Adams, M., Josephson, D., & Holland, L. (2005) Pharmacology for Nurses. (2nd Ed.) Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall (bundle with workbook) Lewis, S., Heitkemper, M., & Dirksen, S. O’Brien, P. Bucher, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, (7th Ed.), (2007). St. Louis: Mosby. McKinney, E. James, S. Murray, S. and Ashwell, J. (2005). Maternal Child Nursing, (2nd Ed.), St. Louis: Elsener Saunders. Recommended textbooks: Deglin, J. & Vallerand, A. (2007) Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, (10th Ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. Doenges, M., Moorhouse, & Murr (2006) Nurse’s Pocket Guide: diagnoses, intervention and rationales, (10th Ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Estes, M. (2006) Health Assessment and Physical Examination. (3rd Ed.) Albany: Delmar Finkleman, A. (2006) Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Kee, J & Marshall, S. (2004) Clinical Calculations (5th Ed.). St. Louis: Saunders. Lutz, C. & Przytulski, K., (2006) Nutrition and Diet Therapy- Evidence Based Applications. (4th Ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing, (6th Ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. Potter, P & Perry, A. (2006). Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, (6th Ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. Schuster McHugh, P., (2008), Concept Mapping: A Critical-Thinking Approach to Care Planning, (2nd Ed.), Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co. Tabors Medical Dictionary, (20th Ed.) (2005) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. Van Seeuwen, A., Kranpitz, T. & Smith, L. (2006) Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications. (2nd Ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: Hogan, M (2003) Child health nursing: Review and rationales. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. Hogan, M (2003) Maternal-newborn nursing: Review and rationales. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. North Carolina Nursing Practice Act, July 2005 Associate Degree Nursing Student Handbook 2007 – 2009 ATI Standardized Testing Maternal – Newborn COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an expanded knowledge base for delivering nursing care to individuals of various ages. Emphasis is placed in expanding the nurse’s role as provider of care, manager of care, and member of the discipline of nursing. Upon completion, students should be able to deliver care to individuals with common alterations in health. COURSE OBJECTIVES (THEORY AND CLINICAL): Upon completion of this course, the student will: 1. As a provider of care, perform a history and physical examination with an emphasis on gynecological and obstetrical patients, the newborn and children. 2. Assess the impact of developmental, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual influences on the patient’s health status. 3. Assess the patient’s learning strengths, capabilities, barriers, and educational needs. 4. Identify community resources for patient access based on assessed needs. 5. Utilize the nursing process to meet the needs of patients with a focus on the gynecological and obstetrical patient, the newborn and child. 6. Use clinical judgments and evaluation of outcomes to ensure accurate and safe care. 7. Operate in a collaborative manner with the patient and healthcare team members in the childbearing, nursery and pediatric setting. 8. Communicate professionally with the patient, healthcare team members, peers and instructor. 9. Employ the nursing process to safely administer pharmacological agents to patients. 10. Practice nursing that is characterized by critical thinking, clinical competence, patient advocacy, commitment to caring, and attention to environmental factors. 2 TEACHING METHODS TO BE USED: Reading/preparation assignments, lecture, guest presenters, discussion, demonstration, skills practice activities, handouts, audio-visuals materials, computer-supported learning activities and simulations, case study/critical thinking activities, and games, Blackboard, ATI testing. The primary delivery for this course is via traditional face-to-face method with a requirement that students have Internet access as a supplemental part of the course. Internet is available free to enrolled students in the college open computer lab and the LRC. EVALUATION METHODS: Theory: Unit tests, final examination Lab: Return demonstration/check-off Clinical: Nursing care plans, medication care plans, student-instructor conferences, clinical performance, clinical evaluation tool, concept maps. GRADING CRITERIA: All nursing courses must be completed with a minimal grade of “C” before progressing into the next nursing course. Grades are earned and issued according to the following scale: A= 94-100 B= 87-93 C= 80-86 D= 72-79 F= below 72 Laboratory: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory Clinical: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory THEORY (CLASSROOM: Unit test Final exam Student Presentation Community Resources paper 70% 24% 3% 3% Laboratory grade Laboratory check-off performances must be on a satisfactory level in order to pass the course regardless of the student’s average in theory work. Students are given opportunities to practice and repeat an unsatisfactory performance. All performance assessments (check-off) must be satisfactory by the date determined by the instructor. CLINICAL: Clinical performance must be on a satisfactory level in order to pass the course regardless of the numerical grade in the theory work. 3 Sample grading: Average of 5 unit exam = Final exam = Student Presentation = Community Resource paper = Total = Laboratory Clinical 87 x 0.70 = 60.9 82 x 0.24 = 