Proposal patents




I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

F i i i r r r s t t t N A M E


E m e r r i i t t u s P r r o f f e s s o r

F a c u l l l t t t y o f f f A p p l l l i i i e d C h e m i i i s t t t r r r y a n d M a t t t e r r r i i i a l l l s S c i i i e n c e

D e p a r r t t t m e n t t t o f f f

I I I n o r r g a n i i i c C h e m i i i s t t t r r y

, , , P h y s i i i c a l l l C h e m i i i s t t t r r y &

E l l l e c t t t r r o c h e m i i i s t t t r r y

G r r o u p o f f f

C o n t t t a c t t t D e t t t a i

Polizu” Campus i i l l l s

1-7 Gh. Polizu Street, S1, 011061 Bucharest, ROMANIA

Building: I

Room: 321

Tel.: +4012 4023986

Fax: +4021 3154193


B i i i o g r r r a p h y















Emeritus Professor, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry & Electrochemistry Department,

Politehnica University of Bucharest

Emeritus Professor, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Professor, PhD supervisor in Engineering Sciences-Inorganic Chemistry (13 doctors, 10 PhD students), Politehnica University of Bucharest

Professor, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Associate Professor, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Senior Lecturer, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest

Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, Mining Institute of Petrosani

Assistant Researcher, ICMIN Petrosani

Minerals Metals and Environment NATO seminar, Varna, Bulgaria

Diplôme approfondie Langue Française, Ministére d’Education Nationale de la République Francaise

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Thesis

Title: ” Separation and concentration of some ions by flotation ”, Thesis Supervisor: Prof. dr. doc.

Al. Duca

M.Sc. (Graduate Engineer/Diplomate engineer), Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Faculty of Industrial




I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

R e s e a r r r c h

Research Interests

Competence area:

Applied Inorganic Chemistry :

the synthesis and characterisation of inorganic materials;

the synthesis and characterisation of oxide precursors from the liquid phase by coprecipitation


recovery of ionic, molecular species and deficit materials.

Separation and Recovery from aqueous systems of useful compounds by ion-flotation, related techniques and combinated methods :

recovery and depollution; decontamination of aqueous systems;

theoretical aspects of flotation (appearances of separation equilibrium and kinetics, main influencing factors, electrokinetic properties; new classes of collectors);

the study of surface active agents influence (STA) and of M-STA and M





extension of applicability area of ion flotation and its variants.

Researches concerning separation science in aqueous systems by nonconventional methods i.e. Ion-molecular flotation, sorbtion and colloidal flotation , represent a actual subject of the last 40 years in water chemistry.

The experimental results justify the interest of many specialists for this field, for the group of adsorptive bubbles techniques, flotation and its variants.

In Romania, in the Inorganic Chemistry, Phisical-Chemistry and Electrochemistry Department of the Applied

Chemistry and Materials Science Faculty, UPB, there is a researching group with such interest area from 1978, lead by


STOICA LIGIA who started the research in this particular domain in 1978 with her Eng.D thesis.

Flotation proved to be an interesting interdisciplinary research field, with many applications in depollution, recycling of useful compounds and inorganic compounds synthesis.

The systems studied are generally new, unstudied in literature and suitable for industrial application.

Main Research Activities:


Applied inorganic chemistry :

Ionic species recovery (metallic cations Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cr(III), Zn(II) et al.; anions PO


3 AsO


3, MoO





, et al.) useful compounds (Pd, Ag) from aqueous systems by flotation variants and recycling;

The characterization of the species isolated in the separation processing;

Simple and mixed oxides precursors synthesis from the liquid phase by precipitate/complexation flotation;

Depollution of wastewaters containing toxic elements (As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Ra, Cr).


Recovery proceedings in aqueous systems by flotation, related techniques and combinated methods:


Decontamination of ( 226 Ra);

Theoretical principles of flotation:

Equilibrium aspects and separation kinetic ;

Electro-kinetic properties;

The influence of surface active agents;

The flotation separation mechanism;

New classes of collector reagents study.

The study of M-STA and M




-STA interaction using physico-chemical methods for coordinative chemistry.

