FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES CONSTANTINE THE PHILOSOPHER UNIVERSITY NITRA ACTA MATHEMATICA 12 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH SYMMETRICAL SOLUTIONS KLEMENT HRKOTA, ML. ABSTRACT. In this article, the existence of certain pairs of types of solutions of linear differential equations on symmetrical interval is being discussed. The existence of these solutions is being examined in relation to the parity of coefficients of these differential equations. 1. Introduction While building a theory of linear differential equations, differential equations with constant coefficients serve as a model which shows many properties that can be applied on differential equations with variable coefficients. We can see it on differential equations with property A, B or binomial type of differential equation. In cases like this, the identity of signs of coefficients seems like one of the basic and natural conditions on interval of solutions. In this article, we are examining the existence of certain pairs of types of solutions of differential equations in relation to the parity of coefficients of these differential equations. Specifically, we focus on searching conditions of existence of solutions we call symmetric for coefficients of differential equations. 2. Symmetrical solutions Consider the linear differential equation: Lx : x ( n ) p1 (t ) x ( n1) ... pn (t ) x 0 in interval I a, a , where 0 a and coefficients pi, i 1, ..., n are continuous functions in I. DEFFINITION 1. Differential equation Lx 0 is said to have symmetrical solutions, if for each solution ut , t I is function u t solution of differential equation Lx 0 , t I too. Here are some examples of differential equations with constant coefficients class. EXAMPLE 1. Differential equations x x 0 with solution x c1e t c2 e t Supported by grant no. 1/0519/08 of the scientific grant agency VEGA of Slovak Republic KLEMENT HRKOTA, ML. x ( 4) x 0 with solution x c1e t c2 e t c3 cos t c4 sin t have symmetrical solutions. Differential equation x x 0 with solution x c1e c2 e t 1 t 2 1 t 3 3 cos t c3 e 2 sin t 2 2 has not symmetrical solutions. Now, for all t I , next assumptions for coefficients of differential equation Lx 0 will be used : H1) 0, if i is odd pi t are even, if i is even H2) 0, if i is even pi t are odd , if i is odd THEOREM 1. Let assumption H1) is satisfied. Then differential equation Lx 0 has symmetrical solutions Proof: For simplicity, we will divide the proof in two parts. Consider at first, that n is even. Let w is arbitrary solution of differential equation Lx 0 . It means that following equation holds for all t I : w( n ) t p2 (t ) w( n2) t ... pn2 (t ) wt pn (t ) wt 0 (1) Calculate now. Let n n 2 Lw t w t p2 (t )w t ... pn2 (t )w t pn (t )w t d where . dt By functions differentiation in components we obtain: Lw t w( n) t t t 1 p 2 (t ) w( n2) t t t 1 n n2 ... p n2 (t )wt t t 1 p n (t )w t 2 (2) (3) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH SYMMETRICAL SOLUTIONS Because of the fact that n is even and coefficients of differential equation Lx 0 are even functions (3) we can write in the form: Lw t w ( n ) t t t p 2 (t ) w ( n 2) t t t ... p n 2 (t )wt t t p n (t ) w t (4) Because equation (1) holds for all t I can be rewritten in next form: w (n) t t t p 2 (t )w ( n 2) t t t ... p n 2 (t )wt t t p n (t )w t 0 (1*) Hence Lw t 0 for all t I and w t is solution of differential equation Lx 0 in I. In the n odd case is situation similarly, but equation (1) has the form: w( n ) t p1 (t ) w( n1) t ... pn3 (t ) wt pn1 (t ) wt 0 . Next by similarly way as in the n even case it is possible to show that Lw t 0 for all t I , which completes the proof of this theorem. THEOREM 2. Let assumption H2) is satisfied. Then differential equation Lx 0 has symmetrical solutions The proof of this theorem is similar to the theorem 1 proof and will be omitted. Referring to the formulation of conditions H1) and H2) it is good to realize that if we say n is odd and z x in the theorem 1, obtained differential equation Lz 0 also satisfies assumptions of theorem 1 for n being even. On the contrary, if we say n is even and z x in theorem 2, obtained differential equation Lz 0 satisfies assumptions of theorem 2 for n being odd. 3. Symmetrical equations Now consider next differential equation: Kx : x ( n ) r1 (t ) x ( n1) ... rn (t ) x 0 on interval I a, a , where 0 a and coefficients ri, i 1, ..., n are continuous functions on I. DEFFINITION 2. We say that differential equations Lx 0 a Kx 0 are symmetrical, if for each solution ut of differential equation Lx 0 , function u t is solution of differential equation Kx 0 . KLEMENT HRKOTA, ML. EXAMPLE 2. Differential equations 1 t 2 1 t 3 3 t c3 e 2 sin t a 2 2 1 1 t t 3 3 t 2 t c3 e 2 sin t with solution x c1e c2 e cos 2 2 x x 0 with solution x c1e t c2 e x x 0 cos are symmetrical. In this part of the document we will assume that for coefficients of considered differential equations is: pi t ri t , i 1,2,..., n for every t I . (5) Let next assumptions for coefficients of differential equation Lx 0 for all t I are satisfying: H3) 0, if i is odd pi t are odd , if i is even H4) 0, if i is even pi t are even, if i is odd THEOREM 3. If assumption H3 (H4) is satisfied for coefficients of differential equation Lx 0 , then differential equations Lx 0 and Kx 0 are symmetrical. It is clear, that if for coefficients of differential equation Lx 0 H3 (H4) is true, then by (5) assumption H3 (H4) holds for coefficients of differential equation Kx 0 too. Proof: We give just one part of proof of this theorem for n even and assumption H3 here. The proofs of other parts of this theorem are similar and will be omitted. Let w is arbitrary solution of differential equation Lx 0 . It means, that for all holds equations (1) a (1*). t I Same way as in the proof of the theorem 1, we obtain, for differential equation Kx 0 , that Kw t w ( n ) t t t r2 (t ) w ( n 2 ) t t t ... rn 2 (t )wt t t rn (t ) w t (6) Because of the fact that coefficients ri , i 2,4,..., n of differential equations Lx 0 are odd it is possible to rewrite (6) to the form: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH SYMMETRICAL SOLUTIONS Kw t w ( n ) t t t r2 (t ) w ( n 2) t t t ... rn 2 (t )wt t t rn (t ) w t . (7) By (5) and from (1*) Kw t w ( n ) t t t p 2 (t ) w ( n 2) t t t ... pn2 (t )wt t t pn (t ) w t 0 . (8) Last equation implies that w t is solution of differential equation Kx 0 which completes this part of proof. RNDr. Klement Hrkota, ml. Department of informatics Faculty of Mechatronics Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín Študentská 2 Sk- 911 01 Trenčín e-mail: hrkota@tnuni.sk