19.68 95 x 0.03 = 2.85 93 x 0.03 = 2.79 86.22 = final grade of 86 = C S S Drug Calculation Test: During the first week of lab the student will take a 20-item drug calculation test. You will have 45 minutes to complete the test. A student who does not earn a grade of “90” or better will be required to complete a remediation plan of action. The student will be allowed one retest after remediation. If the student is unable to obtain the minimal grade of “90,” then the student is unable to progress and is dropped from the course and the nursing program. Other: Calculators (or other technological support) are not allowed to be used during testing or lab check-off. Testing Policy: Review of testing policy in the Nursing Student Handbook. Attendance Policy: As applied to all Health Science Programs, the student enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing Program is required to attend a minimum of 80% of the total class, lab, and clinical hours in the nursing (NUR) courses. Absences in excess of 20% may result in being dropped from the program. The nursing profession values individuals that demonstrate responsibility, accountability, and the ability to be punctual. As students of nursing, take pride in being prompt and dependable. Class, lab and clinical will start on time. Students entering after the instructor has started the scheduled class/lab/clinical will be considered tardy. Tardies are monitored by faculty, as are absences. Faculty is held accountable for providing an environment that is conducive for learning. Late arrivers are disruptive to the instructor and class members. Therefore, once the class has started, late arrivers will be admitted on the first class/lab break. When the student is going to be tardy or absent from clinical, the student is expected to notify the clinical instructor and clinical site. Example Class NUR 120 5 hours x 16 weeks = 80 hours 80 x 20% = 16 hours Allowed absence for NUR 130 Class 12.8 hours Lab 9.6 hours Clinical 19.2 hours Required attendance Class 51.2 hours Lab 38.4 hours Clinical 76.6 hours 4 NC COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM COMBINED COURSE LIBRARY DESCRIPTION: ( CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE POLICIES The details of the following policies are in the Student Handbook, which is available on the college web-page. Click on the link below, and then scroll to the page number listed. Policy Page INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY 7 ATTENDANCE POLICY 8 WITHDRAWAL POLICY 10 SPECIAL NEEDS POLICY 14-16 BUILDING EVACUATION POLICY INCOMPLETE GRADE POLICY 26 30 (see college catalog for more information) ACADEMIC INTEGRITY & PLAGIARISM POLICY 31 CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESOURCES Resource Page CAREER & ACADEMIC PLANNING SERVICES 19 ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES TUTORING INFORMATION 19 LIBRARY 20 ACADEMIC COMPUTER LAB 26 COLLEGE WEBSITE Visit the College website at 5 Unit Objective Unit I. 1. Discuss the historical background of maternity nursing and health care. 2. Discuss the use of evidence-based practice and nursing theory as they related to maternal-child health practices. 3. Describe the role of the nurse in contemporary maternalchild nursing. 4. Discuss the ethical and legal considerations of maternalchild nursing. 5. Discuss trends in maternal, infant, and childhood mortality and morbidity rates. 6. Explain the importance of family when caring for maternity and pediatric patients. 7. Compare Western cultural values with those of other cultural groups. Unit II. 1. Discuss the functions of the placenta, amniotic fluid, and umbilical cord. 2. Analyze the effects of teratogens on fetal development. 3. Identify criteria for viability. 4. Summarize the significant changes in growth and development of the fetus. Content Teaching/Learning Activities & Student Prep Unit I. Introduction to Women’s and Newborn Health A. Historical background B. Evidenced-base practice C. Role of the nurse in maternal-child nursing D. Ethical and legal considerations E. Mortality and morbidity rates F. Family involvement G. Cultural awareness Read Maternal-Child Nursing (MCN) Ch. 1,2,3 Unit II. Conception and Fetal Development A. Fertilization B. Placenta C. Amniotic fluid D. Umbilical cord E. Teratogens 1. Types 2. Effects 3. Nursing implications F. Fetal development Read on own: the anatomy & physiology of the reproductive system by reading MCN Ch. 11 6 Evaluation Test 1 Instructor led lecture Read MCN Ch. 12 Instructor led lecture Examine fetal models Test 1 Unit III. 1. Explain the expected maternal anatomic, physiologic, and III. Changes and Adaptations psychological alterations occurring with pregnancy. During Pregnancy 2. Discuss the production and function of maternal hormones A. Anatomy and physiology during pregnancy. of pregnancy 3. Describe gravity and parity. B. Maternal hormones 4. Identify the presumptive, probable and positive C. Gravida and para manifestations related to pregnancy. classification 5. Describe Nagele’s Rule. D. First trimester 6. Employ the nursing process to provide nursing care during 1. diagnosis of the first, second and third trimesters. pregnancy 7. Describe the nutritional needs of the woman during the 2. signs of pregnancy antepartum period. 3. Nagele’s rule 4. discomforts 5. psychological 6. application of the nursing process E. Second trimester 1. ongoing prenatal care 2. discomforts 3. psychological 4. warning signs 5. application of the nursing process F. Third trimester 1. ongoing prenatal care 2. self-care 3. home preparation for baby 4. child birth classes 5. discomforts 6. psychological 7. warning signs 8. impending labor 9. application of the nursing process 7 Read MCN Ch. 13,14, 15 Instructor led lecture Handouts In class view CD: “ Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills Read Lutz & Przytulsk; (L&P) Ch. 11. Homework Complete the case study “11-1” in (L&P) and be prepared to discuss your responses to the 3 case study questions in class Test 2 Unit IV. 1. Explain the essential factors that affect the labor process. 