1.1. ANNEX 0: OPRD 2007-2013 Programming and Partnership Process
Prom. SG. 26/29 Mar 2000, amend. SG. 88/27 Oct 2000, amend. SG. 111/28 Dec 2001, amend. SG.
47/10 May 2002, amend. SG. 118/20 Dec 2002, amend. SG. 9/31 Jan 2003, amend. SG. 112/23 Dec
2003, amend. SG. 6/23 Jan 2004, amend. SG. 14/20 Feb 2004, amend. SG. 88/4 Nov 2005, amend.
SG. 104/27 Dec 2005, amend. SG. 30/11 Apr 2006, amend. SG. 36/2 May 2006, amend. SG. 64/8 Aug
Chapter one.
Art. 1. (1) This law settles the public relations connected with the ownership, the using, the
management, keeping, construction, repair, maintenance and financing of the roads in the Republic of
(2) This law shall not apply for:
1. the streets in populated areas and, towns and villages, with exception of those of them
which are simultaneously parts of the republic road network;
2. the agricultural roads providing access to farm lands;
3. the forest roads;
4. the private roads not opened for public using.
Art. 2. (1) The roads form a united road network and serve mainly for transportation of
passengers and cargo.
(2) The road network shall be developed in compliance with the transport and social needs of
the public, the infrastructure of the populated areas and the requirements of the normative acts related to
the national security, the protection of the environment and the traffic safety.
Art. 3. (1) The roads are republic and local.
(2) Republic roads are the motorways and the roads of first, second and third class which
provide transport connections of national importance and form the state road network.
(3) The local roads are municipal and private, opened for public use, providing transport
connections of local importance and connected with the republic roads or with the streets.
(4) The lists of the republic and municipal roads and the changes in them shall be approved by
the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works upon
coordination with the mayors of the municipalities.
(5) The classification of the republic roads shall be made under the conditions and by an order
determined by the Council of Ministers.
(6) The change of republic roads into municipal shall be approved by the Council of Ministers
upon consent of the municipal councils of the respective municipalities.
Art. 4. (1) (amend., SG 6/04) The sections of the republic roads within the urbanised territories
and the towns and villages have limited connections with the street network and the traffic on them shall
have right of way.
(2) The republic road-beds along the street network of the populated areas and the towns and
villages shall be determined by the general urban development plan.
Art. 5. (1) The roads have the following basic elements:
1. range;
2. road facilities;
3. road requisites.
(2) The road range is the area on which the ground roadway is located and the boundary strips
on both its sides, together with the air space above it at a height determined by the norms for roads
(3) The range of the road along the road facilities for moving obstacles and above tunnels
includes the horizontal projection of the facility on the terrain and the boundary strips on both sides of
this projection.
(4) The boundary strips under para 2 and 3 shall be wide up to 2 m each.
(5) (amend., SG 6/04) The width of the range of the roads outside the populated areas and
within the boundaries of the urbanised territories with unregulated adjacent terrains shall be determined
by the road design.
(6) (amend., SG 6/04) (6) The width of the range of the primary street network which are part of
national roads within the boundaries of urbanised areas shall be determined by a detailed spatial plan.
(6a.) (new, SG 88/00) In construction of new roads or reconstruction of sectors of existing
ones, with exception of the motorways, in parallel to the traffic lanes on both sides can be constructed
bicycle alleys in sectors and with dimensions determined by an ordinance of the Minister of Regional
Development and Public Works. In reconstruction of the existing roads the bicycle alleys shall be
constructed on a stabilised banquette. In construction of new roads the bicycle alleys shall be included in
the range of the traffic lanes. The bicycle alleys shall be detached from the traffic lane by an open curb
and/or protective fence.
(7) (amend., SG 6/04) The road facilities and road infrastructure shall be arranged within the
range of the road, with exception of the bases for maintenance of national roads, the power supply and
light facilities together with their contiguous areas and the snow protection facilities which can be located
out of it.
Art. 6. (1) The republic and municipal roads shall have on both sides boundary construction
strip which shall be located at 50 m for the motorways, at 25 m for the remaining republic roads and at
10 m for the municipal roads, measured horizontally and perpendicularly to the axis of the road from the
end (edge) of the traffic roadway or of the lane for emergency stopping.
(2) When the boundary construction line falls within the range of the road it shall be moved and
located along the outer end of the boundary strip.
(3) (amend., SG 6/04) The boundary construction strip within the urbanised territories shall be
determined by the urban development and construction plans.
Art. 7. (1) (amend., SG 6/04) The republic roads outside the boundaries of the urbanised
territories and the towns and villages shall have on both their sides servicing zones.
(2) The servicing zone shall comprise the strip of land of width 100 m at the motorways and 50
m at the other republic roads, measured horizontally and perpendicularly to the axis of the road from the
end of its range.
(3) Along the length of the road facilities for moving obstacles, at the specially layby road
sectors and tunnels the servicing zone under para 2 shall be wide 1000 m.
(4) The change of the width of the servicing zone shall be made smoothly along the length of
1000 m before the beginning and after the end of the sector under para 3.
Chapter two.
Art. 8. (1) The roads are public and private property.
(2) The republic roads are exclusive state property.
(3) The municipal roads are public municipal property.
(4) The private roads are property of corporate bodies or individuals.
(5) The ownership of the roads spreads over all basic elements under the conditions of art. 5.
Chapter three.
Art. 9. (1) The roads are open for public use by observing the order and the rules established
by the Traffic Law.
(2) The private roads can be open for public use when this is required by public interests, by an
initiative of the respective municipal council and with the consent of the owner in contracting the
relations. The contract shall obligatorily include clauses determining the type and the size of the due
compensation and the obligations of the parties for the maintenance and repair of the road.
(3) The owners or the administration managing the roads can introduce temporary prohibitions
of public using of individual roads or sectors of them in carrying out repair works, during natural
calamities and accidents, for unfavourable water and heat regime of the cover, for occurrence of a
danger for the traffic security and in carrying out mass sport events.
(4) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall introduce
prohibitions for public and special using of individual roads for some types of vehicles when it is
necessary for providing the traffic safety.
(5) Prohibitions under para 3 and 4 shall be introduced upon coordination with the bodies of the
Ministry of Interior, and for the special layby sectors - with the Ministry of Defence.
Art. 10. (1) For passing on individual republic roads or their sectors and facilities fees can be
(2) (amend., SG 6/04) A charge for using the road infrastructure, vignette charge, shall be
collected for travelling of transport vehicles with Bulgarian or foreign registration which are specified in
this Law on national roads itemized in a list adopted by a decision of the Council of Ministers and
promulgated in the State Gazette. Paying the vignette charge allows a transport vehicle to use national
roads for a certain term.
(3) (amend., SG 6/04; suppl. - SG 104/05) A charge can be collected for the distance covered
for travelling of Bulgarian or foreign transport vehicles listed in this Law, except the vehicles designed for
transportation of cargo of technically admissible maximal mass 12 and more tonnes on certain national
roads or road sections, motorways or other multi-lane roads with characteristics similar to motorways
specified in a list adopted by a decision of the Council of Ministers and promulgated in the State Gazette.
