Office Employee Policies

Office Employee Policies
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employment Relationship
Harassment & Discrimination
Compensation Policies
Work Schedule
Personal Time Off
VII. Leaves of Absence
VIII. Health Insurance
401(k) Savings Plan
Workers’ Compensation
XII. Use/Protection of Property
XIII. Workshops and Trainings
XIV. Performance Reviews
XV. Termination
XVI. Safety
XVII. Vehicles
XVIII. Smoking
XIX. Drugs and Alcohol
XX. Interaction with Students
XXI. Respect and Cooperation
XXII. Mediation
XXIII. Outdoor School Policies
XXIV. Phone Calls and E-mails
XXV. Conflicts of Interest
XXVI. Confidentiality and Privacy
XXVII. Professionalism
Equal Employment Opportunity
The Mosaic Project maintains a policy of equal employment opportunity for all employees and
applicants for employment.
Employment Relationship
All employment with The Mosaic Project is at-will. This means that either The Mosaic Project or
the employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time without notice or cause. The
at-will nature of the employment relationship cannot be changed by any verbal or written
representations made by any Mosaic Project employee, except by a written agreement between
the Executive Director of The Mosaic Project and the employee specifically stating that the at-will
relationship does not apply for the named employee. Employees should also understand that
other terms and conditions of their employment including, but not limited to, the specific job, hours
of work, benefits, or compensation can be modified, changed, or terminated by The Mosaic Project
without notice or cause.
Harassment & Discrimination
The Mosaic Project is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination and harassment
of any kind. Specifically, The Mosaic Project will not tolerate any type of discrimination or
harassment, including sexual harassment or harassment based on gender, pregnancy, childbirth or
other related medical conditions. This is in keeping with our policy of zero tolerance of
discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, national origin, ancestry,
religion, creed, age, physical or mental or psychological disability, marital status, sexual
orientation, family care leave status or veteran status. All such discrimination and harassment is
illegal and will not be tolerated. Please see our full Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment,
Including Sexual Harassment, for further details and reporting procedures.
Compensation Policies
Pay Period
Fulltime employees are paid monthly. Employees will be paid on the last day of each
month. When a payday falls on a weekend or holiday, paychecks will be distributed on
the last working day prior to the weekend/holiday.
Payroll Deductions
Employee earnings and payroll deductions are shown on the payroll check voucher.
Deductions required by Federal and State Laws include: Federal Income Tax, State
Income Tax, Social Security Tax, State Disability Insurance, Garnishments/Wage
Attachments, and any other deductions required by law.
Non-exempt (administrative and non-management) employees will be paid overtime
according to applicable wage and hour laws. Overtime is calculated at the end of each
month and paid on the 15th of the following month. Salaried, exempt employees will not
be paid overtime.
Pay Increases
Salary increases are based on merit and on other factors. Increases may follow a
performance review and take effect at the beginning of the next pay period.
Time Reporting
Every hourly employee is required to report their time worked on a daily basis, listing
time present for work, and delineating the program for each hour worked. Every
exempt employee is required to report their time by program on a weekly basis. For
every work week, each employee will split their time by percentage amongst the
following categories: Outdoor School, Youth Leadership, MISP/MPDP, MCP, Shared,
Admin and Fundraising. All employees will have their own google doc file of entries
which will be checked regularly by the Business Manager.
Work Schedule
The standard work schedule for all fulltime employees is 40 hours/week during a five-day workweek, excluding lunchtime. The Mosaic Project has a flextime policy. Employees may choose an
arrangement of hours and days within the parameters of their job description which is mutually
agreeable to the employee and supervisor.