The main research is concentrated on the study of some impure aqueous systems with inorganic and organic species (Cu(II), Ag(I), Cd(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Fe(III), Ti(IV), Zr(IV), Ce(III), La(III), Ra(II), Mo(VI),

Pd(II), Cr(III), dyes, detergents, petroleum products, pesticides et al.), and recycling the isolated products.

The research works were financed by grants CNCSIS and national programs ( MCT, MEN, ANSTI, INCD-ECOIND


) and were used to produce some depollution technologies.

The experience gained in solving the problems mentioned above and the collaboration with specialists from the same area from Grece, Germany, Portugal, United Kindom was used to create the monography „Ion and Molecular

Flotation” published by Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucharest, 1997, (348 pag.)



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

The scientific papers published in various ICI revues and/or presented at different International Congresses ar

Symposiums were greatly appreciated and demanded by specialists from the same field.

In order to help the extension of this separation science domain, very complex and multy-disciplinary by the complexity of the problems to solve, and to help the future specialists interested in this field, we introduced the optional course

„Separation and recovery precesses of polutants by ion-flotation” to the V th year of Environment Protection until

2003/2004 and VI th year Advanced Studies of Faculty of Industrial Chemistry-UPB. We also provide laboratory practical works for this course.

By personal efforts and having the Inorganic Department support, we managed to create a representative group in separation techniques science, formed by experimented stuff and young scientists and students. The main works were finalised by graduation papers (1-3/year), 12 PhD thesis and 1 thesis in co-tutela supervisor.

Selected Research Projects

>100 research contracts, grants and projects (~80 in flotation area as general manager, supervisor and member in research team)

Pb(II) removable from wastewater by flotation , BENA-TITAN S.A., 2011, Project manager;

Utilization of Nuclear Technique for agrochemical and ecological efficiency determination of same nonconventional nutrients, CNMP, PNII 2008-2011;

Promotion of Green Technology based on photoinduced oxidation processes in treatment of waters with pesticide conten, CNMP, PNII 2008-2011, UPB Project manager;

Ion flotation-Advanced technology for metallic ions contamination levigates treatment, CNMP, PNII


Advanced Depollution Proceeding for levigates treatment by ion flotation, CNMP, PNI 2007-2010;

Recovery cleaning up of aqueous systems with Cr(III) content, BENA-TUBORG S.A., 2007, Project manager;

Magnetorezistive materials: synthesis and characterization, CERES, 2003-2004, UPB Project manager;

Cd(II) and Pb(II) pollutant separation from aqueous systems and their recovery as oxides and salts,

BENA-TUBORG S.A, 2003, Project manager;

The study of cromium concentrate recovery way from the wastes provided in tannery plant, INCDTP- ICPI

Department, 2002, Project manager;

Nonconventional recovery methods for poly-component aqueous systems, CNCSIS 2001, 2002;

Some useful metals recovery from aqueous poly-component systems and their recycling as oxide-precursors / project CNCSIS, 2001, 2002, Project manager;

Metallic ions recovery from aqueous systems and recycling of useful compunds as simple or mixed oxides / project CNCSIS 2001, Project manager;

Nonconventional methods for de-polution of anions impure aqueous systems and useful compunds recovery as oxides or salts, ANSTI 2000-2002, Project manager;

The study of Cr(III) recovery from wastewaters provided by tannery industry , INCDTP- ICPI Department, 2000,

2001, Project manager;

Useful metals recovery from aqueous systems using nonconventional methods and their recycling as oxides,

ANSTI 2000, Project manager;

Metallic ions recovery from aqueous systems and their recycling as oxides precursors , CNCSIS, 1999, Project manager;

Colour removal from aquoues systems by complexant-flotation techniques, ANSTI 1996-1999, Project manager;

The study of some complexant collectors in ion-flotation , I.C.P.M.R.R., 1996, Project manager;

Separation and recovery by flotation , ANSTI, 1995-2000, Project manager.