A toll for covered distance is a payment of a specified amount for one transport vehicle travelling the
distance between two points of the corresponding road or road section. The tolls for covered distance
shall be differentiated between depending on the characteristics of the road or road section, the covered
distance and the category of the transport vehicle and are set for each road or road section.
(4) (amend., SG 6/04) A charge for using the corresponding facility can be introduced for using
certain facilities on national roads, bridges, tunnels and/or mountain passes specified in a list adopted by
a decision of the Council of Ministers and promulgated in the State Gazette.
(5) (amend., SG 6/04) Separate charges shall be collected for using road facilities and for
special use of national roads or their sections. The charge for using road facilities shall be collected for
transport vehicles with foreign registration which do not pay vignette charge.
(6) (amend., SG 6/04; amend. - SG 104/05) One and the same road section cannot be
included simultaneously in the list as per para. 2 and 3. Charges as per para. 2 and 3 cannot be
collected simultaneously for one and the same vehicle for one and the same road section.
(7) (amend., SG 6/04, amend. – SG. 64/06) The amount of the charges as per para. 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5 shall be set by the Council of Ministers with a tariff, and the terms and order of their collection by
an ordinance of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Transport.
(8) (amend., SG 6/04) In the cases of para. 3 the owner of the road shall provide for and
signalise a duplicate road.
Art. 10a. (new, SG 6/04) (1) The amount of vignette charges shall be set according to the
expenses made for building, exploitation and maintenance of national roads and the costs for elimination
of the damages caused by the various categories of transport vehicles.
(2) Vignette charges shall be differentiated depending on type of transport vehicle for which
they are meant and on the term for which the vignette charge has been paid for.
(3) Depending on the term vignette charges shall be annual, monthly and weekly.
(4) The vignette charge shall be paid for by the owner or user of the transport vehicle.
(5) (amend. – SG. 64/06) When paying for the vignette charge, a ticket called ‘vignette’ shall be
issued, certifying the right for the use of national roads, whereas:
1. the vignette comprises two parts; the first part is meant for a single sticking in the lower right
corner on the inside of the windscreen of the transport vehicle and is secured against falsification with
protection signs; it also has the purpose to evidence before the control bodies that vignette charge has
been paid; the second part shall be kept by the transport vehicle driver and shall be considered a proof
for the paid vignette charge in case of issuing a free of charge vignette sticker in case of breaking or theft
of the wind-screen of the vehicle, and also in case of manufacturing defect of a vignette sticker;
2. the owner or the user of the vehicle shall have the right to use the republic roads of the
Republic of Bulgaria, by driving through them or through their sections with the vehicle only provided that
a vignette charge has been paid for the respective period and category of the vehicle and in the lower
right corner of the wind-screen of the vehicle a valid vignette sticker has been stuck;
3. in case of destroying of the stuck part of an annual vignette sticker dire to a manufacturing
defect of a vignette sticker, breaking or theft of the wind-screen, upon presentation of the second part of
an annual vignette sticker a free of charge annual vignette sticker shall be issued, valid till the expiration
of the term of the initially issued vignette sticker;
4. breaking or theft of the wind-screen shall be evidenced respectively with a Certificate of with
an Act of Findings of the Directorate of the National Police Office – Division of Traffic Police, and the
manufacturing defect of the vignette sticker – with a visual inspection, carried out by representatives of
the respective regional roads administration – a specialized unit of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the
5. free of charge annual vignette sticker shall be issued to the owner or to the user of the
vehicle upon submission to the respective regional roads administration of an application for a free of
charge vignette sticker, to which a copy of the document of ownership or use of the vehicle, the Act of
confirmed breaking, theft or manufacturing defect shall be attached, the second part of the annual
vignette sticker and the part, which has been stuck on the broken screen, or the part with the
manufacturing defect, in case of a theft of the wind-screen no presentation of the first part of the vignette
sticker is required.
(6) Vignette charge shall be paid for the following transport vehicles:
1. motor vehicles which have at least four wheels and are meant for transportation of
passengers, the motor vehicles meant for transporting cargoes which have at least four wheels as well
as those motor vehicles with enhanced roadability.
2. motor vehicles with at least two axles constructively designed for hauling, pushing and
operating certain instruments, additional machinery or trailers; wheel tractors which can be equipped for
transporting goods (dumpers) and accompanying crew and the trailers including semi-trailers are related
to them.
3. specialised construction machinery, truck cranes, specialised trailers for hauling loads of
abnormal weights or dimensions loads of abnormal weights or dimensions; and other specialised cars
without the trolley-buses.
4. wheel tractors and other automotive machines which shall be registered for driving on the
5. specialized road vehicles and construction machines which are on principle meant for driving
out of national roads including mine and stone-pits transportation vehicles for the time when they use
national roads for automotion provided they meet the technical requirements and the safety conditions of
(7) The transport vehicles as per para. 6 shall be divided into the following categories:
1. transport vehicles meant for hauling cargoes with more than 2 (two) axles, a train of
transport vehicles as well as the transport vehicles as per para. 6 sections 3, 4 and 5 with more than 2
(two) axles;
2. transport vehicles meant for transporting people with more than 8 (eight) seats without the
driver’s and transport vehicles meant for hauling cargoes with more than 2 (two) axles, a train of
transport vehicles as well as the transport vehicles as per para. 6 sections 3, 4 and 5 with more than 2
(two) axles;
3. transport vehicles meant for transporting people with no more than 8 (eight) seats.
(8) The vignette charge shall be set for each specific transport vehicle. The vignette issued
against a paid vignette charge shall follow the transport vehicle in case of transferring the ownership of
the transport vehicle as well keeping the validity of the term for which it is issued.
Art. 10b. (new, SG 6/04) For driving on national roads of special transport vehicles of National
Police, the Fire Brigade and Emergency which have a permanently fixed device for issuing a light signal
with a flashing blue or red light and a special sound signal and of the transport vehicles of civil defence
and of the military forces no charges shall be paid as per. art. 10.
Art. 10c. (new, SG 6/04; amend. - SG 104/05, amend. – SG. 64/06) A disabled person of 50
and more than 50 per cent lost ability to work in the corresponding order shall be exempt from paying
vignette charge for a car, his/her ownership or joined marital property, with engine volume up to 1,800 cc
and power of up to 73.55 kW (100 HP). One free annual vignette in the order set in an ordinance of the
Minister of Transport and the Minister of Labour and Social policy shall be issued for these cars on the
basis of a request by the Agency for Social Help to the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic".
Art. 10d. (new, SG 6/04) A vignette charge shall not be collected for transport vehicles with a
foreign registration if this has been provided in an international treaty or convention to which the
Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
Art. 10e. (new – SG 104/05) For wheel tractors, tractor trailers and other automotive
mechanics, registered fir work as per the Law of registration and control of the agriculture and forestry
mechanics, vignette charge shall not be paid.
