Observations on Alpine Grazing in Bhutan Tsering Gyaltsen and Sangay Dorji Ministry of Agriculture; Royal Govt. of Bhutan, Thimpu, Bhutan Introduction Bhutan has a geographical area of 40,077 km2, which can be divided, into three distinct physiographic zones: the southern foothills, the “inner” Himalayas, and the great Himalayas. The southern foothills consist of the Siwalik hills adjacent to a narrow track of flat plains along the Indian border and the altitude varies from 200 to 2000 metres above sea level (masl). The “inner” Himalayas, made up of the main river valleys and steep hills, arise at elevations from 2000 to 4000 masl. The great Himalayas in the north along the Tibetan border consist of snowcapped peaks and alpine rangelands above 4000 m. In Bhutan, the closest nomenclature which conforms to the definition of rangelands is ri which literally means a range shed, when used in the context of a source of grazing, collection of firewood and non-edible products, medicinal plants or incense plants. Rikha means on the range and rikhaley means from the range. The term tsadok (also: tsadrog, tsamdo) is synonymous with rangelands and means grazing land. Historically, in Bhutan as well as many other countries, the definition is based on the kind of use, usually equated with grazing. Hence in official records or in local lexicons, one comes across terms such as yari, guenri, sori; etc. for summer, winter, and spring grazing ranges (Gyamtsho 1996). In Bhutan, the latest land use figures indicate that the area of land registered as grazing land (tsadok) is 413,622 ha (10.3 %) which can be loosely equated to rangelands as defined above (LUPP/MoA, 1995). In general, current approaches to rangeland condition rely on comparisons of species composition (relative biomass) of present vegetation compared to the ‘climax’ or ‘potential natural’ vegetation for the site. Vegetation is rated as poor, fair, good, excellent (or as low seral, mid seral, high seral, potential natural) according to its similarity to the climax (TGUCT, 1995). Departure from the climax, or retrogression, is generally attributed to livestock grazing and occurs as a result of “years of overgrazing or of grazing intensity” (Stoddart et al. 1975). In Bhutan, livestock grazing is also considered as the main cause of rangeland denudation although no quantitative data is yet available to support this statement. There is general reluctance to admit that vegetation changes may occur as a result of many factors rather than grazing, e.g. fire, lack of fire, extreme weather and natural events, climatic change, land use change, invasion of exotic species, grazing by wild herbivores, and rodent activity (Gyamtsho, 1996). Only Gibson (1991) reported that rangeland degradation in western Bhutan might be caused more by natural factors and grazing by herbivores other than domestic livestock. 50 Types of Alpine Rangeland Gyamtsho (1996) reported that alpine rangelands are located at distances ranging from 15 minutes to 3 days journey with yak herds from the villages (1 day of herd journey = half day journey without herd). The diversity in vegetation influenced by altitude, slope direction, and slope gradient results in considerable variation both between and within range sites. Based on the dominant vegetation cover, alpine range sites can be classified into the ecological types described below, which are consistent with the descriptions provided by Rawat and Wangchuk (1995). Alpine Scree Slopes (AS): An area usually between 4800 and 5500-m covered with rock outcrops and largely devoid of vegetation. Male yaks often get access to vegetative spots during summer. Some rare species of plants are collected for medicinal or incense purpose. Alpine Meadows (AM): The zone of herbaceous vegetation below the scree slopes between 3700 and 5000 m in the gentler slopes. Economically this is the most important ecological site providing most of the grazing grounds for yaks. It is the main zone where yaks and other herbivores compete for forage. Incense and medicinal plants are also collected. Dry Alpine Scrub (DAS): An area between 3700 and 4200 m on dry south- and southeastfacing slopes with dominant scrub cover but intermixed with open-grazed meadows. Most of the winter grazing areas are within this ecotype. Incense and medicinal plants are collected. Moist Alpine Scrub (MAS): An area between 3800 and 4200-m covered with dense scrub usually on