Case Reports and Letters

Reviews and Editorials
Whyte, M and GI Evan. 1995.
Apoptosis : the last cut is the deepest
Nature 376:17-18
Evan GI, L Brown, M Whyte and E Harrington. 1995.
Apoptosis and the cell cycle
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 7:825-834
Whyte, M. 1996.
ICE/CED-3 proteases in apoptosis
Trends in Cell Biology 6:245-248
Whyte, M. 1996.
A link between cell-surface receptors and ICE proteases
Trends in Cell Biology 6:418
Whyte M, S Renshaw, R Lawson and C Bingle. 1999.
Apoptosis and the regulation of neutrophil lifespan
Biochemical Society Transactions 27:802-807
Whyte M. 2000.
Management of fibrosing alveolitis
Prescribers' Journal 40:113-120
Sabroe I, Lloyd CM, Whyte MKB, Dower SK, Williams TJ and Pease
JE. 2002.
Chemokines, innate and adaptive immunity, and respiratory disease
European Respiratory Journal Feb 19:350-5
Sabroe I, Parker LC, Wilson AG, Whyte MKB and Dower SK. 2002.
Toll-like receptors: their role in allergy and non-allergic inflammatory
Clin Exp Allergy 32:984-989
Sabroe I, Read RC, Whyte MKB, Dockrell DH, Vogel SN and Dower
SK. 2003.
Toll-like receptors in health and disease: complex questions remain.
Journal of Immunology 171:1630-1635
Whyte MKB. 2003.
Genetics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: TGF-β is implicated at last
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Sabroe I, Prince LR, Dower SK, Walmsley SR, Chilvers ER and
Whyte MKB. 2004.
What can we learn from highly purified neutrophils?
Biochemical Society Transactions 32:468-469
Parker LC, Whyte MK, Dower SK and Sabroe I. 2005.
The expression and roles of Toll-like receptors in the biology of the
human neutrophil.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 77:886-892
Chaudhuri N, Dower SK, Whyte MK, Sabroe I. 2005.
Toll-like receptors and chronic lung disease.
Clinical Science 109:125-133
Sabroe I, Dower SK, Whyte MKB. 2005.
The role of toll-like receptors in the regulation of neutrophil migration,
activation and apoptosis.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 41:S421-S426
Bianchi SM, Dockrell DH, Renshaw SA, Sabroe I, Whyte MKB.
2006. Granulocyte apoptosis in the pathogenesis and resolution of
lung disease.
Clinical Science 110:293-304
Dockrell DH, Whyte MKB. 2006.
Regulation of phagocyte lifespan in the lung during bacterial
infection. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 79:904-908
Sanders DS, West J, Whyte MKB. 2007.
Coeliac disease and risk of tuberculosis: a population-based cohort
Thorax 62:1-2
Sabroe I, Parker LC, Dockrell DH, Davies DE, Dower SK, Whyte
MKB. 2007.
Pulmonary Perspective: targeting the networks that underpin
contiguous immunity in asthma and COPD.
American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine
Sabore I, Dockrell DH, Vogel SN, Renshaw SA, Whyte MKB, Dower
SK. 2007.
Identifying and hurdling obstacles to translational research.
Nature Reviews Immunology 7:77-82
Sabroe I, Whyte MKB. 2007. Incapacitating the immune system in
cystic fibrosis (News and Views). Nature Medicine 13:1417-1418
Original Papers
Chilvers ER, H Garratt, MKB Whyte, R Fink and PW Ind. 1989.
Circulating products of oxygen-derived free radicals in acute severe
European Respiratory Journal 2: 950-955.
Chilvers ER, MKB Whyte, JE Jackson, DJ Allison and JMB Hughes.
1990. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations : physiological effects
of percutaneous transcatheter embolisation
American Review of Respiratory Disease 142: 420-425.
Jackson JE, MKB Whyte, DJ Allison and JMB Hughes. 1990.
Coil embolization of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations.
Cor et Vasa 32:191-196
Whyte MKB, AM Peters, JMB Hughes, BL Henderson, GJ
JE Jackson and ER Chilvers. 1992. Quantification of pulmonary right
to left shunt at rest and on exercise in patients with pulmonary
arteriovenous malformations
Thorax 47: 790-797.