I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

A c a d e m i i i c i i i n t t t e r r r e s t t t s

Teaching activity

Studies Program Name/Faculty Code Title Activity type




Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Inorganic Technology and

Environmental Protection

Materials Science and Engineering –

FILS / French Filiere

Environmental Protection

Engineering Science – Chemical

Engineering- Applied Inorganic Chemistry

General Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Elements and Compounds Chemistry

Pollutants Separation and Recovery

Processes by Ion Flotation

Chimie minerale

Pollutants Separation and Recovery

Processes by Ion Flotation

Pollutants Separation and Recovery

Processes by Ion Flotation and variants







Cours /


Cours /


Cours /


Cours /


Seminars and laboratories for all mentioned courses. On base of acumulated experience in teaching activity I participate like coordinating and author for elaboration of unic book for metalurgical students: “General Chemistry and Technical Analysis”, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 1983 and 1991 (525 pag);

Initiator of course named Polutants Separation and Recovery Processes by Ion Flotation - University “Politehnica”

Bucarest, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, VI year (advanced studies), master and doctoral school. Suggested course represents the competence area starting by my Eng.D thesis which was considered pioneer of this domain in Romania.

Later on I develop this area in all my cariere;

University degree design supervisor: (1-3/year) in 1978-1996 period for students of Inorganic Technology and

Envitonmental Protection Department from the Faculty;

Dissertation supervisor: 18;

Eng.D supervisor: 13 (1 co-tutela) PhD and 10 Eng.D students

Technical activity

Designed of laboratory instalation for separations by flotation;

Elaborated of clean up technology in more 100 contracts, grants si projects;

Organized didactic laboratory of: General Chemistry and Technical Analyses for Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty, Chimie minerale for Engineering Sciences French Filiere- Materials Science, Flotation for advanced study, master and PhD students;

Organized research laboratory in separatology domain by flotation and combinated processes.

Other Teaching



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

H o n o u r r r s a n d A w a r r r d s

Invited Lectures and Presentations

2002-2004, Invited professor at post graduated courses, Balkan Environmental Association – B.EN.A, Bucharest,


2004, Invited professor and research area, University of Science Padova, Italy, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and

Materials Science.


2005 INVENTICA 2005 for Patent 114641/12.07.1994;

2001 B.EN.A – Tuborg Award for research results in Project 214/2001, „ Nonconventional method for the recovery-depolution of aqueous systems impurified with metallic ions” ( STOICA LIGIA - supervisor).


2008 FACSM - UPB excellency;

2008 Vlasinesti Mayoralty excellency, Botosani District;

2005 UPB excellency

2004 CEMS - UPB praiseworthy for activity and scientific contribution

2000 Hardworking, Daniel Mitropolite

Membership of Professional Bodies

Member of Romanian Chemistry Society;

Member of Romanian Biomaterials Society (BIOMAT);

Member of New York Science Academy;

Member of Water Chemistry Commission of Romanian Academy;

Member of Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.).

Other Significant Activities

Scientific referent to “Water Research” London, “Chemical Revue” Bucharest, “Separation Science and Technology”,

New York; “International Journal of Environment and Waste Management”, Geneva, Elvetia.;

Supervisor for National Programs ;

Member on scientific board of INCD-ECOIND Bucharest;

Member of Organizing and Scintific Committees of National/International Chemical and Chemical Engineering

Conferences UPB, INCD-ECOIND;

Member of Scientific Commity of B.EN.A International Conferences;

Member in professors board of Industrial Chemistry Faculty, UPB;

Member in professors board of Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, UPB (more legislatures);

Member in PhD commissions .

Plenary Lectures




I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

Further Information


P u b l l l i i i c a t t t i i i o n s ( ( ( S e l l l e c t t t i i i v e ) ) )

Journal Articles

>160 papers published in professional review(~60 abroad)

>94 citations in ISI Web knowledge (>31 aotocitation)

Papers in ICI revues:

Stoica, L., Craioveanu, M.G., Constantin, C., Cr(III) Removal from Aqueous Systems by

Flotation with Atypical Collector , UPB Sci. Bull., Series B: Chem. Mat. Sci.

, Ed. Politehnica Press,

2013, 75, 1, 135-148, ISSN 1454-2331;

Stanescu, A.M., Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Immobilization of Cu(II) Ions from Aqueous Systems into Eco-friendly, Low-cost Biomaterial , UPB Sci. Bull., Series B: Chem. Mat. Sci.