Art. 11. (amend. - SG 36/06, in force from 01. 07.2006) (1) Concession on the republic and
municipal roads or on separate sections of them, shall be granted under the conditions and by the order
of the Law for the concessions.
(2) (Revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 12. (revoked - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006)
Art. 13. (revoked - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006)
Art. 14. (1) (amend. - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006) The concession territory shall
comprise particular republic road or separate section of such and the adherent areas under art. 5.
(2) In the cases when a subject of a concession is a motorway the concession territory shall
also comprise the areas necessary for construction of roadside servicing complexes determined by the
technical documentation for construction of the motorway.
(3) (new, SG 6/04) The concession territory shall be set on the basis of an approved project
under art. 126, para 6 of the Law for the spatial planning.
Art. 15. (revoked - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006)
Art. 16. (revoked - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006)
Art. 17. (revoked - SG 36/06, in force from 01.07.2006)
Art. 18. (1) The special using of the roads shall be carried out by a permit of the owner or of the
administration managing the roads.
(2) The individuals and the corporate bodies shall pay fees for the special using of the roads,
except when an international agreement, party to which is the Republic of Bulgaria, stipulates otherwise.
(3) The size of the fees under para 2 shall be determined by:
1. the Council of Ministers - for the republic roads;
2. the municipal councils - for the municipal roads;
3. the owners - for the private roads.
(4) The persons who have obtained permit for special using shall eliminate for their account all
damages and harm caused by them on the roads or shall reimburse the expenses for that, made by the
administration managing the roads.
(5) The special using of the roads shall be carried out under conditions and by an order
determined by an ordinance of the Council of Ministers.
Chapter four.
Art. 19. (1) The roads shall be managed as follows:
1. (amend. – SG. 64/06) the republic roads - by the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic"
with the Minister of Finance;
2. the municipal roads - by the mayors of the respective municipalities;
3. the private roads - by their owners.
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The municipalities and the owners of private roads shall coordinate
with the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" the designs for construction and connection of these
roads with the republic roads.
Art. 20. (1) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Minister of Transport shall form and implement the state
policy in the planning and construction of the road infrastructure by:
1. approving concepts, medium-term and long-term programmes for development of the road
2. maintaining and developing the international initiatives for construction of sectors of the
cross-European road network on the territory of the country, including of the cross-border road
3. providing the fulfilment of international bilateral and multilateral agreements and contracts in
the sphere of the roads;
4. presenting to the Council of Ministers draft laws and by-law normative acts related to the
5. (amend. – SG. 64/06) maintain and developing international initiatives for Cross-European
transport corridors;
6. controlling the activities on the fulfilment of the state policy in the sphere of the roads;
7. make proposals to the Council of Ministers for changes in the list of the republic roads.
(2) (Revoked – SG. 64/06)
(3) (amend. SG 88/05; revoked – SG 64/06)
Art. 21. (amend. – SG 64/06) (1) A Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall be
established with the Minister of Finance, herein after referred to as "The Fund" through transformation of
the Executive Agency "Roads" with the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works
(2) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" is a legal person with headquarters in Sofia.
(3) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall:
1. carry out the general management of the road activity in the country in execution of the state
policy of planning and construction of the road infrastructure;
2. study, analyse and prognosticate the development of the auto traffic;
3. work out programmes for development and improvement of the republic roads; 4. prepare
the proposals of the Minister of Transport to the Council of Ministers for changes in the list of the republic
5. interact with the bodies of the State Agency "Civil Defence" and the Bulgarian army for
providing the traffic on the roads during natural calamities, large-scale industrial accidents and state of
6. carry out procedures for assigning public orders for construction, repair and maintenance of
the republic roads;
7. coordinate investment projects requiring shifting of the roads or their exploitation requires
additional measures for traffic safety along the republic roads;
8. coordinate projects and development plans for construction of local roads;
9. issue permits for special using of the republic roads in the zones of the border control
checkpoints and in the country;
10. organises and controls the collection of charges as per art. 10 in the areas of the border
control checkpoints and within the country;
11. exercise control over the transport documents of the foreign carriers;
12. exercise control over the vehicles regarding overall dimensions, total weight and axis
loading in view of the appropriate exploitation of the roads and their protection against destruction,
collecting fees in cases of exceeding the admissible values;
13. issue documents within his competence;
14. represent the state road administration in the international road organisations and
participate in the working out and fulfilment of international agreements regarding the using of the roads.
Art. 21a (new – SG 64/06) (1) Bodies of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" are:
1.Managing Board
2. Executive Director
(2) The Managing board shall consist of five members, including a chairperson. The Minister of
Finance by right is a member and the Chairperson of the managing Board. Members of the Managing
board shall be the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, a
Deputy Minister of Transport, nominated by the Minister of Transport and the Executive Director of the
(3) The Managing Board upon coordination with the Prime Minister shall elect the Executive
Director of the Fund, which is a member of the Managing Board by right.
Art. 21b. (new – SG 64/06) (1) The Managing Board shall:
1.accept the draft budget with attached report and calculations, specifying the amount of
individual income and expenditures of the Fund each budget year and present them to the Ministry of
Finance according to a schedule of development of a draft budget for the respective year;
2. allocates funds for implementation of activities and projects for construction, operation,
maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the republic roads;
3. approve developments and projects for construction, repair and maintenance of republic
4. control reasonable spending of the resources of the Fund;
5. take also decisions on other issues, related to the activity of the Fund, when it considers it
6. performs also other functions, related to the management of the Fund in compliance with the
applicable legislative acts.
(2) The Chairperson of the Managing Board shall call sessions when required, but at least
once a month.
(3) The Managing Board shall sit in sessions when at least two third of its members are
attending. The decisions shall be taken with a qualified majority of two third of all members.
(4) The Chairperson of the Managing Board shall present on a yearly basis to the Council of
Ministers by 30 April a report on the activity of the Fund over the preceding year.
Art. 21c. (new – SG 64/06) The Executive Director shall:
1. fulfill the decisions of the Managing Board for the Fund;
2. organize and manage the activity of the Fund;
3. represent the Fund;
4. appoint and discharge Fund’s employees;
5. decide on any issues, which are not of the exclusive competence of the Managing Board of
the Fund.
Art. 21d. (new – SG 64/06) Structure, activity and organization of works of the Fund and its
administration shall be set in Regulations, approved by the Council of Ministers under a proposal of the
Managing Board of the Fund.
Art. 21e. (new – SG 64/06) The provisions of the Law for the administration shall not apply to
the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic"
Art. 21f. (new – SG 64/06) (1) Fund’s auxiliary body is the Expert Technical and Economic
Council, which shall consider, adopt and propose to the Executive Director for approval by the Managing
Board of the Fund developments and projects for construction, repair and maintenance of Republic
(2) The Expert Technical and Economic Council shall perform functions of a state-public body
in the field of roads in cases, specified in an order of the Chairperson of the Managing Board of the
Art. 22. (1) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall carry
out its activity through central administration and specialised units - the regional road departments, the
Central Laboratory for roads and bridges and department "Road fees and permits".
