How to see the LINT messages like compiler messages in Eclipse

How to see the LINT messages like compiler messages in
Normally, PC_LINT output messages are not that understandable. Also, if
you want to handle each message, you have to go to related file and line
number in the file explorer. It would be better, if we could see the messages
in Problems Window of Eclipse like compiler errors&warnings. So, we
could double click the message and go to the related file and line number
easily. In our case, I assume that LINT messages are written in a file, if not
you can also direct your console to a file.
== noOfEntries), 0, 0), 0)))/*lint --e(1776) --e(960) */
assert(0 == noOfEntries); /*lint --e(960) */
D:\Views\advuok0.s7pcpu.min.1020\S7P\threads\src\threads.c:54: Note:
Violates MISRA Required Rule 42, comma operator used outside of 'for'
expression (PC-LINT MESSAGE NUMBER = 960)
Example PC_LINT message
To be able to do this; first below message format has to be given as the
LINT configuration. LINT accepts different message output formats like
printf format.
// below format is more suitable when you print the output to Eclipse
console and then
// you can see the error lines in the list of Problems plugin of
-"format=%f:%l: %t: %m (PC-LINT MESSAGE NUMBER = %n)\n"
PC_LINT message format
After that if you create a make target in Eclipse and define like below
picture, then when you run the target, you will see your messages in the
Problems Window of Eclipse and when you double click to a message, you
will go to related file and line.
Of course, if you print lint messages directly to the console by the LINT
application, then you don’t have to define below make target command set.
But, generally LINT produces too many messages and in this case it is
always better to create a LINT output file for each source file.
Make Target Command
Build Command
: /c type <path + file name>
: cmd.exe
Picture of Creating a Target using Eclipse Make Targets
Picture of Problems Window of Eclipse
By: Okan Vural ( /