, Ed. Politehnica

Press, 2013,75, 1, 113-124, ISSN 1454-2331;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Calin, C., Floride Removal from Aqueous Solutions by

Sorbtion-flotation , UPB Sci. Bull., Series B: Chem. Mat. Sci.

, Bucharest, 2012, 74, 4, 87-102, ISSN

1454-2331, ISSN 1454-2331;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Lacatusu, I., Collector Reagents for Heavy Metal Ions Separation from

Polluted Aqueous Systems , J. Envir. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2012, Vol. 13, No. 2, 486-496, ISSN


Stoica, L., Lacatusu, I., Cu(II) Separation from Diluted Aqueous Solutions by Flotation with

Atypical Collectors anti and syn 2-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butyl-benzaldoxime , Int. J. Envir. Waste

Management , 2012, 9, 3-4, 293-312;

Lacatusu, I., Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Separation of Cu(II) from Water by Flotation with

Hydroxyaromatic Chelating Collectors , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 2010, 61, 11, 1059-1065;

Oproiu, G., Lacatusu, I., Stoica, L., Examination of Kinetic Flotation Process for Two

Experimental Cu(II) and Ni(II)

-benzoinoxime Systems Based on Kinetic Literature Models ,

Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 2009, 60, 6, 641-645;

Nicolau, M., Bumbac, C., Ciprian, D., Stoica, L., Activated Sludge Inhibition Tests for

Acrylic/Methacrylic Acids and Derivates , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2008, 9, 3, 513-521;

Stoica, L., Irimia, A., Oproiu, G.C., Ordeanu, V., Kinetic Modelling of As(V) Separation by

Dissolved Air Flotation , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 2008, 59, 4, 379-383;



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

Stoica, L., Irimia, A., As(V) Recovering-Separation from Aqueous Systems by DAF Technique ,

Sep. Sci. & Technol.

, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2007, 42, 3, 541-667;

Aldica, G., Plapcianu, C., Badica, P., Valsangiacom, C., Stoica, L., Synthesis by Oxalic (Citric)

Route and Electrical and Magnetic Characterization of Sr




Perovskite , Journal of

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2007, 311, 2, 665-670;

Cocu, F., Stoica, L., Lacatusu, I., Synthesis of 2-hydroxi-5-nonilbenzaldoxime and

N-(2-hidroxi-5-nonilbenzil)aspartic Acid, Potential Collectors in Ion Flotation , Rev. de Chim.


Bucharest, 2005, 56, 12, 1252-1256;

Stoica, L., Razvan, A., Removal of Cd(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Flotation , Rev. de


, Bucharest, 2005, 56, 4, 349-354;

Stoica, L., Micu, O., Roman, S., Separation by Ion Flotation of Bi(III) from Aqueous Systems ,

Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 2004, 55, 4, 211-216;

Stoica, L., Micu, O., Lacatusu, I., Constantin, C., Recovering Separation of Ni(II) and Fe(III) from

Aqueous Systems by Flotation (DAF) , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2004, 5, 4, 892-897;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Gaidau, A., Lacatusu, I., Removal of Cr(III) Ions from Tannery

Aqueous Systems , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2004, 5, 4, 885-891;

Stoica, L., Rotaru, N., Recovering Depollution of Dyes from Aqueous Solution , J. Environ.

Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2004, 5, 2, 354-359;

Stanciu, L.,.Groza, J., Stoica, L., Plapcianu, C., Influence of powder precursors on reaction sintering of Al




, Scripta materialia , 2004, 50, 1259-1262;

Stoica, L., Oproiu, G., Cu(II) recovery from aqueous systems by flotation , Sep. Sci. & Technol.


Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2004, 39, 4, 889-905;

Stoica, L., Oproiu, G., Roman, S., Pb(II) and Bi(III) Separation by Flotation from Aqueous

Systems. Cinetic Aspects , Rev. de Chimie , Bucharest, 2004, 55, 4, 5-10;

Stoica, L., Roman, S., Micu, O., Separation by Ionic Flotation of Pb(II) from Aqueous System ,

Rev. de Chimie (English), Bucharest, 2003, 54, 7, 573-578;

Stoica, L., Oproiu, G., Cosmeleata, R., Dinculescu, M., Kinetics of Cu 2+ Separation by Flotation ,

Sep. Sci. & Technol.

, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2003, 38, 3, 613-633, ISSN 0149-6395;

Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Razvan, A., Micu, O., Plapcianu, C., The Use of Precipitate - Flotation as New

Route for Mixed Oxides Precursors Obtaining , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2002, 3, 1,

191-195, ISSN 1311-5065;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Cioloboc, I., Alkylhydroxamic Acids as New Collectors in Ion and

Precipitate Flotation , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2002, 3, 1, 180-186, ISSN 1311-5065;

Stoica, L., Dima, G., Biosorbtion-Flotation as Unconventional Method for Cd(II) and Pb(II)

Separation from Aqueous Systems , Rev. de Chimie (English), Bucharest, 2002, 53, 4, 303-308;

Stoica, L., Lupu, A., Constantin, C., Dinu, F., Tanase, O., New Collectors Use for Separation and

Recovery of Cu(II) from Aqueous Systems by Flotation , J. Environ. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2001, 2,

4, 1009-1015, ISSN 1311-5065;



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Meghea, A., Micu, O., Alkylhydroxamic Acids with Cu(II) and Co(II)

Interaction in Metallic Ion Flotation , J. Envir. Protect. Ecol.

, Sofia, 2001, 2, 4, 1015-1019, ISSN


Stoica, L., Oproiu, G., Ordeanu, A., Kinetic Aspects of Cu(II) Separation by Flotation with

Anionic Collector , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 2000, 51, 6, 409-413;

Stoica, L., Meghea, A., Renher, H., Filip, D. Mihalache, R, Roman, S., Mo(VI) Separation from

Solution by Adsorption on Active Carbon , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1999, 50, 7, 505-512;

Stoica, L., Jitaru, I, Radu, N., Removal and Recovery of Phosphate Anions from Waste Waters by

Flotation Technique , J. Inorg. Phosphorus Chem.

, Phosphorus Research Bull., Tokyo, 1999, 10,


Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Guran, C., Razvan, A., Roman, S., Co(II)- hydroxosulphamino Complexes

Separated by Dissolved Air Flotation , Sci. and Tech.for Envir. Protect.

, 1998, vol.5, 58-67;

Stoica, L., Dinculescu, M., Plapceanu, C., Mn(II) Recovery from Aqueous Systems by Dissolved

Air Flotation , Water Research , London, 1998, 32, 10, 3021-3030;

Stoica, L., Filip, D., Razvan, A., Decontamination of the Uranium Processing Effluents

Containing 226 Ra(II) , Chemistry, Energy and Environment , Royal Society in Chemistry,

Lisabona-Portugalia, Ed. C.A.C. , 1998, Sequeira, 397-403

Stoica, L., Filip, D., Filip, Gh., Razvan, A., Radulescu, E., Removal of 226 Ra(II) from Uranium

Mining and Processing Effluents , J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chem.

, Edit. by Springer, Netherlands,

1998, 229, 1-2, 139-142;

Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Guran, C., Razvan, A., Palladium (II) Hydroxoaminocomplexes Separated by

Dissolved Air Flotation , Revue Roum. de Chimie , Bucharest, 1997, 5, 373-378;

Stoica, L., Georgescu, I., Filip, D., Bunus, F., Determination of Valuable Elements in Natural

Phosfates , J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chem.

, Edit. by Springer, Netherlands, 1997, 216, 2, 161-163;

Stoica, L., Oproiu, G., Nonconventional Methods for Separating the Metallic Ions from Aqueous

Systems. I. Cu(II) Separation by Ultrafiltration (UF) and Flotation with Dispersed Air (DF) ,

1996, Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1996, 47, 6, 539-547;

Stoica, L., Catuneanu, R., Filip, Gh., Decontamination of Solutions Containing Radioactive

Substances by Dissolved Air Flotation , Water Research , 1995, London, 29, 9, 2108-2112;

Stoica, L., Razvan, A., Cu(II) Flotation-Separation from Diluted Solutions with Amidoamine

Type Collectors , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1995, 46, 8, 746-751;

Stoica, L., Guran, C., Andronescu, Ec., Jitaru, I., Ni(II) Hydroxosulfatoamino Complexes

Separated by Dissolved Air Flotation , Revue Roum. de Chimie , Bucharest, 1994, 10, 1179-1185;

Stoica, L., Magyar, L., Pomoje, I., Marcu, R., Recovering Separation of Cu(II) from Dilute

Solution by Flotation with Anionic Collector. Caracterization of the Collector-Colligand

Interaction , Periodica Polytehnica Budapest Ser. Chem. Eng.

