I. Alfred Adler - Cengage Learning

Alfred Adler
The Life of Adler
Adler called his approach to human nature, Individual Psychology, it focused on
the uniqueness of each person and denied the universality of biological motives
and goals. Adler had an early childhood where he suffered from illness, near
death from pneumonia and isolation from other children because of his illnesses.
Alfred felt inferior, because of his frailty; to his healthy brother and to other
neighborhood children. However, Adler worked hard to overcome these problems
and achieved a sense of self-esteem and social acceptance from others. Therefore,
Adler felt childhood relationships with other children and siblings were much
more important in personality development than did Freud.
Adler received a medical degree in Vienna and chose to specialize in neurology
and psychiatry. Adler associated with Freud for nine years, but eventually became
a critic of Freud and his psychoanalytic theory. Adler went on to found the
Society for Individual Psychology in 1912. Adler was active in organizing
government-sponsored child counseling clinics and introduced group training and
guidance procedures. In 1929, Adler moved to the U.S. where he wrote books and
lectured, while becoming America’s first popular psychologist.
Inferiority Feelings: The Source of Human Striving
Adler believed that inferiority feelings were common for human to feel and they
were the source of all human striving. Compensation is the drive we need to
overcome this sense of inferiority and to strive for increasingly higher levels of
development. This process begins in infancy, when the infant is aware of his or
her parents’ greater power and strength and the hopelessness of overcoming this
power. This becomes an environment of helplessness and dependency on adults.
For a child, an inability to overcome inferiority feelings intensifies them, leading
to the development of an inferiority complex. Adler perceived that many adults
who came to him for treatment, had this complex. Adler used his theory to
explain how neglected, unwanted, and rejected children can develop an inferiority
The superiority complex involves an exaggerated opinion of one’s abilities and
accomplishments. A person may feel such a need and work to become extremely
successful. Or, the person may feel superior and self-satisfied and have no need to
demonstrate his or her accomplishments.
Striving for Superiority, or Perfection
Adler described a drive for perfection as a striving for superiority. We strive for
superiority in an effort to perfect ourselves, to make ourselves complete or whole.
Adler believed we live our lives around ideals such as the belief such as that
people are basically good. These beliefs influence the ways we perceive and
interact with people. Adler formalized this concept as fictional finalism, the
notion that fictional ideas guide our behavior as we strive toward a complete or
whole state of being.
The Style of Life
According to Adler, we develop a unique or distinct character, or style of life. In
an attempt at compensation, children acquire a set of behaviors. These behaviors
become part of the style of life, a pattern of behaviors designed to compensate for
an inferiority. This style of life becomes the guiding framework for all later
The concept of the creative power of self, is what Adler believed creates the style
of life. We are not passively shaped by childhood experiences. Adler argued for
the existence of free will. Adler proposed four basic styles of life for dealing with
problems involving our behavior, problems of occupation, and problems of love:
(a) the dominant type who displays a dominant ruling attitude with little social
awareness; (b) the getting type which is the most common, where a person
expects to receive satisfaction from other people and so becomes dependent on
them; (C) the avoiding type is a person who avoids any possibility of failure; and
(D) the socially useful type who cooperates with others and acts in accordance
with their needs.
Social Interest
Social Interest, to Adler; is defined as the individual’s innate potential to
cooperate with other people to achieve personal and societal goals. We depend on
our early social experiences to realize our innate potential. The mother’s role
becomes vital in developing the child’s social interest or can thwart the
development of this potential. The mother must teach the child cooperation,
companionship, and courage. Adler believed the evils we have in this world stem
from a lack of community feeling in people.
Birth Order
Adler viewed a person’s birth order is a major influence in childhood. Even
though siblings have the same parents and live in the same house, they do not
have identical social environments.
The first-born child gets the full and undivided attention of the parents. As a
result, first-borns have a secure, happy existence, until the second-born appears.
First-borns may become stubborn, ill-behaved, and destructive as they try to
regain their former position in the family. They may blame any discipline on the
parents’ love for the other child, who the first-born perceives is the cause of the
problem. The advantages of being the oldest child include playing the role of
teacher, tutor, leader, and disciplinarian, when helping with the younger children.
With the second-born child, the parents are less concerned and anxious about
their own behavior and may be more relaxed in their approach with the second
child. Competition with the first-born may motivate the second-born. They
become more optimistic about the future and may even excel in sports or
scholarship. However, if the second-born feels they can not surpass the first-born,
they may become an underachiever, performing below their ability.
The youngest child is driven to surpass all the older children and learn at a fast
rate, even into adulthood. However, the youngest can be excessively pampered
and come to believe they need not learn anything, therefore, they may become
helpless and dependent as adults.
The only child remains the focus and the center of attention. The only child
spends more of their time with adults and may mature faster than others. Only
children experience difficulties when they find they are not the center of attention.
They may not have learned to compete nor if their abilities do not bring them
sufficient recognition or attention, they are likely to feel keenly disappointed.
Questions About Human Nature
Adler saw each person as striving to achieve perfection. Adler was devoted
socialist and was involved in school guidance clinics and prison reform,
expressing his beliefs in the creative power of the individual.
Assessment in Adler’s Theory
Adler assessed the personalities of his patients by observing everything about
them, such as the way they walked or sat, the manner of shaking hands, even the
choice of chair they sat in. A person’s body language indicates something of our
style of life, according to Adler.
Our early recollections indicate the style of life that characterize us as adults.
Each memory was to be interpreted within the context of the patient’s style of life,
whether these early recollections were or fantasy, did not matter to Adler.
Although Adler agreed with Freud about the value of dreams in studying
personality, Adler disagreed on the way the dreams should be interpreted. To
Adler, dreams involve our feelings about a current problem and what we intend to
do about the problem. The dream is unique to the individual but some dreams
have common interpretations, such as flying is an attitude of striving upward,
while falling indicates a person’s emotional view involves a demotion or loss,
such as a fear of losing self-esteem or prestige.
Adler supported the use of tests of memory and intelligence, but kid not agree
with the use of psychological tests to assess personality. Although psychologists
have developed tests to measure Adler’s concept of social interest. The Social
Interest Scale (SIS) consists of pairs of adjectives, which the participant chooses
the best word from the pair of words to describe their degree of social interest.
Adler’s primary research method was the case study. Very few records of his
cases have survived. As with Freud and Jung, Adler can be criticized, because his
observations cannot be repeated or duplicated, nor were they conducted in a
controlled and systematic fashion. Adler did not attempt to verify the accuracy of
his patient’s reports or explain the procedures he used to analyze his data.
Although most of Adler’s propositions have resisted attempts at scientific
validation, several topics have been the subject of research. These include
dreams, early recollections, neglect in childhood, social interest, and order of