Title Elizabeth Thornton Chapter Four Results This chapter provides the results of the field and analytical work described in Chapter Three. Firstly, the scale of each study site is presented in the context of the entire stream network. Having established the various scales of the reaches, the calculated channel hydraulic and morphologic variables are presented in the form of downstream hydraulic geometry trends. The spatial characteristics of local channel morphology are then described and the results of statistical analyses based on these characteristics are given. Finally, the spatial patterns of sediment characteristics for the Kangaroo Valley are presented. 4.1 Stream network The stream network of the Kangaroo River was analysed using a map digitized from the NSW 1:25000 topographic series in ArcGIS (Figure 4.1). For each study site, stream order, catchment area and stream length were calculated using this map (Table 4.1). The drainage density of each individual catchment was then calculated as stream length divided by catchment area. The values in Table 4.1 indicate a strong positive relationship between stream order, catchment area and stream length. The relationship between stream length and catchment area is portrayed in Figure 4.2. Table 4.1: Stream orders, catchment areas, stream lengths and drainage density for the five study sites. Site Stream Order Catchment Area (km2) Stream Length (km) Drainage Density (km km-2) DGC SC1 SC2 KV1 KV2 2 4 4 5 6 5 11 23 120 210 13 26 50 227 573 2.35 2.13 2.17 1.89 2.73 Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton Figure 4.1: Sub catchments of the Kangaroo Valley and study sites. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 800 700 Stream length(km) 600 500 400 300 200 y = 21.006e 0.0169x 100 r2 = 0.9228 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Catchm ent area km 2 Figure 4. 2: The relationship between stream length and catchment area. 4.2 Channel morphology Analyses of the spatial variability of channel form were divided into two sections: Firstly, calculated channel variables that were used to compute downstream trends at the network scale are presented. Secondly, the spatial characteristics of channel morphology at the local (reach) scale are described with reference to the statistical differenced between the channel forms of pools and riffles. The reach averaged hydraulic geometry and channel morphology variables presented in Table 4.2. Values in this table were used to examine the spatial variation of channel morphology at both the network and local (reach) scales. 4.2.1 Downstream hydraulic geometry Analyses of variables at each site were undertaken to examine downstream trends between reaches to allow for a greater understanding of stream network evolution. The coefficients, exponents and p values for the downstream hydraulic geometry relationships are reported in Table 4.3. Using a probability of greater than 0.1 to indicate significance, it was established that a significant relationship exists between w and Q and d and Q at both low and bankfull flow levels. However, a strong relationship between v and Q exists only at the Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton lowflow level. For the Qbf relationships the exponents add approximately to 1 and the coefficients multiply approximately to 1. This correlation is consistent with the continuity equation (4) which requires that f+b+m = 1. The majority of hydraulic geometry relationships are significant. The exceptions are between vbf and Q, vbf and A, and s and Q*. Indicating that there is not a strong downstream relationship between velocity and discharge at bankfull flow, nor is there a strong downstream trend between bankfull velocity and catchment area. In general, for the Kangaroo Valley network, reach slope decreases as catchment area increases. One exception is that the slope value for DGC is smaller than that for SC1 despite DGC having the smaller catchment area. Despite the fact that there is a general decrease in reach slope as stream order increases, this relationship was not proven to be significant when related to the scaling variable Q*. Table 4. 2: Coefficients, exponents and p values for downstream hydraulic relationships. Low flow Bankfull Dimensionless Catchment area Equation Coefficient Exponent p value w=aQb d=cQf v=kQm w=aQb d=cQf vbf=kQm B*=aQ*b H*=cQ*f s=kQ*m w=aAb d=cAf vlf=kAm vbf=kAm 69.90 3.18 0.06 4.51 0.26 0.90 3.94 2.10 0.26 4.87 0.33 0.01 2.01 0.39 0.33 0.35 0.46 0.45 0.06 0.44 0.27 -0.32 0.48 0.41 0.53 -0.17 0.01 0.02 0.002 2.45E-07 2.65E-20 0.77 2.39E-13 3.28E-23 0.57 0.0008 0.03 0.06 0.35 4.2.2 Local morphologic variation Local characteristics of channel morphology have been sub-divided into channel bedform morphology and channel cross-section morphology. Firstly, the number of pools and riffles identified at each site is given, followed by a description of the spatial variation of bedforms and their morphologies. Secondly, the results of statistical analyses of crosssectional form and asymmetry values for the bedform features are presented. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton Table 4. 3: Reach averaged hydraulic geometry and channel morphology variables for (a) Whole reach (b) Pools (c) Riffles. (a) Reach w d F s v lf Q lf v bf Q bf H* B* Q* Abf A* D50 DGC 8.85 0.51 18.28 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.91 4.83 25.50 442.47 66421.8 4.79 0.22 0.02 SC1 21.38 1.23 18.30 0.02 0.07 0.02 2.32 54.30 19.34 336.73 41601 22.82 0.18 0.06 SC2 21.47 1.26 18.61 0.009 0.02 0.04 1.37 47.18 125.91 2147.42 3673343 30.43 0.17 0.01 KR1 48.87 2.43 20.77 0.0007 0.13 0.50 0.62 90.84 243.36 4887.19 7220989 141.26 0.13 0.01 KR2 59.15 2.60 24.83 0.002 0.13 0.65 0.88 145.75 33.53 763.24 67859.7 163.76 0.15 0.08 (b) Reach w d F v lf Q lf v bf Q bf H* B* Q* Abf A* DGC 8.44 0.61 13.06 0.01 0.01 1.01 6.34 30.27 421.93 87273 5.75 0.17 SC1 20.62 1.44 14.41 0.05 0.02 2.56 63.07 22.61 324.71 48320 24.41 0.18 SC2 17.35 1.53 11.96 0.003 0.05 1.52 53.27 152.52 1734.74 4147335 32.17 0.29 KR1 43.56 2.69 16.28 0.05 0.19 0.66 106.65 269.26 4355.99 8302835 159.71 0.13 2 48.19 3.20 17.55 0.01 0.27 0.97 200.71 41.35 621.75 93449 196.71 0.28 (c) Reach w d F v lf Q lf v bf Q bf H* B* Q* Abf A* DGC 9.26 0.41 23.50 0.02 0.01 0.82 3.31 20.72 463.00 45571 3.83 0.28 SC1 22.15 1.02 22.19 0.07 0.02 2.08 45.53 16.07 348.76 34883 21.22 0.17 SC2 23.54 1.13 21.93 0.02 0.03 1.30 44.14 112.60 2353.76 3436347 29.55 0.11 KR1 52.86 2.24 24.14 0.13 0.81 0.60 78.97 223.93 5285.59 6148152 127.43 0.13 KR2 59.85 2.68 24.70 0.13 1.03 0.90 152.19 34.60 772.26 70857 168.01 0.15 Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 4.2.2a Bedform morphology Fitting a regression line to the longitudinal profile for each study reach allowed pools and riffles to be objectively identified (Figure 4.2). At DGC three pools and three riffles were identified, at SC1 three pools and four riffles were identified, at SC2 there were three pools and four riffles, at KR1 three pools and four riffles and at KR2 four pools and four riffles were identified. From these delineations individual cross-sections were designated as either “pool” or “riffle”. The longitudinal profile was also used to examine the characteristics of bedform morphology. In this study these were bedform length, differences in elevation between adjacent bedforms and bedform spacing. For the majority of reaches, mean riffle length is greater than mean pool length. The exception to this was KR2, where mean pool length is greater than mean riffle length (Table 4.4). For all three of the morphological aspects of bedforms studied there was a general increase in size from the smaller to the larger reaches. Table 4.4: Characteristics of bedform morphologies as measured at each site. Site DGC SC1 SC2 KR1 KR2 Bedform Length (m) Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle 13.9 23.9 11.2 12.1 24.8 27.6 50.6 54.6 46.6 42.7 Chapter Four Reach Averaged Bedform Length (m) Reach Averaged Bedform Elevation (m) Reach Averaged Bedform Spacing (m) 17.9 0.40 37.7 11.7 0.43 22.6 26.4 0.94 74 52.9 1.13 119.7 44.4 0.95 90 page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 0 0 -0.5 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -2 -2 -2.5 0 20 40 60 80 Distance (m) (a) 0 100 200 300 400 Distance (m) (d) SC1 0.5 100 KR2 0.0 0.0 -0.5 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.0 -2.5 -2.5 -3.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance (m) (b) 0.5 0 140 (e) 100 200 300 400 Distance (m) SC2 0 Elevation (m) -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 (c) 50 100 150 200 Distance (m) Figure 4.3: Longitudinal profiles for each of the study reaches with a regression line fitted to denote pools from riffles. (a) Devil’s Glen Creek, (b) Sawyer’s Creek 1, (c) Sawyer’s Creek 2, (d) Kangaroo River 1, (e) Kangaroo River 2. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton Reach averaged bedform lengths and elevations were related to the scale variables of Qbf, catchment area, reach averaged d and reach averaged w to determine whether bedform morphology scales up with the network. The p values indicate that there is a stronger relationship between reach averaged bedform length and scale variables than reach averaged bedform elevation and scale variables (Table 4.5). Indeed, mean bedform length showed a statistically significant relationship at the 0.10 level with all of the scale parameters where as mean bedform elevation was statistically related to only reach averaged w at the 0.10 significance level. However, mean bedform length and elevation are not constant proportions of reach averaged bankfull width and depth (Table 4.6). In addition, the spacing of bedforms are not constant proportions of bankfull width and depth, suggesting that, using these longitudinal profiles as a reference, it is evident that at the reach scale pool and riffle spacing in the Kangaroo River system is irregular. Table 4.5: Coefficients, exponents and significance values for power relationships between reach averaged bedform variables and independent scale variables. Independent variable Dependent variable Coefficient Exponent p value Elevation Length Elevation Length Elevation Length Elevation Length 0.25 9.77 0.28 7.90 0.13 3.45 0.58 21.16 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.35 0.52 0.63 0.61 0.69 0.22 0.08 0.22 0.08 0.14 0.05 0.10 0.05 Qbf Catchment area Reach average d Reach average w Table 4. 6: Bedform elevation and length as a proportion of reach averaged bankfull width and depth Site Bedform Length/Width Bedform Elevation/ Width Bedform Spacing/ Width Bedform Length/Depth Bedform Elevation/ Depth Bedform Spacing/ Depth DGC SC1 SC2 KR1 KR2 2.02 0.55 1.23 1.08 0.75 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 4.26 1.06 3.45 2.45 1.52 35.10 9.51 20.95 21.77 17.08 0.78 0.35 0.75 0.47 0.37 73.87 18.40 58.77 49.17 34.63 Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 4.2.2a Cross-section morphology In order to determine significant differences in channel shape, both within and between reaches, cross-sectional form and absolute asymmetry values were calculated for each cross-section (Table 4.2 above). A Mann-Whitney U test was used to ascertain whether there was a statistically significant difference between the form and absolute asymmetry values of pools and riffles within each study site. With respect to form, this test revealed a significant difference between pools and riffles for all sites, except KR2. In terms of poolriffle absolute asymmetry, no significant difference was demonstrated within reaches for sites DGC, KR1 and KR2. However, at both SC1 and SC2 a significant difference between pools and riffles for absolute A* was shown. When pools and riffles were grouped for the whole catchment there was a significant difference between the forms of the two populations. However, when pool and riffle asymmetry values were grouped over all sites there was not a significant difference. A trend analysis was preformed using a Mann- Kendall test to identify trends between sites for F and A*. No trend was shown between sites for F (Figure 4.3) or absolute A*, indicating that there is no relationship between increasing scale and channel shape. 30 45 40 25 35 Reach averaged F 30 F 25 20 15 20 15 10 10 5 y = 15.537x0.0669 y = 17.402x0.0143 5 2 2 r = 0.445 r = 0.0029 0 (a) 0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 Qbf (m 3/s) 250.0 300.0 350.0 0.0 (b) 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 Qbf (m 3/s) Figure 4. 4: Relationship between (a) F and Qbf and relationship between reached averaged (b) F and Qbf. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 4.2.3 Velocity Velocity measurements were taken at each site and used to compute discharge. The mean velocities for each bedform feature at each site are plotted in Figure 4.5. Mean velocity is higher across riffles than pools at all sites under low flow conditions. There does not appear to be a strong downstream trend for pool velocity. Riffle velocity on the other hand shows a stronger positive relationship between increasing velocity and increasing stream size. When vbf values are plotted, the reverse is shown, as velocities are higher across pools than riffles. Lowflow velocity measurements were also used to compute lowflow discharge values for each reach which are located in Table 4.2 above. Reach average lowflow discharge values were used in hydraulic geometry relationships, as presented above. 0.14 3.00 0.12 2.50 0.10 v (m/s) v (m/s) 2.00 0.08 0.06 1.50 1.00 0.04 0.50 0.02 0.00 0.00 Pool Rif f le DGC Pool Rif f le Pool SC1 (a) Rif f le SC2 Site Pool Rif f le KR1 Pool Rif f le Pool KR2 Rif f le DGC (b) Pool Rif f le SC1 Pool Rif f le SC2 Pool Rif f le KR1 Pool Rif f le KR2 Site Figure 4.5: Comparison of velocity between pools and riffles at each site. (a) Mean lowflow velocity, (b) Bankfull velocity. 