, 1993, 37, 3-4, 157-167;

Stoica, L., Dinculescu, M., Nedelcu, Gh., Co(II)-2-ethylhexanoate Complex Compounds

Separated by Flotation , Revue Roum. de Chimie , Bucharest, 1992, 5, 587-594;



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

Stoica, L., Catuneanu, R., Bejan, C., Nicolau, M., Bretan, V., Recovery of Metallic Ions from

Wastewater by Flotation , Revue Roum. de Chimie , Bucharest, 1990, 1, 31-39;

Stoica, L., Cu(II) Recoverable Separation with Anionic Collector from Diluted Aqueous

Solutions by Flotation , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1989, 40, 12, 970-976;

Stoica, L., Separation by Flotation of Cu(II) from Diluted Solutions with Aminic Collectors ,

Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1988, 39, 11, 947-953;

Stoica, L., Catuneanu, R., Bejan, C., Iliescu, R., Separation and Recovery of Dyes by Flotation Out of Used Baths , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest, 1987, 38, 1, 18-25;

Stoica, L., Duca, Al., Albastru Microdis Dye Separation by Flotation , Rev. de Chim.

, Bucharest,

1980, 11, 1077-1084;

Stoica, L., Separation by Flotation of Neionic Detergent Triton X-100 from Wastewaters , Bul.

Stiintific UPB , Bucharest, 1980, 2, 89-95;

Duca, Al., Stoica, L., Ti(IV) Separation by Flotation from Dilluted Solutions as Complex with

Stearylamine , Bul. Stiintific IPB , Bucharest, 1978, 1, 53-62.

Papers in proceedings (international conferences):

Dinu, L., Stoica, L., Nitoi, I., Bumbac, C., Patroescu, V., Moise, A., Anionic Surfactants Oxidation

Using AOPs and a Novel “In-Foam UV/Air Oxidation” Process

, Global and Regional

Environmental Protection , Vol.2, 66-69, Ed. Politehnica, Timisoara, 2010, ISBN

978-606-554-210-5, ISBN 978-606-554-212-9 Vol.2;

Calin, C., Oproiu, G., Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Removal of Flouride Ion from Liquid Media by

Flotation Kinetic Aspects , Global and Regional Environmental Protection , Vol.1, 276-280, Ed.

Politehnica, Timisoara, 2010, ISBN 978-606-554-210-5, ISBN 978-606-554-211-2 Vol.1;

Stefanescu, M., Stoica, L., Dinu, L., Constantin, L., Badescu, V., Boboc, O., Study of the Main

Factors with Significant Influence in the Stabilization/Inertization Process of the Sludge with

Heavy Metals and Arsenic Content Using Portland Cement , Global and Regional Environmental

Protection , Vol.1, 253-256, Ed. Politehnica, Timisoara., 2010, ISBN 978-606-554-210-5, ISBN

978-606-554-211-2 Vol.1;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Micu, O., Lacatusu, I., Oproiu, G., Cr(VI) Separation from Aqueous

System by Reduction-Precipitation-Flotation (DAF) , Global and Regional Environmental

Protection , Vol.1, 126-129, Ed. Politehnica, Timisoara, 2010, ISBN 978-606-554-210-5, ISBN

978-606-554-211-2 Vol.1

Stoica, L., Irimia, A., Arsenic Separation from Dilute Aqueous Systems by Sorption - Flotation ,

Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCCE XIV,

Bucharest Romania, Proc.