north- and northwest-facing slopes largely inaccessible for grazing. The undergrowth of bush plants, Forbes, and grasses are collected for making hay. Some incense, medicinal plants, and mushrooms are collected from this ecological site. Sub-Alpine Forest (SAF): The forest zone between 3300 and 3700 m, the south-facing slopes of which are subject to grazing in winter while the steep north-facing slopes are covered with relatively thick stands of fir trees. Firewood and timber are obtained from this area. Riparian Forest (RF): This ecological site is found along the banks of streams. The vegetation composition changes with elevation and other physical characteristics. Occasional grazing and camping takes place in this area. The physical features, including the proportion represented by each ecological type of selected alpine range sites are presented in Table 1. The alpine range sites are predominantly located on south-facing slopes varying in altitudes between 3300 m and 5100 m. Most of the areas are steep to very steep with a mean gradient range from 26 to 55%. The proportion of area under each ecological type varies considerably between sites. For example, the area under alpine meadows varies between 20 to 100% with a mean of 55%. The floral composition of the different ecological types is shown in Table 2. Delphinium and Gentiana species can be found at altitudes up to 5000 m along with Carex, Poa, and Agrostis 51 species. The most common Forbes in the meadows between 3700 m and 4200 m are Aster, Potentilla and Anemone species. Table 1: Physical features and area proportions under different ecological types of selected alpine range sites in Bhutan. Range Site Laya 1. Lungothang 2. Omtsa 3. Rodophu 4. Ngarithang 5. Chukarthang 6. Limethang 7. Shingja 8. Tsherijathang Lunana 9. Ganglakachu 10.Tenchothang 11.Nyisharling 12.Pangtegang 13.Mendathang Lingshi 14.Zumeri 15.Gopula 16. Jarila Mean Slope Directio n Altitude Range (m.a.s.l.) Slope Angle (%) RF (%) SAF( %) MAS (%) DAS( %) S, SE SE S, SE S, SW SE, NW S SE, NW SE, NE 3700-4100 3300-3800 3800-4600 4100-5200 3800-4500 3800-4300 4000-4500 3800-5100 15-45 20-60 15-60 20-45 10-60 05-45 30-50 05-60 0 10 10 0 10 10 15 10 5 40 5 0 5 10 15 0 0 0 30 10 30 30 0 0 30 20 15 20 20 20 30 20 55 30 30 60 20 30 40 60 10 0 10 10 15 0 0 10 SE E NE E E 4600-5100 3800-4500 4000-4300 4100-4350 4000-4100 45-60 30-60 40-60 40-70 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 10 10 0 40 20 90 90 100 60 0 0 0 0 E S SE,W 3900-4800 4100-4800 4300-5000 3430-4600 40-70 50-70 40-60 26-55 0 0 10 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 10 10 0 0 20 100 100 20 0 0 40 55 15 AM (%) AS (%) 10 Key: RF = riparian forest; SAF = sub-alpine forest; MAS = moist alpine scrub; DAS = dry alpine scrub; AM = alpine meadow; and AS = alpine scree slopes. Table 2. Floral composition of ecological types of alpine rangeland in Bhutan Ecological Site Main Genera Tree Main Scrub Main Genera Genera Alpine Scree slopes (AS) 4800-5500m Alpine Meadows (AM) 3700-5000 m Dry Alpine (DAS) Juniperus, 3700-4200 m Abies Juniperus, Ephedra, Lonicera, Rosa, Forb Main Grass and Sedge Genera Delphinium, Carex, Poa, Gentiana, Agrostis Rhuem, Sedum, Suasaria Delphinium, Festuca, Stipa, Rhuem, Poa, Agrostis, Gentiana, Danthonia Primula, Cyanathus Aster, Stipa, Anemone, Danthonia, Primula, Elymus, Polyonatum, Festuca, 52 Rhododendron Lepidotum, Cotoneaster Moist Alpine Scrub (MAS) 3800-4500 m Sub-Alpine Forest (SAF) 3300-3700 m Riparian Forest (RF) varies with valley floor Onosma, Thermopsis, Calthus, Pedicularis, Potentilla Juniper, Abies Rhododendron, Primula, Salix, Calthus, Myricaria, Sausaria, Sorbus Potentilla, Senecio, Dandelion Betula, Rosa, Rhibes Delphenium, Rhododendron, Primula, Juniperus, Calthus, Abies, Larix, Saxifrage, Acer Potentilla, Gentiana Betula, Larix, Salix, Rosa, Primula, Rhododendron Hippocacia Calthus, Potentilla Agrostis, Anthrox, Carex, Juncus Carex, Poa, Elymus, Stipa, Danthonia Festuca, Poa, Carex, Danthonia, Elymus Elymus, Agrostis Source : Gyamtsho (1996) Livestock Populations in Alpine Rangelands The official records for 1994 show that Bhutan has a yak population of 30,148 (Table 3). However, it is generally understood that the official records compiled from livestock taxation records, underestimate actual numbers. There are also other livestock like sheep and horse but yaks are the main domestic animal in alpine region of the country. Table 3. Population