Personal Time Off (PTO)
Employees may take up to 26 days of personal time off a year to use for various reasons at their
discretion (e.g. vacation, holidays, personal or family illness, doctor appointments, etc.) Personal
time off is accrued at a rate of 2.17 days per month for fulltime employees. This will be prorated for
part-time employees. Exempt employees will use PTO in full days, while hourly and non-exempt
employees will use PTO in actual time off (hours and partial hours). Scheduled personal time off
must be approved by the Executive Director with as much notice as possible, preferably with at
least two weeks’ notice. (The Mosaic Project understands that in the case of illness, this will not be
possible.) All efforts will be made to accommodate personal time off requests as long as they do
not negatively impact The Mosaic Project’s programs or conflict with other employees’ personal
time off or with busy periods. If employees wish to take more than two personal days at a time,
they should endeavor to schedule consecutive days so as not to adversely impact The Mosaic
Project’s programs (e.g. vacations would be scheduled preferably in December and July).
Employees may use personal time off to celebrate any holidays they choose with the exceptions of
Memorial Day and Labor Day. Employees are expected to work on both Memorial Day and Labor
Day as they fall during the very busy preparation periods for our outdoor school sessions.
Employees are encouraged to use all accrued personal time off before the end of the calendar
year. Accrued personal time off not used will not be carried into the next calendar year, nor will it
be paid. If employment is terminated, employees will receive pay for unused accrued personal time
off from the current calendar only as required by law.
Leaves of Absence
Personal Leave of Absence
A personal leave of absence, an extended unpaid absence from work without loss of
employment, must be approved by the Executive Director. Requests for a leave must
be made at least two weeks in advance if possible of the proposed start date of the
leave. Failure to report to work on the first day after the expiration of the leave will be
considered a voluntary termination of employment. The Mosaic Project will not
contribute towards the employee’s medical insurance during this time.
Disability Leave of Absence
A leave of absence without pay will be granted for medical disabilities including
pregnancy for a period not to exceed six weeks, unless special permission is granted or
required by law. Employees will be reinstated in the same or substantially similar
position when they return to work.
Jury Duty
A leave of absence without pay will be granted when employees are required to serve
on jury duty. Employees should give the Executive Director as much notice as possible
of impending jury service.
Paid Family Leave
Paid Family Leave (PFL) is a state-sponsored insurance program within the State
Disability Insurance (SDI) program. It applies to employees at companies of any size to
provide them with partial wage replacement (approximately 55%) for up to six weeks in
any twelve-month period while they are absent from work to care for a seriously ill or
injured family member or bonding with a minor child within one year of the birth or
placement of the child in connection with foster care or adoption. Like SDI, PFL does
not create the right to a leave of absence. PFL does not provide job protection or return
Health Insurance
Employees are offered the opportunity to enroll in The Mosaic Project’s group medical
coverage at Kaiser. Coverage for dependents and/or spouses or registered domestic
partners is available but at the employee’s expense. Employees who do not reside in
the group plan area will receive a comparable stipend.
Employees are offered the opportunity to enroll in The Mosaic Project’s group dental
plan at Blue Shield. Coverage for dependents and/or spouses or registered domestic
partners is available but at the employee’s expense.
401(k) Savings Plan
The Mosaic Project has established a 401(k) savings plan to provide employees the potential for
future financial security for retirement. All employees are eligible. You may join the plan only
during open enrollment periods. Employees may participate in the 401(k) plan subject to all terms
and conditions of the plan.
The 401(k) savings plan allows you to elect how much salary you want to contribute and direct the
investment of your plan account, so you can tailor your own retirement package to meet your
individual needs. The Mosaic Project currently does not contribute to employee 401(k) plans.
Complete details of the 401(k) savings plan are described in the Summary Plan Description.
Contact the Business Manager for information about the 401(k) plan.
Workers’ Compensation
All injuries incurred on the job must be reported to The Mosaic Project immediately. An employee
injured on the job will be paid through the end of the workday on which the injury took place. After
that day, the employee will be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The Mosaic Project and
its insurance carrier are responsible for the payment of Workers’ Compensation benefits when the
injury is the result of any activity which is a reasonable expectancy or is required by The Mosaic
Project. The employee is responsible to notify The Mosaic Project as soon as possible of any
conditions deemed unsafe or potentially harmful.
All reimbursable expenses must be documented by receipts and a Reimbursement Request Form.