Vol. 1, 2005, ISBN 973-718-284-7, 973-718-285-5, p. 117 - 121;

Voicu, A.V., Stoica, L., Irimia, A., Ionica, M., Caragea, G., Forje, M., Ordeanu, V., Research for

Arsenic Decontamination of Aqueous Systems by Sorptive Flotation , 10 th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005;



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t

Stoica, L., Lacatusu, I., Ion Flotation in Cu(II)-α-benzoinoxime Complexes from Diluted

Aqueous Systems , Proc. of 13 th

Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical

Engineering , Bucuresti, 2003, Vol I, 29-34, ISBN 973-652-385-3;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Micu, O., Cu(II) Separation and Recovery from Mining Aqueous

Systems by Flotation (DAF) Using Alkylhydroxamic Collector , Tailing and Mine Waste’02 , A. A.

Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield, 2002, 365-369, ISBN 90 5809 353 0;

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Micu, O., Meghea, A., New Collectors for Co(II) and Ni(II) Removal from Aqueous System by Flotation (DAF) , Mineral Processing on the verge of 21 st


Antalya Proc., 2000, 241-246;

Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Plapcianu, C., Razvan, A., Nonconventional Methods for Oxides Precursors

Synthesis from Diluted Aqueous Systems , Novel Chemistry Processing , 2000, No.61, 23-33, ISSN


Stoica, L., Plapcianu, C., Toacsan, M., Nita, P., Ioachim, A., Al




Ceramics Obtained by

Non-Conventional Methods


, Proc. Europrean Conference on Hard Materials,

Torino, 1999, 429-434;

Stoica, L., Dima, G., Micu, O., Oancea, D., Oproiu, G., Heavy Metal Ions Removal by

Biosorption-Flotation on Mycelial Wasters , Proc.

Mine, Water & Environment , IMWA'99, Sevilla,

Proc., II, 1999, 481-486;

Stoica, L., Dima, G., Heavy Metal Ions Removal by Biosorption on Mycelial Wasters , Proc.

Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment Toward , IBS’99, Madrid, Proc., 1999, 2, 409-417, ISBN


Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Micu, O., Georgescu, D., Cioloboc, I., Petrescu, S., Co(II) Removal from

Aqueous Systems by Dissolved Air Flotation Using Alkylhydroxamic Acids (AH) , Proc. of VIII

Balkan Mineral Processing Conference , Belgrad, 1999, 1, 201-209, ISBN 86-7352-046-0;

Stoica, L., Iuhasz, T., Bardan, N., Razvan, A., Filip, D., Oproiu, G., Removal of 226 Ra(II) from the

Uranium Mine and Ground Water , Proc. Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology , Freiberg, Germania,

1998, 330-339, ISBN 3-87361-267-4;

Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Georgescu, D., Filip, D., Razvan, A., Petrescu, S., Molybdenum Recovery from

Aqueous Residual Solutions in Uranium Ores Processing , Proc. Uranium Mining and

Hydrogeology, Freiberg, Germania, 1998, 319-330, ISBN 3-87361-267-4;

Stoica, L., Razvan, A., Palladium (II) Separation from Aqueous Systems by Dissolved Air

Flotation and Its Recovery as Oxyde or Metal , Proc. Environment & Inovation in Mining and

Mineral Technology , Santiago de Chile, 1998, vol.I.,383-389, ISSN 956-227-157-9;

Stoica, L., Meghea, A., Constantin, C., Metallic Ions Separation and Recovery from Mining

Aqueous Systems by Flotation (DAF) Using Alkylhydroxamic Collectors , Proc. Environment &

Inovation in Mining and Mineral Technology , Santiago de Chile, 1998, vol.I., 367-383, ISSN


Stoica, L., Jitaru, I., Guran, C., Razvan, A, Filip, D., Purification of Aqueous Solutions Containing

Metallics Ions Cd(II), Cu(II) from Mining Industry, Proc. Metals and Environment , Praga, 1996,

237-250, ISBN 1-870706-31-5.



