Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical 1 Background Many environmental factors affect seedling performance in planting spots, or in seedbeds prepared for natural or artificial seeding. Of prime importance are temperature, moisture, soil aeration, soil physical characteristics (texture and structure), soil nutrients, light, vegetation, frost, insects and diseases, and small damaging mammals. Changes in one of these factors may affect others, causing a chain reaction. It is, therefore, important to recognize the interaction of cause and effect relationships. The following is an overview of some of the important relationships. 1.1 Soil Temperature Low soil temperature limits the survival and growth of tree seedlings in the cool climates of northern latitudes and upper elevations. The forest floor commonly builds to a considerable thickness because low temperatures reduce the rate of decomposition. The soil beneath a thick forest floor is insulated from the sun’s rays and therefore remains cool. Removal of the forest floor to expose mineral soil allows the soil to warm up. Roots grow faster in warm soil than in cold soil and also absorb nutrients more readily. In cold climates, the lower roots of planted seedlings may die 10 to 15 cm below the soil surface. Various methods of site treatment can remove the surface duff layer, however, excessive scalping should be avoided (see “5, Site Degradation,” this section). Although the effects of exposing mineral soil are generally beneficial, exposure of fine-textured mineral soil can result in frost heaving and reduced availability of nutrients. 1.2 Soil Water In warm, dry climates, such as the Interior Douglas-fir Zone, vegetation depletes soil water so that newly planted seedlings are exposed to drought stress. By controlling competing vegetation, more soil water is available to the tree seedlings. Scarce soil water may be conserved in dry climates by creating sunken planting spots. Snow and rain will accumulate in these depressions. In wet climates, or in water accumulating habitats in drier climates, excess soil water occupies space in the soil which should be occupied by soil air. Raised planting spots, subsoiling and drainage ditches can increase the amount of soil air around seedling roots. Roots require adequate oxygen in the soil to grow and to absorb water and nutrients, therefore, early performance can be enhanced by providing a welldrained planting spot. Revised: December 1993 1 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Excess soil water can also exacerbate problems of low soil temperature, as wet soil requires more energy to warm than well-drained soil. 1.3 Soil Air To grow and absorb nutrients, roots require adequate oxygen in the soil. Pore space must be sufficient for roots to grow and penetrate the soil, and for water to filter through. Compacted soils are more poorly aerated and also have a greater risk for runoff and surface erosion. Site preparation treatments, such as mixing and subsoiling, tend to loosen the soil and increase soil air. 1.4 Soil Texture and Structure Both very fine-textured and very coarse-textured soils can have adverse effects on seedling performance. Seedling roots grow through compact, fine-textured soils with difficulty. When the planting spot is exposed, fine-textured soil, access to soil water and nutrients may be restricted and the risk for frost heaving is increased. Conversely, very coarse-textured soils drain rapidly so that seedlings may suffer moisture stress. Very coarse-textured soils also generally lack adequate amounts of soil nutrients. A compact layer close to the soil surface restricts the volume of soil seedlings can use. Consequently, care should be taken not to reduce further the effective rooting depth of shallow soils by deep scalping. To allow deeper root penetration, the compact layer can be broken up by subsoiling. This will also improve drainage, and may relieve the problem of a high water table restricting root penetration. 1.5 Soil Nutrients In most soils, the surface organic matter and the uppermost mineral soil horizon contain most of the nitrogen used by seedlings. Removal of these horizons by mechanical site preparation treatment leaves the nutrient-poor subsurface soil as the growing medium. In medium to moderately coarse-textured soils, where root growth is not restricted, the increase in soil temperature resulting from exposure of mineral soil can more than make up for initial nutrient deprivation. With increased soil temperature further contributing to growth, roots can readily extend to the nutrients of surface layers at the edge of scalped patches. However, in fine-textured soils roots cannot quickly reach the nutrients in surrounding undisturbed soil and overall seedling growth is restricted. In this case, or when scarce nutrients overlay a coarse-textured soil, a treatment such as mixing, which retains soil nutrients in close proximity to the seedling roots, is preferred. 2 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical In soils where organic matter and nutrients extend deeper into the soil profile, removal of the uppermost horizons by site treatment may have little adverse effect on nutrient supplies. 