Food Use Inert Ingredient Proposed Data Set We can help you at Spring Trading Company Since the 2006 inert ingredient revocation actions were published by EPA requiring the submission of an OECD 422 study or equivalent data and knowing that EPA has the authority to require any additional study prior to approval under FQPA and FIFRA the Inert Steering Committee (ISC) determined that we should propose a data set that would satisfy the regulations. In order to be considered a pesticide, a substance must be intended for use as a pesticide. An inert ingredient which is not itself a pesticide would, accordingly, be a chemical substance within the jurisdiction of TSCA and it comes within the jurisdiction of FQPA and FIFRA only when it becomes a component of a pesticide product. 42 FR 64586 (comment 39), Dec. 23, 1977. Over the course of several meetings of the ISC, with the input of many member companies, the ISC compiled a list of the data being required under the TSCA PMN process and the Inert ingredient petitioning process. The goal was to produce a comprehensive Data Set that would allow EPA to review and issue a PMN close to the 90-day statuary requirement. Some have taken over 24 months with at least two additional data requests and no TSCA inventory listing. The inert ingredient exemption from the requirement of a tolerance issued within 8 months. Many of these studies are not being requested for approval under FIFRA/FQPA at the present time, and many could be withheld when a petition submission is made under FIFRA. This limited data set would allow for approval of the tolerance/tolerance exemption. The question of data compensation under FIFRA is not clear at this time because EPA has not published a data compensation regulation for inert ingredients. Based on the experiences of the ISC member companies the following data set has been adequate to obtain a tolerance exemption under FIFRA/FQPA in recent months. EPA can request additional data at any time to fill any data gaps that remain after their literature search and modeling efforts to support your application: – Available Product Chemistry data and published information. – An Acute Toxicology six-pack. – An OECD 422 or equivalent study. Food Use Inert Ingredient Proposed Data Set The above data set must be considered the barest of minimums, however, and additional data or the full data set recommended here would fully support your tolerance or tolerance exemption petition. Physical and Chemical Properties Estimated Cost of studies $380,875 Preliminary Analysis (5-batch) (830.1700) pH (830.7000) Water Solubility (830.7840) Octanol: Water Partition Coefficient Flash Point Melting Point (830.7200) Boiling Point (830.7220) Vapor pressure (830.7950) Hydrolysis (OECD 111) Dissociation Constant (830.7370) (R)b Absorption/Desorption (OECD 106) Mammalian Toxicity Studies Acute Oral Toxicity limit test (UDP) – 3-Rat (870.1100) 5-Rat limit test (OECD 425) LD 50 Acute Dermal Toxicity - Rat (870.1200/OECD 402) Acute Inhalation - Rat (870.1300/OECD 403) Acute Eye Irritation - Rabbit (870.2400/OECD 405) Acute Dermal Irritation - Rabbit (870.2500/OECD 404) Dermal Sensitization - guinea pig Buehler(870.2600/OECD 429) OR Dermal Sensitization - guinea pig Magnusson Kligman OR Mouse LLNA (870.2600/OECD 429) OECD 422 - or equivalent Ecotoxicological Studies Acute Invertebrate Toxicity – Daphnia (850.1010/OECD 202) Acute Toxicity – Fish (Trout) (850.1075/OECD203) Acute Avian (Quail) (850.2100b) Algal Growth Inhibition (850.5400/OECD 201) (R) Acute contact Honey bee (OECD 213) Our expertise - Your benefit. Strategy, Training, Registrations. Spring Trading Company 2 Food Use Inert Ingredient Proposed Data Set Genetic Toxicity Studies (two endpoints) Ames Assay - (gene mutation endpoint) Chromosomal Aberration Endpoint (or Mouse Micronucleus) Environmental Fate Studies (R) Biodegradation: Ready/Inherent (835.3110) (R) Non-target plants (Vegetative Vigor) (850.4150) (R) = Reserved, may be required. Conclusion The manufacturer can submit the chemistry, acute data and OECD 422 or equivalent and let IIRB determine if there is sufficient data in the literature and by modeling to allow EPA to approve the inert ingredient or the submitter can conduct any additional data listed to support the tolerance exemption. EPA has no plans to publish a suggested or required data set for inert ingredients at this time. (281) 367- 9356 Toll Free (877) 227- 2597 or Our expertise - Your benefit. Strategy, Training, Registrations. Spring Trading Company 3