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The heads of the units under para 1 or officials authorised by them
shall represent the Fund in connection with the activity they carry out.
(3) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The heads of the units under para 1 or officials authorised by them
shall represent the Fund in law suits initiated on legal relations in connection with this activity.
Art. 23. The powers of the mayors on the management of municipal roads shall be determined
by an ordinance of the municipal council.
Art. 24. (1) (amend. – SG 64/06) Real estates and chattel - private state property, can be
rented by the executive director of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" upon a decision of the
Managing Board of the Fund through a tender or a competition under conditions and by an order
determined by the Council of Ministers.
(2) Premises and lands within the boundaries of support points can be ceded for using by a
special regime by employees of the road departments under conditions and by an order determined by
the regulations for implementation of the law.
Art. 25. (1) (amend., SG 88/00) Prohibited in the zone from the axis of the road to the border
construction line under art. 6 shall be any construction, improvements or expansion of the existing sites,
besides those designated for servicing the travellers, on condition that the traffic safety is guaranteed
and they have been permitted by the order of art. 26.
(2) Prohibited in the range of the road shall be:
1. the fulfilment of any work whatsoever on the roadway before placing the necessary warning
and signal signs;
2. the placement and storing of materials which are not necessary for the road or which are a
result of household or construction activity in the neighbouring real estates;
3. the movement of chain tractors and machines or cog wheels and iron grabs, tyres with
spikes on roads with asphalt cover, except in cases of snow cleaning;
4. the transportation of wet cargo which inundate the roadway;
5. entering the roads with dirty machines and dirtying the roadway, the road facilities and the
road requisites with mud and other waste materials;
6. the tugging of trees, straw and the like on the roadway.
Art. 26. (amend., SG 88/00) (1) (amend., SG 6/04) For activities out of the special usage of
roads without permission the following are prohibited:
1. within the range of the road;
a) planting or felling or uprooting of trees and bushes;
b) mowing, grazing and fruit-picking;
c) placing of road signs;
d) placing of memorial slabs and signs;
2. within the range of the road and the service areas:
a) erecting of buildings and facilities as well as their reconstruction;
b) mining of mine and other materials;
c) building of road connexions to neighbouring properties including agricultural lands, and
forests and lands of the forest fund.
(2) (amend., SG 6/04) For activities of the special usage of the roads without permission the
following shall be prohibited:
1. within the range of the road and the limiting building line;
a) driving of loads of abnormal weights or dimensions;
b) building of advertising facilities;
c) exploitation of advertising facilities;
d) building of new and reconstruction of existing underground or above-ground line or
independent equipment of the technical infrastructure;
e) exploitation of existing underground or above-ground line or independent equipment of the
technical infrastructure;
f) temporary use of the road and lands within the range of the road;
2. within the road range and the service areas;
a) building of by-road commercial objects including sites for giving car help and road
connexions to them;
b) exploitation of by-road commercial objects including sites for giving car help and road
connexions to them;
(3) (amend., SG 6/04, amend. – SG. 64/06) The permits as per para. 1 and 2 shall be issued
by the executive director of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" or by a person authorised by
him for national roads and by the mayors of the corresponding municipalities for the municipal roads:
1. within 15 days from filing the permit application as per para. 1 unless an additional study is
needed but not later than one month;
2. within 30 days from filing the permit application as per para. 2 item 1 letter "d" and item 2
letter "a" unless an additional study is needed but not later than three months the interested party being
informed about the prolongation of the term;
3. within 15 days from filing the request for all other cases.
(4) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The owner of underground and surface facilities of the technical
infrastructure within the range of the road and of the servicing zones, in cases of sudden damages, can
start immediately the restoration works, informing about that the nearest division of Fund "Road
infrastructure of the Republic" for the republic roads and the respective technical service of the
municipality for the municipal roads, on condition that the traffic safety is guaranteed.
(5) (amend., SG 6/04, amend. – SG. 64/06) The executive director of the Fund "Road
infrastructure of the Republic" shall coordinate projects: road section for building road connexions, after
presenting a written opinion on a project for organising driving by the organs of traffic police with the
Ministry of the Interior.
(6) (revoked, SG 6/04)
(7) The permits shall be issued under the following conditions:
1. real possibilities shall exist for passing of heavy and/or extra large vehicle;
2. compliance with the requirements of the Law for the traffic on roads, according to this law,
the by-laws for its implementation and the norms for designing roads;
3. for temporary using of parts of the roadside:
a) this law and the Law for the road traffic do not prohibit the activity related to the temporary
using of parts of the roadside;
b) for temporary crossing of the roads there must be an approved project for the crossing.
(8) The term of validity of the permits shall be as follows:
1. for transportation of heavy and extra long cargo - 30 days;
2. for carrying out construction - one year;
3. for temporary using of parts of the roadside and the other types of special using of the roads
- upon decision of the permitting body, complied with the request of the applicant.
(9) The permits shall be withdrawn in cases of non-compliance with the requirements stipulated
by them.
(10) (amend. - SG 30/06, in force from 12.07.2006) The appeal of the withdrawal of the permits
and of the refusals for their issuance shall be under the conditions and by the order of the Administrative
procedure code.
(11) The Council of Ministers shall determine by a tariff the size of the fees for issuance of
permits under para 1 and 2.
Art. 27. (1) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall study
the traffic intensity and shall control the weight, the axis loading and the overall dimension of the vehicles
by locating, at definite places, devices for reading these characteristics.
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall control the
observing of the routes announced by the foreign motor vehicles in entering the country.
(3) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The offices for control of observing the rules for movement on the
roads determined by the Minister of Interior shall be obliged to render assistance to the bodies of the
Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" in carrying out check-ups under para 1 and 2.
Art. 28. (revoked, SG 88/00)
Chapter five.
Art. 29. (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" and the
municipalities shall maintain the republic and municipal roads according to their transport importance,
the traffic requirements and the protection of the environment.
Art. 30. (1) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall carry
out the activities on the construction, repair and maintenance of the republic roads.
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" and the municipalities
shall carry out jointly, by mutual agreement, the activities on the construction, maintenance and repair of
the republic roads within the populated areas under the conditions and by the order determined by the
regulations for implementation of the law.
(3) The construction, the repair and the maintenance of the underground facilities, the
sidewalks, the bicycle lanes, the parking lots, the pedestrian subways, the lighting and the roadside
grass planting along the republic roads within the populated areas shall be organised by the respective
Art. 31. The construction, the repair and the maintenance of the municipal roads shall be
carried out by the municipalities.
Art. 32. The construction, the repair and the maintenance of the private roads shall be carried
out by their owners.
Art. 33. The moving of individual roads or their sectors in connection with the construction or
reconstruction of new or existing sites shall be for the account of the investor who has initiated it.
