Leaflets which can be used to support the Sexual Health

Section 6
Leaflets which can be used to support the Sexual Health and Relationships Education
Copies are available from:
Health Promotion Department
NHS Forth Valley
9 Gladstone Place
Checkout the Bare facts And All the Hairy Bits
Puberty is when you change from a child into an adult. Puberty can begin between any time
between 10 and 17. This leaflet explains some of the things that happen while going through
(P5 -7)
Checkout the Bare facts And All the Hairy Bits
Puberty is when you change from a child into an adult. Puberty can begin at any time
between 9 and 16. This leaflet explains some of the things that happen while going through
(P5 – 7)
4 BOYS: A Below-the-Belt guide to the male body
This booklet is aimed at young men aged 13 to 16 and uses simple text and humorous
illustrations to provide information on testicular self-examination, contraception, sexually
transmitted infections and safer sex.
(P7 – S3)
4 GIRLS: A Below-the-Bra guide to the female body
This booklet is aimed at girls’ aged 12 to 16 and gives them the facts they want to know
about physical changes and sexual development. An invaluable resource for youth workers,
teachers and everyone working with young women.
(P7 – S3)
Talking to your child about sex
The leaflet provides assistance to parents/ carers in approaching and discussing issues of
sexual health with children. The leaflet both informs and reassures and gives suggestions/
solutions to common areas of concern such as overcoming embarrassment and dealing with
difficult or challenging questions. The leaflet also advises on age/ stage appropriate
information and encourages parents/ carers to link with schools.
Sex small talk
For parents and carers of children
Leaflet aimed at parents and carers of primary school children. The leaflet is designed to
support parents to answer their child's questions about sex and relationships. It is produced
in an easy to read format and has the crystal mark for Plain English.
Abortion – just so you know
This booklet provides young people with accurate information about abortion. It covers
current UK abortion law, attitudes towards abortion, abortion procedures and sources of
further information and advice. Aimed at 13 to 18 year olds
Love S.T.I.NGS – A beginners guide to sexually transmitted infections
This booklet is for 14 to 18 year olds. It raises and answers young people's questions about
STI's, their symptoms and long-term affects, how they are treated and how they can be
avoided. Above all, it presents a reassuring picture of a sexual health clinic and the
importance of a check-up if someone has any reason to think they could have an STI.
Pregnancy – Who why what when where and how it all works
A young person’s guide
This booklet covers reproduction, preparing for pregnancy, the development of the foetus
and birth. It also describes the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and the role
men play in pregnancy and birth. It aims to give young people a realistic view of what
pregnancy entails. For 12 to 16 year olds.
Sexually Transmitted Infections – Where to go for help and advice
This leaflet explains where you can get help and advice if you think that you might have a
sexually transmitted infection, are worried about your sexual health or would like a check-up.
Boyz will be Boyz Comics
A comic book for boys, which focuses on issues, they may encounter during puberty. It uses
inventive dialogue and illustrations to explain to boys in the 10-13 age group issues they will
encounter in puberty and also answer questions they may have, in a style and format they
are familiar with.
Girls Gurls Gurrlzzz
This resource takes girls through the physical and emotional changes that occur during
puberty, was developed with input from girls aged 10-13 and is based on a pilot where girls
were asked what they wanted to know. The leaflet is therefore researched to contain relevant
information and is presented in a style and format that girls will find both familiar and
Periods, what you need to know
This booklet gives advice and information about periods, explaining the physical and
emotional aspects, sanitary protection, general information on puberty and problem page
type questions.
(P5 – S2)