1.6 Competing Vegetation In wet climates and habitats, tree seedlings may be smothered when surrounding shrubs, herbs, grasses and ferns are flattened by snow. Competing vegetation may also reduce the heat and light available to seedlings to suboptimal levels. In drier climates, competing vegetation deprives seedlings of soil water. When attempting to control competing vegetation by scalping surface soils to remove plant roots, consideration should be given to soil texture. In some cases, a competing vegetation problem may be introduced to a site where treatment stimulates rhizomes or creates seedbed at an inappropriate time of the year. 1.7 Light Tree seedlings can be deprived of adequate light by surrounding competing vegetation. Research has shown that seedling growth is retarded at levels below 50% shading. Removal of shading vegetation is therefore an important objective of site treatment, but should be carried out using methods appropriate to the site. 1.8 Air Temperature Frost during the growing season can be harmful to seedling performance. Buds may be killed and growth distorted or set back. Frost later in the season can damage succulent growing shoots causing appreciable growth reduction. Less damage by frost may occur where seedlings are growing in exposed mineral soil or on raised planting spots (mounds). Seedlings growing on raised planting spots may escape frost damage if the pool of cold air in a frost pocket is shallow. Sufficient heat may be reradiated by exposed mineral soil during the night to keep seedlings warm enough to avoid the effects of frost. Small patches of exposed mineral soil will not re-radiate sufficient heat to affect frost damage. Planting spots with partial or no disturbance to the duff can be very susceptible to growing season frosts, especially in low lying frost pocket locations. Frost pocket locations treated with herbicide that removes surrounding vegetation without exposing mineral soil can be especially prone to growing season frost damage. Seedlings planted on mounds may be more susceptible to chinooks and to damage from early spring frosts. High temperature at the soil surface may damage the stems of the tender germinants of natural regeneration in hot climatic zones. Some species are more susceptible to damage than others. The succulent stems of recent germinants are most susceptible to damage by high soil surface temperatures. Revised: December 1993 3 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch High temperatures combined with low relative humidity can desiccate seedlings even if moisture is available in the soil. When the rate of transpiration is faster than the rate at which the seedling can replenish the moisture, the seedling will suffer drought stress. Non-living shade, such as cull logs, stumps or shade cards, unlike shade from other plants, cools the seedling without depleting soil moisture. 1.9 Insect, Disease and Animal Damage The spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi) can have a devastating effect on established spruce plantations. This weevil prefers vigorous, open-grown saplings and causes terminal dieback of at least two years’ growth. Since some protection may be afforded by a canopy of hardwoods, site preparation methods that completely exclude a hardwood canopy can make spruce susceptible to weevil damage. Contact the regional entomologist to identify where a hazard of spruce weevil exists. Phellinus and armillaria root rots spread when the roots of the newly established forest contact infected stumps of the previous stand. Removal of infected stumps has been used to control re-infection of the new stand. However, stump removal is expensive and caution must be taken to avoid unacceptable site disturbance. Mistletoe on residual Douglas-fir or lodgepole pine may be controlled by a site preparation method that damages the infected residual seedlings sufficiently for them to desiccate and die and provides sufficient soil disturbance to allow subsequent regeneration from pine cones on the ground. Drum choppers are suitable for this treatment. On sites with sufficient vegetation cover to protect the snowshoe hare from predators, browsing damage may delay indefinitely regeneration of species such as interior spruce. This is also true for mice and voles that girdle seedling stems. Vegetation cover reduction through site preparation gives the seedlings time to grow to a height where small mammal damage is less inhibiting. Caution must be used when prescribing row-type treatments, such as disc trenching, which can actually increase browsing by ungulates and trampling by domestic cattle. Seedling damage may also increase in the vicinity of slash piles, which provide cover for small mammals. 4 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical 2 Methods of Microsite Formation Mechanical treatment can readily modify surface organic and soil layers of many forest sites. Changes in these layers can influence seedling performance (survival and growth). Additionally, the rearrangement of slash loads and the preparation of planting spots can reduce hazards and improve planter access and reduce the time taken for planting spot selection, thereby reducing costs. Surface layers can be modified by scalping, mixing, and inverting. Suitability of each method will vary according to depth and quality of organics, soil texture, and other factors limiting seedling growth. Seedbeds or planting spots formed by these methods may be level, raised above, or depressed below the original ground level. Also, treatments may cover the whole site, be in continuous or intermittent strips, or in discontinuous patches or spots. 2.1 Scalping Removal of excessive, loose surface organic layers exposes the underlying rich decomposed organic layers and mineral soil. Exposed mineral soil warms more rapidly and reaches higher subsurface temperatures than does undisturbed soil. In wet climates where high surface temperatures threaten stems of tender germinants, exposed mineral soil conducts heat down, away from the soil surface. On exposed mineral soil, seedlings are initially deprived of nutrients, because the fertile surface layers are removed by scalping. However, when scalping is conducted on appropriate sites, seedling roots stimulated by increased soil temperature, extend quickly beyond the scalped area to reach nutrients in surrounding mixed or undisturbed areas. The optimum area of exposed mineral soil varies with site. 2.2 Mixing Mixing incorporates surface organic layers with the underlying mineral soil, making nutrients available to newly planted seedlings. The surface of well-mixed soils is essentially mineral in character, which enhances soil temperature much as scalping treatments do. For fine-textured soils, mixing may be more satisfactory than scalping. Mixing organic matter with the mineral soil creates planting spots which are not as compact, so the problem of restricted root growth is avoided. If sufficient amounts of organics are incorporated, seedling susceptibility to frost heaving is also reduced. Competing vegetation can be controlled by intense mixing, which is most easily achieved on fine-textured, relatively stone free soils. Partial or coarse mixing is suitable only where there is little competing vegetation. Mixing rarely eliminates Revised: December 1993 5 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch vegetation for prolonged periods and may result in a change from one competing vegetation complex to another. Where the forest floor (duff) is deep, mixing may not incorporate sufficient mineral soil. In such cases, the risk of seedling dessication is increased. 