Mileage is reimbursed at current year’s IRS allowable per mile rate and should be documented on
the Reimbursement Request Form detailing the date, purpose, and destination of the trip as well
as the miles. Reimbursements will be made within 15 days of submitting the Reimbursement
Request Form. If a company credit card is issued, the employee must use it for approved Mosaic
business only and maintain good records and all receipts.
Use/Protection of Property
Respect for and protection of The Mosaic Project’s and employees’ personal property is
everyone’s responsibility. If an employee finds property missing or damaged, it should be reported
to the Executive Director immediately.
Use of Mosaic Project property: All employees must use Mosaic Project property in accordance
with good stewardship of Mosaic Project property and with the best interests of The Mosaic Project
in mind. Each employee is responsible for the safety and security of all equipment (including
mobile computer equipment) entrusted to him/her. Employees are prohibited from storing Mosaic
Project data or company-owned/licensed software on their home computers or mobile electronic
devices or storage mechanisms.
Mosaic Project telephones (including any Mosaic Project provided or reimbursed cell phones) are
intended for business use and personal calls should be limited during working hours.
Electronic communications systems include email, voicemail, facsimile, and The Mosaic Project’s
connections to the Internet, World Wide Web and similar networks. Electronic communications
systems have been established for the purpose of conducting Mosaic Project business. Therefore,
all messages sent, received, composed and/or stored on Mosaic Project’s electronic
communications systems are the property of The Mosaic Project. We recognize that on occasion,
messages of a personal nature may be sent or received on the voicemail or email systems, and we
are willing to accommodate such personal use to a limited extent. However, we prefer that
personal email accounts be used for personal business, maintaining Mosaic Project email
accounts for strictly Mosaic Project business. Mosaic Project email account may not ever be used
for forwarding chain letters or spam, soliciting personal business, or for any use not in the best
interest of The Mosaic Project. Care should be exercised when sending sensitive or confidential
information electronically, in compliance with The Mosaic Project’s Confidentiality Policy.
Messages on any of the electronic communications systems are subject to the same policies
regarding harassment and discrimination as any other workplace communication. Offensive,
harassing, or discriminatory content in such messages will not be tolerated and may result in
disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
When accessing the Internet from any Mosaic Project computer, the following guidelines must be
followed. Browsing, printing and/or distributing information from pornographic or other web sites
violating The Mosaic Project’s policy against sexual or other harassment is strictly prohibited. No
software should be downloaded without the express permission of the Executive Director.
There is no individual right of privacy when using The Mosaic Project’s electronic communications
systems. Personal use of any of The Mosaic Project’s electronic communications systems which
interferes with an employee’s work performance will not be tolerated.
Workshops and Trainings
Employees must not conduct workshops or trainings using the contents of The Mosaic Project’s
curriculum independent of The Mosaic Project.
Performance Reviews
Newly hired employees receive performance reviews at the end of six months and all employees
receive annual performance reviews. The review process will include goal setting. Salary
increases will be considered when the organization’s financial situation allows for it and when
employee performance warrants it.
All employment at The Mosaic Project is at will, and thus the employee or The Mosaic Project may
terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause. In such a case, the
employee will be paid for actual time worked. Should employees resign, they should endeavor to
give as much notice as possible, preferably two months notice and at least two weeks’ notice, with
particular attention to The Mosaic Project’s program schedule, such that the programs are not
adversely impacted by any such resignation. Should The Mosaic Project be unable to continue
funding a position, the Executive Director will give the employee as much notice as possible.
Employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense in matters of safety and are
expected to abide by all safety policies as listed in The Mosaic Project’s “Outdoor School Policies”
document and by all applicable laws. If the employee is aware of an unsafe situation, the
Executive Director should be notified immediately.
Mosaic Project vehicles should be used only with The Executive Director’s permission and only for
Mosaic Project business. Employees and all passengers must wear seatbelts at all times and
abide by all applicable laws. Employees also must ensure that they and all their passengers wear
seatbelts and abide by all applicable laws when riding to/from Mosaic activities in private vehicles.