Art. 34. The construction, the reconstruction and the repair of the road units and crossroads
shall be carried out:
1. on the new road units and crossroads - by resources of the owners of new roads;
2. on the existing road units and crossroads - jointly by the owners of the roads along the main
and secondary destination, as the size of the resources for each of them shall be determined by an order
established by the regulations for the implementation of the law;
3. for the road connection to the roadside sites for servicing travellers and vehicles - by the
owners of these sites.
Art. 35. (amend. SG 88/05) The construction and the maintenance of the railroad levels on the
roads shall be carried out by an order determined by an ordinance of the Minister of Regional
Development and Public Works and the Minister of Transport.
Art. 36. (amend., SG 88/00) The designing, construction, the repair and the maintenance of the
roads shall be carried out in compliance with the technical norms and requirements approved by the
Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
Chapter six.
Art. 37. (1) The real estates - property of individuals or corporate bodies, necessary for
construction and reconstruction of the republic roads shall be expropriated under the conditions and by
the order of the Law for the state property, and for the municipal roads - under the conditions and by the
order of the Law for the municipal property.
(2) The purpose of the farm lands necessary for construction and reconstruction of roads shall
be changed by the order of the Law for protection of the farm lands, and for the forests and the lands of
the forest fund - by the order of the Law for the forests.
(3) (amend., SG 6/04) Real estates within the urbanised territories shall be expropriated under
conditions and by an order determined by law.
Art. 38. (1) Lands outside the borders of populated areas - property of individuals or corporate
bodies can be used be used temporarily for needs related to the construction, the repair and the
maintenance of the republic and municipal roads under the conditions and by the order of the Law for the
obligations and contracts.
(2) The temporary using of lands under para 1, which are farm lands, shall be settled under the
conditions and by the order of the Law for protection of the farm lands and the regulations for its
(3) The temporary using of areas of the forest fund under para 1 shall be settled under the
conditions and by the order of the Law for the forests.
(4) For the temporary using of lands under para 1 the owner shall conclude contract with:
1. (amend. – SG. 64/06) the executive director of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the
Republic" - for the republic roads;
2. the mayor of the respective municipality - for the municipal roads.
(5) The contract under para 4 shall determine the conditions and the term of using the land, the
size of the rent and the due compensation, if so stipulated.
(6) The temporary using of lands under para 1 shall be admitted for a period of 5 years, upon
which the lands restored according to their purpose shall be returned to the owner.
Art. 39. (1) During natural calamities and accidents when the traffic on the roads is disrupted
and its restoration requires the construction of a detour road the lands for temporary using can be taken
possession of before the start of the procedure under art. 38.
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The temporary taking possession of lands in the cases under para 1
shall be carried out on the basis of an order of the executive director of the Fund "Road infrastructure of
the Republic" - for the republic roads and of the mayor of the municipality - for the municipal roads,
owing compensation to the owners.
Art. 40. (1) The pecuniary compensations for expropriated or temporarily used lands shall be
paid by the respective investor - for construction of a new road, or by the owner of the road - for
reconstruction or repair of an existing road.
(2) (amend. – SG. 64/06) The compensations for the expropriated for the needs of the republic
roads real estates within populated areas under art. 37, para 1 shall be paid jointly by the Fund "Road
infrastructure of the Republic" and the municipalities in the part regarding the roadway. The
compensations for the part outside the roadway shall be paid by the respective municipality.
(3) Compensations shall not be due for expropriation or temporary using of land - property of
the state, for the needs of the republic roads, with exception of forests and lands of the State Forest
Fund, and of lands - municipal property, for the needs of municipal roads.
Art. 41. The owners or the tenants of real estates located lower than the land road shall be
obliged to provide normal functioning of the water leading facilities.
Art. 42. On lands adjacent to road sectors of intensive snow drifting can be located temporarily
snow brake fences and facilities by the order of art. 38.
Chapter seven.
Art. 43. (1) The construction, the reconstruction, the repair and the maintenance of the republic
and municipal roads shall be financed by resources of the state budget, of the budget of the
municipalities, by gratuitously submitted resources and by loans of international financial institutions.
(2) The budget resources for financing the activities under para 1 shall be determined by the
law for the state budget for the respective year.
Art. 44. (amend. – SG. 64/06) (1) The sources of financing of the Fund ""Road infrastructure of
the Republic" are:
1. subsidies from the state budget and transfers, estimated on a yearly basis in the Law of the
State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for the respective year;
2. fees under art. 10 and art. 18, para 3, item 1;
3. interest;
4. donations, aid and other drawn-in resources from local and foreign individuals and corporate
5. other funds, set in a law or in an Act of the Council of Ministers.
(2) The amounts of the Fund shall be spent for:
1. construction of a new road infrastructure;
2. operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of republic roads;
3. administrative, business and other expenses, related to Fund activity.
Art. 44a. (Revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 44b. (new, SG 6/04) (1) The revenues from vignette charges as per this Law shall enter
revenues of the fund budget.
(2) The fund revenues shall be collected and accounted for by using a separate transit account
of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works opened at the Bulgarian National Bank.
(3) (new – SG 64/06) Receipts from vignette charges under Art. 44, par. 1, item 2 cannot be
used for financing of construction of a new road infrastructure.
Art. 44c. (new, SG 6/04) (1) Expenses for financing the activities of exploitation, maintenance,
repair and reconstruction of national roads for which vignette charges shall be paid are envisaged and
carried out in the fund budget including:
1. exploitation, maintenance, repair, recovery, modernisation, reconstruction, investments for
improving the quality and traffic capacity of national roads when this is not building a new road
2. administrative expenses related to the maintenance of the vignette system including the
production and organisation for distribution and selling of vignette stickers and marking national roads
with toll driving;
3. publications and information campaigns via the mass media in order to inform the users on
their rights and obligations in paying the vignette charge for using national roads;
4. activities on finding and removing the causes and conditions for the occurrence of road
accidents on national roads and for publication and information campaigns for improving the safety of
5. management and administration of the activity of the fund.
(2) The expenses as per para. 1 shall be made by differentiating a separate payment code in
the system of budget electronic payments.
(3) The unused part of the money received as per art. 44b including the money from previous
years are an inseparable part of the unified account and shall be spent only in accordance with the
provisions of this Law.
(4) The money as per para. 3 are managed within the frameworks of the control and
management of the liquidity of the system of unified account.
Art. 44d. (new, SG 6/04; amend. – SG 64/06) The excess of receipts over the expenses at the
end of the calendar year is transitional balance and shall be used for specific purpose in the next
financial year.
Art. 44e. (new, SG 6/04, amend. SG 88/05, revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 44f. (new, SG 6/04; revoked – SG 64/06) Art. 44g. (new, SG 6/04, revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 44g. (new, SG 6/04, revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 44h. (new, SG 6/04, revoked – SG. 64/06)
Art. 45. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Art. 46. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Art. 47. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Art. 48. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Art. 49. (amend. – SG. 64/06) Financed by the budget of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the
Republic" shall be expenses in compliance with the following priorities:
1. payment of Bulgarian share holding for financing programmes pursuant to concluded
international contracts party to which is the Republic of Bulgaria;
2. payment of the principal, interest and fees on loans granted by international financial
institutions under item 1;
3. (amend. – 64/06) acquittal of principal, interest and fees on internal loans received by the
Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic";
4. construction, repair and maintenance of the republic roads and of the railroad infrastructure;
5. construction, repair and maintenance of the municipal roads;
6. research, design and scientific development under item 4 and 5;
7. national and municipal programmes for improvement of the traffic safety on the republic and
municipal roads.