2.3 Inverting Planting spots consisting of overturned surface organic matter covered by mineral soil may provide several potential benefits for seedlings. Seedling roots can proliferate with the warm soil temperatures provided by the exposed mineral soil cap. Also, seedlings have immediate access to nutrients in the buried surface organic layers. If deep enough, the mineral soil capping suppresses the resprouting of competing vegetation and retains moisture. Shallow mineral soil capping, on the other hand, may not suppress competing vegetation and mounds are at a greater risk of drying out. Mineral soil cappings are prone to desiccation during dry periods and, therefore, seedlings with roots only in the cap may experience moisture stress. Seedlings should be planted deep with roots extending well into the humus layer. While the use of long-rooted seedlings has been tried to alleviate this potential problem, the logistics of growing and planting proved to be infeasible. 6 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical 3 Elevation of Prepared Planting Spots 3.1 Raised Planting Spots Raised planting spots improve drainage and aeration on wet sites and result in improved seedling performance. Well-drained soil warms faster than waterlogged soil. In zones with cool temperatures, the enhanced soil temperature of raised planting spots may improve seedling performance even on mesic sites. In comparison, raised planting spots may desiccate more than planting spots level with the original soil surface on sites with seasonal moisture deficits. Raised planting spots may be formed as discrete mounds, as continuous or discontinuous ridges, or as berms. While all types of raised planting spots enhance soil temperature and aeration, their effectiveness in providing adequate soil water, nutrients, vegetation control and light varies with forest site series. Inverted Humus Mounds or Ridges with Mineral Soil Capping Mineral soil capped inverted humus mounds or ridges are particularly useful when soil textures are fine. Seedling roots proliferate in the mineral soil/humus interface because soils are friable, warm, and well supplied with nutrients. It is important that the configuration and position of the mound is conducive to roots growing beyond the raised area. Roots of some species experience difficulty in raised planting spots with vertical sides, and in mounds surrounded by scalped soil. Trees with root systems confined to a ridge and extended in only two directions are susceptible to blow down. When deep mineral soil cappings are required to control competing vegetation, it is important that seedling roots are planted well into the inverted surface organic matter, even if this means planting seedlings below the root collar. Seedlings should not be planted close enough to the edge of the mound to be shaded by surrounding vegetation or susceptible to snow press. The double organic layer beneath the mineral soil cap can act as an impediment to planting seedling roots straight and deep. J-rooted seedlings with root systems confined to the mineral soil capping are prone to drought stress. Mineral Mounds Heaps of mineral soil dropped on bare mineral soil may be favorable for seedling growth in dry but cool climates. Soil temperature is enhanced, but the absence of surface organic layers below the mound favors the transfer of moisture from the ground to the mound. When the mineral soil in the mound is medium-textured (loam Revised: December 1993 7 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch to sandy loam), root extension is promoted and nutrients (especially nitrogen) from undisturbed soil surrounding the mound may be reached soon after planting. Mineral soil on mineral soil mounds is not appropriate on fine-textured soils. Mixed Humus and Mineral Soil Mounds Raised planting spots consisting of mineral soil and humus elevate soil temperature, avoid possible problems of capillary discontinuity, improve aeration, and provide accessible nutrients in humus fragments. Where competing vegetation is not a problem, coarsely mixed, raised planting spots can be favorable for seedling performance. However, coarse mixing does not generally control vigorous competing vegetation. Peat Mounds and Ridges Creating mounds or ridges in deep peat soils may be the only way of increasing soil temperature, improving drainage, and controlling competing vegetation. The frequency of chlorotic seedlings during the first few years after planting suggests that peat mounds have a poor nutrient status. However, as the peat mineralizes, seedling color improves. Seedlings should be planted deeply to avoid the possibility of drought stress. For further information on raised microsites, refer to the video Mounding: A Site Preparation Technique in Review [1990], FRDA Memo 100 [Haeussler 1989], FRDA Memo 160 [Coates and Haeussler 1990], FRDA Report 178 [von der Gönna 1992], and FRDA Report 105 [Örlander et al. 1990]. 