TRIM E.10 - European Centre for Modern Languages

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Documentation and resource centre of the ECML
Foreign language teaching
Enseignement des langues étrangères
Thematic category TRIM E.10
Catégorie thématique TRIM E.10
This category comprises foreign language teaching
resources and focuses in particular on the following
areas: methodology, language course design,
classroom interaction, assessment and evaluation
techniques, the communicative approach, teaching
language skills, teaching vocabulary and grammar,
teaching language and culture, didactics of modern
languages, as well as teaching English, French and
German as a foreign language.
Cette catégorie propose des resources liées à
l’enseignement des langues vivantes et se concentre
en particulier sur les domaines suivants: la
méthodologie, la conception de cours de langues,
l’interaction en classe, l’appréciation et les techniques
l’enseignement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire,
l’enseignement des langues et des cultures, la
didactique des langues vivantes, ainsi que
l’enseignement de l’anglais, du français et de
l’allemand comme langue étrangère.
TRIM E.10 Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères ........................................................ 2
TRIM E.10.1 Methodology / Méthodologie.................................................................................................................... 4
TRIM E.10.2 Language course design / Conception de cours de langues ................................................................... 6
TRIM E.10.3 Classroom interaction / Interaction en classe ......................................................................................... 7
TRIM E.10.4 Assessment and evaluation techniques / Techniques d’évaluation et d’appréciation ......................... 8
TRIM E.10.5 Communicative approaches / Approches communicatives ................................................................. 12
TRIM E.10.6 Teaching language skills / Compétences en enseignement des langues .............................................. 14
TRIM E.10.7 Teaching vocabulary and grammar / Enseignement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire ................ 15
TRIM E.10.8 Teaching language and culture / Enseignement des langues et des cultures ..................................... 17
TRIM E.10.9 Modern language didactics / Didactique des langues vivantes ........................................................... 20
TRIM E.10.9.1 Teaching English as a foreign language / Enseignement de l’anglais langue étrangère .................... 21
TRIM E.10.9.2 Teaching French as a foreign language / Enseignement du français langue étrangère ...................... 25
TRIM E.10.9.3 Teaching German as a foreign language/ Enseignement de l’allemand langue étrangère ................. 26
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Canadian Teachers' Federation, Teaching modern languages: Seminar
report / L' enseignement des langues modernes / Unterricht moderner
Sprachen / Enseñando lenguas modernas / Obuchenie sovremennim
yazikam, Ottawa: Canadian Teachers' Federation, 1963
Centre de recherches et d'application pédagogiques en langues
(CRAPEL), Mélanges pédagogiques, Nancy: Centre de recherches et
d'applications pédagogiques en langues (CRAPEL), 1975
Centre de recherches et d'application pédagogiques en langues
(CRAPEL), Mélanges pédagogiques, Nancy: Centre de recherches et
d'applications pédagogiques en langues, (CRAPEL), 1976
Centre de recherches et d'application pédagogiques en langues
(CRAPEL), Mélanges pédagogiques, Nancy: Centre de recherches et
d'applications pédagogiques en langues (CRAPEL), 1981
Centre de recherches et d'application pédagogiques en langues
(CRAPEL), Mélanges, Nancy: Centre de recherches et d'applications
pédagogiques en langues (CRAPEL), No. 21, 1993
Centre for Information on Language Teaching, Interdisciplinary
approaches to languages -- Papers read at a conference held at Nutford
House, Brown Street, London from 4th to 6th April, 1971, London:
Centre for Information on Language Teaching, 1971
Council on International Educational Exchange Educational Testing
Service, Global competence project, New York: Council on International
Educational Exchange, [?]
Davidson, J.M.C. (ed.), Issues in
language education -- Papers arising
from the Second Assembly of the
National congress on languages in
education, 1978-80, London: Centre
for Information on Language
Teaching and Research, 1981
Davidson, J.M.C. (ed.), Issues in language education -- Papers arising
from the Second Assembly of the National congress on languages in
education, 1978-80, London: Centre for Information on Language
Teaching and Research, 1981
Papers on foreign language teaching
examinations, language policies in
schools, methodologies and materials
for language teaching.
International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and
Literature, Vjestnik. 32, Moskva: Rossija, 2001
International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and
Literature, Vjestnik. 31, Moskva: Rossija, 2000
Irish National Teachers' Organisation, Foreign language teaching in
primary schools: Issues and research, Dublin: Into, 1991
Koordinierungsgremium im DFG-Schwerpunkt, Sprachlehrforschung
Sprachlehr- und Sprachlern-forschung -- Eine Zwischenbilanz,
Kronberg: Scriptor, 1977
Maas, Utz, Argumente für die Emanzipation von Sprachstudium und
Sprachunterricht, Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch,
Maslyko, E. A., Nastolnaya kniga prepodavatelya inostrannogo yazika
spravochnoye posobiye, Minsk: Visheyshaya shkola, 1992
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Meara, Paul (ed.), Spoken language -- Papers from the Annual Meeting
of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University
of Edinburgh, September 1985, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1986
Meara, Paul (ed.), British Association of Applied Linguistics, Spoken
language -- Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association
for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Edinburgh, September
1985, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1986
Mollica, Anthony S. (ed.), In honour of H. H. Stern / Hommage à
H. H. Stern, Ontario: The Ontario Modern Languages Teachers'
Association, 1981
Mollica, Anthony S. (ed.), Needs oriented language teaching / Besoins
langagiers et enseignement des langues, Ontario: The Ontario Modern
Languages Teachers' Association, 1977
Peers, Allison E., New tongues or modern language teaching of the
future, London: Pitman, 1945
Perren, G.E. (ed.), Issues in language education -- The first two volumes
of papers from working parties for the first assembly, Durham 1978,
London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research,
Rehorick, Sally (ed.), Languages, literacy and education / Les langues,
l'alphabétisation et éducation, Ontario: The Ontario Modern Languages
Teachers' Association, 1991
Widmer, Aldo, Herausforderung Schweiz -- Materialien zur Förderung
des Unterrichts in den Landessprachen, Bern: EDK, 1987
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.1
Methodology / Méthodologie
Apelt, Walter, Lehren und lernen fremder Sprachen -Grundorientierungen und Methoden in historischer Sicht, Berlin: Volk
und Wissen, 1991
Belbin, Eunice, CRAMP -- A guide to training decisions: A user's
manual, Cambridge: I.T.R.U., 1975
Billows, F. L., The techniques of language teaching, London: Longmans,
Bjargum, Nanna (red.), Didaktiske tillob, Sprogforum. 1995, Nr.2,
Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1996
Bohlen, Adolf, Methodik des neusprachlichen Unterrichts, Heidelberg:
Quelle and Mayer, 1955
Broberg, Margareta, Suggestopaedi - en opdatering, Kobenhavn:
Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1990
Centre for Information on Language Teaching, Aims and techniques -Language-teaching methods and their comparative assessment,
Abridged proceedings of a Conference (State House, London, W.C.I, 2021 March 1969), London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching,
Edelhoff, Christoph (Hrsg.), Neue Wege im Fremdsprachenunterricht -Qualitätsentwicklung, Erfahrungsberichte Praxis, Hannover: Schroedel,
Gattegno, Caleb, Teaching foreign languages in schools -- The silent
way, New York: Educational Solutions, 1972
Girard, Denis, Linguistics and foreign language teaching, London:
Longman, 1972
Gouma, Efthymia, L'enseignant et l'apprenant - facteurs d'innovation
pédagogique, Firenze: Tipografia Giuntina [?]