Art. 50. (1) (amend., SG 14/04; amend. – SG 64/06) The Minister of Regional Development
and Public Works, at a proposal of the Managing Board of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the
Republic", shall distribute expediently among municipalities the resources under art. 49, item 5.
(2) The municipalities shall finance the construction, the repair and the maintenance of the
municipal roads by own budget resources as well.
Art. 51. The private roads shall be financed by resources of their owners.
Chapter eight.
Art. 52. (1) Fined with 50 to 100 levs shall be the individuals who carry out or order the
following activities within the range of the road:
1. cutting and uprooting of trees and bushes, grass mowing and fruit picking without permit of
the administration managing the road;
2. cattle grazing and setting vegetation on fire;
3. movement of machines not cleaned from mud;
4. transportation of wet cargo moistening the roadway;
5. transportation of bulk cargo by vehicles, allowing their scattering;
6. placing and storing materials not related to the exploitation of the road;
7. tugging trees and other objects;
8. movement of chain vehicles, except for snow cleaning.
(2) For repeated violation under para 1 the fine shall be from 100 to 250 levs.
Art. 53. (1) Fined with 100 to 1000 levs, if the deed does not constitute a crime, shall be
individuals who violate the provisions of art. 25, 26 and 41 or who carry out or order the following
1. inflicting damages or destruction of the roads, the road facilities and requisites of the road;
2. movement of extra large and heavy vehicles and cargo without permit of the owner or the
administration managing the road;
3. scattering harmful substances dangerous for the people and for the environment;
4. carrying out, within the range of the road,:
a) activities threatening the traffic safety or using the roads for other purposes;
b) activities causing interruption, detour or stopping of the traffic;
5. carrying out, within the range of the road and the servicing zones, without permit of the
administration managing the road:
a) (amend., SG 6/04) construction and repair works on the roads outside the boundaries of the
urbanised territories and in populated areas without regulation plans;
b) laying on new and repair of existing telegraph, telephone, electric, rope and other lines,
cables, product pipes, irrigation and other canals;
c) opening new and repair of existing roadside sites for servicing travellers and vehicles and
construction of road connections to these sites or to neighbouring real estates;
d) construction of advertising facilities and placing advertising materials;
6. opening quarries at a distance less than 300 m from the axis of the road and not less than
1000 m from bridges, without the permit of the administration managing the road.
(2) For repeated violation under para 1 the fine shall be from 150 to 1500 levs.
(3) For violation under para 1, item 4 and 5 the administration managing the roads shall inform
in writing the regional directorate of national construction supervision requesting the immediate stopping
of the construction works under conditions and by an order determined by a law.
Art. 54. (1) In the cases of offences according to art. 52 and 53 to corporate bodies and the
individuals shall be imposed proprietary sanction from 150 to 1500 levs.
(2) For repeated offence according to para 1 the proprietary sanction shall be from 250 to 2500
(3) The employer shall be jointly responsible with the employee for the damages caused by
Art. 55. (amend., SG 6/04) The non-deposited charges or those deposited not in full as per art.
10 and art. 18, with the exception of vignette charges, shall be collected by the local divisions of the
State Receivables Collection Agency together with the interests as per the Law for the interests on
taxes, fees and other similar collections and by the order of the Law for collection of the state
Art. 56. (1) The establishing of offences, the issuance, the appeal and the fulfilment of the
penalty decrees shall be carried out by the order of the Law for the administrative offences and
(2) The offences shall be established by acts issued by:
1. the officials from the regional road departments - for offences on the republic roads;
2. the officials appointed by the mayor of the municipality - for the offences on the municipal
roads and upon request of the owner - for the private roads.
(3) The penalty decrees shall be issued:
1. (amend. – SG. 64/06) for the republic roads - by the executive director of the Fund "Road
infrastructure of the Republic" or by an official authorised by him;
2. for the municipal and private roads - by the mayor of the respective municipality or by an
official authorised by him.
(4) When the deed bears signs of crime the file shall be sent to the prosecutor for instituting
Art. 57. (1) For offence under art. 52, para 1 and under art. 53, para 1, besides the sanctions,
the offender shall be obliged to remove the consequences from the offence within a definite period.
(2) For failure to fulfil the requirements under para 1 the consequences shall be removed by
the administration managing the roads for the account of the offender, and the cost of the work shall be
collected on the grounds of an executive list issued by the order of art. 237, letter "h" of the Civil
Procedure Code.
(3) (new, SG 6/04) In carrying-out of activities set by this Law as special usage of roads without
the road owner’s permission or the administration-managing-the road’s as well as in case of nonpayment of the due fees the following penalties shall be imposed:
1. in the case of construction work without permit simultaneously with applying para. 1 and 2
and art. 56 the owner or the administration managing the roads shall block the access to the site or shall
dismount the built advertising or other facility within the range of the road and the limiting construction
2. in the cases of building carried out without permit the administration managing the roads
shall demand from the offender within three months to present projects for the road section and the
organisation of driving for the road connexions or projects for the facilities and issues a permit as per art.
26 para 3 only if the conditions of the ordinance as per art. 18 para 5 have been met;
3. in the case of delaying the payment of the due fees as per art. 18 para 3 for a period longer
than one year and the continuation of permitted special usage of the road the administration managing
the roads shall withdraw the issued permit and, at the expense of the offender, shall cut off the access to
the site or dismount the respective advertising or other facility;
4. amend. – SG. 64/06) the dismounted advertising and other facilities shall be stored in the
regional road offices and if within one year from the dismounting they have not been looked for or the
relations by the order of this Law have not been settled they shall become the possession of Fund "Road
infrastructure of the Republic".
Art. 58. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Additional provisions
§ 1. In the context of this law:
1. "Road" is the strip of ground surface which is specially adjusted for movement of vehicles
and pedestrians and meets definite technical requirements.
2. "Ground bed" is a part of the surface within the range of the road located on which are: the
roadway(s); the separation strips, the benches, the sidewalks, the separation and directing isles; the
green areas; the roadside draining and protecting drenches; the slopes, and the other constructive
elements of the road.
3. "Road facilities" are: the culverts, the bridges, viaducts, trestles, overpasses, underpasses,
tunnels, support and decorative walls, fortifying and water outlet facilities and treatment stations.
4. (amend., SG 6/04) "Road facilities" are: the bases for maintenance of national roads; road
signs; road marking; traffic lights; autonomous telephone stands; by-road plantings; emergency sites, byroad fountain and sites for short-term rest; energy supply and light equipment together with their
adjoining land; protection fences; direction columns; snow-protection equipment;; protection fences and
other technical means for organisation and regulation of traffic.