2. Employ the nursing process to provide care for the mother and fetus during the first, second and third stages of the labor process. 3. Employ the nursing process to care for the woman during the fourth stage of the labor process. Unit V. 1. Explain the physiological and emotional changes of the postpartum period. 2. Apply the nursing process in caring for the woman during the postpartum period. 3. Discuss the use and nursing management of pharmacological agents during the postpartum period. Unit IV. Labor and Delivery A. Process of labor B. Essential factors 1. passageway 2. passenger 3. power 4. psyche 5. position C. First stage of labor D. Second stage of labor E. Third stage of labor F. Procedures 1. amniotomy 2. induction 3. version 4. assisted vaginal delivery 5. C/S Read MCN Ch. 17, 20 Reference: Adams Text Instructor led lecture Handouts In class view DVD “ assisted delivery and C/S” In Class view CD “Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills” Test3 Unit V. Postpartum A. Physical changes B. Emotional changes C. Pharmacological agents D. Application of the nursing process Read MCN Ch. 21 Instructor led lecture Handouts In Class view: “ Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills Test 3 8 Unit VI. 1. Identify immediate nursing care responsibilities for the newborn. 2. Discuss the principles behind bonding. 3. Discuss nutritional needs of the newborn. 4. Apply the nursing process to care for the newborn. 5. Discuss the use and nursing management of pharmacological agents for the newborn. Unit VII 1. Discuss the etiology, clinical manifestations, complications, collaborative care and nursing management for the newborn at risk. Unit VIII. 1. Discuss the etiology, clinical manifestations, collaborative care and nursing management for the patient experiencing complications of child bearing. Unit VI. Newborn Care A. Immediate nursing responsibilities B. Characteristic findings C. Bonding D. Nutritional needs E. Pharmacological agents F. Application of the nursing process In class view CD: “ Maternal-Newborn & Women’s Health Nursing Skills” Unit VII. Newborns at risk A. Respiratory distress B. Gestational age issues C. Hypoglycemia D. Hyperbilirubinemia E. Anomalies F. Neonatal infections G. Substance abuse H. Impending death I. Nursing management Read MCN Ch. 25, 29, 30 Instructor led lecture Test 4 Unit VIII. Complications of Child Bearing A. Maternal hemorrhagic conditions B. Hydatidiform mole C. Hypertensive disorders D. HELLP E. Rh & ABO incompatibility F. Gestational diabetes G. Maternal infections H. High risk labor I. PP complications Read MCH Ch. 26,27,28 Instructor led lecture Test 5 9 Test 4 Read MCN Ch. 22-24 Instructor led lecture In class view VC “The nurses: battling for babies” Unit IX. 1. Relate knowledge of the normal anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system and breast and its assessment to female reproductive and breast disorders. 2. Discuss the etiology, clinical manifestations, complications, collaborative care and nursing management for common disorders of the female reproductive system and the breast. 3. Employ the nursing process to care for the woman experiencing health alterations of the reproductive system and breast. Unit IX. Health Alterations in the Reproductive System and Breast A. Menstrual problems B. Ectopic pregnancy C. Menopause D. Pelvic inflammatory disease E. Endometriosis F. Benign and cancerous tumors of the reproductive organs G. Cystocele, rectocele, and recto-fistula H. Breast conditions 1. Fibrocystic 2. Mastitis 3. Breast cancer 4. Mastectomy nursing care I. Application of the nursing process 10 Read MCN Ch. 31 Read Lewis Ch. 51,52 Reference Adams Text View on own: Pelvic inflammatory disease & ectopic pregnancy (LRC) Instructor led lecture Test 5 Unit Objective Content Lab Objectives 11 Teaching/Learning Activities & Student Prep Evaluation Unit Objective Lab A. 1. Perform a newborn assessment. 2. Perform a postpartum assessment using the “Bubble He” format. Lab B. 1. Discuss the objectives of childbearing classes for the expectant woman and their support person. 2. Discuss the role of the student nurse in the labor room as it relates to childbearing, coaching and support. Lab C. 1. Identify indications and purpose for common fetal diagnostic procedures during the first, second and third trimesters. 2. Discuss the purpose of fetal surveillance during labor. 3. Discuss the methods used to perform fetal assessment during labor. 4. Interpret electronic fetal data from given scenarios. 5. Use the nursing process to plan care for a woman having fetal diagnostic well-being tests and fetal monitoring during labor. Content I. Newborn assessment II. Postpartum assessment I. Childbearing classes II. SN role Teaching/Learning Activities & Student Prep Read MCN Ch. 21& 22 Instructor led lecture Demonstration practice Handouts DVD: In class Observation “Mosby’s Care of Infant: Obtaining vs Measurement of an Infant Instructor led lecture Demonstration practice Handouts Evaluation Return demonstration; Clinical Test 1 Test 1, Clinical Test 2 I. Indications & purpose II. First trimester tests III. Second trimester tests IV. Third trimester tests V. Antepartum fetal surveillance VI. Intrapartum fetal surveillance VII. Nursing process 12 Read MCN Ch. 16, 18 Instructor led lecture Practice strip analysis Handouts In class activity: DVD “Electronic Fetal Monitoring” (LRC) Clinical Lab D. 1. Discuss the use and nursing management of non-pharmacological and pharmacological agents during the labor process. 