Jones, Ken, Simulationen im Fremdsprachenunterricht -- Handbuch für
Schule, Hochschule und Lehrerfortbildung, München: Hueber, 1984
Laine, Eero J., Affective factors in foreign language learning and
teaching: report 1 -- Theoretical concepts and framework,
operationalization of the concepts, and first pilot stage of of research,
Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 1987
Laine, Eero J., Affective factors in foreign language learning and
teaching: report 2 -- A validation study of filtering factors with focus on
the learner's FL self-concept, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 1988
Lapkin, Sharon; Swain, Merrill, French immersion research agenda for
the 90s with an appendix on teacher education issues by Stan Shapson,
Ontario: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1989
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Mackey, William Francis, Language teaching analysis, London:
Longmans, 1966
McLeish, John, The lecture method, Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of
Education, 1968
Renard, Raymond, La méthodologie SGAV d'enseignement des langues Une problématique de l'apprentissage de la parole, Paris; Didier, 1976
Respublika Belarus. Ministerstvo Obrazovania i Nauki, Nietraditsyonyie
metody obuchienia inostranim yazikam v Vuze -- Materiali
respublikanskoy konferencyi 14-15 iyunia 1994 goda, Minsk: Minskiy
Gosudarstvienyi Lingvisticheskij Universitet, 1995
Titone, Renzo, Foreign language teaching today, Firenze: Valmartina
Editore, 1970
Mackey, William Francis, Language
teaching analysis, London:
Longmans, 1966
This book attempts to guide teachers
through the conflicting theories on the
nature of language, linguistic analysis
and language learning.
There are chapters on language
laboratories, on games, drills and
exercises of various types, and on
An important part of the book is
devoted to techniques, which enable
the teacher to analyse his own
language teaching and that of others.
Wedell, E.G., Council For Cultural Co-Operation, The place of
education by correspondence in permanent education: A study of
correspondence education in the member States of the Council of
Europe, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1970
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.2
Language course design / Conception de cours de langues
British Council, ELT Course Design -- Dunford House seminar 1979,
Seminar on ELT course design, (30 July – 10 August 1979, Midhurst,
United Kingdom), London: British Council, 1979
British Council, ETIC occasional paper -- Pre-sessional courses for
overseas students, London: The British Council, 1978
British Council / Central Information Service / English Language
and Literature Division, Projects in materials design, London: British
Council, 1980
Brodde, Walter, Lehrpläne, Hamburg: Behörde für Schule, Jugend und
British Council / Central
Information Service / English
Language and Literature Division,
Projects in materials design,
London: British Council, 1980
The aim of this book is to illustrate
insights gained from experience by
describing a variety of projects and
highlighting differences in technique,
style and approach to materials
Gaderer, Heinz, English for telecommunication: Abschließender Bericht
über die Pilotkurse A1 und A2 von Oktober 1985 bis Mai 1986 im
Rahmen des Fremdsprachen projekts Communication at work, [s.l; s.n.,
Garton - Sprenger, Judy, Greenall, Simon, Hello -- Course description,
[S.l; S.n.]
Garton – Sprenger Judy; Greenall, Simon, Hello -- Course design, [S.l;
S.n., 1992?]
Giblin, Karen; Spalding, Elizabeth, Setting up a course involving selfdirected learning, Cambridge: The Bell Educational Trust, 1988
Goethe-Institut, Lehrpläne für die Goethe-Institute in Deutschland,
München: Goethe-Institut, 1996
Klubschule Migros, Lehrmittelentwicklung, Zürich: MGBKoordinationsstelle der Klubschulen, 1987
Lo, Jenny. (ed.), Speak for yourself -- The BBC project on English as a
second language, London: British Broadcasting Corporation, c1981
Palmer, Harold E.; Redman, Vere H., This language-learning business,
London: Oxford University Press, 1969
Schwartz, Joan; Bevan, Valerie; Lasche, Susan, Modellversuch
"Fremdsprachenorientierte Studieneingangsphase" -- An intensive
theme-oriented course in advanced english for first-semester German
university students of diverse subject studies, Berlin: Freie Universität
Standop, Ewald; Heltay, Hilary, Überlegungen und Vorschläge zu
einigen anglistischen Kurstypen mit einem Erfahrungsbericht über
intensive language courses von Hilary Heltay, Hamburg:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, 1973
Stern, H. H., A modern language center -- Scope, activities and plans,
Toronto: OISE, 1968
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Zimmermann, Günther, Planung und Analyse von
Fremdsprachunterricht in der Volkhochschule, Frankfurt: Pädagogische
Arbeitsstelle des deutschen, Volkshochschul-Verbandes, 1976
TRIM E.10.3
Classroom interaction / Interaction en classe
Harris, Vee, Something to say? -- Promoting spontaneous classroom
talk, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and
Research, 2001
Schwerdtfeger, Inge Christine, Gruppenarbeit im Deutschunterricht -Großbritannien, Irland, September - Oktober 1984, [S.n.: S.l.], 1984
Schwerdtfeger, Inge Christine, Gruppenarbeit im
Fremdsprachenunterricht -- Ein adaptives Konzept, Heidelberg: Quelle,
Harris, Vee, Something to say? -Promoting spontaneous classroom
talk, London: Centre for
Information on Language Teaching
and Research, 2001
This book brings together key
research findings with practical
classroom projects to explore possible
ways of developing speaking skills. It
reviews current coursebook oral
exercises and suggests that pupils
need more meaningful tasks. These
range from basic pair-work activities
in the presentation and practice stages
of the lesson, to problem solving
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.4
Assessment / evaluation techniques / Techniques d’évaluation et d’appréciation
Alderson, J. Charles, Assessing reading, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000
Alderson, J. Charles (ed.), Hughes, Arthur (ed.), ELT documents. 111,
Issues in language testing, London: The British Council, 1981
ALTE members, ALTE handbook of European language examinations
and examinations systems: Descriptions of examinations offered and
examination systems administered by members of the Association of the
Language Testers in Europe, Cambridge: ALTE, 1998
ALTE members, Materials for the guidance of test item writers, [s.l.]:
ALTE, 1995
Alderson, J. Charles, Assessing
reading, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000
ALTE members, Materials for the guidance of test item writers - Module
one, Models of language ability, [s.l.]: ALTE, 1995
This book contains a review of current
and past research into the
psychological, social and cognitive
factors involved in reading; a detailed
consideration of the relatioinship
between reading and the construction
of language tests and assessment
procedures; and a discussion of how
the assessment of reading might
develop in the future including the
implications for assessment of
computer-based testing.