3.2 Depressed Planting Spots Planting spots below the general soil surface level are generally favorable for seedling performance in dry zones or sites. Snow and rainfall will accumulate in depressions and can extend the period of moisture availability. Seedlings may also be sheltered from desiccating winds. Depressions in fine-textured soils may accumulate moisture and result in waterlogged seedlings. 3.3 Level Planting Spots The mineral soil covered inverted humus planting spot, more or less level with the surrounding terrain (e.g., a plowed field), is a favorable planting spot for relatively dry climates (e.g., BWBSmw1). Seedlings are not as exposed to drying winds as when they are planted on raised spots and planting may be easier. 8 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical 4 Continuity of Treatment/Planting Spots Planting spots may be formed by: treatments that cover the whole site (such as windrowing slash); treatments that are in continuous or intermittent strips; or, treatments in discrete patches or spots. The target number of plantable spots/ha and the desired spacing must be considered, especially when using intermittent strip or spot treatments. For row-type treatments (e.g., disc trenching, Bräcke patch), fixed equipment settings or difficult site conditions may make uniform spacing impossible. Under such conditions, the total number of prepared planting spots may still be created if “in-row spacing” is adjusted to compensate for wider spacing between rows. Revised: December 1993 9 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch 5 Site Degradation The role of site preparation in British Columbia’s reforestation program has increased significantly in the past several years. During the period from 1981 to 1990 over 1.2 million hectares of Crown forest land were site prepared. The diversity of forest conditions and management objectives has lead to a wide variety of site preparation methods. All site preparation disturbs the site to some extent. Soil disturbance can range from beneficial to detrimental depending on the nature of the site and the severity and extent of the disturbance. Site disturbance that leaves the site more suitable for regeneration and that does not impair the site productivity is clearly beneficial. Disturbance from site preparation is considered to be excessive when the long-term site productivity is lowered resulting in diminished stand growth. The application of a site treatment method to achieve early growth and survival should not be at the expense of long-term productivity. When considering long-term productivity, mechanical site preparation (MSP) is particularly topical. The recent increase in MSP on sites which have traditionally been treated by fire has heightened the concern for site productivity. 5.1 Guidelines At present, soil conservation guidelines for harvesting are in place on the coast and in the interior. Under the Forest Practices Code, guidelines are covered by the following guidebooks: Soil Conservation, Site Preparation, and Hazard Assessment Keys for Evaluating Site Sensitivity to Soil Degrading Processes. Guidebooks for soil conservation surveys, fire management and rehabilitation are currently under development. 5.2 Rehabilitation Soil compaction, either naturally occurring or introduced by harvesting, may exceed optimum levels for forest growth. Site preparation has long been seen as a means of reducing compaction. The effectiveness of ripping as a means of alleviating soil compaction depends upon the type of ripper being employed, as well as the type of soil being treated. Winged subsoilers are more effective in reducing compaction than standard rock rippers or brush rakes. Generally, ripping is more effective on coarsertextured, non-cohesive soils. On sites where organic matter has been severely depleted, the benefits of subsoiling are often temporary and nutrient levels remain low. In such cases, subsoiling must be supplemented by some form of organic matter management, such as seeding legumes. 10 Revised: October 1995 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Soil density may also be reduced by other methods of site preparation, which mix organic matter with mineral soil. The Madge rotoclear and Eden relief bedding plow have both provided excellent mixing and compaction reduction, however, operational use is limited by site and cost. For detailed information on rehabilitation, see Appendix 2, Selected References. Guidelines on rehabilitation are being developed. Revised: October 1995 11 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch 6 Prime Movers Once a site preparation method has been chosen (e.g., spot mixing), the appropriate implement and prime mover must be selected. Generally, prime movers such as wheeled skidders, forwarders, crawler tractors, or excavators are used, however, farm type tractors and flex track equipment (FMCs) have also been used. The type of prime mover selected will usually depend upon limiting/restricting site factors, special requirements of the site preparation implement chosen and cost. Restricting site factors include slope, ground roughness (including frequency and size of obstacles, and frequency and size of stumps), soil bearing capacity, slash loading, and evenness of terrain. Special requirements of the site preparation implement include factors such as drawbar pull requirements, hydraulic requirements, weight and balance considerations, travel speed limitations, and special attachments to raise and lower implements for turning or travel between treatment areas. In the past, skidders or crawler tractors were simply taken from harvesting operations and used for prime movers in site preparation. This was most often the case for contractors who logged in the winter and did site preparation in the summer. Unfortunately, due to differences in the nature of the duty cycle, this was often a costly and unsuccessful decision. The site preparation duty cycle differs from harvesting in the following respects: necessity to cover 100% of the ground, continuous operation under load, heavy loads with high peak forces, frequent end-ofpass turning, on-road travel between sites, constant start and stop operation, push/pull requirements, slow steady working speeds, and necessity to carry a load. Common problems included overheating and not having sufficient power at low speeds. Contractors dedicated to site preparation have dealt with many of these problems by purchasing equipment with specifications suited for site preparation work. Duty cycle considerations for prime movers are outlined in the following sections. 