Smoking is not permitted at the Grand Avenue office or the storage garage. At the Enchanted Hills
Camp, smoking is permitted only in the designated smoking areas and not in sight of, nearby, or
with the knowledge of the children or the cabin leaders participating in the program. Smoking will
not be permitted at any site during or immediately before or after any Mosaic Project programs
(including in-school, MCP, youth leadership, alumni reunions, etc) or Mosaic Project events (such
as the brunch, Brett Dennen concert, etc).
Drugs & Alcohol
Possession, use, distribution, or sale of any illegal nonprescription drugs or alcohol is expressly
forbidden at all times while working on a Mosaic Project site, or participating in our programs.
Being under the influence of alcohol or nonprescription drugs on a Mosaic site or during Mosaic
programs also is expressly forbidden.
Interaction with Students
When interacting with The Mosaic Project’s students and youth leaders, employees must ensure
students’ emotional and physical safety and well-being. Employees must never hit, mishandle, or
verbally or emotionally mistreat a student or youth leader and must take care to treat them all
equally and with respect. For their own protection, employees should exercise extreme caution and
conservative judgment when touching any student or youth leader. When at the outdoor school
site, employees must never be entirely alone (out of view of others) with a student for any length of
time. It is unacceptable for staff to form sexual or romantic relationships with Mosaic students even
if they are over 18 years of age.
Respect and Cooperation
Employees are expected to work respectfully and cooperatively with everyone in The Mosaic
Project community (including the Executive Director, Board Members, staff, teachers, principals,
parents, students, and volunteers) and to work together towards trust, positive communication, a
supportive environment, and productive resolution of any conflict. Employees are expected to
maintain the highest standards of professionalism, courtesy, and respect when representing The
Mosaic Project to the public.
In the event of an employment dispute, employees agree to attend mediation with The Mosaic
Project if requested, at The Mosaic Project’s expense, through East Bay Community Mediation
Outdoor School Policies
All employees must abide by The Mosaic Project’s Outdoor School Policies as outlined in our
“Outdoor School Policies” document.
Phone Calls and E-mails
All phone calls and e-mails must be returned within the same day or at most within 24 hours (or the
next business day). In case of emergency, 48 hours is acceptable. If the employees do not yet
have the information requested within 24 hours, they are expected to respond within that time and
let the contact know that we will get back to them as soon as possible. We need to be especially
attentive to our partner schools and donors, even if they have a slower response time.
Any emails that are not directly pertaining to The Mosaic Project business must be sent from
personal e-mail addresses. When inviting to outside events students with whom employees have
come into contact at Mosaic-sponsored events, a disclaimer should be included in the
announcement explaining that the event is not sponsored by The Mosaic Project.
The Mosaic office phones are intended for business calls only.
Conflicts of Interest
Employees have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential
conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when the employee’s actions or loyalties are
divided, between The Mosaic Project’s interests and their own or those of another. Both the
appearance and the fact of a conflict of interest should be avoided. Employees who are uncertain
as to whether a certain transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest should
discuss it with the Executive Director immediately.
Potential conflicts of interest could be caused by, for example:
 working for a school, customer, competitor, vendor/supplier, or other affiliated entity;
 using Mosaic Project information, curriculum, or contacts for personal gain;
 using Mosaic Project property for personal use without permission of the Executive
 influencing a Mosaic Project decision for personal gain (for example, steering The Mosaic
Project to contract with an entity in which the employee or a relative has an ownership
All regular employees will be asked to sign our Conflict of Interest Policy. Failure to comply with
The Mosaic Project’s Conflict of Interest Policy could result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.
Confidentiality and Privacy
During the course of employment with The Mosaic Project, employees may have access to certain
confidential information, including student information, medical information, personnel files,
computer records, donor information, financial information, curriculum, training materials and other
program information, strategic, marketing, or fundraising plans, fundraising lists, and other
information that The Mosaic Project considers confidential. Maintaining this confidentiality is
important to The Mosaic Project’s competitive position, and ultimately to its ability to achieve
financial success and provide employment stability. Employees must protect this information by
safeguarding it when in use, filing it properly when not being used, and discussing it only with those
who have a legitimate business need to know.
All employees will be required to sign a Confidentiality Policy as a condition of employment.
