END COURSE PROJECT – Submitted by Mr



– Submitted by Mr. MANJIL DAS .


‘ Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati ’ is the community which truly relates to my existence . Firstly, as my workplace and secondly as my residence. Hence, me and my family is a part of the Institute’s community as we work, live, share, grief, celebrate and participate in all kinds of emotions and activity within the Campus .

Background information [ Demographic Data ]

Statistics: The IIT Guwahati is established on a sprawling 285 hectares plot of land , on the north bank of the river Brahmaputra ; around 20kms from the heart of the Guwahati city. With the majestic Brahmaputra on one side, and with hills and vast open spaces on others. It is a part of the Kamrup District of Assam

Population = 629 employees(M&F)+174girls+1700boys+200 Research Scholar (M&F) with their families and dependent, including the outsourced personnel like the security guards, cleaners, maintenance technicians/workers, gardeners, etc. will be approximately 3600 people, as stakeholders .

Socio-economic: Employees - Almost all the members of the Institute Faculty and Staff are salaried personnel and maintained by the Institute by providing them with living quarters , medical, transportation, sports facilities, etc. They have made some essential and financial resources which could help them in post disaster recovery .

But there are Project Staff and temporary Office Attendants who works on contractual basis, with limited facilities. Their medical/emergency care is one of the Institute’s responsibility. But, their income is meager to sustain post disaster.

Agencies and Sub-agencies – There are many outsourced agencies which are providing maintenance related services like transportation, security, gardening, plumbing, electrician etc. and thus doing business in the

Institute. They engages staff and workers who are paid on monthly basis. They follow the existing minimum wage rate , EPF and ESI rates. The income of such employees are also meager to sustain post disaster as the

Institute has no responsibility over them.

Builders and businessmen - Many buildings are under construction, the construction companies engages contractors and suppliers to get their work done within a stipulated period. The contractors/suppliers were paid monthly to runs their business. Labourers are paid by their suppliers These work-sites creates good income generation but it is limited. These people has no capability to cope with a disaster.

Shopkeepers and Stall-holders – They gives service to the staff, students and faculties including outsiders by providing many household goods, food, barber, laundry, newspapermen, milkman, etc.

Physical data(Assets): The Institute has concrete structures which houses Eleven Departments covering all the major engineering and science disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MTech, Ph.D and MSc programmes. It also has Seven Centres which are equipped with state-of-the-art scientific and engineering instruments for advanced research. There are separate Six(6) Hostels for boys and girls, Research scholars ’ Hostel , many faculty and staff Quarter Blocks, a Guest House. A 17-beded Hospital with basic medical facilities to handle FA and small emergencies. A KV School (Class 1-12) , a C rèche, a Kindergarten, a Water-Treatment Plant, a

Sewage Plant, four(4)Water reservoirs, a AC Plant, a Power/Generator Plant, a Road-over-Rail bridge, a

Auditorium, two(2) Lecture Halls, Administrative Bldg, Sports Complex including a swimming pool, three(3) institute vehicles, a Library , a Computer Center.

Exposure to natural hazards

As mentioned earlier, we have a boundary facing towards the Brahmaputra. It is about 150mtrs away, therefore, we live with an erosion threat though the hazard is not immediate in nature. Since Assam is a Seismic Zone V region so we experience minor tremors, occasionally. Cyclones is a natural event we fear the most. High wind and thunder storms were frequently experienced.


1. Hazard type erosion

Table 1/A : Hazard Assessment earthquake cyclone severe storm

2. Warning sign cloudy weather

3. Forewarning

4. Speed of onset

Rising water level of rivers

Incessant rain

No warning

No warning

Spring and monsoon Near December and


Windy climate


Dry weather and cloudy day

Lighting and calm

Spring and monsoon

5. Frequency

6. When

7. Duration

8. Extent

1. Hazard type

2. Elements at risk:

* infrastructure

* housing

* livestock, etc.


No record




1957-7.25rs were some major jolts


No record


Last May07

Not reqd

Not reqd

No record

Institute not existed

Not reqd

Not reqd

Table 1/B : Vulnerability Assessment earthquake cyclone erosion

The Institute buildings near to the river.

The whole Institute including personnel, family, office, quarters, research, equipments, materials, essential facilities, etc.

No possible damage to the buildings some electrical poles and communication devices and antennae may be damaged.

No livestock.

1 to 2 hours

No damage severe storm

No possible damage to building some trees may break block roads, water logging, etc.

3. People at risk Faculty, staff, students, project staff, workers, etc.

All the above Workers and labourers who lives in huts like quarters

Workers and labourers who lives in huts like quarters

4. Location of people at risk

Academic Bldg IIT Guwahati Campus Construction sites inside.

Construction sites inside.

Detailed analysis of hazards and vulnerabilities the Institute faces

The Institute runs several national and international sponsored research which are vulnerable to the natural hazards. Moreover, damage of expensive tools , rare/tested biological and botany specimen , equipment & machinery can disrupt research and studies, recovery from such may drain the Institute’s account. Even an earthquake can damage buildings, water-supply, power-supply , roadway (if the Rly-bridge breaks) and telecommunications. Cyclones can uproot or break trees or branches . Storms can waterlog waterways and drains. Underground electrical cable may short-circuit or snap and incident may happen. Telecommunication equipments including radars and antennae may damage. Water-pollution may result if the sewage plant gets damaged by earthquake. There is the major bridge called Saraighat Bridge which links IIT Guwahati with the rest of North-east, if this bridge gets damage and the supply line with Guwahati will be disrupted till unknown period.