ALTE members, Materials for the guidance of test item writers - Module
two, The test production process, [s.l.]: ALTE, 1995
ALTE members, Materials for the guidance of test item writers - Module
three, Item types, [s.l.]: ALTE, 1995
ALTE members, Materials for the guidance of test item writers - Module
four, Issues in marking and scoring, [s.l.]: ALTE, 1995
ALTE members, Multilingual glossary of language testing terms,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998
Association of Language Testers in Europe, Questionnaire: Your
language skills, Cambridge: ALTE, 1999
Bardell, G. S.; Forrest, G. M.; Shoesmith, D. J., Comparability in GCE -A review of the boards' studies, 1964-1977, Manchester: Joint
Matriculation Board, 1978
Bonheim, Helmut; Standop, Ewald, Objektive Testmethoden in der
Anglistik, Köln: Pädagogisches Institut der Stadt Köln, 1969
British Council, Courses validation scheme for state colleges in English
language teaching -- Handbook, London: The British Council, 1990
British Council, ELT documents -108, National syllabuses, London: The
British Council, 1980
Center for the Advancement of Language Learning, Unified language
testing plan, [s.l.: s.n.], 1994
Centre for Information on Language Teaching, Examining modern
languages, London: Centre for information on language teaching, 1970
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, Foreign
language testing: supplement 1981-1987, London: CILT, 1988
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Concannon O'Brien, Maureen (ed.), Testing in second language
teaching: New dimensions, Dublin: ATESOL, 1973
Council of Europe / Council for Cultural Co-operation, Evaluation
techniques of multi-media learning systems, Strasbourg: Council of
Europe, 1973
Davies, Alan (ed.), Language testing symposium: A psycholinguistic
approach, London: Oxford University Press, 1968
Eighteenth annual language testing research colloquium -- New
contexts, goals, and alternatives in language assessment (Tampere,
Finland, 31 July - 3 August 1996), Tampere: [s.n.], 1996
Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete (red.), Dansk som andetsprog, Sprogforum.
Maj1998 Nr.11, Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1998
Glaboniat, Manuela, Kommunikatives Testen im Bereich Deutsch als
Fremdsprache: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Österreichischen
Sprachdiploms Deutsch, Innsbruck; Wien: Studien Verlag, 1998
Gorman, Tom; Department of Education and Science, The framework for
the assessment of language, Windsor: Nfer-Nelson, 1986
Graddol, David (ed.); Swann, Joan (ed.), Evaluating language,
Clevedon: British Association for Applied Linguistics, 1994
Harris, J.G. White, J.E.G. (ed.), Taking stock 1977-78: Modern
languages in the polytechnic, Report of a conference held by the
standing conference of heads of modern languages in polytechnics and
other colleges (SCHML) at Sheffield City polytechnic (7-10 September
1977), London: CILT, 1978
Huhta, Ari (ed.), Language testing:
new openings, Jyväskylä: University
of Jyväskylä, 1993
This book contains articles based on
the papers presented at an east-west
conference on language testing, which
was organized at the University of
Jyväskylä, Finnland, in 1991.
Huhta, Ari (ed.), Language testing: new openings, Jyväskylä:
University of Jyväskylä, 1993
Ingram, D.E., Rating proficiency in high school foreign language
classes, Darwin: Institute of Technology, 1985
Jain, Mahavir P. (ed.); Candlin, Christopher (ed.), Thematic issue
evaluation & testing, Journal of applied language study, Vol. 1, no. 1,
April 1982, [UK]: English language teaching information services, 1982
Jong, John (ed.); AILA, AILA review. 7(1990), Standardization
in language testing, Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1990
Lado, Robert, Language testing -- The construction and use of foreign
language tests: a teacher's book, London: Longmans, 1961
Lindblad, Torsten, Evaluering av språkfärdigheter -Grupparbetsmaterial Reykjavik 1980-06-28, Göteborgs: Göteborgs
universitet, 1980
Lindblad, Torsten (ed.); Gothenburg University Sweden / Department of
Educational Research; National Board of Education, Swedish foreignlanguage standardized tests -- A collection of examples of Centrala Prov
in English, French, and German with short comments, Mölndal:
Gothenburg University, 1981
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
MacLure, Margaret; Hargreaves, Mary; Department of Education and
Science, Speaking and listening -- Assessment at age 11, Windsor: NferNelson, 1986
Milanovic, M (dir), Language examining and test developments,
Common European framework of reference for languages -- Learning,
teaching, assessment, Strasbourg: Council of Euriope / Language Policy
Division, 2002
Modern Language Association, Report 1963-64, Leeds: MLA Institute of
Education, 1964
Moisio, Risto; Valento, Eero, Testing Finnish schoolchildren's learning
of English consonants, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 1976
Morrow, Keith, Techniques of evaluation for a notional syllabus,
Reading: University of Reading, 1977
Moys, Alan (ed.); Centre for Information on Language Teaching and
Research, Modern languages examinations at sixteen plus: A critical
analysis, London: CILT, 1980
Moys, Alan (ed.); National Congress on Languages in Education,
Foreign language examinations: The 16+ debate 1981-83, London:
CILT, 1984
National Institute for Educational Measurement, Cito tests of foreign
language listening comprehension, Arnhem: Cito, [?]
Otter, H.S.; Modern Language Association Examinations Project, A
functional language examination, London: Oxford University Press,
Perren, G.E. (ed.), Foreign language testing, London: CILT, 1977
Plastre, Guy, Commission de la fonction publique, Fonction
docimasique du laboratoire de langues, [s.l.]: Commission de la
Fonction publique, 1978
Pynsent, Robert B. (ed.) Objektive Tests im Englischunterricht der
Schule und Universität, Frankfurt/Main: Athenäum, 1972
Spolsky, Bernard, Measured words - The development of objective
language testing, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1995
Resnick, Lauren B., Working, thinking, and assessment, Pittsburgh:
Learning Research and Development Center University of Pittsburgh,
This book deals with the development
of objective language testing in the
twentieth century.
