
Lesson 6
Data Structure
This lesson introduces structures. The designers of C++ evolved structures into
the notion of a class. Like a class, C++ structures can contain access specifiers,
member functions, constructors and destructors.
In fact, the only difference
between structures and classes in C++ is that structure members default to public
access and class members default to private access when no access specifiers
are used. In this lesson we focus on their use where structures contain only public
data members.
We will learn how to declare structures, initialize structures and pass structures to
1. Introduction to Structures in C++
2. Dealing with Structures
3. Accessing the members of Structures
4. Structures Operation
5. Arrays of Structures
6. Pointers to Structures
7. Hierarchical or Nested Structures
8. Structures and functions
9. Union of structures
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Structures in C++
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Describe Structures
Structures form a very large building block with which to collect one or more
variables, possibly of different types, grouped together into one collective unit
using a single name for easy handling. They are a versatile data structure in which
to clump data together in convenient little packages. Variables can be of any type:
int, float, char or other struct etc.
Structure is commonly used to define records to be stored in files.
Structure, combined with pointers, can create linked lists, stacks, queues, and
The main difference between structure and array is that arrays are collections of
the same data type and structure is a collection of variables under a single name.
Contrast between arrays and structures
Aggregate Operation
No (except strings) No
Parameter passing
By reference only
Function returning a value
Structures and classes are syntactically identical, except in the default
accessibility of their members and their inheritance. By default, members of
structures have public accessibility and public inheritance from their parent(s),
while members of classes are private and inherit privately from their parent(s).
Individual members' accessibility can be specified by using the public, protected
and private keywords.
Following the conventions of object-oriented programming, class is the more
commonly used term for referring to these object data types in C++. The
semantics of classes, by making members private by default, encourages
They are essentially classes with all members defined as public access with no
private or protected access modes available. They are most commonly used for
conglomerating data and also support member functions, but that attribute is
rarely used. The reason is because when multiple functions are involved, the need
for private and protected variables and functions increases.
Lesson 2 – Dealing with Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
use structure
Declaring and Creating a Structure
Structures are declared in C++ using the following syntax:.
struct structure name{
member_type1 member_name1;
member_type2 member_name2;
member_type3 member_name3;
} object_name;
where structure_name is a name for the structure type, object_name can be a set
of valid identifiers for objects that have the type of this structure. Within braces { }
there is a list with the data members, each one is specified with a type and a valid
identifier as its name. The above structure declaration is also called Structure
The first thing we have to know is that a structure creates a new type: Once a
structure is declared, a new type with the identifier specified as structure_name is
created and can be used in the rest of the program as if it was any other type.
Declaring structures does not mean that memory is allocated. Structure
declaration gives a skeleton or template for the structure.
It is important to clearly differentiate between what is the structure type name, and
what is an object (variable) that has this structure type. We can instantiate many
objects (i.e. variables, like apple, banana and orange) from a single structure type
The above structures declaration can be used for the below sample:
struct Product{
int weight;
float price;
}; // end struct product
The keyword struct introduce the definition for structure Product. The identifier
Product is the structure name and is used in C++ to declare variables of the
structure type. In this example, the structure type is Product. Data (and possibly
functions) declared within the braces of the structure definition are the structure’s
members. Members of the same structure must have unique names, but two
different structures may contain members of the same name without conflict. Each
structure definitions must end with a semicolon.
The definition of Product contains two members of type int* - weight and float* price. Structure members can be variables of the fundamental data types (e.g., int,
double, etc.) or aggregates such as arrays, other structures and or classes. Data
members in a single structure definitions can be of many data types. For example,
a Student structure might contain character-string members for the first and last
names, an int member for the student’s age, a char member containing ‘M’ or ‘F’
for the student’s gender and so on.
A structure cannot contain an instance of itself. For example, a structure variable
Product cannot be declared in the definition for structure Product. A pointer to a
Product structure however can be included. A structure containing a member that
is a pointer to the same structure type is referred to as a self-referential structure.
Declaring Structure Variables
The Product structure declaration above does not reserve any space in memory;
rather; it creates a new data type that is used to declare structure variables.