The Institute’s whole human resource along with some of their families is at stake in case of a major earthquake

. Some of the nation’s young and brilliant students’ and research scholars’ are in threat.

Every year major national and international conferences and seminars are organized in the Institute where delegates, representatives, scientists and research fellow comes from all over the world and if any disaster occurs then we fear a mass personnel casualty.

However, there is no documented data from the last decade on the population group, regarding any losses and damages, etc. because there was not a single case of a possible hazard worth to be reported.

DESIGN OF COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS PLAN l. Organizing the process and identifying/assigning the roles within your community

1. The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, may – a. lay down the Institute ’s Disaster Management Policy in accordance to the Disaster Management Act

2005 , No.53 of 2005 [ 23 rd December, 2005 ] ; b. approve the Institute Plan in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the District Authority and State

Authority ; c. approve the disaster management plans prepared by the sections, departments and centers of the

Institute ; d. coordinate the implementation of the Institute Plan ; e. recommend provision of funds for mitigation and preparedness measures. ll. Community response plan


2. The Institute Plan shall include –

(a) the vulnerability of the Institute.

(b) the measures to be adopted for prevention and mitigation of disasters;

(c) the manner in which the mitigation measures shall be integrated with the development plans and projects;

(d) the capacity-building and preparedness measures to be taken;

(e) the roles and responsibilities of Sections of the Institute in responding to any threatening disaster situation or disaster. The response plans and procedures in the event of a disaster , providing for –

1. allocation of responsibilities

3. procurement of

4. establishment of to the Sections of the Institute;

2. prompt response to disaster and relief essential resources ;

thereof; communication links ; and

5. the dissemination of information to the public;

3. The Institute has a good number of literate , experienced able-bodied persons who are both intelligent and capable of handling or organizing manpower and equipment which will be from computers to vehicles to communication device to medical care, etc. A little technical guidance is all that will be necessary to make the human resource ready for positive and effective response in any hour of crisis.

4. We have official cars and ambulances including personal motorcycles and vehicles which can be used for spot evacuation, medical transport, message/despatch jobs including ferrying heavy equipment(s). Trucks ,

Dumpers , Cranes and Excavators are available at various work-sites which can be requisite for rescue and relief work. There are many water-bodies in the Campus which can be used to fight accidental fire or utilize them in times of water –supply breakdown. There are hills where one can climb and shelter if the area gets flooded.

5. To regulate discipline every office, section, department, center shall subject to the supervision of the IA

6. The copies of the IP shall be made available to the Sections of the Institute.

7. A copy of the IP to the District Authority which shall forward to the State Authority .

8. The IP shall be reviewed and updated annually .




By ICTs :

Wireless /





Broadband /













Transportation Information :

A. Director Office

B. Administration

C. Security






A. Disaster Response Team

B. Institute Rescue Team


The Plan will respond and relate according to the serial number 1 to 5 as and when require.


Insurance of men & property

* In times of crisis the above Section will as work towards -

Administration – alert the employees and students and rush of Institute Rescue Party to the affected site/area.

Finance & Accounts – ensure availability of financial resources for mitigation measures.

Security – alert and rush of Disaster Response Teams to the affected site/area. Will coordinate activity with the

Medical,Students Affairs, Faculty Affairs including staff.

Academic Affairs and Faulty Affairs – will assist and supervise the respond and rescue workl.

Establishment – will arrange transportation and space to setup relief camps.

Store & Purchase – will maintain record of stock of relief materials and tools ,etc.

Engineering – will ensure availability of machinery and vehicles for rescue work

Medical – will provide First Aid and ensure healthcare work

III. Community-level mitigation program

9. The Institute may by order require any officer or any Section to take such measures for the prevention or mitigation of disaster or to effectively respond to it as may be necessary and such officer or department shall be bound to carry out such order.

10. A Civil Engineering Committee shall constituted by Institute, for vulnerability assessment of buildings in IIT

Guwahati as a mitigation measure.

11. For the purpose of assisting protecting or providing relief to the community in response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster the Institute may – i. Give directions for the release and use of resources available with any Section ; ii. Control and restrict vehicular traffic to from and within the vulnerable or affected area ; iii. Control and restrict the entry of any person into his movement within and departure from a vulnerable or affected area; iv. Remove debris conduct search and carry out rescue operations ; v. Provide shelter food drinking water and essential provisions healthcare and services; vi. Establish emergency communication systems in the affected area; vii. Make arrangements for the disposal of the unclaimed dead bodies ; viii. Require experts and consultants in the relevant fields to advise and assist as it may deem necessary;

12. The Institute shall establish contact with the District Disaster Management Information Centre (Control

Room), Guwahati. Its 4-Digit Telephone number will be noted and desseminate.

13. The Institute shall also maintain relation with the District Project Officer ( Disaster Management ).

14. “ Dos & Don’ts ” for Earthquake and other leaflets, handouts will prepared and sent for distribution.

15. For creating a momentum in disaster management activities, workshops will be organized in the Institute.

16. The IIT Guwahati will observe the National Disaster Reduction Day followed by different awareness activities-Cycle Rallies, Painting & Poster Competition, Procession, Human Chain, Street Play etc alongwith

Live Demonstration by security personnel and mock drills .

17. Draft Institute Disaster Management Authority Constitution Document will be prepared and submitted to District Authority for examination and approval.