6.1 Skidders Wheeled skidders are the most common prime mover for site preparation. They are generally used to pull light implements but can also be used in heavier applications such as powered disc trenching. Skidders are limited to relatively easy terrain and light slash conditions. Some contractors have modified their skidder blades or have replaced them with light rakes for clearing and aligning slash. It is recommended that skidders be limited to slopes of 15% or less for contouring and 25% for downslope operation. Skidders equipped with wide tires have greater stability on side slopes, however, they are more prone to slipping when slash is wet. Wide tires also cause increased wear on the drive train and are expensive to purchase. Good chains are essential and they must be checked regularly to ensure that they are tight. 12 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical John Deere 740 skidder with V-rake and powered disc trencher. Skidders used for site preparation often have extra oil coolers for their hydraulic system and have transmissions designed for operation at slow travel speeds. Specialty skidders, such as the Franklin and SK250, have been designed specifically for site preparation. 6.2 Forwarders Forwarders have also been used as prime movers for site preparation. Forwarders are more powerful than skidders and are better designed for carrying a load (such as an auxiliary engine). Six- or eight-wheel drive forwarders having one or two sets of bogies generally have higher floatation than skidders equipped with standard tires. Forwarders also offer greater stability on slopes, and with their bogies, will ride over obstacles more easily than skidders, thereby reducing the jarring to the operator. Forwarders are more expensive to operate than skidders and have therefore seen limited application. Rottne SMV Rapid with powered-disc trencher. Revised: December 1993 13 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical 6.3 Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Crawler Tractors Crawler tractors are better-suited for “pushing” than skidders and in the past have been used primarily for piling heavy accumulations of slash or for blading treatments. Recently, they have been used for disc trenching operations where the need to part heavy slash or to traverse rough terrain has called for extra power. Crawlers can contour on slopes up to 35% and can work downhill up to 45%. However, crawlers are slower and cost more to operate than skidders. International TD20 crawler with V-plow and powered-disc trencher. 6.4 Excavators Excavators are the most versatile of all prime movers. Unfortunately they are the slowest and most expensive to operate. Excavators are used for spot treatments on broken terrain or slopes, and for mounding or ditching on wet sites. Excavators can work on slopes up to 50%, and can treat small steep pitches given access such as skid trails. Excavators can be equipped with a variety of attachments and offer complete operator control over microsite creation and spacing. When choosing an excavator for site preparation, ensure that it has been properly guarded for bush applications and that it is equipped with the proper track pads and grousers for the job. Hitachi Ex 200 excavator. 14 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical For additional information on excavators and their use in silviculture, see the video Excavators: Silvicultural Attachments and Treatments [1993]. Revised: December 1993 15 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch 7 Site Preparation Implements A wide range of site preparation implements is available. Each implement can prepare one or more types of planting spot or seedbed. The first step in choosing the most appropriate implement is to decide what site factors should be modified to produce the optimum planting spot or seedbed for the ecosystem which must be treated. Having identified what is needed, an implement that can prepare the required planting spot can then be selected. See Appendix 3, Equipment Comparison: Costs and Productivity, for a listing of comparative costs of many implements. 7.1 Brush Blades and Rakes Brush blades and rakes were once the most common implements for preparing scarified strips. The recent availability of more specialized implements has lead to brush blades being used primarily for the re-arrangement of slash for hazard abatement (windrowing or piling and burning), and to improve planter access where slash loading is very heavy. Standard brush rake. When pushing slash, care must be taken to float the blade above the ground to avoid creating excessive soil disturbance. Tilting (4- or 6-way) blades are especially useful on sloped ground. The use of retractable-toothed rakes can reduce the amount of soil disturbance associated with windrowing slash. These rakes have also been used to break up and knock down slash and create seedbed for natural regeneration. When slash loads are very heavy, brush rakes can be used to facilitate subsequent passage of more microsite-specific implements. 16 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical FMC with 6-way slash rake. Eden rake. Raumfix slash rake. For additional information on blades and rakes, see Maxwell [1989] and FRDA Handbook 002 [Coates and Haeussler 1987]. Revised: December 1993 17 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Excavators equipped with wide rakes have also been used for windrowing slash. Excavators are a good choice for sensitive sites as a swath the width of the reach of the boom on either side can be prepared in one pass. Five-tine excavator slash rake. For additional information on excavator rakes, see FERIC Technical Note TN-180 [von der Gönna 1992]. 