of Yak in Bhutan (LUPP 1995) Dzongkhag Thimphu Haa Paro Gasa Wangduephodrang Bumthang Lhuntse Trashigang Samdrup Jongkhar TOTAL No. of Geogs with Yaks 6 3 9 2 5 4 1 4 1 35 Number of Yaks Male 4,133 1,810 1,153 780 1,326 1,450 93 1,336 20 12,101 Female 6,016 2,709 1,882 1,334 1,809 1,805 202 2,257 33 18,047 Total 10,149 4,519 3,035 2,114 3,135 3,255 295 3,593 53 30,148 53 Farmers in general, and yak herders in particular, are prone to giving lower numbers to avoid taxation; they know fully well the impracticality of making actual head counts of their animals by revenue officials. Discrepancies of up to 30 percent or more between actual and census figures have been reported by Gibson (1991). Therefore, a more realistic population lies closer to 40,000. The highest density is seen in Western Bhutan where average ownership per household is more than five animals. Grazing of Alpine Rangelands Grazing Season and Grazing Pressure There are no fixed patterns of seasonal grazing common to all areas of alpine rangelands in Bhutan. Some sites are grazed in summer and winter, some only during one of the seasons, while others are grazed continuously throughout the year. Apart from Ngarithang, Chukarthang, Shingja in Laya, Nyisharling and Mendathang in Lunana and Jarila in Lingshi, it is difficult to classify any given site as either summer or winter pasture as they are grazed in more than one season in a year. All native pastures accessible to domestic animals are generally overgrazed. The grazing pressure is high to very high in Laya and Lingshi and moderate in Lunana (Table 4). It is clear that most of the rangelands are overgrazed in Laya and Lingshi with the exception of Ngarithang and Limethang. The most severely grazed areas are Lungothang and Rodophu in Laya, Pangtegang and Mendathang in Lunana, and Gopula and Jarila in Lingshi, with a grazing pressure of less than 2 ha per yak adult equivalent (YAE). However, grazing by yaks is not the only reason for overgrazing. Large flocks of blue sheep (more than 200 animals counted in each flock) were frequently sighted grazing on the rangelands around Laya and Lingshi (Gyamtsho et al). The total population of blue sheep according to estimates by local herders is over 5000 in both Laya and Lingshi. The variance in grazing pressure calculated from registered areas and estimated areas indicates that in winter pastures, generally, the area registered reflects only the camp site and not the actual grazed area, as seen in the case of Omtsa in Laya and Mendathang in Lunana. A higher grazing area per YAE obtained from the calculations for registered areas reflect a trend towards a decrease in grazeable areas due to shrub invasion, erosion, or steep topography. The stocking rates shown in Table 4 were obtained by dividing the total registered area and estimated area respectively by the number of YAE multiplied by the period of time grazed. The mean grazing pressure was 5.6 per YAE and ranges from 2.5 ha to 25 ha per YAE. Calculation of yak adult equivalent (YAE): Yak numbers were converted to adult equivalent (YAE) by multiplying the total number of yaks in the herd by a factor of 0.7 as was used by Miller (1987a) and Gibson (1991). The value of 0.7 is derived from the average herd composition for Laya. Male yaks above 4 years old were regarded as one YAE, female yaks above 4 years old as 0.8 YAE and young male and female yaks below 4 years as 0.35 and 0.3 YAE respectively. 54 Table 4: Area of alpine rangelands, grazing season, stocking rate, and grazing pressure from yak herds in Bhutan (Gyamtsho 1996). Area Range Site Registered Estimated as Tsadok1 by author (ha) (ha) Grazing Pressure 3 Grazing Season and Stocking Rate Summer Autumn Winter Spring No. No.2 No. No. No. Herds YAE Herds YAE Herds YAE Herds YAE No. No. No. Tsadok Estimated area area (ha/YAE) (ha/YAE) Laya 1. Lungothang 2. Omtsa 3. Rodophu 4. Ngarithang 5. Chukarthang 6. Limethang 7. Shingja 8. Tsherijathang NA 1 175 424 NA 245 132 1022 150 150 75 600 120 200 30 2000 8 0 3 5 1 0 1 5 72 0 59 153 43 0 27 489 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 146 0 0 0 0 69 0 419 8 11 3 0 0 0 0 19 72 125 59 0 0 0 0 784 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 146 0 0 0 0 69 0 419 3.6 6.7 22.2 12 1.7 1.8 2.9 1.5 9.5 6.7 18.1 2.7 3.4 NA 50 177 21 222 50 50 300 30 150 0 1 0 4 0 0 14 0 20 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 12 4 44 0 14 50 0 141 