2. Apply the nursing process in providing pain management for the woman in labor. Lab E. 1. Interpret information for management of a pregnant woman with complications based on given scenarios. 2. Use the nursing process to plan care for a pregnant woman with complications based on given scenarios. Lab F. 1. Explain factors that impair a couples’ ability to conceive. 2. Explain methods used to aid a couples’ ability to conceive. 3. Compare and contrast contraceptive methods in terms of safety, effectiveness, convenience, expense, and preference. 4. Discuss the nurse’s role in helping individuals & couples choose contraceptive devises. Read MCN Ch. 19 I. Assessment II. Nursing diagnosis III. Planning IV. Implementation a. epidural b. pudendal c. spinal d. paracervical block e. non pharmacological management V. Evaluation In lab activity: view video:” Epidural techniques in childbirth” Examine alternative methods to manage pain associated with child birth. Test 3 Clinical Case Studies Test 5 I. II. III. IV. V. Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation Read MCN Ch. 10 Reference Adams Text Test 5 I. Factors impairing conception II. Management of fertility and infertility III. Contraceptive methods VI. Nurse’s role 13 Instructor led lecture Instructor: Student Name: Date: NEWBORN ASSESSMENT SKILLS CHECKLIST Understands Physiology General Profile: 1. Weight a. normal at birth b. loses 5-10% first few days 2. Normal measurements a. head circumference b. length c. chest circumference 3. Vital Signs a. temperature b. heart rate c. respiratory rate d. blood pressure e. apgar scores (one minute & five minutes) 4. Complications 5. Feeding choice Assessment of Body Systems: 1. Cardiovascular a. cord vessels/number/appearance/care of b. acrocyanosis 2. Respiratory a. rhythm, depth b. presences of abnormalities 1. grunting 2. flaring nares 3. retractions 4. noisy, labored respirations 5. breath sounds 14 Demonstrates on Newborn Understands Physiology 3. Gastrointestinal a. fusion of upper lip, palates b. patency of anus c. stool cycle 1. meconium 2. transitional 3. breast fed 4. bottle fed d. bowel sounds 3. Urinary a. color b. amount c. occurrence within first 24 hours 3. Reproductive a. Breasts 1. edematous 2. discharge b. Vaginal discharge c. Edematous labia/scrotum d. Testes descended e. Penis 1. urinary meatus placement 2. circumcised Neurological 3. Reflexes a. rooting b. sucking c. swallowing/gag d. Moro e. Babinski’s Musculoskeletal 1. Ortolani maneuver 2. Fontanels a. anterior 1. shape/site b. posterior 1. shape/site 3. Spinal fusion 4. Cranial molding 15 Demonstrates on Newborn Understands Physiology Integumentary 1. Cranium a. caput succedaneum b. cephalhematoma c. significance/implications 2. Lanugo 3. Vernix caseosa 4. Desquamation 5. Milia 6. Jaundice a. before 24 hours b. after 24 hours 7. Mongolian spots 16 Demonstrates on Newborn Post-Partum Physical Assessment Skills Checklist Student Name: Date: Instructor: Before beginning assessment: Vital signs taken. Have patient to empty bladder, then position patient in supine position. Areas to Assess Breast/Nipples Physiological Changes S U General Appearance breasts: Soft/Firm Engorged (2 to 4 days after delivery) Tender/Painful Nodules Nipples Sore Cracked Inverted/Erect Draining Areas to Assess Lochia (perineal area) Physiological Changes Inspect/Assess: Amount of bleeding Number of pads Color Consistency Odor Clots (presence of colostrum or milk) Uterus General Appearance Fundus: Palpate: Firm Soft/Boggy Location: Episiotomy Inspect/Assess: Edema Ecchymosis Redness midline, lateral, fingerbreaths If C-Section: Assess abdominal incision Type: midline, mediolaterally, laceration, approximation Bladder Inspect and palpate bladder simultaneously while checking the height of the fundus Homans Sign Location: midline, lateral Bowel Function Distended Burning/Pain Measure 1st three voidings General Appearance (rectum): Hemorrhoids Pain/Swelling Emotional Status Inspect/Assess: Legs Varicosities Assess for sensation & mobility with epidural or spinal anesthesia Tenderness/Pain Warmth Edema Leg straight, press down on knee, flex foot Throughout physical assessment note: Emotional state: elation, despondent, independent/dependent Bleeding Bowel function by 2nd or 3rd day 17 S U CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING NUR 130 STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Here is a list of student presentation topics. You will choose one of these topics for at least a 30 minute presentation in class. NOTE: Only 2 people per topic. If your topic of choice gets selected by somebody else, choose another. You may get creative and present the material in your own style. You will be working with a partner. Grades will be awarded as a group, not individually. (So be mindful and respectful of each other). A copy of the grading criteria will be provided to you. This material will be reflected on Unit tests. TOPICS DATE 1. Ethical/Legal Considerations of Maternal/Child Nsg. 06/03/08 2. Cultural Awareness in the Childbirth Experience 06/03/08 3. Prepared Childbirth Techniques 06/03/08 4. Postpartum Blues/Depression 06/10/08 5. Breast/Bottle Feeding 06/10/08 6. Loss of A Baby – Abortions, Stillbirths, Infant Death 06/17/08 7. Infertility 06/17/08 8. Breast Cancer Awareness: Include Emotional Aspects 06/24/08 9. Family Planning/Contraceptives 06/24/08 18 STUDENT CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PRESENTATION GRADING FORM Date: Course: Group Member Names: EVALUATION CRITERIA Content & Organization Possible