Employees who disclose confidential Mosaic Project information are subject to disciplinary action,
up to and including termination and may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil action.
Employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of Mosaic Project information both during
and after their employment with The Mosaic Project.
XXVII. Professionalism
While The Mosaic Project values its certain casual and personal nature, it also strives for
excellence and requires professionalism from its employees. When dealing with funders, donors,
schools, parents, volunteers, board members, or students, all employees are expected to maintain
a courteous and professional demeanor. Dress in the office is casual. When meeting with or
expecting visits from funders, donors, schools, parents, volunteers, board members, or students,
employees are expected to dress appropriately to the situation. When uncertainty exists, feel free
to ask the Executive Director for guidance. All employees must conduct themselves professionally
in the office and when in the field representing The Mosaic Project.
Professionalism is expected from all employees in all encounters with our funders, donors, schools,
parents, volunteers, board members, and students. Unacceptable conduct will not be tolerated in
relation to the above, to coworkers, or even when alone in the office. Examples of unacceptable
conduct include but are not limited to: falsification of company records, including timesheets or
reimbursement forms, fraud, violation of any criminal law on company premises or on company
business, fighting, threatening, discrimination or harassment, theft/misappropriation of money of
time, working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, dishonesty, excessive absenteeism or
any absence without notice, unsatisfactory performance or conduct. This list is intended to provide
examples of conduct which may result in disciplinary action.
It is not intended to be
comprehensive and does not alter the employment-at-will relationship.
Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment
The Mosaic Project is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination and harassment
of any kind. Specifically, The Mosaic Project will not tolerate any type of discrimination or
harassment, including sexual harassment or harassment based on gender, pregnancy, childbirth or
other related medical conditions. This is in keeping with our policy of zero tolerance of
discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, national origin, ancestry,
religion, creed, age, physical or mental or psychological disability, marital status, sexual
orientation, family care leave status or veteran status. All such discrimination and harassment is
illegal and will not be tolerated.
The Mosaic Project strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of
employees, volunteers, or participants by managers, directors, supervisors, or co-workers.
Similarly, The Mosaic Project will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of its employees,
volunteers, or participants by non-employees (including school personnel, youth, donors,
volunteers, visitors, employees of any leased premises or vendors, or others with whom The
Mosaic Project’s employees come into contact within the course of their employment) in the
workplace. Nor will The Mosaic Project tolerate discrimination or harassment by its employees,
volunteers, or participants of non-employees in the workplace.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Mosaic Project is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is The Mosaic Project’s policy to provide
equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees, in all areas of employment,
including recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfer,
social/recreational programs, and general treatment during employment.
The Mosaic Project does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, age,
religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical conditions), nationality,
national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, medical condition
(including HIV or AIDS related conditions), marital status, or sexual orientation. The Mosaic
Project will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental disabilities of an
otherwise qualified applicant/employee unless undue hardship would result. Requests for
accommodation should be made to the Executive Director, who will conduct an investigation into
whether reasonable accommodation can be made.
It is the responsibility of every employee to conscientiously follow this policy. Any employee with
questions or concerns about any type of discrimination or harassment on any of these bases in the
workplace is encouraged to bring these issues to their immediate supervisor, the Executive
Director, or the Board of Directors. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear
of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Harassment defined:
It is unlawful for males to harass females or other males and for females to harass males or other
females, whether it involves coworker harassment, harassment by a supervisor/manager/director,
or harassment by non-employees. A claim of harassment may exist even if the employee has not
lost a job or some economic benefit.
Verbal harassment – includes epithets, derogatory comments, slurs on the basis of race, religious
creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation,
or age. Verbal sexual harassment includes verbal sexual advances, repeated offensive sexual
flirtations or propositions, and requests for sexual favors. Additionally, continued or repeated
verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, sexually
degrading words used to describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or
invitations also constitute sexual harassment.
Physical harassment – includes conduct such as unwanted touching, offensive or abusive contact,
assault, impeding or blocking movement, physical interference with normal work or movement, or
other misconduct.