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 4.1 14.7 1 3.8 0 4.1 25 1.4 2.6 NA NA NA NA 400 500 250 316 0 0 14 2.6 0 0 407 80 4 14 0 2.6 147 407 0 76 4 14 0 7 147 407 0 112 0 0 0 1.3 0 0 0 41 NA NA NA NA 5.5 2.5 1.8 5.6 Lunana 9. Ganaglakachu 10.Tenchothang 11.Nyisharling 12.Pangtegang 13.Mendathang Lingshi 14.Zumeri 15.Gopula 16.Jarila Mean 1 Tsadok areas obtained from Thram (Landholding Handbook) of individual herders; of yaks obtained from herders and converted to yak adult equivalents (YAE); 3 Grazing pressure obtained by dividing the registered or estimated areas by the average daily number of YAE grazing the site on an annual basis, i.e. (YAE x 150) + (YAE x 30) + YAE x 35)/365. For the purpose of this calculations seasonal lengths are taken as follows: summer = 150 days; autumn = 30 days; winter = 150 days and spring = 35 days based on the grazing duration’s reported by the herders. NA = not available/applicable. 2 Number Effects of Grazing From table 4 it follows that most alpine pastures are overgrazed, yet the grazing pressures calculated are comparable to other estimates. FAO (1981) estimated 10 ha of native alpine and sub-alpine pastures per yak adult equivalent (YAE) per year; AHD (1986) allows 10 ha of unimproved alpine pasture per YAE while MPW (1986) allows 4.2 ha per year YAE in the alpine regions. Only Gibson (1991) obtained lower grazing pressure of 69 ha/YAE/year in summer pastures and 29 ha/YAE/year in winter pasture in the Soi Yaksa study, which he attributed to the use of actual tsadok area inclusive of steep, rocky, and brush-covered areas. 55 The stocking rates on the rangelands in Gyamtsho’s study are very variable. The uncertainties in the data include: the actual boundaries of the rangelands; grazing by yaks belonging to other herders; grazing by animals other than yaks; the proportion of rangelands that is in valley meadows and rock outcrops; the amount of unpalatable shrubs; and social customs which permit animals and grazing site exchange to balance out production. Any attempt at defining stocking rates with these unknowns is meaningless and should only be taken as indications of actual grazing pressure. The very short height of the swards proves that yaks are highly adapted to grazing short swards. In the case of winter pastures which are not grazed in summer like Omtsa and Limethang in Laya, sward height at the end of the growing season was observed to be well over 10 cm. The swards are, however, cut for hay making before introducing the animals for grazing. Gibson (1991) reported that the herbage available in the most fertile areas of the high limestone river valleys (at Pege) was palatable accessible herbage at a height greater than 5-cm. Generally palatable herbage was not taller than 3 cm. Harris (1987) also found yak pastures in Soi Yaksa to be less than 5 cm in height. By contrast, palatable herbage in protected sites or semi-inaccessible sites contained a large amount (> 1000 kg DM/ha ?) of dead herbage to a height of more than 15 cm from the previous year’s growth. This observation suggests that all herbage in accessible areas is grazed short as soon as it grows. There are no experimental results available from controlled/fenced areas to quantitatively assess the effects of grazing. The dominant climax species observed in completely protected areas in the alpine grasslands is Carex norvegia. Danthonia schneideri was observed in areas, which are inaccessible to grazing. Intermediate species consists of Trisetum, Helictrichon, Bromus, Elymus, and Stipa grass species and Potentilla, Bistorta, Primula, and Ranunculus forb species. Unpalatable shrubs of Juniper, Rhododendron, Cotoneaster, and Berberis species are widespread in most areas. In the heavily grazed areas Festuca, Agrostis, and Poa grasses are common, with also an abundance of sedge and rush species. Grazing Competition between Wild and Domestic Animals Competition for grazing resources from wildlife was not very obvious in the sub-alpine forested areas but was very obvious in the alpine zones (Gibson,1991). Extensive blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) dung was seen in many alpine meadows. Pastoralists have started to complain about the increasing numbers of blue sheep that are competing with yaks for forage. Yak herders contend that blue sheep numbers have more than doubled since the last wild dog (Cuon alpinus) pack was wiped out from the area about a decade