Structure variables are declared like variables of other types. The following
Product apple;
Product mango;
Product orange;
declare apple, mango and orange to be a structure variable of type Product,
Variables of a given structure type can also be declared by placing a commaseparated list of the variable names between the closing brace of the structure
definition and the semicolon that ends the structure definition.
For example, the preceding declarations could have been incorporated into the
Product structure definitions as follows:
struct Product{
int *weight;
float *price;
}apple, mango, orange;
Once declared, product has become a new valid type name like the fundamental
ones int, char or short and from that point on we are able to declare objects
(variables) of this compound new type, like we have done with apple, mango and
When structure is defined, it allocates or reserves space in memory. The memory
space allocated will be cumulative of all defined structure members. In the above
example, there are 3 structure members: custnum, salary and commission. Of
these, two are of type in and one is of type float. If integer space allocated by a
system is 2 bytes and float four bytes the above would allo9acter 2bytes for
custnum, 2 bytes for salary and 4 bytes for commission.
The structure name is optional. If a structure definition does not contain a structure
name, variables of the structures type may be declared only between the closing
right brace of the structure definition and the semicolon that terminates the
structure definition.
The only valid built-in operations that may be performed on structure variable are
assigning a structure variable to a structure variable of the same type, taking the
address (&) of a structure object, accessing the members of a structure object (int
the same manner as members of a class are accessed) and using the sizeof
operatpr to determine the size of a structure. As with classes, most operators can
be overloaded to work with objects of a structure type.
Structure Members Initialization
As with arrays and variables, structure members can also be initialized. The
initializer is preceded by an equal sign (=). There are two ways to do the
initialization of structures.
1. Structures can be initialized field by field as below:
struct Product{
int *weight;
float *price;
}apple, mango, orange;
Product Product1;
Product1.weight = 1000;
2. Structures can also be initialized by a list at declaration (similar to an array).
This is performed by enclosing the values to be initialized inside the braces
{ and } after the structure variable name while it is defined.
struct Product{
int *weight;
float *price;
}apple, mango, orange;
Product Product1={1000,2.25};
Example 6.1:
struct Customer
int custnum;
int salary;
float commission;
void main( )
Customer cust1={100,2000,35.5};
Customer cust2;
cout <<”\n Customer Number: “< cout <<”; Salary:
Rs.“< cout <<”; Commission: Rs.“< cust2=cust1;
cout <<”\n Customer Number: “< cout <<”; Salary:
Rs.“< cout <<”; Commission: Rs.“<
The output of the above program is
Customer Number: 100; Salary: Rs.2000; Commission: Rs.35.5
In the above example, the structure variable can be assigned to each by using
assignment operator ‘=’. The programmer must consider that only structure
variables of the same type can be initialized. If a programmer tries to initialize two
structure variables of different types to each other it would result in compiler error.
It is wrong to initialize as:
Customer cust1;
cust1= {100,2000,35.5};
Lesson 3 – Accessing the members of Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Show and modify the structure members
The operator used to access structure members are dot operator and arrow
Using dot (.) operator
To access structure members, the operator used is the dot operator denoted by
(.). The dot operator for accessing structure members is used thusly:
Consider the example below:
struct product {
int weight;
float price;
} apple, banana, melon;
Once we have declared our three objects of a determined structure type (apple,
banana and melon) we can operate directly with their members. To do that we use
a dot (.) inserted between the object name and the member name. For example,
we could operate with any of these elements as if they were standard variables of
their respective types:
Each one of these has the data type corresponding to the member they refer to:
apple.weight, banana.weight and melon.weight are of type int, while apple.price,
banana.price and melon.price are of type float.
For example:
A programmer wants to assign 2000 for the structure member weight in the above
example of structure Product with object name apple this is written as:
variable name /
object name
Dot operator
Member name
Let's see a real example where you can see how a structure type can be used in
the same way as fundamental types:
Example 6.2 : Example about structure
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
Enter title: Alien
Enter year: 1979
My favorite movie is:
2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)
And yours is:
Alien (1979)
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
} mine, yours;
void printmovie (movies_t movie);
int main ()
string mystr;
mine.year = 1968;
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline (cin,yours.title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
getline (cin,mystr);
stringstream(mystr) >> yours.year;
cout << "My favorite movie is:\n
printmovie (mine);
cout << "And yours is:\n ";
printmovie (yours);
return 0;
void printmovie (movies_t movie)
cout << movie.title;
cout << " (" << movie.year
The example shows how we can use the members of an object as regular
variables. For example, the member yours.year is a valid variable of type int, and
mine.title is a valid variable of type string.