7.2 Front-Mounted V-Blades and V-Rakes Front-mounted V-blades and V-rakes can be used as a first-pass treatment to clear aside slash and facilitate operation of a microsite-specific implement, or to improve planter access. The advantage of V-blades compared to brush blades is that the forward movement of the prime mover need not be interrupted to unload the blade. On medium to relatively coarse-textured soils, V-blades can be used to remove competing vegetation. The resulting strips of exposed mineral soil may remain free from vegetation for some years. V-blades are also useful for the reduction of deep duff layers. V-blading has the potential to cause significant site degradation and, therefore, it should be used only with great caution, particularly on fine-textured soils. 18 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Sanders V-blade. 7.3 Rear-Mounted Plows and Rippers In wet areas where summer access is poor, rear-mounted plows, capable of digging deeply, can be used on frozen ground. A deep trench and roughly overturned berm are formed. On wet sites in cold climates, the trench may not provide suitable planting spots. The berm, being better drained and warmer, forms favorable planting spots unless the site has the potential of developing dense competing vegetation. On dry sites, the trench formed by smaller rear-mounted plows can provide favorable planting spots because scarce soil water is conserved in microsites below the general ground level. Rear-mounted ripper plow. Agricultural breaking plows provide overturned furrow slices which have a mineral soil layer covering the inverted organic matter. Seedlings generally perform well in such planting sites. When furrow slices are laid one in contact with another, vegetation may be controlled for several years. Revised: December 1993 19 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Triple-bottom breaking plow. Winged subsoilers are used to break up compact subsurface horizons to improve drainage and to increase effective rooting depth. Subsoilers are limited by slash and stumps, and are generally limited to landing and skid road rehabilitation. Winged subsoiler. Close up – winged subsoiler. 20 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical For additional information on the winged subsoiler, see FERIC TN-146 [De Long et al. 1990] and FERIC Field Note No. Silviculture-36 [Rasmussen 1991]. 7.4 Drag Scarifiers Drag scarification is used primarily on lodgepole pine sites to create seedbed, distribute cones and provide conditions for cone opening. Serotinous cones remain closed until they are warmed sufficiently. Exposed mineral soil provides a suitable seedbed for the survival of germinants. Drag scarifiers are most suitable when slash is light and stumps are low. There are two basic types of drag equipment: anchor chains with tines welded across the links, and drums with “fins” welded spirally along the surface (sharkfin barrels). These may be used separately or together to achieve certain objectives. Sharkfin barrels are heavier than the anchor chains and are used on sites where brush, slash and depth of humus render the lighter anchor chains unsatisfactory. The drums do not move as freely as the anchor chains and therefore tend to produce limited seedbed or planting sites as opposed to the random mixing and exposure achieved with the anchor chains. Sharkfin barrels. For additional information on drag scarification, see Appendix 4, Treatment Guide for Anchor Chains and Sharkfin Drums, FRDA Handbook 002 [Coates and Haeussler 1987] and Drag Scarification in B.C. [Glenn 1979]. 7.5 Shear Blades, Downing Chains and Roller Drum Choppers This equipment is used primarily to flatten vegetation, snags, stagnated or residual lodgepole pine and aspen. Soil disturbance is slight when the ground is frozen. If required, planting spots can be prepared by additional mechanical or motor manual treatment or by burning. Revised: December 1993 21 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Marden chopper. 7.6 Patch Scarifiers Patch scarifiers create three distinct microsites: a scalped, depressed patch; a low mound of inverted surface organic matter generally covered by a thin layer of mineral soil; and the level to slightly raised hinge position at the interface between the scalped patch and the mound. On dry sites with medium-textured soils, the depressed patch is the preferred planting spot because scalping increases soil temperature and improves soil water availability. The low mound has improved access to soil nutrients compared to the patch but is more prone to drought. On many sites, the slightly raised hinge position provides the optimum compromise between moisture and nutrient availability. Patch scarifiers are generally unsuitable where competing vegetation is aggressive. In B.C., patch scarification is accomplished with the Bräcke patch scarifier and the Leno, and with excavators equipped with rakes. Two-row Bräcke patch scarifier. For additional information on the Bräcke and Leno, see FRDA Handbook 002 [Coates and Haeussler 1987] and Maxwell [1989]. 22 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical For additional information on excavators, see FERIC TN-180 [von der Gönna 1992]. 