ago. However, to date, there is no official blue sheep population figure and many authors (Miller, Harris et al) have reported several mobs of blue sheep being sighted, some numbering from 60 to 200 heads. It is likely that many mobs were unseen by these authors, as the sheep were always at a distance and well camouflaged in the surroundings. Wangchuk (1995) conducted a study (Lingshi) to determine the amount of dietary overlap between the two species (yak and blue sheep). Table 5 lists the percent occurrence of plant 56 species before and after grazing by yaks, while Table 6 lists the percent occurrence of plant species before and after grazing by blue sheep. Table 5. Percent occurrence of plant species before and after grazing by yak. Species Occurrence before (%) (Ratsa 19.2 Cyperus sp. Poray) Carex sp. Bistorta macrophylla Schoenopteetus sp. Juncus himalensis Potentilla microphylla Cassiope selagineides 25.0 23.1 49.9 27.2 43.1 2.5 Occurrence after (%) 4.9 P value 3.8 2.5 1.4 2.7 0.8 22.0 <0.005 <0.003 <0.040 <0.030 <0.030 <0.005 <0.002 Table 6. Percent occurrence of plant species before and after grazing by blue sheep (Wangchuk 1993). Species Occurrence before (%) Cyperus sp. (Ratsa Poray) Carex sp. Bistrota macrophylla Schoenopleetus sp. Potentilla microphylla Gueldenstaedtia himalaica 39.5 30.0 32.0 34.2 32.5 43.0 Occurrenc e after (%) 10 4.9 6.1 11.0 3.1 1.0 P value <0.002 <0.020 <0.030 <0.020 <0.005 <0.010 The species significantly grazed by yaks were Cyperus sp. (Bhutanese name: Ratsa Poray), Carex sp., Bistorta macrophylla, Schoenopleetus sp., Tuncus himalensis, and Potentilla microphylla. Yak did not graze on Cassiope selagineides since the species increased in plots which were grazed. The following species did not increase or decrease after grazing by yak: Arenari bryophylla, Aster flaccidus, Anaphalis trilinervis var. monocephala, Juniperus squamata, and Cotoneaster microphylla. However, visual observations indicated that they had been grazed on. The following species were reported significantly grazed by blue sheep: Cyperus sp., Carex sp., Bistorta macrophylla, Schoenopleetus sp., Potentilla microphylla, and Gueldenstaedtia himalaica. Blue sheep did not eat Cassiope selagineides since it increased in the plots grazed by blue sheep. The following species did not increase or decrease after grazing by blue sheep: Arenari bryophylla, Potentilla peduncularis, Phlomis ratata, and Juniperus squamata. However, visual observations indicate that they had been grazed on. Wangchuk (1995) concluded that that there is significant dietary overlap between blue sheep and yak. Visual observations of plant parts indicated that yak and blue sheep also ate the same plant 57 parts. Although no measurements were made, both animals seemed to prefer leafy foliage and avoided woody parts. Furthermore, the author concluded that whether there is competition between blue sheep and yak for forage or not, an inescapable fact is that signs of overgrazing such as bare and eroded pastures are becoming increasingly visible in his study area. Migration Patterns and Herding Systems: In general yak herding involves transhumance from winter pastures lying between 3000m and 3500m to summer pastures between 3500 - 5000m. Summer pastures are usually grazed from June to September and winter pastures from November through March. In spring and autumn there are pastures lying along the path of movement which serve as transitional grazing and camping grounds between summer and winter pastures. The animals are moved from one grazing site to another usually between 4-6 weeks depending on the number of sites and situation of fodder availability. While travelling, yak herds use individual tsadok belonging to others, without payment, for 1-2 days, then move on. We were told that tsadok boundaries were well respected and no animals (cattle or yaks) grazed outside their proper boundaries except while travelling. Most of the herders are closely related and digressions are no doubt tolerated, unless they are extreme, to maintain harmony amongst the herders. As well, it is apparently custom that if a herder has excess feed on his tsadok that herder will allow another with less feed to graze some of his yaks on the first herder’s tsadok. Also some herders may temporarily care for yaks belonging to others if the other has insufficient grazing. Some of yak winter pastures have dual ownership, a yak herder in winter-spring and