The objects mine and yours can also be treated as valid variables of type
movies_t, for example we have passed them to the function printmovie as we
would have done with regular variables. Therefore, one of the most important
advantages of data structures is that we can either refer to their members
individually or to the entire structure as a block with only one identifier.
Using Arrow Operator
When using a pointer to a struct, the "->" (arrow) operator is typically used as a
more readable way to both dereference the pointer and select a member.
Assume the following declaration
//-- Define a new struct type
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
//-- Declare some variables of type Point.
Point p1;
Point p2;
Point * paddr; // declare pointer to a Point struct
The following are equivalent with above.
int h = paddr // using arrow notation.
int h = (*paddr).x; // using deref plus dot.
Lesson 4 – Structures Operations
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Use operations with structure members
Assume the following declaration
//--- Define a new struct type
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
//--- Declare some variables of type Point
Point p1;
Point p2;
Point paddr; // declare to a Point struct
A struct variable can be assigned to/from.
p1 = p2;
Comparison - NO
The comparison operators do not work on structs. To compare structs, compare
individual fields.
if (p1.x==p2.x && p1.y==p2.y)…….
It is not possible to write p1==p2.
There are good reasons to forbid comparison.
What would a greater than comparison even mean on a Point for example.
A bit-by-bit equal comparison is not feasible in general because there may
be padding or unfilled elements (eg in a C-string).
Arithmetic operators - NO
By default none of the arithmetic operators work on structs.
I/O - NO
The I/O operators >> and << do not work for structs; you must read/write the fields
You may redefine operators so that they do work with your structs. When
providing functions and overloaded operators for your struct, use the class
keyword instead -- it's what programmers expect.
Lesson 5 – Array of Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Use array of Structures
Data structures are a feature that can be used to represent databases, especially
if we consider the possibility of building arrays of them. Array elements can be
Array of structures solves the parallel array problem.
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
} films [N_MOVIES];
// title of 3rd item
films[4].year //year of 5th item
Example 6.3: Array of Structures
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#define N_MOVIES 3
title: Blade Runner
year: 1982
title: Matrix
year: 1999
title: Taxi Driver
year: 1976
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
You have entered these movies:
Blade Runner (1982)
Matrix (1999)
} films [N_MOVIES];
Taxi Driver (1976)
void printmovie (movies_t movie);
int main ()
string mystr;
int n;
for (n=0; n<N_MOVIES; n++)
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline (cin,films[n].title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
getline (cin,mystr);
cout << "\nYou have entered these
for (n=0; n<N_MOVIES; n++)
printmovie (films[n]);
return 0;
void printmovie (movies_t movie)
cout << movie.title;
cout << " (" << movie.year
Lesson 6 – Pointers to Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Use pointers to structures
Like any other type, structures can be pointed by its own type of pointers:
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
movies_t amovie;
movies_t * pmovie;
Here amovie is an object of structure type movies_t, and pmovie is a pointer to
point to objects of structure type movies_t. So, the following code would also be
pmovie = &amovie;
The value of the pointer pmovie would be assigned to a reference to the object
amovie (its memory address).