Shohamy, Elana (ed.); National Foreign Language Center, Language
assessment for feedback: Testing and other strategies, Dubuque [Iowa]:
Kendall/Hunt, 1992
Spolsky, Bernard, Measured words -- The development of objective
language testing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995
Sprang, Katie A. (ed.); Center for the Advancement of Language
Learning, The Caller. Moving toward unified language testing,
Arlington: CALL, 1994
Trim, J. (ed.); Price J.A. (ed.), Foreign language testing, London: CILT,
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Weir, Cyril J., Communicative language testing with special reference to
English as a foreign language, Exeter: University of Exeter, 1988
White, Janet, Department of Education and Science, The assessment of
writing: Pupils aged 11 and 15, Windsor: Nfer-Nelson, 1986
Zettersten, Arne, Experiments in English vocabulary testing,
Malmö: LiberHermods, 1979
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.5
Communicative approaches / Approches communicatives
Baumgratz-Gangl, Gisela, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und
Fremdsprachenerwerb -- Transnationale und transkulturelle
Kommunikationsfähigkeit im Französischunterricht, Paderborn:
Schöningh, 1990
Brumfit, Christopher, Learning and teaching languages for
communication -- Applied linguistic perspectives: Papers from the
Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 1719 September 1982, London: Centre for Information on Language
Teaching and Research, 1983
Brumfit, Christopher. J. (ed.), The communicative approach to language
teaching, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research,
Communicative language learning and the teacher -- Lectures on the
modern languages programme of the Council of Europe, London: CILT,
Frederiksen Karen-Margrete (red.), Rundt om kommunikativ
kompetence, Sprogforum, Nr.4, Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske
Bibliotek, 1996
Hessisches Institut für Lehrerfortbildung / Reinhardswaldschule,
Kommunikative Kompetenz durch englischunterricht: Arbeitspapiere
und Referate für die 5. Arbeitstatung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft
English an Gesamtschulen vom 29.10.- 2.11. 1973 in der
Reinhardswaldschule, Fuldatal: RWS, 1974
Johnstone, Richard (ed.), A handbook on communicative methodology in
foreign language learning -- Communicative interaction research
project, Stirling: University of Stirling, 1987
Littlewood, William, Comunicative
language teaching -- An
introduction, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1981
The author gives a single coherent
account of basic communicative ideas,
emphasising those aspects most
important in the classroom so that
teachers can integrate new ideas into
their own familiar methods. It stresses
that knowledge of grammar remains
essential for effective communication.
Johnstone, Richard, Communicative interaction -- A guide for language
teachers, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and
Research, 1989
Legutke, Michael; Schocker-v. Ditfurth, Marita, Kommunikativer
Fremdsprachenunterricht -- Rückblick nach vorn, Tübingen: Gunter
Narr Verlag, 2003
Little, David (ed.), New approaches in the language classroom, coping
with change: Proceedings of the second national modern languages
convention, Trinity College (Dublin, 31 January - 1 February 1986),
Dublin: Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity
College, 1986
Littlewood, William, Comunicative language teaching -- An
introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Lunt, Helen N., Communication skills in modern languages at school
and in higher education, Papers from a conference convened by CILT at
the University of St. Andrews (14-16 September 1981, St. Andrews,
United Kingdom), London: Centre for Information on Language
Teaching and Research, 1981
Mitchell, Rosamond, Communicative language teaching in practice,
London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research,
Roulet, Eddy (ed.), L'enseignement de la compétence de communication
en langues secondes: Actes du 24e Colloque de la Commission
interuniversitaire suisse de linguistique appliquée, Colloque de la
Commission interuniversitaire suisse de linguistique appliquée
(15-17 mars 1976, Neuchâtel, Suisse), Neuchâtel: Commission
interuniversitaire suisse de linguistique appliquée, 1976
Widdowson, H.G., Une approche communicative de l'enseignement des
langues, Poitiers: Hatier, 1981
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.6
Teaching language skills / Compétences en enseignement des langues
Albrechtsen, Dorte(red.), Sprog pa skrift, Sprogforum, Kobenhavn:
Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, Nr.16, January 2000
Britton, James, The development of writing abilities (11-18), London:
Macmillan, 1975
Bygate, Martin, Speaking, Oxford: Oxford University, 1987
Department of Education and Science of the United Kingdom., How well
can 15 year olds write? -- How good are standards at schools? Can
school leavers write?, [s.n.:] Department of Education and Science, 1983
Bygate, Martin, Speaking, Oxford:
Oxford University, 1987
This book contains three sections:
understanding speaking; the
methodology of oral interaction; and
exploring oral interaction in the
classroom. Each section combines a
sequence of tasks with an explanation
to help teachers consider critically the
information in the text and apply it to
their own knowledge, experience, and
classroom practice.
Doble, Gordon (ed.), Oral skills in modern languages degree,
Proceedings of Conference (University of Bradford, 3-6 January 1984),
London: Centre for Information and Language Teaching and Research,
Goethe Institut, Forschungen zur gesprochenen Sprache und
Möglichkeiten ihrer Didaktisierung: Protokoll eines Werkstattgesprächs
des Goethe-Instituts am 10. und 11. Dezember 1970; veranstaltet vom
Referat für Technische Unterrichtsmittel in Zusammenarbeit mit der
Forschungsstelle Freiburg des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache,
Mannheim, München: Goethe-Institut, 1971
Ito, Mitsuhiko, Intensive English program viewed in terms of
psychological assessment -- The case of Saint Michael's college '84, [s.l.:
S.n.,] 1985
Klein, Horst G.; Stegmann, Tilbert D., EuroComRom - Die sieben
Siebe -- Romanische Sprachen sofort lesen können, Aachen: Shaker,
MacMillan, M., Efficiency in reading -- A survey with reference to the
teaching of English, London: The British Council, 1965
O'Brien, Teresa (ed.), Language and literacies -- Papers from the annual
meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the
University of Manchester (September 1998), Clevedon: Multilingual
Matters, 1998
Tomatis, Alfred, L'oreille et le langage, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1963
Wilson, John, The teaching of English used as the language of
instruction in secondary education, London: Faber, 1967
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.7
Teaching vocabulary and grammar / Enseignement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire
Ager, Dennis, Written skills in the modern languages degree, London:
CILT, 1988
Alexander, L.G., Right word, wrong word -- Words and structures
misused by learners of English, Harlow: Longman, 1994
Alexander, L.G.; Wilson, Catherine, In other words -- 20 composition
exercises for intermediate and post intermediate students of english
(+ Answers to composition exercises, version B), London: Longman,
Blue, George. (ed.), Perspectives on reading -- CLE working papers 2,
Southampton: Centre for Language Education, 1992
Christiansen, Eli (red.), Fra grammatik-til systemtilegnelse, Sprogforum
1997, Nr.7, Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1996
Clark, Stewart; Pointon, Graham,
Word for word -- 'Make the right
choice, get the right meaning',
Oxford: Oxford University Press,
This book contains around 3 000
examples of words that are confusing
because they look alike, sound alike,
or seem alike. It includes complete
definitions, with example sentences
and guidance on pronunciation and
spelling, and explanations of
differences between American and
British English.