cattle in summer autumn. This type of tsadok is continuously grazed and it is common in Naro area. Recommendations: Most of the high altitude regions in Bhutan are declared as protected areas and given the status of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Therefore, recommendation of socio-economic development must account for this special status and should not isolate the local people and must reflect a high degree of sensitivity to their basic needs and their aspirations for better quality of life. Based on the findings of Gyamtsho (1996) and keeping with the national policy objectives of achieving socio-economic progress on the principle of self-reliance, sustainability and environmental conservation, the following strategic recommendations could be made for alpine rangelands management/improvement. 1. Improve soil fertility and soil conservation through improved nutrient cycling and management by: Selective application of fertilizers on extremely impoverished soil to restore P levels to stable states; Reducing collection of dung from pastures for manuring crops and for fuel, and 58 Introducing selected local and exotic legumes which are adopted to low levels of fertility and acidic conditions which do not spread beyond control; example lotus and local vetch. 2. Improve grazing management by: Establishing User Group Association (UGA) for each rangeland to over see proper utilization through monitoring of stock numbers, grazing and grazing time, nutrient management, shrub and weed control; Sub-dividing rangelands into extensive and intensive management units; Establishing hay meadows with high yielding fodder legumes(Red clover, Lotus etc.) and grasses ( Cocksfoot, Tallfescue, Italian ryegrass and local species) under high nutrient supply conditions to reduce pressure on winter pastures; Manipulating grazing pressure from livestock and wildlife by introducing livestock species with less habitat competition with wildlife; e.g., cattle in Lay and Sheep in Luann; 3. Improve rangeland vegetation through: Prescribed burning, mechanical clearing of shrubs followed by reseeding with selected species and protection from grazing; Reseeding with selected local and introduced legume and grass species and discriminated use of mineral phosphorus; Collecting seeds from species with high forage and soil conservation values, and preferably with other Ethan botanical values for seed multiplication under a co-operative scheme involving local people. 4. Conduct further surveys and research on : Taxonomic identification and distribution of plant species; Appropriate agronomic practices on selected rangeland plants; The extent of grazing competition between yaks, blue sheep and marmot and their effects on plant communities and general conditions of the rangelands; Quantification of nutrients in different pools of the nutrient cycle ( soil, plant, animals, products) and amount and rate of exchanges between the pools; Optimum requirements of N and P for reaching stable states under intensive and extensive use of ranges; 59 Sustainable stocking rate of rangelands under different grazing systems, i.e.; continuous, seasonal and deferred grazing system under single or multiple species grazing situations; The potential of prescribed burning as a rangeland improvement and management tool in combination with various methods of reseeding; The potential of local and introduced species of plants for reseeding of degraded rangelands; The growth pattern, growth rate, nutritive values and seed production potential of native herbage plants; and The causes and rates of soil erosion and sedimentation of streams and References Gibson T. 1991. Forest management and conservation: Bhutan. Forest grazing study. Working Document No. 26, FO: DP/BHU/85/016, Dept. of Forestry, Thimphu. Gyamtsho P. 1996. Assessment of the condition and potential for improvement of high altitude rangelands of Bhutan (PhD thesis submitted to SFIT, Zurich). Harris P.S. 1987 Grassland Survey and Integrated Pasture Development in High Mountain Region of Bhutan [TCP/BHU/4505(A)] AHD/FAO, Thimphu, Bhutan. Miller D.J. 1987 Yaks and Grasses: Introductory notes on pastoralism in Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan and potential for development. Bhutan Journal of Animal Husbandry 9: 54-59. Wangchuk T. 1995. Competition for forage between Blue sheep and domestic Yak in Jigme Dorji National Park: Tseden 5(1): 15-21. Thimphu. 60