Points Earned Points 50 Introduces subject topic area Covers objectives & content points for the assignment Displays knowledge of topic Uses time well to keep group within time frame Provides handouts of key points Uses effective closure of presentation DELIVERY Content & Organization Possible Points 30 Presents with enthusiasm & conviction Has effective eye content Does not read report Has appropriate voice tone & volume Involves audience Uses distinct enunciation & verb tense Creative in presentation 19 Earned Points TIME FRAME Content & Organization Possible Points Earned Points 5 Used allotted time Stayed within time frame (30 minutes – 45 minutes) PROFESSIONALISM Content & Organization Possible Points Earned Points 10 Dressed in professional manner (or customary dress of the culture) Addressed audience questions REFERENCE & RESOURCES Content & Organization Possible Points 5 Provided handouts References are appropriate References are current to practice (5 year) Reference (Bib) list provided 20 Earned Points Carteret Community College Associate Degree Nursing NUR 130 – Nursing III Quality Improvement: Assessing Community Resources for Women of Childbearing Age Nursing’s involvement in quality improvement activities can occur on different levels and take a variety of approaches to address issues facing health promotion, disease prevention, and patient centered health care issues. The following activity will help the learner address the issue of access to health care and disease prevention strategies for a selected population. Directions: Write a two to three page paper addressing the following objectives. It must be double-spaced, 12 point font, and stapled. It must be in essay style. Organization, grammar, and spelling will be considered in grading. References are to be included to support your paper and response to the objectives. Please turn in to your clinical instructor by 0800 AM June 25, 2008. For every day it is late 10 points will be deducted. Objectives: 1. Assess what resources are available in your county of residences that addresses the needs of childbearing women. 2. Are the resources adequate based on class discussions and readings to meet the health needs of the childbearing woman? 3. If yes, explain what and how these services are provided. 4. If no, what services are lacking and what are your recommendations for improving access to identified resources? 21 EVALUATION OF QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PAPER NUR 130 Content: Meet objectives, content appropriate, contemporary, scientific, submitted on time: 25 points Synthesis: Pulls literature together, variety of resources evident. 25 points Reflective/critical thinking: Problem solving, recommendations/implications 25 points Communication: Written communication with appropriate English, typing, spelling, and grammar. 10 points Referencing: Comprehensive with the use of internet sites, textbooks, and journals, APA format 10 points Organization: Well organized, flows well. 5 points 22 Clinical 23 Clinical Guidelines NUR 130 Nursing III I. Be prompt for clinical experience. If you are going to be tardy or absent, you must call the clinical instructor and clinical facility within 30 minutes of the start of clinical. II. Be prepared for your clinical learning experience. III. You are expected to follow facility policies and procedures. IV. Show respect for staff during shift change when obtaining your clinical patient assignment and information. V. Pre-conference and post conferences are part of the clinical experience and your attendance and participation is expected. VI. Obtain report from responsible nurse (as directed by your instructor) on assigned patient prior to beginning nursing care and give report at the end of the clinical day (and as directed by your instructor). VII. Document nursing care rendered as directed by your instructor. VIII. You are expected to follow the dress code policy for clinical experiences. IX. Do not bring valuables to the clinical area. Small amounts of cash are recommended for breaks and meal expenses. X. Complete a self-evaluation of performance by using the clinical evaluation tool in this syllabus and bring with you for a mid-term evaluation with your clinical instructor. XI. Submit completed assigned paperwork/homework at due date/time. Failure to submit paperwork on time or in an incomplete manner will result in an unsatisfactory grade. XII. Each student will rotate into different nursing care areas of women’s, newborn and children’s health. The student will receive his/her actual patient care assignment at the beginning of the clinical day. However, in preparation for the clinical day, the student should read appropriate nursing care material based on assigned area of the master clinical rotation schedule, i.e., if the student is assigned to NB (newborn), the student should read the general nursing care of the newborn regardless if it has been covered in class or not. Written assignments 1. Completed medication care plans for each patient clinical experience. Due via assignments on Bb as directed and to be submitted with other written assignments. 2. Satisfactory completion of concept maps for L/D, NBN, and PP. Due via assignments section on Blackboard with other assignments. 3. On your own, research a related topic of this course involving evidenced based nursing practice. Be prepared to discuss in post conference with your clinical group members and instructor. Be prepared to cite your sources. Each student will be assigned a week to present. 24 4. Complete the Terminology Lists prior to the start of clinical. (i.e.: L/D list would be due the first day of your L/D experience prior to the start of clinical). 