Clark, Stewart; Pointon, Graham, Word for word -- 'Make the right
choice, get the right meaning', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003
Davies, Norman F., Putting receptive skills first -- An investigation into
sequencing in modern language learning, Linköping: Linköping
University, 1978
Gairns, Ruth; Redman, Stuart, Working with words -- A guide to
teaching and learning vocabulary, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1986
Goethals, Michaël, E.E.T. -- European English teaching vocabulary-list
based on objective frequency combined with criteria-guided subjective
word-selection for learners of EFL in Europe, Leuven: Katholieke
Universiteit, 1996
Harmer, Jeremy, Teaching and learning grammar, Harlow: Longman,
Hutchinson, Tom, Using grammar books in the classroom, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1987
Jaakkola, Hanna, Kielitieto kielitaitoon pyrittäessä -- Vieraiden kielten
opettajien käsityksiä kieliopin oppimisesta ja opettamisesta, Jyväskylä:
Jyväskylän yliopisto, 1997
Klug, Hans-Jürgen, Lernwortschatz Englisch, Berlin: Volk und Wissen
Volkseigener Verlag, 1988
Kohl, Herbert, Reading, how to, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973
Maley, Alan; Duff, Alan, Sounds interesting, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1975
Maley, Alan; Duff, Alan, Sounds intriguing, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1979
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Meara, Paul. (ed.), Beyond words, Papers from the annual meeting of the
British association for applied linguistics held at the University of
Exeter, September 1988, London: CILT, 1989
Ogden, C. K.; Graham, E. C.; Lockhart, L. W., Basic English -International second language, New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1968
Ogden, C. K., The basic words -- A detailed account of their uses,
London: The orthological institute, 1964
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, The grammar papers -Perspectives on the teaching of grammar in the national curriculum,
Hayes: QCA, c1998
Spalding, Keith, German word patterns -- Vocabulary exercises,
London: Macmillan, 1964
Thimann, I.C., A French vocabulary
for advanced level, London: George
G. Harrap, 1963
Words and expressions grouped into
38 categories including architecture,
crime, education, agriculture,
literature, politics, sport and war.
Thimann, I.C., A French vocabulary for advanced level, London:
George G. Harrap, 1963
Thürmann, Eike, My own and very personal alphabetically ordered more
or less bilingual language scrap-and-quote-book, [Soest: s.n., 1997]
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.8
Teaching language and culture / Enseignement des langues et des cultures
Boos-Nünning, Ursula, Aufnahmeunterricht, muttersprachlicher
Unterricht, interkultureller Unterricht -- Ergebnisse einer
vergleichenden Untersuchung zum Unterricht für ausländische Kinder
in Belgien, England, Frankreich und den Niederland, München:
Oldenbourg, 1983
Bot, Kees de; Ginsberg, Ralph B.; Kramsch, Claire. (eds.), Foreign
language research in cross-cultural perspective, Amsterdam: John
Benjamins Publishing Company, 1991
Bundesministerium Fur Unterricht und Kunst, Sprachen lernen,
Menschen verstehen -- Eine Herausforderung, Wien: Bundesministerium
für Unterricht und Kunst, 1994
Byram, Michael, Cultural studies in foreign language education,
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1989
Boos-Nünning, Ursula,
muttersprachlicher Unterricht,
interkultureller Unterricht -Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden
Untersuchung zum Unterricht für
ausländische Kinder in Belgien,
England, Frankreich und den
Niederland, München: Oldenbourg,
Byram, Michael. (ed.), Evaluation and research in education -- Education
for European citizenship, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, Vol. 10: 2&3,
This book presents a detailed study of
different schooling systems for
immigrant children in Begium,
England, France and Holland.
Byram, Michael; Morgan, Carol, Teaching-and-learning language-andculture: A research report, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1994
Byram, Michael (ed.), Germany -- Its representation in textbooks for
teaching German in Great Britain, Frankfurt: Moritz Diesterweg, 1993
Byram, Michael; Morgan, Carol, Teaching-and-learning language-andculture, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1994
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, Modern
languages and European studies, Papers from a conference convened by
the Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research
(1-2 February 1973), London: CILT, 1973
Chapdelaine, Annick (ed.), Culture and contexts / Culture et contextes,
Quebec: Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, vol. 12, no. 1,
Spring/printemps 1990
Dam, Leni (red.), Projektarbejde, Sprogforum, Nr.8, 1997, Kobenhavn:
Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1996
Diana, Marilena Nalesso. (ed.), Cultural awareness -- Linguistic and
cultural training towards mobility in Europe: Part of an educational
Programme of the European Commission / Cultural awareness -Formation linguistique et culturelle en vue d'une mobilité en Europe:
dans le cadre d'un Programme éducatif de la Commision Européenne /
Cultural awareness -- Formazione linguistica e culturale per una
mobilità in Europea, Venezia Giulia: IRRSAE Friuli, 1997
Doyé, Peter, Großbritannien -- Seine Darstellung in deutschen
Schulbüchern für den Englischunterricht, Frankfurt: Diesterweg, 1991
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Doyé, Peter, The intercultural dimension: Foreign language education in
the primary school, Berlin: Cornelsen, 1999
Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete (red.), Kulturforstaelse, Sprogforum, Nr.1,
Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1994
Geach, June (ed.); Broadbent, John. (ed.), Coherence in diversity -Britain's multilingual classroom, London: CILT, 1989
Graddol, David (ed.), Language and culture, Papers from the Annual
Meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics held at
Trevelyan College, University of Durham (13-17 September 1991),
Clevedon: British Association of Applied Linguistics, 1991
Graddol, David; Thomas, Stephen. (eds.), Language in a changing
Europe, Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for
Applied Linguistics (University of Salford, September 1993), Clevedon:
BAAL, 1995
Grosser, Wolfgang; Hogg, James; Hubmayer, Karl.(eds.), Style: Literary
and non-literary -- Contemporary trends in cultural stylistics, Salzburg:
The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995
Hoffmann, Johannes; Rheinisch-Westfälische Auslandsgesellschaft,
Völkerbilder in Ost und West -- Auswahlbibliographie zur Friedens-,
Konflikt- und Stereotypenforschung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
des Deutschlandbildes in Osteuropa sowie der deutschen Vorstellungen
von den östlichen Nachbarvölker, Dortmund: RWAG-Dienste u.
