University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Department of Humanities & Philosophy Chris Weigand, Instructor PHIL 1103 ONLINE LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING Syllabus and Schedule Section Details: Fall 2010 Online CRN 14334 15285 WebCT 126 138 Regular Online Classroom Midterm & Final Tests Proctored, by prearrangement Proctored, by prearrangement Instructor Contact Information EMAIL: (preferred) or PHONE/VMAIL: 405-397-5812 (preferred) or 210-828-1140 SKYPE: cweigand65 ( MESSAGE RESPONSE TIME: End of next calendar day, if response required VIRTUAL/ACTUAL OFFICE HOURS: By appointment OFFICE LOCATION: LAR 203B Material and Technology Requirements Gensler, Harry. Introduction to Logic, 2nd Ed. London: Routledge, 2010. (ISBN: 9780415996518; First edition may be used (2001, ISBN: 9780415226752), but you will be responsible for accommodating discrepancies (mostly chapter order). We will use Blackboard/WebCT ( and Gensler’s LogiCola PC software ( A flash drive is recommended for LogiCola. More details are at Proctored Test Location Requirement The midterm and final tests will be PROCTORED at approximately Week 9 (Oct. 18-22) and Finals Week (Dec. 13-17). You will need to come to UCO or another approved, secure testing location, by prearrangement. More details will be available as test weeks approach. If you anticipate problems with this requirement, please discuss this with me immediately. Course Catalog Description and Objectives Consideration is given to the requirements of correct reasoning with special emphasis on informal fallacies, syllogistic forms, and the analysis of extended arguments. Prerequisites: None. Specifically, we will: • • • • • • Identify, examine and apply principles and methods of good reasoning; Identify, examine and evaluate real-world cases of good reasoning and of bad reasoning; Read, write and employ formally symbolic representations of statements and arguments; Evaluate categorical relationships, especially with Venn diagrams; Evaluate propositional relationships, especially with truth tables; and Evaluate arguments with a set of inference rules for natural deduction. University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Department of Humanities & Philosophy Chris Weigand, Instructor Assessments and Grades Proctored midterm test Proctored semi-cumulative final test Weekly LogiCola homework exercises Best 10 of 12 quizzes @ 10 pts. each Discussion participation TOTAL = = = = = = 100 points 100 points 120 points 100 points 80 points 500 points = = = = = = 20% 20% 24% 20% 16% 100% Midterm and final tests must be taken in an approved, secure proctored setting, by prearrangement; see Proctored Test Location Requirement (above). LogiCola homework, quizzes and discussion participation are completed electronically and/or online, from any location. See also Attendance and Participation Expectations (below). Your earned points will be totaled and letter-graded on this standard scale: 450 400 350 300 0 to to to to to 500 449 399 349 299 points points points points points = = = = = 90 - 100% 80 - 89% 70 - 79% 60 - 69% 0 - 59% = = = = = A B C D F Irregularities are strongly discouraged. Makeup or extra credit arrangements are not routine or automatic. Exceptions are at my discretion and subject to conditions which may include documentation, weighting of scores, and more. These and related matters are also discussed in Attendance and Participation Expectations (below). Attendance and Participation Expectations The following will be expected: Taking midterm and final tests in secure proctored setting, by prearrangement Good online attendance and discussion participation Good homework habits and engagement with the material Taking assessments according to schedule Substantial improvement of low scores, where needed Attending departmental tutoring, where needed (details at course site) Not habitually requesting or expecting special favors or allowances Documentation concerning major irregularities, especially absences Prompt and proactive attention to potential or actual problems This list may not be complete; I reserve the right to include reasonable additions. More details are at I will take these matters seriously, and you should too. First, some of them directly constitute numerical components of your grade; see Assessments and Grades (above). Second, good study habits facilitate better understanding of the material, which improves overall scores. University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Department of Humanities & Philosophy Chris Weigand, Instructor Finally, these matters will influence discretionary decisions I make concerning makeups, borderline cases, curves, exceptions, or the like. University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Department of Humanities & Philosophy Chris Weigand, Instructor Academic Integrity Cheating will not be tolerated. Violators will be subject to the fullest extent of disciplinary action that UCO allows and/or recommends. See UCO Student Information Sheet and Syllabus Attachment (below) for more information. UCO Student Information Sheet and Syllabus Attachment Please also see the following link: It provides additional UCO information, policies and guidelines concerning the following matters and more: Academic Integrity ADA Accommodations UConnect Resources and Expectations Incomplete Grades and Withdraws Important Dates and Holidays Weather and Emergency Plans Final Exam Daily Limits Contacting Faculty Helpful Telephone Numbers Class Attendance and Work Expectations Course Evaluations Library Hours You will be held accountable for all UCO requirements or conditions specified in this attachment. I will invoke it as necessary in defense or enforcement of my own policies and practices. Changes and Exceptions I reserve the right to make reasonable modifications to this syllabus, schedule, or any element of this course to best meet the needs of the class. Any changes will be announced. You may be asked to provide written justification for any exceptions you feel you deserve, although that is no guarantee that exceptions will be granted. University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Department of Humanities & Philosophy Chris Weigand, Instructor Schedule of Activities and Assessments More details available at WEEK TEXT / TOPIC / ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT 1 Syllabus, Orientation, Course Readiness Quiz 00 (Course Readiness) 2 Chap 1: Truth, Validity, Soundness, Forms LogiCola, Discussion, Quiz 01 3* Chap 2: Syllogistic/Categorical Logic LC, Disc, Quiz 02 4 Chap 2: Venn Diagrams LC, Disc, Quiz 03 5 Chaps 1-2 Review Submit LC, Disc 6 Chap 4: Fallacies LC, Disc, Quiz 04 7 Chap 4: Argumentation LC, Disc, Quiz 05 8 Chap 5: Inductive Reasoning LC, Disc, Quiz 06 9* Chaps 1-2, 4-5 Review Submit LC, MT Test 10 Chap 6: Symbolizing Propositional Logic LC, Disc, Quiz 07 11 Chap 6: Constructing Truth Tables LC, Disc, Quiz 08 12 Chap 6: Using Truth Tables LC, Disc, Quiz 09 13 Chap 6 Review Submit LC, Disc 14* Chap 7: Inference Rules LC, Disc, Quiz 10 15 Chap 7: Simple Proofs & Refutations LC, Disc, Quiz 11 16 Proofs & Refutations, Chaps 1-2, 4-7 Review LC, Disc, Quiz 12 17 Cumulative Review Submit LC, Final Test * Shortened or holiday week.