Job Description
Senior manager: stakeholders and networks
Director, Vitae
To lead our strategy and activities for Vitae's HE networks and stakeholders to embed personal,
professional and career development for researchers as a long term vision. To generate and
manage the delivery of a range of activities, including research, events, and communications. To
play a senior role in the Vitae team, representing the programme externally, and providing
strategic, expert and intellectual input to shape the future strategy of the programme.
Grade 4 – Salary up to £45,000 p.a.
Date of Issue:
October 2009
Working with the Director and Chair & Head of Vitae develop, agree and lead a strategy for engaging our HE
networks and other stakeholders to embed personal, professional and career development for researchers
Lead and manage a team of researcher development professionals to deliver a programme of research, events,
communications and activity for our HE networks and other stakeholders
Provide strategic and intellectual input and expertise to shape the future strategy of the Vitae programme
Generate and support the management of research projects to build the evidence on which researcher
development strategy and practice is based
Lead and manage Vitae's relationships with key partners and other organisations working in the field
Represent the programme externally and extend the reach of our networks
Oversee and manage budgets and resources, including some wider responsibilities for the Vitae team
You will:
Build strong and effective relationships with university staff both directly and through the Hubs, gathering views in
order to understand the issues around supporting researchers and implementing policy.
Keep up to date with and have thorough understanding of policy in relation to researcher development,
understanding the implications and anticipating the needs for the sector. Disseminate knowledge and information
to your networks and internal teams, establishing yourself as the programme’s leading knowledge source on
researcher policy.
Co-ordinate and be accountable for researching, validating and developing new ideas, activities, products and
services which will help inform, promote understanding, and meet the needs of the network.
Actively promote and support the growth of the network and communities within the network, ensuring
communications and activities are customer focused. Promote the vision, resources and activities of the
programme ensuring the maintenance and integrity of contact information.
Keep people informed and share knowledge with others across the Vitae (including Hubs) and CRAC, identifying
future programme developments and wider business opportunities.
Be accountable for projects being delivered within budget for your area, with overall accountability for the budget.
Registered in England No. 825036 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited
CRAC is a registered charity (No. 313164) dedicated to lifelong career development and active career-related learning
Key Activities
Keeping up to date with latest policy, research and thinking in order to contribute to horizon scanning and longer
term programme strategy
Translating CRAC and Vitae strategy into practical actions and activities to support the development of policy,
practice, resources, research, events and web in order to continue to enhance and build both provision for
researchers in UK HEIs and the knowledge base relating to researcher careers
Representing the programme externally, including online, presenting at conferences and workshops, meeting
potential and existing partners, and exploring ways to work collaboratively and to seek additional funding
Working closely with key groups including the Vitae Regional Hubs and the Vitae Research Staff Development
Advisory Group, and the Concordat Implementation Coordinator
Manage and oversee our relationships with key partners as per our stakeholder management plan
Providing expertise in the creation and development of a range of Vitae activities including online, events,
publications, training materials and research
Ensuring, in liaison with the Marketing and Communications manager, that a range of effective communications
channels are used to ensure that our community are informed and able to exchange views, news, knowledge,
expertise and challenges
Ensuring that projects and work plans are delivered on time, to budget and to the required standard. Recognise
boundaries and draw upon sources of support as appropriate
Ensuring that Vitae’s HE and Stakeholder activities provide value for money and maximum impact in delivering
their objectives
Lead and line manage members of the HE and Stakeholders team
Take responsibility for your own self-development and demonstrate a commitment to supporting the development
of others. Develop and reinforce a knowledge and learning culture both internally and to external stakeholders.
Vitae management team, including the Director, Chair and Head, and leaders of other Vitae teams
CRAC Marketing and Communications Manager
Regional Hubs
Academic staff with direct responsibility for researchers, e.g. supervisors, principal investigators
Academic senior staff with responsibility for researchers, e.g. Pro-Vice Chancellors, Heads of graduate school,
faculty, department
Staff supporting researchers, e.g. Careers Advisors, Human Resources, staff developers etc.
Policymakers, government, research councils, funding councils, professional bodies and other national
organisationse.g. QAA, HEA, UKCGE, SRHE, RDAs
CRAC senior managers
Registered in England No. 825036 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited
CRAC is a registered charity (No. 313164) dedicated to lifelong career development and active career-related learning
Knowledge and Experience
Experience of working in or with the HE sector, postgraduate and research environment
Knowledge of learning and career development practice and theory
Experience of leading teams and managing others
Knowledge and experience of working with or implementing national and European policy in an HE
Experience in developing knowledge and expertise for wide use by a stakeholder community
Proven track record in developing and supporting networks
Experience in communicating complex issues
Experience of and ability to present information to meet the needs of a specific audience
Writing for multiple audiences, in a style fit for purpose
Experience in management of resources and priorities (people, time, finances)
Experience of effectively presenting at workshops and conferences and chairing meetings
Experience of using IT to communicate, analyse and present information, manage contact information and
present financial information
Experience of using databases to manage contact information
Financial/budgeting experience
Skills, the ability to:
Lead and work as part of a team, working effectively and productively with others
Apply research techniques and assimilate information
Understand the needs of a rang of audiences in order to communicate with clarity and consideration,
verbally and in writing (including writing reports)
Use enquiry and questioning techniques together with effective listening skills to get to the root of a
problem and/or to understand customer needs
Influence and negotiate in order to reach a mutually satisfied outcome
Effectively lead and chair meetings which inspire confidence and ensure planned outcomes are met
Prioritise and focus activities to create and ensure maximum impact
Manage work plans and projects, recognising boundaries and knowing when to consult others
Combine creative and strategic approaches to generate new ideas
Think conceptually
Use analytical thinking to solve problems and make decisions
Be business aware and customer focussed
Talks passionately and inspires others, has a positive ‘can do’ approach
Initiative, self-confidence, resilience and willingness to take responsibility for own actions
Willing to work collaboratively
Achievement orientated
Understanding of the need for flexibility in appropriate contexts
Recognises impact on others and willing to take responsibility for own development
Manages self and workload in a professional way, taking a flexible approach to hours of work to ensure
the job is done.
E = Essential
D = Desirable
Registered in England No. 825036 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited
CRAC is a registered charity (No. 313164) dedicated to lifelong career development and active career-related learning