Huber, Josef; Huber-Kriegler, Martina, Der Versuch einer Verbindung
von Sprachenunterricht, sprachunabhängiger kommunikativer
Fertigkeiten und Inter-/Kulturellem Lernen, Sprach- und
Kulturerziehung, Graz: Zentrum für Schulversuche und
Schulentwicklung, 1994
Huber, Josef; Huber-Kriegler, M. (ed.); Heindler, D. (eds), Element eines
neuen Schulsprachkonzepts, Sprach- & Kulturerziehung, Nr. 3, Graz:
Zentrum für Schulentwicklung, 1996
Huber, Josef; Huber-Kriegler, M. (ed.); Heindler, D. (eds.), Sprachen
und kulturelle Bildung -- Beiträge zum Modell, Sprach- und
Kulturerziehung, Nr. 2, Graz: Zentrum für Schulentwicklung, 1995
Huber-Kriegler, Martina, "Drama, cultural awareness and foreign
language teaching", Bericht über die gleichnamige Tagung an der
University of Durham, School of Education (16.-18. Februar 1995),
Graz: Zentrum für Schulentwicklung, 1995
MacAoháin, Eoghan. (ed.), Language culture and curriculum, Volume 2,
Number 1, Dublin: Linguistics Institute of Ireland, 1989
Orgis, Thomas,, Zweisprachiger Unterricht in Kärnten -- Eine
Information für Eltern und Interessierte: Stand 1992, Klagenfurt:
Zweisprachige Schule, 1992
Pontani, Silvio; Visalberghi, Aldo. (pref.), Lingue straniere e realità
territoriale, Verona: SUT, 1985
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Robert Bosch Stiftung, Deutsch-Französisches Institut,
Fremdsprachenunterricht und internationale Beziehungen -- Stuttgarter
Thesen zur Rolle der Landeskunde im Französischunterricht, Stuttgart:
Schools Council Committee for Wales, Development of bilingual
education in Wales -- Report of a Working Party on a proposal for
experimental bilingual schools / Datblygiad addysg ddwyieithog yng
Nghymru -- Adroddiad gweithgor ar awgrym i sefydlu ysgolion
dwyieithog arbrofol, London: Evans, 1972
Spolsky, Bernard. (ed.), Language and education in multilingual
settings, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1986
Spolsky, Bernard. (ed.), Language
and education in multilingual
settings, Clevedon: Multilingual
Matters, 1986
Tosi, Arturo, Learning from diversity -- Language education and
intercultural relations in the inner city, Brussels: D.I.E.C.E.C., 1996
Verlée, Léon, Enseignement des langues et information culturelle,
Bruxelles: Labor, 1969
Proposals for mother tongue
education. and for bilingual
programmes of various kinds in a
multilingual society. The writers do
not have a single view of the issue as
they are international in background
and experience. Researchers from
India, Yugoslavia, the USSR, the
USA, New Zealand, Zambia,
Denmark, Australia, and Israel discuss
practice and theory.
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.9
Modern language didactics / Didactique des langues vivantes
Balboni, Paolo E., Guida all'esame di lingue straniere, Brescia: Editrice
la Scuola, 1985
Canadian Modern Language Review(The) / La revue canadienne des
langues vivantes, [s.l.], 1995
Christ, Herbert. (Hrsg.); Piepho, Hans-Eberhard. (Hrsg.),
Kongressdokumentation der 7. Arbeitsagung der
Fremdsprachendidaktiker (Giessen 1976), Limburg: Frankonius, 1977
Comunicacions -- Segon simposi sobre l'ensenyament del catlà a nocatalanoparlants: Vic 4, 5 i 16 de setembre de 1991, Vic: Eumo, 1991
Dalgalian, Gilbert; Lieutaud, Simone; Weiss, François, Pour un
nouvel enseignement des langues et nouvelle formation des
enseignants, Paris: CLE, 1981
Freddi, Giovanni; Didattica delle lingue moderne, Bergamo: Minerva,
Girard, Denis, Enseigner les langues -- Méthodes et pratiques, Paris:
Bordas, 1995
Grant, Neville, Making the most of your textbook, Harlow: Longman,
Grauberg, Walter, The elements of foreign language teaching, Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters, 1997
Dalgalian, Gilbert; Lieutaud,
Simone; Weiss, François, Pour un
nouvel enseignement des langues et
nouvelle formation des enseignants,
Paris: CLE, 1981
Green, Peter S. (ed.), York papers in language teaching, York:
University of York, 1985
Hawkins, Eric (ed.), Intensive language teaching in schools, London:
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research 1978
Heindler, Dagmar, Erziehung und Unterricht -- Schwerpunkt: Frühes
Sprachenlernen – Eine Chance?, Österreichische pädagogische
Zeitschrift 2/3-95, Wien: Öbv, 1995
Hornsey, Alan W. (ed.), Handbook for modern language teachers,
London: Methuen Educational, 1975
Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools,
The teaching of modern languages, London: University of London Press,
Ivroni, Nadine, Modellversuch "Fremdsprachenorientierte
Studieneingangsphase", Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, [?]
Sprissler, Manfred, Bielefelder Beiträge zur Sprachlehrforschung,
Heft 1/80, Bad Honnef: Keimer, 1980
Thimann, I.C., Teaching languages -- A notebook of suggestions and
recollections, London: George G. Harrap, 1955
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.9.1
Teaching English as a foreign language / Enseignement de l’anglais langue étrangère
Allen, Harold B. (ed.), Teaching English as a second language -- A book
of readings, New York: McGrow, 1965
American Dialect Society, Newsletter of The American Dialect Society.