Whyte MKB, NB Choudry and PW Ind. 1993. Bronchial
hyperresponsiveness in patients recovering from acute severe
Respiratory Medicine 87: 29-37.
Whyte MKB, JMB Hughes, JE Jackson, AM Peters, SC
Hempleman, DP Moore and HA Jones. 1993. Cardiopulmonary
response to exercise in patients with intrapulmonary vascular
Journal of Applied Physiology 75: 321-328.
Whyte MKB, LC Meagher, J MacDermot and C Haslett. 1993.
Impairment of function in aging neutrophils is associated with
Journal of Immunology 150: 5124-5134.
Whyte MKB, SJ Hardwick, LC Meagher, J Savill and C Haslett.
Transient elevations of cytosolic free calcium retard subsequent
apoptosis in neutrophils in vitro.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 92: 446-455.
Lee A, MKB Whyte and C Haslett. 1993. Prolongation of in vitro
lifespan and functional longevity of neutrophils by inflammatory
mediators acting through inhibition of apoptosis.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 54: 283-288.
Haslett C, JS Savill, MKB Whyte, M Stern, I Dransfield and LC
Meagher. 1994. Granulocyte apoptosis and the control of
Philosophical Transcripts, Royal Society of London 345: 327333.
Dutton, JAE, JE Jackson, JMB Hughes, MKB Whyte, AM Peters, W
Ussov and DJ Allison. 1995. Pulmonary arteriovenous
malformations: Results of treatment with coil embolization in 53
American Journal of Roentgenology 165: 1119-1125.
Littlewood, T, N McCarthy, M Whyte, S Pelengaris, C James and G
Evan. 1996. Controllable genetic manipulation of apoptosis of cells
in culture.
Cytotechnology 22:157-167.
McCarthy NJ and Whyte MKB (joint first authors), CS Gilbert and
GI Evan. 1997. Inhibition of CED-3/ICE-related proteases does not
prevent cell death induced by oncogenes, DNA damage or the Bcl-2
homologue, Bak.
Journal of Cell Biology 136:215-227.
Whyte MKB, LC Meagher, A Lee, J Savill and C Haslett. 1997.
Coupling of neutrophil apoptosis to recognition by macrophages : coordinated acceleration by protein synthesis inhibitors.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 62:195-202
Whyte MKB, JMB Hughes, AM Peters, W Ussov, S Patel and AK
Burroughs. 1998. Analysis of intrapulmonary right to left shunt in the
hepatopulmonary syndrome.
Journal of Hepatology 29:85-93
Renshaw SA, SJ Timmons, V Eaton, LR Usher, M Akil, CD Bingle
and MKB Whyte. 2000. Inflammatory neutrophils retain
susceptibility to apoptosis mediated via the Fas death receptor
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 67:662-668
Whyte M, R Hubbard, R Meliconi, M Whidborne, V Eaton, C Bingle,
J Timms, G Duff, A Facchini, A Pacilli, M Fabbri, I Hall, J Britton, I
Johnston and F di Giovine. 2000. Increased risk of fibrosing alveolitis
associated with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and tumor necrosis
factor- gene polymorphisms
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Bingle CD, RW Craig, BM Swales, V Singleton, P Zhou and MKB
Whyte. 2000. Exon skipping in Mcl-1 results in a Bcl-2 homology
domain 3 (BH3)-only gene product that promotes cell death.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275:22136-22146
Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Buttery P, Fishwick D, Whyte MK,
Higenbottam TW. 2001. Assisted discharge for patients with
exacerbations of COPD
Thorax May;56:417-8.
Ng Man Kwong G, A Proctor, C Billings, R Duggan, C Das, MKB
Whyte, CVE Powell and RA Primhak. 2001. Increasing prevalence
of asthma diagnosis and symptoms in children is confined to mild
symptoms. Thorax 56:312-314
Usher LR, Lawson RA, Geary I, Taylor CJ, Bingle CD, Taylor GW
and Whyte MKB. 2002. Induction of neutrophil apoptosis by the
Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin pyocyanin: a potential
mechanism of persistent infection. Journal of Immunology
Ng Man Kwong G, Das C, Proctor AR, Whyte MKB, Primhak RA.
2002. Diagnostic and treatment behaviour in children with chronic
respiratory symptoms: relationship with socio-economic factors.