4.3 Sediment Analysis 4.3.1 Bed sediment A Wolman analysis was conducted to assess differences in sediment particle sizes for pools and riffles within a reach and any overall downstream trend between reaches. It was not possible to conduct a Wolman analysis in the pool of KR2 as water depth was too great to Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton retrieve a sample and thus it was not possible to compare features within the site KR2. The results of the Wolman analyses are presented as box and whisker plots in. The upper and lower lines of the box are the 75th and 25th percentiles of the sediment samples, respectively, and the centerline represents the median. The lowermost horizontal line (whisker) is drawn from the lower quartile to the smallest point within 15 interquartile ranges from the lower quartile. The top whisker is drawn from the upper quartile to the largest point within 15 interquartile ranges from the upper quartile. Values that fall beyond the whiskers, but within three interquartile ranges are plotted as individual points (outliers). At DGC, SC2 and KR1 the median and mean of particle sizes are higher for the riffle features than for the pool features. At SC1 both the mean and the median of sediment particle sizes are higher in the pool feature than the riffle feature (Figure ###). This result indicates that there is no discernable downstream trend in sediment particle size. However, Figure ### indicates that there are observable differences between bedform features at all of the sites. 80 Particle B axis Length (cm) 60 40 20 0 DGC_R DGC_P SC1_R SC1_P SC2_R SC2_P KR1_R KR1_P KR2_R Sites Figure 4.6: Box plot of B axis measurements of sediment particles for all sites. Series: 1: DGC, 2: SC1, 3: SC2, 4: KR1, KR2. P: Pool, R: Riffle. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 80 80 Frequency (%) 100 Frequency (%) 100 60 40 20 (a) 0 0 100 200 300 60 40 20 (d) 0 0 Particle Size (mm) Riffle 200 300 Particle Size (mm) Pool Riffle Pool Riffle 100 80 100 Frequency (%) Frequency (%) 100 60 80 (e) 60 (b) 40 20 0 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 Particle Size (mm) Riffle 0 100 200 300 Particle Size (mm) Pool Riffle 100 Frequency (%) (c) 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 Particle Size (mm) Riffle Pool Figure 4. 7: Cummulative frequency graphs for sediment sizes in pools and riffles for each site. (a) Devil’s Glen Creek, (b) Sawyer’s Creek 1, (c) Sawyer’s Creek 2, (d) Kangaroo River 1, (e) Kangaroo River 2. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton 4.3.2 Bank sediment The results of the bank sediment analyses were used to classify the soil in the channel banks at each site. All sites were classified as Sandy Loam, except SC1 which was a Loamy Sand (Table 4.7). The silt and clay percentages for each site (Figure 4.8) were used to compute Schumm’s (1963) M value which was subsequently used to determine relationships in the Kangaroo River system between form and the silt-clay content of the soil. The p value indicates that there is not a significant relationship between F and M. To enable comparison between Schumm’s (1963) relationship for F and M for the Great Plains and the relationship between F and M for the Kangaroo Valley, both relationships have been plotted in Figure 4.6. Table 4.7: Soil classification based on percentage of sand, silt, and clay from bank material samples. Site Schumm’s M Soil Classification DGC 0.057 Loamy Sand SC1 0.055 Loamy Sand SC2 0.253 Sandy Loam KV1 0.023 Loamy Sand KV2 0.014 Loamy Sand 100% 80% 60% Clay Silt Sand 40% 20% 0% DGC SC1 SC2 KV1 KV2 Figure 4.8: Percentage of sand, silt and clay for bank material at each site. Chapter Four page number Title Elizabeth Thornton Figure 4.9: Comparison between the relationship of F and M for the Great Plains (Schumm 1963) and Kangaroo Valley. 4.4 Summary The network analysis defined a clear difference in scale, based on catchment area, for each of the sites. With regard to the up scaling of channel form within the network, the majority of hydraulic relationships were found to be significant, the notable exceptions were between vbf and Q, vbf and A, and s and Q*. The p values indicate that there is a stronger relationship between reach averaged bedform length and scale variables than reach averaged bedform elevation and scale variables (Table 4.5). However, mean bedform length and elevation are not constant proportions of reach averaged bankfull width and depth (Table 4.6). In addition, the spacing of bedforms is not constant proportions of bankfull width and depth. At the local scale a difference in velocity patterns was demonstrated between low flow discharge and high flow discharge. The data for bed sediment exhibits no strong up scale trend in sediment particle size, but does exhibit some evidence of sorting within reaches. All of the sites have similar bank soil types and there is not a significant trend between form and M for this network. Chapter Four page number