I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t


17 books (5-Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, 3-Editura Tehnica, 5Editura Printech, 1Tipo I.P.B.), 6 as unique author;

26 Practical Laboratory guidebooks , Tipo-I.P.B. and Editura Printech for students

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Flotation Separation/Depollution Method by Adsorptive Bubbles ,

2013, in press (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Aqueous Systems Depollution II , Ed. Politehnica Press, 350 pag., ISBN

978-606-515-174-1, 2012, in press (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Constantin C., Aqueous Systems Depollution I , Ed. Politehnica Press, 362 pag., 2010,

ISBN 978-606-515-174-1, Vol.I 978-606-515-175-8 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Cosmeleata, R., Lacatusu, I., Biochemistry for Medical Engineering , Ed. Printech, 300 pag., 2005, ISBN 973-718-169-7 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Inorganic Chemistry II , Ed. Printech, 344 pag., 2002, 2003, 2005, Elements and

Compounds Chemistry II , 340 pag., 2006-2011, ISBN 973-652-375-6 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Inorganic Chemistry – Proposed and resolved applications , Ed. Printech, 130 pag.,

2001, 2003-2011, ISBN 973-652-318-7 (in Romanian) ;

Stoica, L., Inorganic Chemistry I , Ed. Printech, 240 pag. 2000, 2004, Elements and Compounds

Chemistry I , 255 pag.+anexes, 2005-2011, ISBN 973-652-298-9 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Ion and Molecular Flotation , Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 348 pag., 1997, ISBN

973-30-3012-0 (in Romanian) ;

Stoica, L., Constantinescu, I., Marculetiu, V.T., General chemistry through problems exercises and tests , Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 350 pag., 1993, ISBN 973-30-2751-0 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Constantinescu, I., Nascu, H., Alexandru, R., Lupu, I., Onu, P., General chemistry and technical analysis , Editia II-a, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 1983, ed II 1991 (in Romanian);

Stoica, L., Constantinescu, Ir., Marculetiu, V. T., Chemistry for metalurgists , Ed. Tehnica, 1987 (in


Stoica, L., Marculetiu, V.T., General Chemistry , Tipo IPB, 120 pag., 1980 (in Romanian);

Marculetiu, V. T., Stoica, L., Constantinescu, Ir., Calculations in general and inorganic chemistry ,

Ed. Tehnica, 1976, ed II 1981 (in Romanian);

Georgescu, A., Stoica, L., Chemistry problems and exercises, Ed. Did. si Ped., 180 pag., 1966 (in







I I I C A U n i i i v e r r s i i i t t t y o f f f B u c h a r r e s t t t



14 patents and 3 proposed patent in 2010, 2011, 2012 (7 in flotation area)

Stoica, L., Filip, D., Florian, A., Vacariu, V.T., Procedeu de separare a componentelor organice a molibdenului si a silicei coloidale din solutii uranifere , Brevet nr. 114641 din12.07.1994;

Stoica, L., Bejan, C., Catuneanu, R., Petrescu, M., Frumuselu, D., Procedeu de epurare a apelor reziduale impurificate cu detergenti prin coagulare-flotatie , Brevet nr. 94263 din 22.10.1987;

Stoica, L., Catuneanu, R., Bejan, C., Dinculescu, M., Nicolau, M., Procedeu de recuperare a Co(II) din apele reziduale prin precipitare-flotatie , Brevet nr. 94262 din 21.10.1987;

Bejan, C., Pincovschi, E., Catuneanu, R., Stoica, L., Procedeu de obtinere a polifosfatului de sodiu catenar , Brevet nr. 90285 din 21.08.1981;

Stoica, L., Duca, Al., Tocaci, L., Jitaru, I., Oniciu, I., Procedee de recuperarea titanului din apele reziduale (prin flotaţie) , Brevet nr. 77546 din 29.04.1981;

Stoica, L., Duca, Al., Procedeu de recuperare a cuprului din ape reziduale (prin flotatie) , Brevet nr. 79395 din 29.05.1980;

Duca, Al., Stoica, L., Procedeu de eliminare a colorantilor din apele reziduale (prin flotatie) ,

Brevet nr. 75392 din 29.04.1980.

Proposal patents:

Stoica, L., Constantin, C., Nicolau, M., Nitoi, I., Procedeu combinat de indepartare a ionilor Fe(II,

III) din sisteme apoase postoxidare pesticide , 1025/18.12.2012;

Constantin, C., Stoica, L.,Cimpeanu, S., Manole, E., Tomuta, S.M., Procedeu combinat de indepartare a unor ioni metalici din apa de mina si levigate , 927/21.09.2011;

Constantin, C., Stoica, L., Cimpeanu, S., Manole, E., Olaru, V., Procedeu combinat de indepartare a unor nutrienti din levigate , 822/14.09.2010.

