CONTENTS UDC: 620.97(438)”313”:341.12(4):338.23(438)”313

UDC: 620.97(438)”313”:341.12(4):338.23(438)”313”:502.5(438)
Gawlik L., Mokrzycki E., Ney R.
Renewable energy sources in Poland – Conditions and possibilities of development.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 1÷8, 6 Tables, 40 Refs.
Energy policy. Energy sources in Poland. European Union. Renewable energy sources. Environment protection.
Present state of renewable energy sources development in Poland is presented. Also the commitments concerning renewable energy sources
resulting from our European Union membership and other international agreements are presented. Data concerning production of electric
energy, heat and production of bio-fuels in Poland are presented as well as perspectives of further development of the particular renewable
energy sources are discussed in the context of possessed reserves and other limitations. The economic aspects of renewable technologies
development are shown. Advantages and disadvantages of biomass energy development are described from the point of view of environment
protection. Arguments supporting development of renewable energy sources are listed namely: reduction of dependence on primary energy
sources, reduction of greenhouse effect (emission of greenhouse gases) as well as development of agricultural regions of Poland. It is stated
in summary that renewable energy sources have in Poland local importance. Their development should be adjusted to the conditions
predominating in a given region. It is also stated that a wider use of renewable energy should fulfil conditions of the balanced development,
thus necessary is an agreement between local communities, institutions dealing with the protection of the natural environment as well as
representatives of the energy sector.
UDC: 519.6:622.28.042.42:622.281.5:622.831.32.001.5
Kidybiński A.
Road support pressure load during rock mass bump – according to study of partial numerical model.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 9÷14, 8 Figs, 1 Table, 8 Refs.
Road support. Rock mass bump. Range of roof damage zone. Numerical study.
Results of study on the partial numerical models concerning static-dynamic pressure load on the arch support ŁP9/V25 before the bump,
during the bump as well as directly after the roof rock bump are presented. These studies conclusions referring to the role of characteristics
of contact zone support/rock mass in the load distribution as well as the range of damage zone or roof damage directly over the working are
discussed. Practical conclusions are given.
UDC: 622.333(438.23):502.5:622.538:622.51”313”622.224.24(438.23)”313”:622.8 41:556.314
Frolik A., Wątor L.
Forecast of inflows and salinity of mine waters in connection with “Janina” Mine development.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 15÷26, 6 Figs, 7 Tables, 6 Refs.
Mine waters salinity. Mine waters inflows. Hard coal mining variants. Polish hard coal mining.
Four variants of the “Janina” Mine deposit mining are presented: Variant I – mining from the working levels 300 m. and 350 m. Variant II –
mining from the working levels 300 m. and 350 m as well as opened horizon 500 m. Variant III. – mining from working levels 300 m., 350
m. and 500 m. as well as designed horizon 800 m. in the central and eastern parts. Variant IV – mining from the levels 300 m., 350 m. and
500 m. as well as from designed 800 m. horizon within the whole “Janina” deposit, starting from the the richest part N. An important
problem appearing in connection with the designed development of the horizon 800 m. is the forecast increase of mine waters salinity as well
as dumping of ions Cl + SO4 charge into surface water races. As results from the analysis of rock mass permeability along with the depth
filtration indices distinctly drop, rocks are less permeable and exchange of waters made difficult. It means that opening of deeper horizons
can cause smaller increase of inflows but at the same time salinity of waters will be higher and as a consequence the salt dump would be
significantly bigger as at present.
UDC: 622.031:553.94:622.013.36.553
Kokesz Z.
Geo-statistic characteristic of coal seams thickness in Upper Silesian Coal Basin for reserves estimation
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 27÷36, 9 Figs, 2 Tables, 24 Refs.
Kiring method reserves estimation. Coal seams structure models. Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Changeability of coal seam.