5. (amend., SG 88/00) "Boundary construction line" is the line determining the area on each
side of the road, introducing a permit regime.
6. "Service zone" is the ground surface on the side of the end of the road range for using the
real estates by their owners or by the persons possessing right of using.
7. "Public using of the roads" is the usual using of the roads for transportation of passengers
and cargo by the generally acknowledged vehicles or for pedestrian walking.
8. (amend., SG 6/04) " Special use of roads" is the use of roads for transporting loads of
abnormal weights or dimensions or for carrying-out of other activities within the range of the road and the
service areas such as: building and exploitation of by-road objects and road connexions to them as well
as of road assistance and of road connexions to them; building and exploitation of advertising devices;
building of new and repair of existing underground and above-ground line and independent equipment
and their exploitation within the range of the road; temporary use of parts of the road lane and land within
the range of the road by other persons.
9. "Roadside service complexes" are all ground surfaces, in the vicinity of the road, together
with the buildings and facilities for servicing the travellers and vehicles located on them, as well as plots
for recreation, camping sites, motels, gas stations, public catering establishments, shops, stations for
technical services for vehicles and stations for vehicles in distress on the road.
10. "Support station for maintenance" is an adherent terrain out of the range of the road, used
by the administrations of the road departments in fulfilment of the activities related to the maintenance of
the republic roads.
11. "Construction of the roads" is an activity related to the creation of new material assets,
including the study, design and construction of new or reconstruction of existing roads.
12. "Reconstruction of roads" is an activity on the expansion and modernisation of the existing
material assets, including the entire reconstruction of the roads and of the road facilities, retaining the
basic direction of the existing track.
13. "Repair of the roads" is an activity on the restoration or improvement of the transport and
exploitation qualities of the roads and their bringing in compliance with the requirements of the traffic.
14. "Maintenance of the roads" is an activity on providing the necessary conditions for a
uninterrupted, safe and comfortable traffic through the year, protection of the roads against early
wearing, guarding and protection of the roads, keeping technical account of the roads.
15. "Road activity" includes the construction, the repair and the maintenance of the roads, as
well as the activities on the creation and the updating of the normative basis, the fee policy and the
scientific servicing of the roads.
16. "Repeated" is the offence when it has been committed within one year from the enactment
of the penalty decree by which the offender has been punished for an offence of the same kind.
17. (new, SG 88/00) "Stabilised banquette" is a banquette with a cover not allowing grass
§ 2. (revoked, SG 112/03)
Transitional and concluding provisions
§ 3. This law revokes the Law for the roads (prom., SG No 93 of 1969; amend., No 37 of 1978,
No 35 of 1996, No 87 of 1997, No 33 and 147 of 1998 and No 61 of 1999).
§ 4. In § 7, item 4 of the transitional and concluding provisions of the Law for the local
independent government and local administration (prom., SG, No 77 of 1991; amend., No 24, 49 and 65
of 1995, No 90 of 1996, No 122 of 1997, No 33, 130 and 154 of 1998 and No 67 of 1999) the words "the
local" are replaced by "the municipal".
§ 5. In art. 2, para 1, item 5 of the Law for the municipal property (prom., SG No 44 of 1996;
amend., No 104 of 1996, No 55 of 1997, No 22 and 93 of 1998 and No 23, 56, 64, 67, 69 and 96 of
1999) the words "the local" are replaced by "the municipal".
§ 6. Closed down is Fund "Republic road network" established by the Law for the fees for the
liquid fuel" and for the National Fund for Protection of the Environment. The available resources shall be
transferred from Fund "Republic road network" to the budget of the Executive Agency "Roads".
§ 7. The following amendments are introduced to the Law for the fees for the liquid fuel for
Fund "Republic road network" and for the National Fund for Protection of the Environment (prom., SG,
No 16 of 1996; amend., No 104 of 1996, No 51 and 87 of 1997, No 147 of 1998 and No 26 and 61 of
1. The title is changed to "Law for the fees for the liquid fuel for the National Fund for
Protection of the Environment".
2. The following amendments are introduced to art. 1:
a) para 1 is revoked;
b) para 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) Thirty percent of the fees collected according to this law in the National Fund for Protection
of the Environment shall be spent for the mountain regions, expediently, for financing ecological
c) para 4, 4a and 6 are revoked.
3. Art. 3 and 4 are amended as follows:
"Art. 3. The producers and importers of liquid fuel shall charge fees which shall be deposited in
the National Fund for Protection of the Environment on:
1. the unleaded gasoline - amounting to 24 levs per ton;
2. the diesel fuel - amounting to 14 levs per ton;
3. fuel oil and black oil with over 1 percent of sulphur - amounting to 22 levs per ton;
4. the lead gasoline as follows:
a) gasoline A-91 - amounting to 37 levs per ton;
b) gasoline A-98 - amounting to 48 levs per ton;
5. the industrial gas oil - amounting to 13 levs per ton.
Art. 4. (1) The producers of gasoline, diesel fuel, industrial gas oil, fuel oil and black oil with
over 1 percent of sulphur shall charge the fees under this law for the quantities realised by them in the
(2) The importers of liquid fuel under para 1 shall deposit in the National Fund for Protection of
the Environment or shall secure the fees under this law before their customs registration.
(3) The customs bodies shall exercise the control under para 2.
(4) The producers of liquid fuel shall carry out deliveries only upon payment by the buyers of
the fees to the accounts of the National Fund for Protection of the Environment.
(5) The buyers of liquid fuel under para 1 shall deposit, prior to the delivery, the due fees to the
accounts of the National Fund for Protection of the Environment."
4. Art. 7 and 8 are amended as follows:
"Art. 7. (1) The act for establishment of the administrative offences shall be issued by officials
appointed by the Minister of Environment and Waters.
(2) The penalty decree shall be issued by the Minister of Environment and Waters or by an
official authorised by him.
(3) The issuance of the acts, the issuance, the appeal and the fulfilment of the penalty decrees
shall be carried out by the order of the Law for the administrative offences and penalties.
Art. 8. The collected fees and proprietary sanctions according to art. 6, para 2 shall be
deposited in the National Fund for Protection of the Environment."
5. Paragraph 3 of the transitional and concluding provisions is amended as follows:
"§ 3. The Council of Ministers shall adopt ordinance for the raising, spending and management
of the resources of the National Fund for Protection of the Environment."
§ 8. In the Law for the state property (prom., SG, No 44 of 1996; amend., No 104 of 1996, No
55, 61 and 117 of 1997, No 93 and 124 of 1998, No 67 of 1999, No 9 and 12 of 2000) in art. 34, para 1
is amended as follows:
"(1) The interested establishment shall extend a motivated proposal to the Minister of Finance
and to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works for expropriation of the real estate. The
regional governor at the location of the real estate shall give opinion, within 14 days, on the justification
of the request."