Vol. 1, no. 1, Washington: The American Dialect Society, 1969
Bell Educational Trust, Bell at IATEFL. 3, Cambridge: The Bell
Educational Trust, 1990
Bjargum, Nanna (red.), Sprogtilelnelse, Sprogforum. 1998, Nr.10,
Kobenhavn: Danmarks Paedagogiske Bibliotek, 1998
British Council, Proceedings of the first Joint Anglo-Soviet Conference
on English language teaching (24 July - 2 August 1978), London: The
British Council, 1978
British Council, Progress in English studies: British Council
50th Anniversary Conference (London, 17-21 September 1984), London:
British Council, 1984
British Council, Progress in English studies, Papers of an International
Conference (London, 17-21 September 1984) to celebrate the fiftieth
Anniversary of the British Council and its contribution to the field of
English studies over fifty years, London: British Council, 1984
British Council / Central Information Service / English Language and
Literature Division, Humanistic approaches -- An empirical view,
London: British Council, 1982
British Council / English Language Division / Central Information
Service, Study modes and academic development of overseas students,
109, London: British Council, 1980
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 7,
Vienna: British Council, 1989
British Council Austria, Report from the First National English
Language Teaching Conference and Fair (3-6 May 1989), English
Language Teaching News, Number 8, Vienna: British Council, 1989
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 12,
Vienna: British Council, 1990
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 22,
Vienna: British Council, 1994
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 23,
Vienna: British Council, 1994
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 26,
Vienna: British Council, 1995
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 27,
Vienna: British Council, 1995
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
British Council Austria, English Language Teaching News, Number 29,
Vienna: British Council, 1996
British Council Austria, 10th Anniversary issue 1987-1997, English
Language Teaching News, no. 31, Vienna: British Council, 1997
Brumfit, Christopher J., Problems and principles in English teaching,
Oxford: Pergamon Institute of English, 1980
Candlin, Christopher N. (ed.); Working Group on English in
comprehensive schools in the German Federal Republic, The
communicative teaching of English -- Principles and exercise typology,
Harlow: Longman, 1981
Candlin, Christopher N. (ed.);
Working Group on English in
comprehensive schools in the
German Federal Republic, The
communicative teaching of English - Principles and exercise typology,
Harlow: Longman, 1981
The general principles of
communicative language teaching are
now being ever more widely
discussed and debated. This book
offers acritical discussion of these
principles linked to a comprehensive
set of organised exercise types.
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, The space
between... English and foreign languages at school, Papers from a
Conference on language in the middle years of secondary education
(Manchester Teachers' Centre, 20-22 November 1973), London: CILT,
Centre régional de documentation pédagogique de Strasbourg, Bulletin
d'information des professeurs d'anglais 1986-87, Strasbourg: Centre
régional de documentation pédagogique, 1987
Dendrinos, Bessie, The EFL textbook and ideology, Athens; N.C. Grivas
publications, 1992
Department of Immigration of Australia, Local Government and Ethnic
Affairs, Adult migrant English program, [s.l.]: Department of
Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, 1990
Doughty, Peter; Pearce, John; Thornton, Geoffrey, Exploring language,
London: Arnold, 1972
Doyé, Peter, Untersuchungen zum Englischunterricht in der
Grundschule -- Bericht über das Braunschweiger Forschungsprojekt
"Frühbeginn des Englischunterrichts", FEU, Braunschweig:
Westermann, 1992
Dunlop, Ian, Practical techniques in the teaching of oral English. 1,
Stockholm: Almqvist, 1970
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
Eagleson, Robert D.; Kaldor, Susan; Malcom, Ian G., English and
the aboriginal child, Canberra: Curriculum development centre,
English-Speaking Union, English - A world language: Year one,
Number 1, London: The English-speaking Union, 1991
English-Speaking Union, English - A world language:Year two,
Number 1, London: The English-speaking Union, 1992
Finkenstaedt, Thomas (ed.), Towards a history of English studies in
Europe: Proceedings of the Wildsteig Symposium (30 April 30 – 3 May
1982, Universität Augsburg: I&I, 1983
Francis, David. (ed.), ELT guide, Isle of Man: EFL
Eagleson, Robert D.; Kaldor,
Susan; Malcom, Ian G., English and
the aboriginal child, Canberra:
Curriculum development centre,
The first part of this book deals with
the variation of the English Language,
with studies of pidgins, creoles and
dialects as a result of the contact
between Australian Aborigines and
Anglo-Europeans. The second section
examines the nature of the Aboriginal
languages of Australia - their types,
sounds and grammatical properties.
Geach, June (ed.), English as a second language -- Sources and
resources, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and
Research, 1986
Gong, Gewndolyn (ed.), Asian Journal of English Language Teaching.
Volume 11, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2001
Grosman, Meta (ed.), Approaches to teaching English in an intercultural
context, Papers from the seminar ESSE 4 (Debrecen, 5-9 September
1997), Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, 1997
Grundy, Peter (ed.); International Association of Teachers of English as
a Foreign Language, IATEFL 1997 -- 31st International Annual
Conference (Brighton, April 1997), Whitstable: International Association
of Teachers of English as a Foreign, Language, 1997
Gutschow, Harald (Hrsg.), Englisch. 1/81, Berlin: Cornelsen Velhagen,
Handscombe, Jean (ed.), The question of control -- Selected papers from
the seventeenth Annual Convention of teachers of English to speakers of
other languages (Toronto, Canada, 15-20March 1983), Washington
D.C.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1983
Hill, L. A., Selected articles on the teaching of English as a foreign
language, London: Oxford University Press, 1974
Holbrook, David, English for maturity -- English in the secondary
school, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967
Institute of International Education, At the crossroads -- Teaching
English in a world of change and challenge, Bratislava: TESOL Summer
Institute, 1992
Kahl, Peter W.; Knebler, Ulrike, Englisch in der Grundschule - und
dann? -- Evaluation des Hamburger Schulversuchs "Englisch ab
Klasse 3", Berlin: Cornelsen, 1996
Little, David; Devitt, Sean, Authentik -- The user's guide, Dublin:
Authentik, c1991
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
McCarthy, Brian. (ed.), Asian-pacific papers: Regional papers presented
at the 8th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, University of Sydney
(16-21 August 1987), [S.l.]: ALAA, c1988
McLean, Alan C. (ed.); International Association of Teachers of English
as a Foreign Language, SIG selections 1997 -- Special interests in ELT,
Whitstable: International Association of Teachers of English as a
Foreign Language, 1997
Moller, Alan (ed.); Regional English Language Centre, RELC Journal,
Volume 1, Number one 1, Singapore: Regional English Language
Centre, 1970
Nuffield Foundation, Teaching
chinese children -- A teacher's guide,
London: Nuffield foundation, c1981
Chapter 1 describes in more detail the
background of the Chinese
community in Britain and its
relationship to life in Hong Kong, the
country of origin of most Chinese in
Britain. Chapter 2 contains a wealth of
information about methods, materials
and techniques for teaching English as
a second language. Chapter 3 explains
some of the linguistic difficulties
facing Cantonese speakers attempting
to learn English.
