Your Name Goes Here February 16, 2016 Page 1 Dynamic properties of APC-decorated microtubules in living cells Journal Name, Vol.: page no, date Introduction: The adenomatous polyposis coli(APC) protein is a 312kDa proten that is the product of the tumor suppressor gene APC. This gene is mutated in familial polyposis, a condition that predispose the carriers to colorectal cancer. The APC protein is also found in wide variety of tissues and in great amounts in brain where it is is concentrated in growth cones of developing neurons. Most studies of this protein explored its role in the Wnt signalling pathway where it controls beta catenin phosphorylation (in activation) and export of beta catenin from the nucleus. Thus through its combined effect on degradation and nuclear export, APC plays a major role in the control of nuclear accumulation of β-catentin and, hence in the modulation of β-catentin mediated gene transcription. Another function of APC is to bind to microtubules, promote their assembly and induce bundling in vitro and in transfected cells. The APC binding site on microtubules is at the Cterminus. Mutation of APC alters both the microtubule binding domain and the beta catentin binding domain. The β-catentin binding domain appears to be sufficient for the tumor suppressing ability of APC. However, there are some pathogenic mutants retaining β-catentin binding sites but lack the microtubule binding domain. In epithelial cells APC is concentrated at the tip of the cells, however it is found in uniformly significant lengths of microtubules that have been suggested to be important in active cell migration. APC can form complexes with another MAP, the microtubule end binding protein EB1. There is a considerable analogy between EB1-APC protein complexes and the complexes formed by the microtubule binding proteins CLIP-170/115 and CLASPs. The important point regarding the significance of APC binding to microtubules is to establish how the dynamics of microtubules is influenced by the binding of APC. Materials and methods: Using a cDNA encoding full length human APC in the mammalian expression vector ,pMCVneo was used for the expression of a fusion protein consisting of N-terminally truncated APC tagged at the N-terminus with enhanced green fluorescent protein(EGFP). They cultured the COS-7 and PtK2 cells and then for microtubule depolymerization cells were plated on collagencoated coverslips and treated with nocodazole for fixation. APC was probed with the polyclonal antibody against the C-terminus total α-tubulin and acetylated α-tubulin were probed with monoclonal antibody. Then they performed western blotting on cells and studied them with immunofluorescence microscopy. Results: The authors of this paper used a cDNA encoding full length human APC in the mammalian expression vector pCMV neo. They labelled the N-terminus of the protein with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Also APC was probed with the polyclonal antibody APC-C 20. The authors of this paper found out that COS cells were transiently transfected with a vector coding for full-length human APC, and expression of transgene was confirmed by western blotting. Cells transfected with APC gene presented the protein in the expected areas. In many APC expressing cells , APC localized to distinctively curled thick filamentous structures Your Name Goes Here February 16, 2016 Page 2 throughout the cytoplasm. The sinuous appearance of microtubules in APC transfected cells is quiet distinct from the typical organization of microtubules in untransfected cells in which they radiate from the centromere to the periphery of the cell. In addition, cytoplasmic extensions sometimes forming very thin processes were frequently observed in cells expressing APC. They also saw that unlike their proximal part, the distal regions of microtubules terminating in cytoplasmic extensions of cells expressing EGFP-APC were uniformly decorated by APC and extensively interwoven. In cells expressing EGFP-APC in high levels, microtubules were decorated by APC during their entire length. And the authors observed that APC stabilize microtubules in vitro and to protect microtubules against depolymerization by nocodazole in transfected PtK2 cells. The distal ends of microtubules terminating in cytoplasmic extensions of transfected cells were uniformly decorated by APC and formed tightly interwoven three dimensional arrays. In addition , when expressed at high levels, APC induces the reorganization of the microtubule network into sinuous filamentous structures that are likely to consist of bundled microtubules, as suggested by earlier electron microscopy studies. Reorganization of the microtubule network into sinuous bundles is not a property unique to APC as it can be obtained after over expression of a number of other MAPs. In particular formation of sinuous microtubule bundles seems to be a characteristic feature of MAPs with an affinity to plus ends of microtubules, such as CLIP-170 or CLIP-115. Another microtubule associated protein that induces the formation of whorls of microtubules is the dynactin component P150. Interestingly EB1, a binding partner of APC, associates with P150. Therefore all the proteins mentioned above may be part of functionally similar structures. Discussion and critique: The authors find out that human APC moved as points or clusters along microtubules in COS cells with a translocation velocity of approximately 5micrometer/min. At the end they conclude that this is indicative of microtubule longevity. Several mechanisms can be suggested to explain the behaviour of APC decorated microtubules. The most likely explanation is that the transient bending of microtubules is the consequence of compression forces acting on microtubules reaching the edge of the cell while elongating. In other cases APC decorated microtubules indicate in a way that they undergo length variation and thus that they retain the known dynamic instability of microtubules. I think that although this paper explains some aspects of APC gene and its effect on microtubules it can not establish a relationship between these characteristics and the disease conditions in brain and colon. This was what I expected while reading this article because all the authors are from neuroscience and psychiatry department.