Thorax 57:701-704.
Sabroe I, Jones EC, Usher LR, Whyte MKB, Dower SK. 2002. Tolllike receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4 in human peripheral blood
granulocytes: A critical role for monocytes in leukocyte
lipopolysaccharide responses. Journal of Immunology 168:47014710.
Rowe SJ, Allen L, Ridger VC, Hellewell PG and Whyte MKB. 2002.
Caspase-1 deficient mice have delayed neutrophil apoptosis and a
prolonged inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide induced
acute lung injury. Journal of Immunology 169:6401-6407.
Renshaw SA, Parmar JS, Singleton V, Rowe SJ, Dockrell DH,
Dower SK, Bingle CD, Chilvers ER and Whyte MKB. 2003.
Acceleration of human neutrophil apoptosis by tumor necrosis factorrelated apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Journal of Immunology
Sabroe I, Prince LR, Jones EC, Horsburgh MJ, Foster SJ, Vogel SN,
Dower SK and Whyte MKB. 2003. Selective roles for TLR2 and
TLR4 in the regulation of neutrophil activation and lifespan. Journal
of Immunology 170:5268-5275.
King AR, Francis SE, Bridgeman CJ, Whyte MKB and Crossman
DC. 2003. A role for caspase-1 in serum withdrawal induced
endothelial cell death. Laboratory Investigation 83:1497-1508.
Kotecha S, Mildner RJ, Prince LR, Vyas JR, Currie AE, Lawson RA
and Whyte MKB. 2003. The role of neutrophil apoptosis in the
resolution of acute lung injury in newborn infants. Thorax 58:961967.
Dockrell DH, Marriott HM, Prince LR, Ridger VC, Ince PG, Hellewell
PG and Whyte MKB. 2003. Alveolar macrophage apoptosis
contributes to pneumococcal clearance in a resolving model of
pulmonary infection. Journal of Immunology 171:5380-5388.
Renshaw SA, Dempsey CE, Barnes FA, Bagstaff SM, Dower SK,
Bingle CD and Whyte MKB. 2004. Three novel bid proteins
generated by alternative splicing of the human bid gene. Journal of
Biological Chemistry 279:2846-2855.
Parker LC, Whyte MKB, Vogel SN, Dower SK and Sabroe I. 2004.
Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 agonists regulate C-C chemokine receptor
expression in monocytes. Journal of Immunology 172:4977-4986.
Marriott HM, Ali F, Read RC, Mitchell TJ, Whyte MKB and Dockrell
DH. 2004. Nitric oxide levels regulate macrophage commitment to
apoptosis or necrosis during pneumococcal infection. FASEB
Journal 18:1126-1128.
Prince LR, Allen L, Jones EC, Hellewell PG, Dower SK, Whyte MKB
and Sabroe I. 2004. The role of IL-1β in direct and toll-like receptor
4-mediated neutrophil activation and survival. American Journal of
Pathology 165:1819-1826.
Munthe-Kaas MC, Carlsen KH, Helms PJ, Gerritsen J, Whyte M,
Feijen M, Skinningsrud B, Main M, Kwong GN, Lie BA, Lodrup
Carlsen KC, Undlien DE. 2004. CTLA-4 polymorphisms in allergy
and asthma and the TH1/ TH2 paradigm. Journal of Allergy and
Clinical Immunology 114:280-287.
Sabroe I, Jones EC, Whyte MKB and Dower SK. 2005. Regulation
of human neutrophil chemokine receptor expression and function by
activation of Toll-like receptors (TLR)2 and TLR4. Immunology
Marriott HM, Bingle CD, Read RC, Braley KE, Kroemer G, Hellewell
PG, Craig RW, Whyte MKB and Dockrell DH. 2005. Dynamic
Changes in Mcl-1 Expression Regulate Macrophage Viability or
Commitment to Apoptosis during Bacterial Clearance. Journal of
Clinical Investigation 115:359-368.
Morris GE, Whyte MKB, Martin GF, Jose PJ, Dower SK and Sabroe
I. 2005. Agonists of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 activate airway
smooth muscle via mononuclear leukocytes. American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 171:814-822.
Carroll WD, Lenney W, Proctor A, Whyte M, Primhak RA, Cliffe I,
Jones PW, Strange RC, Fryer AA and Child F. 2005. Regional
variation of airway hyperresponsivness in children with asthma.
