OCR LEVEL 1 NATIONALS IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE UNIT 4: INVESTIGATING OPTIONS FOR WORK IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Potential links: Unit 1, AO1; Unit 2; Unit 5, AO2 AO1: Find out about employment within ONE area of the health and social care sector Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates find information on one area of the health and social care sector. They make general statements on growing or declining areas and types of employers. They show limited understanding of the impact of change on employment, identifying only one or two changes… Merit …they give a brief description of growing or declining areas and types of employers. They briefly describe the impact of change on employment, identifying two or three changes… Distinction …they give a detailed description of growing or declining areas and types of employers, possibly giving examples from case studies. They describe in some detail the impact of change on employment, identifying two or three changes. AO2: Use sources of information to find out about TWO job roles in the health and social care sector and identify a vacancy for each job role Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates identify and use three sources of information to find out about four aspects of each job role. They make eight basic statements about the aspects showing a limited use of appropriate terminology. They identify one job vacancy for each job role… Merit …they briefly describe each aspect using appropriate terminology… Distinction …they describe, using examples, each aspect using appropriate terminology. AO3: Review personal qualities, skills, achievements and relevant experience Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates are able to identify one or two strengths or weaknesses in their personal qualities and skills. They give a short list of their achievements and experience… Merit …they identify a range of strengths and one or two weaknesses in their personal qualities and skills. They describe their achievements and experience… Distinction …they link strengths and weaknesses with their chosen career area. They describe their achievements and experience with reference to health and social care. AO4: Produce a CV Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass The CV uses appropriate headings and gives basic information but could be more clearly presented… Merit …the CV is clearly presented… Distinction …the CV uses appropriate headings and information, clearly presented to highlight areas relevant to the health and social care sector. AO5: Produce a personal career development plan for ONE career area in the health and social care sector Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass The personal career plan identifies a career area and two or three employment preferences but there is no clear link between the two and no progression is identified. There are one or two limited suggestions for gaining qualifications, training or how to gain relevant experience… Merit …the personal career plan identifies a career area and links this with the candidate’s employment preferences and there is a limited suggestion of progression within the career. There are brief descriptions relating to gaining qualifications, training or how to gain relevant experience… Distinction …there is a range of suggestions for progression within the industry. There are descriptions with details of training organisations/colleges/employers relating to gaining qualifications, training or how to gain relevant experience. Overall grade for unit: Pass Merit Distinction Feedback to candidate: The signatures: authenticate candidate’s evidence confirm that the candidate has demonstrated competence by satisfying all of the assessment objectives for this unit. Candidate’s signature: ....................................................................................................................... Date: .............................. ……………… Assessor signature(s): ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................