5. Write a two to three page paper that addresses what resources are available to women of childbearing age in your county of residence. Due date: 6/25/08 at 0800. 25 TERMINOLOGY LIST FOR LABOR AND DELIVERY Student Name: 1. Presentation: 2. Effacement: 3. Dilation: 4. Station: 5. Induction: 6. Augmentation: 7. Pitocin: 8. Magnesium Sulfate: 9. Contraction: 10. Placenta: 11. Amniotic Fluid: 12. Episiotomy: 13. Nuchal Cord: 14. Cephalic: 15. Breech: 16. Fundal Height: 17. Doppler: 18. Amniotomy: 19. Ballotment: 20. Bloody Show: 21. Braxton Hicks Contraction: 22. Chadwick’s Sign: 23. Cholasma: 26 24. Nonstress Test: 25. Oxytocin Challenge Test: 26. Multigravida: 27. Nullipara: 28. PICA: 29. Quickening: 30. Rhogam: 31. Engagement: 32. Apgar Score: 33. PARA: 34. Gravida: 35. Gestation: 36. Forceps: 37. Eclampsia: 38. Pre-eclampsia: 39. Effleruage: 40. Leopold’s Maneuvers: 41. Oligohydramnios: 42. Polyhydramnios: 43. Placenta Previa: 44. Abruptio Placenta: 45. Rupture of Membranes: 46. Spotting: 47. Trimester: 48. Hegar’s Sign: 27 TERMINOLOGY FOR NEWBORN NURSERY Student Name: 1. Fontanelle: 2. Vernix: 3. Lanugo: 4. Strabismus: 5. Nystagmus: 6. Meconium: 7. Nuchal Cord: 8. Aquamephyton: 9. Erythromycin: 10. Range of Average Head Circumference: 11. Range of Average Chest Circumference: 12. Triple Dye: 13. Meconium Aspiration: 14. Acrocyanosis: 15. Cradle Cap: 16. Circumcision: 17. Bili – Light/Blanket: 18. Umbilical Cord & Vessels: 28 TERMINOLOGY LIST FOR POSTPARTUM Student Name: 1. Uterus: 2. Engorgement: 3. Lochia (include types and approximate amounts – scant, large, etc.): 4. Episiotomy: 5. Homan’s Sign: 6. Bonding: 7. Hemorrhoids: 8. Ecchymosis: 9. Fundus: 10. Colostrum: 11. Striae Gravidarum: 12. Involution: 13. Kegel Exercises: 14. Inverted Uterus: 15. Peri-Pads: 16. Sitz Bath: 17. Cesarean Section: Revised: 05/08 29 Carteret Community College Associate Degree Nursing Labor & Delivery Record Students assigned to L&D will complete the following L&D Record and submit to the clinical instructor at the conclusion of the clinical day. Student Name______________________________________ Date______________________ Antepartal History: Gravida______ Para________ Abortions_______ EDC/EDD_______ As of today, Weeks of Gestation____________ Fetal Presentation_______________________ Record notable features and findings of pregnancy for this pt. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Assessment of Progress of Labor Membranes: Intact_____ Broken______ Comments____________________ Cervical Dilation: Start of care_______________ Effacement: Start of care_______________ Comments____________________ Time broken________ End of care___________ End of care___________ Station: Start of care_______________ End of care_______________ Comments____________________ Contractions: Frequency Start of care _________________ End of care _________________ Duration Start of care _________________ End of care _________________ Intensity Start of care _________________ End of care _________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________ 30 Treatment: ___________________________________________________________ Method of pain management _____________________________________________________________ Method of delivery: ____________________________________________________________ Anesthesia: ___________________________________________________________________ Course of delivery: _____________________________________________________________ Nursing management From your assessment and clinical experience today with your patient, complete this form and the following: a. A medication care plan b. An intervention/goals/evaluation form c. Final edition concept map with problems and at least 3 nursing diagnoses d. Anecdotal form Terminology sheets are due the first day of that particular experience. (Example: Newborn is due the day you are scheduled in the nursery.) This assignment is due by Thursday at 0800 for Monday clinical group with your anecdotal. For Thursday clinical groups it should be submitted by Sunday at 0800 to assignment via Blackboard. No late assignments will be accepted it will result in an unsatisfactory for the clinical experience. 31 Carteret Community College Associate Degree Nursing Postpartum Record Students assigned to the postpartum unit will complete the following Postpartum Record and submit it to the clinical instructor at the conclusion of the clinical day. Student Name _____________________________________Date___________________ Client’s Initials_______________Age______Race________EDC/EDD______________ Delivery Date/Time_____________________ Gravida ________ Para__________ Blood Type/RH_______________Infant Gender/Condition________________________ Delivery Method__________________________________________________________ Prenatal Course___________________________________________________________ Length of Labor_________________________________________ Incision Type/Episiotomy______________________Breast/Bottle feeding___________ 8 Point Assessment: Date Breasts Fundus Lochia Perineum Bladder Bowel Homan’s Emotions Incision 32 Summary of Vital Signs: ___________________________________________________ Nursing Management From you assessment and clinical experience today with your patient, complete this form and the following: a. A medication care plan b. An intervention/goals/evaluation form c. Final edition concept map with problems and at least 3 nursing diagnoses d. Anecdotal form Terminology sheets are due the first day of that particular experience. (Example: Newborn is due the day you are scheduled in the nursery) This assignment is due by Thursday at 0800 for Monday clinical group with your anecdotal. For Thursday clinical it should be submitted by Sunday at 0800 to assignment via Blackboard. No late assignments will be accepted it will result in an unsatisfactory for the clinical experience. 