Respiratory Medicine 99:403-407
Allen L, Dockrell DH, Pattery T, Lee DG, Cornelis P, Hellewell PG
and Whyte MKB. 2005. Pyocyanin production by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa induces neutrophil apoptosis and impairs neutrophilmediated host defenses in vivo. Journal of Immunology 174:36433649.
Dempsey CE, Dive C, Fletcher DJ, Barnes FA, Lobo A, Bingle CD,
Whyte MKB and Renshaw SA. 2005. Expression of pro-apoptotic
Bfk isoforms reduces during malignant transformation in the human
gastrointestinal tract. FEBS Letters 579:3646-3650.
Carroll WD, Lenney W, Jones PW, Strange RC, Child F, Whyte
MKB, Primhak RA and Fryer AA. 2005. Effects of glutathione S
transferase M1, T1 and P1 on lung function in asthmatic families.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy 35:1155-1161.
Carroll WD, Lenney W, Child F, Strange RC, Jones PW, Whyte MK,
Primhak RA, Fryer AA. 2006. Asthma severity and atopy: how clear
is the relationship? Archives of Disease in Childhood 91: 405-409
Ward JR, Bingle L, Judge HM, Brown SB, Storey RF, Whyte MKB,
Dower SK, Buttle DJ and Sabroe I. 2005. Agonists of toll like
receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4 are unable to modulate platelet activation
by adenosine diphosphate and platelet activating factor.
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 94:831-838.
Ward JR, Dower SK, Whyte MKB, Buttle DJ, Sabroe I. 2006.
Potentiation of TLR4 signalling by plasmin activity. Biochemical and
Biophysical Research Communications 341: 299-303
Parker LC, Jones EC, Prince LR, Dower SK, Whyte MKB and
Sabroe I. 2005. Endotoxin tolerance induces selective alterations in
neutrophil function. Journal of Leukocyte Biology (Rapid
Communication) 78:1301-1305.
Bradley TW, van den Oord E, Akkari A, Wilton S, Ly T, Duff R,
Barnes KC, Carlsen K, Gerritsen J, Lenney W, Silverman M, Sly P,
Sundy J, Tsanakas J, von Berg A, Whyte M, Blumenthal M, Vestbo
J, Middleton L, Helms P, Anderson WH, Pillai SG. 2006. Quantitative
linkage genome scan for atopy in a large collection of Caucasian
families. Human Genetics (In Press)
Pillai SG, Chiano MN, White NJ, Speer M, Barnes KC, Carlsen K,
Gerritsen J, Helms P, Lenney W, Silverman M, Sly P, Sundy J,
Tsanakas J, von Berg A, Whyte MKB, Varsani S, Skelding P,
Hauser M, Vance J, Pericak-Vance M, Burns DK, Middleton LT,
Brewster SR, Anderson WH and Riley JH. 2006. A genome-wide
search for linkage to asthma phenotypes in the genetics of asthma
international network families: evidence for a major susceptibility
locus on chromosome 2p. European Journal of Human Genetics
Marriott HM, Hellewell PG, Whyte MKB, Dockrell DH. 2007.
Contrasting roles for reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the
innate response to pulmonary infection with Streptococcus
pneumoniae. Vaccine 25:2485-2490
Walmsley SR, Cowburn AS, Clatworthy MR, Morrell NW, Roper EC,
Singleton V, Maxwell P, Whyte MKB, Chilvers ER. 2006.