We will now go with another example that includes pointers, which will serve to
introduce a new operator: the arrow operator (->):
Example 6.4: Pointers to structures
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
Enter title: Invasion of the body
Enter year: 1978
You have entered:
int main ()
string mystr;
movies_t amovie;
movies_t * pmovie;
pmovie = &amovie;
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline (cin, pmovie->title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
getline (cin, mystr);
(stringstream) mystr >> pmovie>year;
cout << "\nYou have entered:\n";
cout << pmovie->title;
cout << " (" << pmovie->year <<
return 0;
The previous code includes an important introduction: the arrow operator (->). This
is a dereference operator that is used exclusively with pointers to objects with
members. This operator serves to access a member of an object to which we
have a reference. In the example we used:
Which is for all purposes equivalent to:
Both expressions pmovie->title and (*pmovie).title are valid and both mean that we
are evaluating the member title of the data structure pointed by a pointer called
pmovie. It must be clearly differentiated from:
which is equivalent to:
And that would access the value pointed by a hypothetical pointer member called
title of the structure object pmovie (which in this case would not be a pointer). The
following panel summarizes possible combinations of pointers and structure
Expression What is evaluated
Member b of object a
Member b of object pointed by a
Value pointed by member b of object a *(a.b)
Lesson 7 – Hierarchical or Nested Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Use nested Structures
Structures can also be nested so that a valid element of a structure can also be in
its turn with another structure.
Nesting of structures is placing structures within structure. You can nest a
structure within another structure, and therefore keep associated elements
together. The declaration syntax is what you would expect, as you can see in the
following structure, which implements a push-down stack as a very simple linked
list so it “never” runs out of memory.
Members in different structure can have the same name, since they are at
different position.
Nested structures encapsulate structure definitions and make them an integral
part of an enclosing structure definition. Use the . or -> operators in succession to
access the member you want from a nested structure.
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
struct friends_t {
string name;
string email;
movies_t favorite_movie;
} charlie, maria;
friends_t * pfriends = &charlie;
After the previous declaration we could use any of the following expressions:
(where, by the way, the last two expressions refer to the same member).
Lesson 8 –Structures and Functions
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
pass structures by value
It is certainly possible to pass structures by value, which passes a copy of the
original structure to a function. The disadvantage to this process is evident when
dealing with large structures which will increase memory requirements and slow
the system down. Consequently, passing by reference is the most economical
method of dealing with structures and functions. The function will access the
actual address locations of where the structures are stored as opposed to working
with copies of the structures.
Example 6.5: Structures and Functions
//shows global nature of structure, passed by REFERENCE, use of ARRAY.
# include <iostream.h>
# include "apstring.cpp"
# include <apvector.h>
apstring name, course;
double average, finalExam;
//function prototypes
STUDENT_TYPE get_student( );
void print_student(STUDENT_TYPE & pupil);
int main(void)
//declare the array of students
apvector <STUDENT_TYPE> list(10);
// input the list of students
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout<<"Please enter information for student " << i+1 << endl << endl;
list[ i ] = get_student( ); //use function to get individual info
// print the array of students one struct at a time
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
print_student(list [ j ] );
return 0;
//function to read in structure information (returns a structure)
STUDENT_TYPE get_student( )
apstring dummy;
cout << "Enter the name (last name, first name): ";
getline( cin,;
cout << "Enter the course name: ";
getline( cin, pupil.course);
cout << "Enter the course average: ";
cout << "Enter the final exam grade: ";
cin>> pupil.finalExam;
cout<<endl <<endl;
return pupil;
//function to print structure
void print_student(STUDENT_TYPE &pupil)
cout << "Name: " <<<< endl;
cout << "Course: " <<pupil.course <<endl;
cout << "Average: " << pupil.average << endl;
cout << "Final Exam: " << pupil.finalExam << endl <<endl;
Lesson 9 –Unions of Structures
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Use unions
A union is a struct, contains only one object from its list of members (although that
object can be an array or a class type) during the program execution.
union Qty_type {
int count;
float linear_ft;
long cu_in; };
At run time, how_many
contains either
•a float
•an int
•a long
But … never all three
At run time memory allocated to the variable how_many does NOT include room
for all three components. Instead, how_many can contain only one of the
following: either a long value or an int value or a float value.
The primary purpose pf the union of the construction is to save memory. Because
the compiler does not track which union field is currently selected, the use of
unions is somewhat dangerous.
1. Paul J. Deitel & H.M. Deitel () C++ How to Program (6th Edition). Prentise
2. C++ Structrures and Classes
3. Using Structures in C++
4. Structures and Unions
5. C++ Notes : Struct Operations
6. C++ Structures
7. Structure
8. Structures in C++
9. More on pointers in C