33 Associate Degree Nursing Carteret Community College Newborn Nursery Record Students assigned to care for the newborn will complete the following record and submit to the clinical instructor at the end of the day. Student Name________________________________ Baby Gender _____ F _____ M Date __________________ DOB _________ Time of birth _______________ Wt. @ birth _________ Lbs. Today’s Wt. _______________Lbs. __________Kg. _______________Kg. Feeding: ___________Breast or ________Formula (Type) _________________ Today’s feeding amount _________________________________________________ Today’s vital signs: T____________; HR ____________; RR_____________ Today’s bowel/bladder function # stool__________ Description________________ # voids __________ Status of cord/care describe: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Birth data: Apgar Score: 1 min. _______ 5 min. Number of cord vessels: ____________ Vaginal _______ or C/S ______ Forceps? _________ Vacuum Extractor ? ______ Complications or other pertinent data: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Vit. K administered On/At: ______________ EES Administered On/At: ________________ Hepatitis Vaccine On/At: ________________ 34 Nursing Management: From your assessment and clinical experience today, complete the above and the following: a. A medication care plan b. An intervention/goals/evaluation form c. Final edition concept map with problems and at least 3 nursing diagnoses d. Anecdotal form Terminology sheets are due the first day of that particular experience. (Example: Newborn is due the day you are scheduled in the nursery.) This assignment is due by Thursday at 0800 for Monday clinical group with your anecdotal. For Thursday clinical groups it should be submitted by Sunday at 0800 to assignment via Blackboard. No late assignments will be accepted it will result in an unsatisfactory for the clinical experience. 35 ALLERGIES: MEDICATION CARE PLAN CLIENT INITIALS MEDICATION CLIENT DIAGNOSIS CLASS & ACTION OF DRUG INDICATION OF USE FOR THIS CLIENT STUDENT INTERVENTIONS 36 EVALUATION & SPECIFIC CLIENT RESPONSE TO INTERVENTIONS TEACHING TO BE DONE WITH THIS CLIENT; BEGIN NUR 210 STUDENT NAME: CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING ANECDOTAL NOTES DATE CLINICAL SITUATION STUDENT’S COMMENTS Self-Evaluation of Performance Daily Grade Grade definition: S=Satisfaction P=Progressing U=Unsatisfactory INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENTS On Student’s Performance Student’s signature represents review of instructor’s comments. Student Signature: To be stapled to Clinical Evaluation Tool upon completion of semester. Date: 37 SHUSTER CONCEPT MAPPING A CRITICAL THINKING: APPROACH TO CARE PLANS Step 4: Identification of goals, outcomes, and interventions; night before clinical Step 5: Evaluation of patient responses: day of clinical On the day of care Nursing Intervention Patient Responses to Intervention 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. Evaluation: Summarize patient progress toward outcome objectives: 38 Final Edition Key Problem# I don’t know how this fits with the problems Key Problem# Reason for Needing Health Care: Medical Diagnosis/ Surgical Procedure: Key Assessment: Key Problem# Key Problem# 39 Key Problem# Carteret Community College Associate Degree Nursing Clinical Evaluation Definitions Performance in the clinical component will be evaluated using the following definitions: S = Satisfactory Demonstrate behavior and/or procedures/interventions related to core competencies and course objectives with efficiency, coordination, consistency, and confidence; usually independent; needs occasional supportive cues; accurate eat time, consistently applies knowledge and skills from course content and integrated knowledge and skills from previous courses; is safe in actions and performs at the expected level of competence. U = Unsatisfactory Unable to demonstrate behavior and/or procedure/interventions related to core competencies; lacks efficiency, coordination, consistency, and confidence; requires frequent verbal and physical directives cues and support; requires unusual amount of supervision; unprepared for clinical experience; demonstrates difficulty in the application of knowledge and skills from course objectives and from previous courses; does not perform at the expected level of competence. NOTE: The student must earn a satisfactory (S) evaluation grade by in all criteria of the clinical evaluation tool by the final evaluation period in order to pass the clinical component. 40 CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE NUR 130-NURSING III CLINICAL EVALUATION TOOL Student: Rotation Dates: Clinical Facility: Semester/Year: Instructor: Mid-Term Evaluation S U ROLE AS PROVIDER OF CARE I. Assessment A. Performs a patient health history and physical assessment. B. Identifies patient needs and responds appropriately. C. Interprets the physiological, psychosocial, developmental, cultural and spiritual factors which influence health, and impacts care. D. Assesses patient’s learning strengths, capabilities, barriers and educational needs. E. Identifies available community resources for patient access. II. Nursing Process A. Utilizes the nursing process to meet the needs of patients with common conditions and/or needs with a focus on gynecological and obstetrical patients, newborns, and children. B. Modifies patient care as indicated by the evaluation of outcomes. C. Examines clinical judgments to ensure accurate and safe care. 41 Final Evaluation S U Mid-Term Evaluation S U III. Planning A. Writes a nursing care plan for