Visual forms of harassment – includes derogatory posters, notices, bulletins, cartoons, or drawings
on the basis of race, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital
status, sex, sexual orientation, or age. Leering, making sexual gestures, and displaying sexually
suggestive objects or pictures (including written or computerized material) also constitute
Other forms of harassment – includes retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment
or discrimination or for participating in an investigation.
Reporting Procedure:
Any incident of discrimination or harassment, including work-related harassment by any person or
persons, should be reported promptly to the employee’s supervisor, manager, or to any director. If
the discrimination or harassment involves the supervisor, manager or director, then the employee
should report the harassment to any supervisor, manager, or director or any member of the Board
of Directors. Supervisors, managers, and directors who receive complaints or who observe
harassing conduct or potentially harassing conduct will report such actions immediately to the
Executive Director and/or Board of Directors. The Mosaic Project will investigate all complaints
thoroughly and will take appropriate disciplinary action. The Mosaic Project emphasizes that an
employee is not required to complain first to his/her direct supervisor, but may report the matter to
any manager or Board member. The Mosaic Project will not tolerate any retaliation against any
employee by another employee or by the employer for making a complaint or participating in an
Every reported complaint of discrimination or harassment will be investigated fairly, thoroughly, and
promptly, and in as confidential a manner as possible. In addition, The Mosaic Project will not
tolerate any form of retaliation against any employee for cooperating in an investigation or for
making a complaint.
Disciplinary action:
In the case of discrimination or harassment by a Mosaic Project employee, if discrimination or
harassment is established, The Mosaic Project will discipline the offender. Disciplinary action for a
violation of this policy can range from verbal or written warnings up to and including immediate
termination, depending on the circumstances. With regard to acts of discrimination or harassment
by clients, participants, volunteers, visitors, or others not under the employ of The Mosaic Project, if
discrimination or harassment is established, The Mosaic Project will take effective remedial action
commensurate with the circumstances. Appropriate action will also be taken to deter any future
harassment or discrimination. Whatever action is taken against the harasser will be communicated
to the employee who complained.
Liability for Harassment or Discrimination:
Any employee of The Mosaic Project, whether a coworker or supervisor, who is found to have
engaged in prohibited harassment or discrimination is subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination from employment. Any employee who engages in prohibited harassment or
discrimination, including any supervisor or manager who knew about the harassment or
discrimination but took no action to stop it, may be held personally liable for monetary damages.
Any supervisor or manager who knew about the harassment or discrimination and took no action to
stop it or failed to report it to the Executive Director or Board of Directors may also be subject to
discipline up to and including discharge from employment. The Mosaic Project does not consider
conduct in violation of this policy to be within the course and scope of employment or the direct
consequence of the discharge of one’s duties. Accordingly, to the extent permitted by law, The
Mosaic Project reserves the right not to provide a defense or pay damages assessed against
employees for conduct in violation of this policy.
Additional Enforcement Information:
Discrimination and harassment, as well as retaliation for opposing discrimination and harassment
or participating in investigations, are illegal. In addition to The Mosaic Project’s internal complaint
procedure, employees also should be aware that the federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)
investigate and prosecute complaints of unlawful discrimination and harassment in employment.
Employees who believe that they have been unlawfully harassed or discriminated against may file
a complaint with either of these agencies. The EEOC and DFEH serve as neutral fact finders and
attempt to help the parties voluntarily resolve disputes. For more information, contact the
Executive Director. You may also contact the nearest office of the EEOC or DFEH, as listed in the
telephone directory.
Acknowledgement and Agreement
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Office Employee Policies (including Policy Against
Discrimination and Harassment), Outdoor School Policies, Conflict of Interest Policy and
Confidentiality Policy. I understand that collectively, these policies set forth the terms and
conditions of my employment with The Mosaic Project (in addition to the employment contract I
sign). I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and understand these policies, as
well as to abide by them.
I acknowledge that my employment by The Mosaic Project is not for a specified period of time and
can be terminated at any time, with or without cause by The Mosaic Project. I understand that no
oral or written statements or representations regarding my employment can alter these policies.
Employee’s signature
Employee’s printed name