7.7 Disc Trenchers and Cone Scarifiers Disc trenchers and cone scarifiers create pairs of continuous or intermittent trenches (furrows) and berms providing a range of planting positions. The exposed mineral soil trench is preferred where moisture conservation is required. The berm, composed of irregularly overturned surface organic matter and mineral soil, is usually too loose to form a suitable microsite for planting. It does, however, act as a mulch, warming the soil below and providing a good environment for root growth. The hinge provides an intermediate planting position and is favored in most situations. The trench profile can be adjusted by changing the disc angle, rotation speed, downpressure, and travel speed. A disc angle more perpendicular to the direction of travel produces a wider, flatter trench, while a disc angle more parallel to the direction of travel produces a deeper, narrower trench. By increasing the down-pressure and decreasing the travel speed, a deeper trench and a well-formed berm are produced. Silva Wadell cone scarifier. Revised: December 1993 23 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch TTS powered-disc trencher. For more information on disc trenching, see FRDA Memo 099 [Beaudry 1989], the video Disc Trenching: A Site Preparation Technique in Review [1991] and FRDA Report 178 [von der Gönna 1992]. 7.8 Mounders Mounders prepare raised microsites for planting. For additional information on the reasons for mounding, see “3, Elevation of Prepared Planting Spots” in this chapter. In B.C., the majority of mounding is done by excavators equipped with buckets or specialty mounding rakes. The excavator is best suited to difficult or sensitive sites and mounds can be tailored to the specific needs of the site. Excavator mounding rake. For additional information, see FERIC TN-180 [von der Gönna 1992] and FERIC TN-131 [Dorion 1989]. The Bräcke mounder has been used in B.C. since 1984. It is a two-row mounder having two hydraulically operated spades. The spades dig into the scalp and deposit mineral soil on the upper slope of the scalp or on the inverted surface material. 24 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Bräcke mounder. For additional information on the Bräcke mounder, see FRDA Handbook 002 [Coates and Haeussler 1987] and Maxwell [1989]. The Donaren 870H is a Swedish-built mounder. This mounder uses the same base assembly and hydraulics as the Donaren 180 and 280 disc trenchers. On the mounder, the traditional discs are replaced by two ripper wheels, each fitted with three toothed rippers. In 1992, the Donaren 870H was used opertionally in Alberta and was also demonstrated in B.C. Donaren 870 mounder. For more information on the Donaren 870H, see FERIC TN-200 [Hunt 1993]. The ministry spot mounder is a prototype mounder developed by the B.C. Ministry of Forests. The digging blades of the mounder, mounted on the ripper parallelogram, are hydraulically activated and electronically controlled. The digging cycle involves forcing the digging blades into the ground, raising the blades after a predetermined period and flipping the blades to invert the mound. Revised: December 1993 25 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Ministry of Forests spot mounder. For additional information on the ministry spot mounder, see FERIC TN-183 [Parker 1992] and Maxwell [1989]. 7.9 Mixing Appropriately executed mixing can control competing vegetation, increase soil temperature and aeration, decrease soil bulk density, improve soil water relations, and retain nutrients stored in surface organic layers making them immediately available to crop seedlings. However, inadequate mixing can stimulate competing vegetation and introduce air pockets. Coarse Mixing Implements Coarse mixing is accomplished using large discing implements that heap clods of surface organic and mineral soil layers into a bed. Coarse mixing provides little control of competing vegetation, but is beneficial where low soil temperatures and/or high soil water tables inhibit seedling growth. On sites with high competing vegetation potential, coarse mixing must be followed by planned brushing treatments. Coarse mixing can only be undertaken on relatively clean sites so much of the forest land in B.C. is unsuitable for this treatment. The Eden bedding plow has been used as a second-pass treatment on backlog sites in north central B.C. The plow consists of six large hydraulically controlled concave discs that are arranged three to a side, each offset and with the concave side of the discs facing inward. The bedding plow creates a continuous raised bed. 26 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Eden bedding plow. For additional information on the Eden bedding plow, see FERIC TN-149 [De Long 1990], and Maxwell [1989]. Fine Mixing Implements Fine mixing is used on sites with high potential for competing vegetation, where a high rotation speed is required to chop propagating plant parts into pieces sufficiently small to prevent them from resprouting. Fine mixing requires slow travel speeds to allow sufficient time to chop up the soil and vegetation. Fine mixing is suitable on fine-textured soils, with few cobbles or boulders. It is unsuitable on sites with the following conditions: stony or bouldery soils; coarse-textured soils with a thin humus layer; wet sites (unless they can be subsequently bedded or mounded). Fine mixing will result in shrubby vegetation complexes, such as willow or aspen, being replaced by herbaceous vegetation and grass. This shift in vegetation complex may not be desirable on certain ecosystems. The Madge rotoclear is designed for high-speed mixing. The Madge is a selfpowered machine pulled behind a prime mover. It drives a toothed rotor (width 2.3 m) up to 360 RPM. The rotor pulverizes and mixes the forest floor. The Madge is limited to sites that are relatively free of slash and stones. Revised: December 1993 27 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Madge rotoclear. For more information on the Madge rotoclear, see Maxwell [1989]. Spot Mixing Attachments Spot mixing is prescribed for sites where mixing is biologically appropriate, but where slash, stumps, or other obstacles prohibit use of strip mixing implements. Spot mixing is also used on sites where minimal soil disturbance is required. Spot mixing implements are usually mounted on excavators, as excavators are able to work on a wide range of sites. Two excavator attachments, the VH mulcher and the Hytest tilling mounder, have been specifically designed for mixing. For additional information on these attachments, see: FERIC Field Note 40 [von der Gönna 1992], FERIC Field Note 45 [Hunt 1992], and the video Excavators: Silvicultural Attachments and Treatments [1993]. Hytest tiller. 