Nuffield Foundation, Teaching chinese children -- A teacher's guide,
London: Nuffield foundation, c1981
Ohannessian, Sirarpi. (ed.), The study of the problems of teaching
English to American Indians -- Report and recommendations,
Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics, July 1967
Quirk, Randolph (ed.), English in the world -- Teaching and learning the
language and literatures, Papers of the International Conference
“Progress in English Studies” (London, 17-21 September 1984) to
celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the British Council and its
contribution to the field of English studies over fifty years, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1985
Schwerdtfeger, Inge Christine, Fremdsprache: mangelhaft -- Zum
Verhältnis von Persönlichkeitsvariablen und Leistung im
Englischunterricht, Paderborn: Schöningh, 1976
Sekulic, Vladimir, Patterns and rules in teaching and learning English
as a foreign language, Trier: University of Titograd, 1985
Sharp, Derrick, English at school, the wood and the trees -- A manual for
teachers of English as a mother tongue, Oxford: Pergamon Institute of
English, 1980
Springmeyer, Ursula, Sprachbetrachtung im Englischunterricht: Ansätze
und Versuche, Leer (Ostfriesland): Grundlagen und Praxis, 1973
Strevens, Peter, Spoken language -- An introduction for teachers and
students in Africa, London: Longmans, 1956
Strevens, Peter, Teaching English as an international language -- From
practice to principle, Oxford: Pergamon Institute of English, 1980
Wayment, H. G. (ed.), English teaching abroad and the British
universities, Extracts from the proceedings of the Conference on
university training and research in teaching english as a second/ foreign
language (Nutford House, London W1, 15-17 December 1960) under the
auspices of the British Council, London: Methuen, 1961
Whitney, Norman (ed.), ELT Journal, Volume 46/1, Oxford: Oxford
University, January 1992
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.9.2
Teaching French as a foreign language / Enseignement du français langue étrangère
Correy, Helene; Knaut-Torel, Aline, Der Französischbaustein für
Anfänger -- Ziele, Methoden, Erfahrungen, Teil 1, Berlin: Freie
Universität Berlin
Correy, Helene; Knaut-Torel, Aline, Der Französischbaustein für
Anfänger -- Unterrichtsmaterialen Teil 2, Berlin: Freie Universität
Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes / Pädagogischen Arbeitsstelle,
Zielsprache Französisch -- Zeitschrift für den Französischunterricht in
der Weiterbildung, Number 4, 1972, München: Hueber, 1972
Fédération internationale des professeurs de français, Dialogues et
cultures: Actes du VIIe Congrès mondial (Thessalonique 1988),
Première partie, Bruxelles: Fédération internationale des professeurs de
francais, 1988
Jones, Barry (ed.), Using authentic
resources in teaching French,
London: Centre for Information on
Language Teaching and Research,
Since one of the prime aims in
teaching French is to engineer contact
with French speaking countries this
book explores seven different yet
complementary ways of achieving
this. None of the ideas described is
totally new, all however have been
developed in original ways. The first
article concerns commonplace ‘realia’
- language learning through materials
such as posters adverisements,
leaflets, maps, road and street signs,
tickets etc. There is also information
about how to use radio and television,
and how to make contact with people
from the target country (including
travelling abroad).
Jones, Barry (ed.), Using authentic resources in teaching French,
London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and
Research, 1984
Librairies Hachette et Larousse, L'enseignement du français aux adultes,
Paris: Librairies Hachette et Larousse, 1979
Rück, Heribert, Linguistique textuelle et enseignement du français,
Poitiers: Hatier, 1978
Sanders, C. (ed.), Beyond A-level in the teaching of French, Papers from
a Conference on the teaching of post A-level French in the United
Kingdom (1979), London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching
and Research, 1981
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères
TRIM E.10.9.3
Teaching German as a foreign language/ Enseignement de l’allemand langue étrangère
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, German in
the United Kingdom -- Issues and opportunities, Papers from a
Conference (Regent's College, London, 11-13 July 1985), London:
CILT, 1986
Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, German in
the United Kingdom: Problems and prospects: Papers from a colloquium
(November 1975), London: CILT, 1976
Dutton, W. M., German prose composition for sixth forms, London:
Harrap, 1977
Eggers, Dietrich; Neuf-Münkel, Gabriele; Wolff, Armin, Dokumentation
Deutsch als Fremdsprache an den Hochschulen und Studienkollegs der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschließlich Berlin (West), Bonn: DAAD,
Goethe-Institut, Verzeichnis der Hilfsmittel für den Deutschunterricht an
Ausländer, München: Goethe-Institut
Goethe-Institut, Fremdsprache, Landeskunde, Deutsch -- Zeitschrift für
die Praxis des Deutschunterrichts, 6, München: Klett, 1992
Dutton, W. M., German prose
composition for sixth forms,
London: Harrap, 1977
Several very short stories in English,
published in order so that they can be
used as teaching materials to practice
reading. A glossary is also included at
the end of the book.
Hufeisen, Britta; Neuner, Gerhard; Gründer, Gabriele, "Deutsch als
Fremdsprache" im Fachbereich 09 Germanistik, 1983-1993 -Dokumentation zum zehnjähriger Bestehen des Fachgebiets, Kassel:
Universität Gesamthochschule, 1993
Mehr Sprache - Mehrsprachig mit Deutsch: Konzepte und Thesen,
XII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer
(30. Juli - 4. August 2001), Luzern/Schweiz, [s.l.]: IDV, 2001
Mehr Sprache - Mehrsprachig mit Deutsch: Teilnehmerinnen und
Teilnehmer, XII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und
Deutschlehrer (30. Juli - 4. August 2001), Luzern/Schwiez, [s.l.]: IDV,
Muhr, Rudolf. (Hrsg.), Internationale Arbeiten zum österreichischen
Deutsch und seinen nachbarsprachlichen Bezügen, Wien: HölderPichler-Tempsky, 1993
Schneider, Günther. (ed.); Clalüna, Monika. (ed.), Bulletin VALS/ASLA - Mehrsprachigkeit und Deutschunterricht: Thesen, Beiträge und
Berichte aus der Sektionsarbeit an der XII. Internationalen Tagung der
Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer IDT-2001 in Luzern, Neuchâtel:
Institute de linguistique de l'Université de Neuchâtel, 2002
Wierlacher, Alois (Hrsg.), Fremdsprache Deutsch -- Grundlagen und
Verfahren der Germanistik als Fremdsprachenfilologie, Band 1,
München: Fink, 1980
Wierlacher, Alois (Hrsg.), Fremdsprache Deutsch -- Grundlagen und
Verfahren der Germanistik als Fremdsprahenfilologie. Band 2,
München: Fink, 1980
John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim
Bibliography / Bibliographie
TRIM E.10 – Foreign language teaching / Enseignement des langues étrangères