assigned patients based on prioritized needs. B. Addresses physical, spiritual, cultural, developmental and psychosocial needs in plan of care. C. Organizes nursing care according to schedules and within time frame. IV. Implementation A. Demonstrates measures to promote safety and prevent accident/injuries. B. Demonstrates safe implementation of care. C. Performs nursing skills competently to meet patient needs. D. With assistance, uses appropriate technology in the provision of nursing care. E. Demonstrates ability to practice nursing that is characterized by: 1. promoting patient rights 2. caring behaviors 3. attention to providing a safe physical and psychosocial environment 4. adapting care appropriately according to patient values, habits, and culture 5. communicating accurate information to patients, family members, and significant others. F. Report and record implementation and evaluation of nursing care. G. Implements teaching plan. H. Applies knowledge from nursing, sciences, nutrition and pharmacology to address the patient’s needs in a holistic manner. I. Demonstrates knowledge of the application of pharmacological principles. 42 Final Evaluation S U Mid-Term Evaluation S U V. Evaluation A. Evaluates patient’s response to nursing actions. B. Identifies need to revise plan of care. C. Uses course objectives and clinical tool to evaluate own strengths and areas for improvement. ROLE AS MANAGER OF CARE A. Shows skill in planning for care of assigned patients in order to complete care in organized and timely manner. B. Contributes to plan of care by collaborating with healthcare team members regarding patients care needs. C. Uses effective and therapeutic communication skills in the provision of care and when working with healthcare providers, peers, and instructor. D. Demonstrates proper reporting and recording concepts as evidenced by written documentation and verbal report. E. Maintains patient confidentiality. F. With assistance as appropriate, identifies what care can be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel. ROLE AS MEMBER WITHIN THE DISCIPLINE OF NURSING A. Practices within the ethical, legal, and regulatory frameworks and standards when providing nursing care to patients. B. Applies the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics when working with patients. C. Demonstrates accountability and responsibilities for own actions when preparing for and delivering patient care. D. Demonstrates adequate preparation for clinical experiences. 43 Final Evaluation S U Mid-Term Evaluation S U E. Reports errors of omission/commission in caring for patients. F. Seeks guidance appropriately from instructor or other resources to achieve patient outcomes, self-improvement and professional growth. G. Uses evaluation process to enhance/improve clinical performance by developing written plan of action. H. Practices within the parameters of own knowledge and experiences. I. Assists others in providing care or achieve patient outcomes. J. Demonstrates competency in meeting objectives of clinical experiences. K. Consistently applies previously taught principles and skills as a member within the discipline. L. Discusses in post-conference the contribution of evidenced-based nursing research in advancing care. 44 Final Evaluation S U Mid-Term Clinical Evaluation Overall performance based on criteria: S U Instructor Comments and Recommendations: Instructor Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: Student Comments: (Optional) 45 Final Clinical Evaluation Overall performance in meeting course/clinical objectives: S Instructor Comments: Instructor Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: Student Comments: (Optional) 46 U NUR 130 Nursing III Lab: Tues – 8:00 – 11:00, 11:30 – 2:30 Class: Wed – 8:00 – 12:00 & 12:30 – 4:30 Clinical : Mon or Thurs 7:00 am – 7:00 pm May Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 21 8:00 – Course Orientation 9 – 12 Unit I 12:30 Lab A 25 26 Holiday 27 8:00 – Pharmacology Test 9 – 11 Lab A Check Offs 11:30 – 2:30 Lab A Check off Continue - 28 8 – 11- Lab B 11:30 – 4:30: Lab C 29 0830 – Clinical Orientation Carteret General or Onslow Hospital Unit II College Closed 30 31 College Closed 2008 47 June Sun 1 Mon 2 7a – 7p Clinical Carteret General Hospital 8 9 7a – 7p Clinical Carteret General Hospital 15 16 7a – 7p Clinical Carteret General Hospital 22 23 Clinical Simulation Day on Campus 8:30 – 12:30 1:30 – 3:30 29 Tue 3 0800 Student Presentations Ethical Issues, Cultural Awareness, Prepared Childbirth, Unit III Wed 4 0800 Test 1 (Units I & II Labs A & B) 11 17 18 Test 2 (Unit III, Lab C) Unit IV and V 24 12 7a – 7p Clinical Onslow or Carteret General Hospital Unit IV Student Presentations Loss of Baby Infertility Lab E MT Clinical Evaluations Student Presentations Family Planning Breast Cancer Unit V 7a – 7p Clinical Onslow or Carteret General Hospital Fri 6 Sat 7 College Closed Unit III continue 10 Student Presentations Breast/Bottle Feeding PP Blues/Depression Lab D Thu 5 25 Unit VI **Community Resource Paper Due** 19 7a – 7p Clinical Onslow or Carteret General Hospital 26 Alternate Clinical Assignment—Case Study Blackboard (EVERYONE) 13 14 College Closed 20 21 College Closed 27 28 College Closed 30 Clinical Simulation Day on Campus 8:30 – 12:30 1:30 – 3:30 2008 48 July Sun Mon Tue 1 Test 3 (Unit IV, V, Lab D) Unit VI & VII 6 7 Clinical 13 14 0830- ATI Test 20 8 Unit VIII 21 Wed 2 15 22 Fri 4 Sat 5 Unit VII & Unit VIII Holiday 9 Test 4 (Unit VI, VII) Unit IX Unit IX – (Testing on Final Exam) Thu 3 16 Test 5 (Unit VIII Lab E and F) Final Clinical Evaluation 23 10 College Closed 11 12 Clinical College Closed 17 9 – 11 Final Exam 24 18 19 College Closed 25 26 College Closed 27 28 29 30 31 2008 49