Neutrophils from patients with heterozygous germline mutations in
the von Hippel Lindau protein (VHL) display delayed apoptosis and
enhanced bacterial phagocytosis. Blood 108:3176-3178
Morris GE, Parker LC, Ward JR, Jones EC, Whyte MKB, Brightling
CE, Bradding P, Dower SK, Sabroe I. 2006. Cooperative molecular
and cellular networks regulate Toll-like receptor-dependent
inflammatory responses. FASEB Journal 20:2153-2155
Marriott HM, Hellewell PG, Cross SS, Ince PG, Whyte MKB,
Dockrell DH. 2006. Decreased alveolar macrophage apoptosis is
associated with increased pulmonary inflammation in a murine
model of pneumococcal pneumonia. Journal of Immunology
Renshaw SA, Loynes CA, Trushell DM, Elworthy S, Ingham PW,
Whyte MKB. 2006. A transgenic zebrafish model of neutrophilic
inflammation. Blood 108:3976-3978
Webb BT, van den Oord E, Akkari A, Wilton S, Ly T, Duff R, Barnes
KC, Carlsen K, Gerritsen J, Lenney W, Silverman M, Sly P, Sundy J,
Tsanakas J, von Berg A, Whyte M, Blumenthal M, Vestbo J,
Middleton L, Helms PJ, Anderson WH, Pillai SG. 2007. Quantitative
linkage genome scan for atopy in a large collection of Caucasian
families. Human Genetics 121:83-92
Zhu G, Vestbo J, Lenney W, Silverman M, Whyte M, Helms P,
Anderson WH, Pillai SG. 2007. Association of PTGDR gene
polymorphisms with asthma in two Caucasian populations. Genes
Immun 8:398-403.
Kosta K, Sabroe I, Goke J, Nibbs RJ, Tsanakas J, Whyte MKB,
Teare MD. 2007. A Bayesian approach to copy-numberpolymorphism analysis in nuclear pedigrees. American Journal of
Human Genetics 81:808-812.
Vaughan KR, Stokes L, Prince LR, Meis S, Kassack MU, Bingle CD,
Sabroe I, Surprenant A, Whyte MKB. 2007. Inhibition of neutrophil
apoptosis by ATP is mediated by the P2Y11 receptor. Journal of
Immunology 179:8544-8553.
Marriott HM, Jackson LE, Wilkinson TS, Simpson AJ, Mitchell TJ,
Buttle DJ, Cross SS, Ince PG, Hellewell PG, Whyte MKB, Dockrell
DH. 2008. Reactive oxygen species regulate neutrophil recruitment
and survival In pneumococcal pneumonia. Americal Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 177:887-895.
Bianchi SM, Prince LR, McPhillips K, Allen L, Marriott HM, Taylor
GW, Hellewell PG, Sabroe I, Dockrell DH, Henson PM, Whyte MKB.
2008. Impairment of apoptotic cell engulfment by pyocyanin, a toxic
metabolite of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 177:35-43.
Prince LR, Bianchi SM, Vaughan KM, Bewley MA, Marriott HM,
Walmsley SR, Taylor GW, Buttle DJ, Sabroe I, Dockrell DH, Whyte
MKB. 2008. Subversion of a lysosomal pathway regulating
neutrophil apoptosis by a major bacterial toxin, pyocyanin. Journal
of Immunology 180:3502-3511.
Dick EP, Prince LR, Prestwich ECm Renshaw SA, Whyte MKB,
SabroeI. 2009. Pathways regulating lipopolysaccharide-induced
neutrophil survival revealed by lentiviral transduction of primary
human neutrophils. Immunology 127:249-255.
Case Reports and Letters
Whyte MKB, Ind PW.
Effectiveness of intravenous acyclovir in an immunocompetent
patient with herpes zoster encephalitis
British Medical Journal 293: 1536-1537, 1986.
Whyte MKB
Central bronchogenic cyst: treatment by extrapleural percutaneous
British Medical Journal 299: 1457-1458, 1989.
Lynn W, Whyte MKB, Weber J.
Nocardia, Mycobacteria and AIDS
AIDS 3: 766-767, 1989.
Adam A, MacSweeney JE, Whyte MKB, Smith PLC, Ind PW.
CT-guided extrapleural drainage of bronchogenic cyst
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 13: 1065-1069, 1989.
Jarman PR, Whyte MKB, I Sabroe, JMB Hughes.
Sarcoidosis presenting with chylothorax.
Thorax 50:1324-1326, 1995.
Jarman PR, Whyte MKB, Glass DM, Peters AM.
Imaging of central nervous system sarcoidosis with gallium-67 single
photon emission computed tomography.
British Journal of Radiology 69:192-194, 1996.
Cohen VML, Lee JA, Egner W, Whyte MKB, Rennie IG.
Bilateral granulomatous uveitis in association with common variable
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 85:630-631, 2001.
Sabroe I, Whyte MKB, Wilson AG, Dower SK , Hubbard R, Hall I.
Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 polymorphisms and COPD [letter]. Thorax
59:81, 2004.