MINUTES OF THE CULTURE AND LEISURE SERVICE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING – 9TH DECEMBER 2004 Present: Councillor Mrs Haynes in the Chair Councillors: Bradley-Wilcox Brown Cresswell Green Mrs Greenhalgh Hutchinson In Attendance: Mr P Walker, Director of Leisure, Cultural and Adult Learning Services Mr J Blackledge, Mrs P Hansell and Mr M Scrivens, Community Directorate. Miss E Loye, Mr S Sienkiewicz and Mr M Towers, Business Services Directorate. Also present: Councillor Owen (Executive Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure). Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Mrs Fowler who was engaged upon other Council business. 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 21st October 2004 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the amendment of the date in Resolution 2 of Item 3 from 14th April 2004 to 14th April 2005. 3. DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE EXECUTIVE AND PORTFOLIO HOLDER There had been no decisions taken by the Executive or the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Leisure since the last meeting of the Committee. Background papers: None 4. FORWARD PLAN The Committee considered the following items from the Forward Plan: Following Consultation, the Adoption of the Heritage Strategy December 2004 33/2004 to be decided by the Executive Adoption of Revised Collection Management Policy for the Grundy Art Gallery December 2004 37/2004 to be decided by the Executive 1 MINUTES OF THE CULTURE AND LEISURE SERVICE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING – 9TH DECEMBER 2004 Mrs Pat Hansell, Head of Lifelong Learning and Cultural Services, explained to the Committee that the decision regarding the adoption of the Heritage Strategy would be postponed until March 2005 due to an extended consultation exercise. Resolved: That the items be noted Background papers: None 5. PALATINE LEISURE CENTRE PROGRESS AND UPDATE ON THE LIBRARY LEARNING CENTRE Mr J Blackledge, Acting Assistant Director of Leisure Services, updated the Committee on the progress made to the Palatine Leisure Centre development. He explained that the Leisure Centre would include a 25m, eight lane competitive swimming pool, learner pool, health and fitness suite, and a sports hall. The Committee was informed of a Palatine Campus Group, which was made up of representatives from Palatine High School, Blackpool Primary Care Trust, Connexions, Youth Services, the Community Development Unit, and the Council for Voluntary Services. This group would consider the site strategically in terms of future facility development and usage. The development was in its final stage, and Leisure Services would only be agreeing to a handover date once all identified works and rectifications had been satisfactorily completed. Mrs Pat Hansell, Head of Lifelong Learning and Cultural Services, updated the Committee on the recently opened Library and Learning Centre at the Palatine site. The facility was opened on 18th October 2004, and had been well used. Book issues at the facility had been up 6% on the cumulative figures from South Shore, Marton, Highfield and Haweside libraries. Resolved: (1) That the Leader of the Council be asked if he would consider appointing an Elected Member representative to sit on the Palatine Campus Group. (2) To agree that the Committee will have its next meeting at the Palatine Library and Learning Centre. Background papers: None 6. REVISED NATIONAL PUBLIC LIBRARY STANDARDS Mrs Pat Hansell, Head of Lifelong Learning and Cultural Services, explained to the Committee that in 2001 the Department for Culture, Media and Sport launched the national Public Library Standards on behalf of the Government. They came into effect in April 2001 and local authorities were set a three-year timeframe in which to achieve the standards. The original standards consisted of 26 measures that related to areas such as improvements to stock, opening hours, ICT provision, user satisfaction, and visits. 2 MINUTES OF THE CULTURE AND LEISURE SERVICE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING – 9TH DECEMBER 2004 These standards had been reviewed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the revised standards came into effect from 1st October 2004. The number of standards had been reduced from 26 to 10, and would be known as the Public Library Service Standards. As part of the performance management system, the standards had proved useful in providing a baseline for the service and in showing general service improvement trends since 2001. The Library Service had used the national standards as an advocacy tool, particularly to illustrate that there were shortcomings in the area of funding for stock. The standards also highlighted areas of weakness where effort needed to be made to improve performance. The Committee was pleased to hear that the Library Service had recently received a 3-star rating by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport for its 2004 Library Position Statement. This measured how the library service was meeting the national Public Library Standards and how the service was performing in general. Resolved: That a progress update on the implementation of the revised standards be submitted to the meeting of the Committee on 20th October 2005. Background papers: Blackpool Libraries Position Statement 2004. 7. OPEN SPACES AND HORTICULTURE SCRUTINY UPDATE The Committee received the draft recommendations arising from the scrutiny review of Open Spaces and Horticulture. The following amendments to the recommendations were suggested by the Committee: Recommendation 6 to be amended to read, “The drainage system in dykes is currently inadequate, and leads to problems at a number of sites, including allotments.” Recommendation 9 to include that a general review of all bridal path maintenance be undertaken. The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the members of the public who had inputted into the Open Spaces and Horticulture scrutiny. Resolved: To agree the draft recommendations as amended and note that the Committee at its next meeting would consider the full report and amended recommendations. Background papers: None 8. PARKS AND LEISURE FACILITIES SCRUTINY UPDATE The Committee was informed that no significant progress had been made in relation to the Parks and Leisure Action Plan of recommendations since the time of the last Committee meeting. 3 MINUTES OF THE CULTURE AND LEISURE SERVICE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING – 9TH DECEMBER 2004 Resolved: To receive a progress report on the Parks and Leisure Facilities Action Plan at the Committee meeting on 10th February 2005. Background papers: None 9. GRAND THEATRE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT AND TOUR OF THE THEATRE (At this juncture the meeting was adjourned whilst Committee Members, Officers and members of the public were accompanied on a tour of the theatre). Following the tour, members of staff from the Grand Theatre gave a presentation to the Committee, outlining how the theatre aimed to serve its community; future developmental plans; and the beneficial economic impact the theatre had on Blackpool. It was evident that whilst much work had already been undertaken with local schools and community groups, there could still be potential to further develop this in conjunction with the Council. Resolved: To note the report. Background papers: None Chairman (The meeting ended at 6.50pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Elaine Loye, Scrutiny Support Officer Tel: (01253) 476105 E-mail: elaine.loye@blackpool.gov.uk 4