Results of analysis of the changeability structure of the selected hard coal seams in Upper Silesian Coal Basin are presented. In general 29
coal seams in 9 mines as well as 5 seams in the deposit Oświęcim-Polanka have been studied. Efficiency of the kiring method for reserves
documentation has been characterized basing on the selected seams examples. It has been stated that the dominant models describing the
thickness changeability structure are the linear and spherical models. Some model dependence on the seam lithostratigraphic position has
been observed. The need of more detailed analysing of coal seams changeability structure is pointed out and taking under consideration
anisotropy as well as heterogeneity in reserves estimation. Attention is drawn to different efficiency of kiring use at estimation of coal
reserves in particular seams. The cause of that should be looked for in diverse changeability structure.
UDC: 622.333(438):622.273.23:519.281.2:622.812.001.57(438):622.412(438):622. 817.47
Badura H.
Analysis of some factors influence on methane bearing capacity of longwall D-2 region in seam 409/4 in
colliery “R”.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 37÷43, 11 Figs, 3 Tables, 2 Refs.
Methane bearing capacity of coal longwall. Factors determining londwall methane bearing capacity. Hard coal mines. Natural
mining hazards.
Basing on air velocity, concentration of methane at the end of longwall region (obtained from automatic measurements), quantity of methane
caught by methane drainage system, atmospheric pressure, daily output as well as survey and geological data, influence of daily output,
quantity of air flowing through the longwall as well as barometric pressure on methane bearing capacity has been studied. A mathematical
model including influence of above mentioned quantities on the changeability of the longwall methane bearing capacity has been proposed
and next estimation of this model parameters evaluations has been made by means of the classical least square method. Existence of
autocorrelation between values of differences between methane bearing capacity from observations and methane bearing capacity calculated
basing on the model was found. Occurrence of autocorrelation forced application, for parameters estimation, generalised least square method
of Cochrane-Orcutta. The model obtained by this method describes better the changeability of methane bearing capacity. It includes also (in
discrete way) influence of factors of systematic activity, not included in the model, on the longwall methane bearing capacity. Using the
model, whose parameters have been estimated by the classical least square method, influence of some natural factors and those cased by
exploitation on the longwall methane bearing capacity is pointed out.
UDC: 622.673.6.001.57:539.388.1:519.2
Czaplicki J.
Model of fatigue wear of shaft winder head rope and its reliability in case of 1st type wear process.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 44÷49, 6 Figs, 11 Refs.
Winding plants. Head ropes. Fatigue wear of ropes. Model research. Reliability of head rope.
The general model of shaft winder head rope fatigue wear is presented. Description of the probability distribution of the total rope wires
cracks number in the moment of its replacement in case, when the process of its wear is of fatigue character of determined type. On this basis
measures of a rope reliability were constructed. Courses of basic functions determining reliability of exemplary rope are presented. Analysis
of these functions allowed to find such a number of rope operation cycles, after reaching which one should either change rope diagnostics or
replace the rope. Obtained information should make up results of the visual rope inspection and results of magnetic testing. First time, as it
seams, the results of empiric-theoretical research of rope reliability has applicable virtue for concrete ropes.
UDC: 621.574:622.418:536.13:621.1.018
Nowak B., Filek K.
Experimental research of heat power of mining compression refrigerator membrane exchangers.
Prz. Gór. 2007, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 50÷53, 7 Figs, 5 Refs.
Mining compression refrigerators. Mine air conditioning. Heat power of evaporator.
Basing on experimental research evaluation of air cooling efficiency by means of the mining refrigerator of direct action with the inner heat
exchanger is made. The evaporator heat power is taken as this efficiency measure. It has been determined for three ecological refrigerants
interchangeably applied in the refrigerator. For each refrigerant, keeping possibly equal input conditions, the temperature (2 values) of
refrigerated air as well as its flow rate through evaporator (4 values) has been changed. Calculated each time research results on the basis of:
state of air before and after refrigerating, heat power of evaporator, state of cold water at input and output of the condenser – its heat power
as well as on the basis of the liquid fraction state and the gas fraction of refrigerant at the inlet and outlet of aftercooler – its heat power, are
presented on 6 diagrams.