28 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical VH mulcher toolplates: the “screefer,” the “nine-tooth ripper,” and the “egg beater.” 7.10 Motormanual Scarification Attachments Various attachments have been developed for use with brush and chain saws. Most create small scalped patches, somewhat below the general ground level. The chain saw mounted Hawk Scarifier can make small, mixed mounds as well as scarified patches. Penetration to mineral soil with brush saw attachments may be difficult when roots are concentrated near the soil surface. For more information, see Maxwell [1989]. Hawk scarifier. Revised: December 1993 29 SITE PREPARATION Mechanical Procedures Manual Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch 8 Planning and Implementing the Site Preparation Project Initial planning for mechanical site preparation is conducted at the Pre-harvest Silviculture Prescription (PHSP) stage. The PHSP will state whether or not site preparation is required to achieve free growing stocking standards and other reforestation objectives. If the choice of mechanical site preparation has been made, the treatment type (e.g., scalping, mounding, or mixing) should be stated in general terms. Consideration should have been given to the costs and benefits of the various treatments (see Appendix 3, Equipment Comparison: Costs and Productivity, for comparative cost figures). If planting will be required, regional stocking standards and the number of acceptable naturals will determine the number and spacing of plantable spots to be prepared. If site preparation is for naturals, the amount and a definition of suitable seedbed should be stated. Following harvest, the appropriateness of the PHSP can be checked using the FS 117 form. This process fine-tunes the prescription since conditions present after harvest may not match those that were anticipated in the PHSP. Once the prescription has been confirmed and the treatment and equipment selected, the project is ready to be implemented. For additional information, refer to “Project Management” and Appendix 1, Forms Management. 8.1 Operational Considerations Timing Treatments to Minimize Site Disturbance The majority of mechanical site preparation is carried out during the summer and fall months, once sites have dried out sufficiently to allow machine traffic. The wetter the soil, the greater the risk of causing compaction and rutting damage. It is important to be aware of the compaction hazard of the site and to monitor soil moisture. At times, treatments such as shearing and piling should be carried out only after the ground is partially frozen. For more information, see Curran et al. [1993]. Treatment Pattern There are two main types of treatment patterns: back-and-forth and concentric. The concentric pattern is used to minimize the time spent turning, or when turning is difficult, for example, during drag scarification. When working in a concentric pattern, the operator begins along the outer edge of the cutover and continues to go around and around until the whole area is treated. The back-and-forth pattern is used when other considerations, such as planter access or aspect, take priority over machine productivity. The operator begins at one end of the cutover and drives back and forth in parallel runs, usually perpendicular to the 30 Revised: December 1993 Ministry of Forests Forest Practices Branch Procedures Manual SITE PREPARATION Mechanical road. The runs should be longer than 150 m to ensure that time spent turning is appropriate relative to the total working time. The treatment pattern may also have to be modified to accommodate site factors such as slope, bedrock, wet pockets or natural regeneration. Special Considerations On some sites, integrated resource management may result in areas requiring modified treatment. Two examples are given below: Yew – The discovery of a cancer treating agent in yew bark has resulted in the protection of yew trees being a high priority. If yew trees are left on a block to be treated following harvesting, ensure that the site preparation contractor is aware of this at the pre-work conference. Wildlife Trees – The protection of wildlife trees has received considerable attention recently. Such trees, protected through harvesting, should be identified and should not be disturbed by site preparation operations. Such trees may have modified work zones flagged out where machine traffic is not allowed, or where it may not be safe for ground workers. In any case, designated wildlife trees should be pointed out to the site preparation contractor or operator at the pre-work conference. For further information, see Wildlife tree management in British Columbia [Backhouse 1993]. Safety Safe operating techniques and procedures are always important. In site preparation, unlike harvesting operations, the contractor is usually operating in isolation from other equipment or activities. Therefore, it is desirable to operate equipment in pairs whenever possible. Prime movers should always be equipped with a two-way radio or mobile telephone. Fire safety is also a concern, especially during periods of dry weather. Sparks can fly from the prime mover, or implements, and can ignite ground vegetation or logging debris. Welding, cutting, and metal grinding should not be performed in the cutover. During periods of high fire hazard, personnel with firefighting equipment should be posted to watch over the workplace after treatment has ended, and after machine repair work has been completed. Site preparation operations should be equipped with safety and firefighting equipment as specified by the ministry. Complete directions for firefighting must be supplied by the supervisory staff. Revised: December 1993 31