§ 9. The following amendments and supplements are introduced to the Law for protection of
the agricultural lands (prom., SG, No 35 of 1996; amend., No 14 of 2000):
1. Para 6 is created in art. 20:
"(6) For construction of new roads the procedure for determining a track and for change of the
purpose of the agricultural lands can begin upon issuance of a positive decision on EIA taken on the
grounds of a preliminary report for EIA."
2. Para 4 is created in art. 24:
"(4) For construction of new republic roads, in the presence of an approved general
construction plan or parcel plan the proposal for change of the purpose of agricultural lands can be
presented simultaneously with the proposal for approval of the final track under art. 19."
§ 10. The following supplements are introduced to the Law for protection of the environment
(prom., SG, No 86 of 1991; corr., No 90 of 1991; amend. and suppl., No 100 of 1992, No 31 and 63 of
1995, No 13, 85 and 96 of 1997, No 62 of 1998, No 12 and 67 of 1999):
1. In the appendix to art. 20, para 1, item 1 "Projects subject to environmental impact
assessment (EIA) according to chapter four":
a) in item 26.1 after the words "Construction of" is added "new";
b) in item 26. 2 after the words "Construction of" is added "new".
2. Para 3 is created in art. 23a:
"(3) For construction of roads the competent body shall organise discussion on only the results
from the preliminary report for environmental impact assessment."
§ 11. (amend. – SG. 64/06) The fulfilment of the law is assigned to the Minister of Finance, the
Minister of Transport and the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
§ 12. The Council of Ministers shall adopt regulation and ordinances for the implementation of
the law within 6 months from its enactment.
The Law was adopted by the 38th National Assembly on March 2000 and was affixed with the
official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly:
Yordan Sokolov
Additional provisions
(SG 9/03)
§ 3. The law under art. 10, para 4, as well as the respective changes in the Law for the local
taxes and fees and the Traffic Law shall be adopted by September 30, 2003.
§ 4. Within three years from the introduction of the fee under art. 10, para 3 the size of the fee
for the motor vehicles registered in the countries - members of the European Union and in the Republic
of Bulgaria shall be equalised.
§ 5. The law shall enter into force on the day of its promulgation in the State Gazette with
exception of para 3 and 4 of art. 10 which shall enter into force on January 1, 2004.
Transitional and concluding provisions
(SG 6/04, amend. – SG. 64/06)
§ 15. From April 1, 2004, for driving on national roads or road sections by transport vehicles as
per art. 10a, para. 7, item 1 with Bulgarian or foreign registration only the charges as per art. 10 para. 25 can be collected, with the exception of the charges for using road facilities.
§ 16. From April 1, 2004, for driving on national roads or road sections by transport vehicles as
per art. 10a para. 7, item 2 with Bulgarian or foreign registration only the charges as per art. 10 para. 2-5
can be collected with the exception of the charges for using road facilities.
§ 17. From January 1, 2005 for driving on national roads or road sections of transport vehicles
as per art. 10a, para. 7, item 3 with Bulgarian or foreign registration only the charges as per art. 10 para.
2-5 can be collected with the exception of the charges for using road facilities
§ 18. Vignette charges shall be paid for all transport vehicles cited in this Law with Bulgarian or
with foreign registration as follows:
1. From April 1, 2004 a vignette charge (annual, monthly, weekly) shall be introduced for all
transport vehicles as per art. 10a para. 7, item 1 and 2.
2. From January 1, 2005 a vignette charge (annual, monthly weekly) shall be introduced for all
transport vehicles as per art. 10a para. 7 item 3.
3. From January 1, 2007 a daily vignette charge shall also be introduced for all transport
vehicles as per art. 10a para. 7.
§ 19. By January 1, 2005, instead of the vignettes envisaged in this Law substitute certifying
documents on paper issued by Executive Agency "Roads" by an order set by the ordinance as per art.
10 para. 7.
§ 20. (amend. – SG. 64/06) By January 1, 2007 the control on meeting the obligation for driving
the transport vehicles with foreign registration on national roads after paying vignette charge shall be
implemented only at the border control checkpoints by the specialised units of Fund "Road infrastructure
of the Republic".
§ 21. The road facilities under art. 10, para 4 are those which have been constructed and
commissioned after January 1, 2004.
§ 22. The provision of art. 10, para 4 of § 2 shall not apply for Danube bridge Rousse-Gyurgyu.
§ 23. The Council of Ministers, at a proposal of the Minister of Finance shall introduce the
changes to the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the budget
relations of the central budget with the budgets of the municipalities for 2004, ensuing from the
amendments of this law.
Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. – SG. 30/06, IN FORCE FROM 12.07.2006)
§ 142. The code shall enter into force three months after its promulgation in State Gazette, with
the exception of:
1. division three, § 2, item 1 and § 2, item 2 – with regards to the repeal of chapter third,
section II "Appeal by court order", § 9, item 1 and 2, § 15 and § 44, item 1 and 2, § 51, item 1, § 53, item
1, § 61, item 1, § 66, item 3, § 76, items 1 – 3, § 78, § 79, § 83, item 1, § 84, item 1 and 2, § 89, items 1 4§ 101, item 1, § 102, item 1, § 107, § 117, items 1 and 2, § 125, § 128, items 1 and 2, § 132, item 2 and
§ 136, item 1, as well as § 34, § 35, item 2, § 43, item 2, § 62, item 1, § 66, items 2 and 4, § 97, item 2
and § 125, item 1 – with regard to the replacement of the word "the regional" with the "administrative"
and the replacement of the word "the Sofia City Court" with "the Administrative court - Sofia", which shall
enter into force from the 1st of May 2007;
2. paragraph 120, which shall enter into force from the 1st of January 2007;
3. paragraph 3, which shall enter into force from the day of the promulgation of the code in
State Gazette.
Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. - SG 36/06, IN FORCE FROM 01.07.2006)
§ 23. The law shall enter into force from the 1st of July 2006, except for art. 42, para 3 and art.
58, para 4, which shall enter into force from the date of accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the
European Union.
Transitional and concluding provisions
(PROM. - SG 64/06)
§ 30. Subject to closing is the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" – second degree
administrator of budget credits with the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. The
available funds of the closed Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" shall be transferred to the
budget of the Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic", established with this law.
§ 31. (1) The Fund "Road infrastructure of the Republic" is the assign of the assets, liabilities,
rights and obligations of the reformed Executive Agency "Roads" under the balance sheet and the
financial statement as of the date of entering of this law into force.
(2) Labour law relations with employees in the transformed Executive Agency "Roads" shall be
regulated under the conditions and following the procedure of Art. 123 of the Labour Code.
(3) Subordinate law relations with the employees in the transformed Executive Agency "Roads"
shall be transformed into labour ones within 14 days after entering into force of this law. The acquired by
them ranks and unused leaves shall be kept.
(4) The transformation of subordinate law relation into labour one shall be done on the grounds
of a written application, submitted within three days after acceptance of a notification, that the employee
has been appointed at a position, determined to be occupied under labour law relation according to an
approved jobs schedule.