Ethical Issue Grading Rubric Student Name ______________________ Critique #1 (25 points) Heading 0 1 2 3 4 5 Missing more than 3 items in the heading Does not explain the ethical issue Missing/ inaccurate for 3 Missing/ inaccurate for 2 Missing name, due date, or ethical issue Has all parts of both headings Issue cannot be fully understood from this explanation Missing summary of issue or side of issue Missing Title, author, source or date of publication Vague description of the issue Issue is clearly explained and thorough but not one sided Does not include both the issue and the side of the issue the article represents in full detail Ethical issue is clearly explained, thorough and from one side of the issue Is easily understood and well described in your own words Contains 3 terms, well defined, and are challenging terms Article is not current (within 2 years) Article could be more science based; better source with more details Article is clearly on one side of issue; current; scientific and valid Summary of article Does not summarize the article Explanation of the issue was not derived from the article cited Is not a full summary of the article 3 Terms Definitions are vague and not relevant to the article; has no terms One or more of the terms are simple terms; missing 2 terms 3 Questions Has less than 3 questions Article Relevance No article attached Not much thought is behind the 3 questions Article is vague, not scientific and not valid Terms could be better applied to the meaning in the article; missing one term Contains 3 questions, well thought out Article is not clearly on one side of the issue or the other 0 1 2 3 4 5 Missing more than 3 items in the heading Does not explain the ethical issue Missing/ inaccurate for 3 Missing/ inaccurate for 2 Missing name, due date, or ethical issue Has all parts of both headings Issue cannot be fully understood from this explanation Missing summary of issue or side of issue Missing Title, author, source or date of publication Vague description of the issue Issue is clearly explained and thorough but not one sided Does not include both the issue and the side of the issue the article represents in full detail Ethical issue is clearly explained, thorough and from one side of the issue Is easily understood and well described in your own words Terms could be better applied to the meaning in the article; missing one term Contains 3 questions, well thought out Article is not clearly on one side of the issue or the other Article could be more science based; better source with more details Article is clearly on one side of issue; current; scientific and valid Brief outline of ethical issue Is not explained in an easily understood manner Critique #2 (25 points) Heading Summary of article Does not summarize the article Explanation of the issue was not derived from the article cited Is not a full summary of the article 3 Terms Definitions are vague and not relevant to the article; has no terms One or more of the terms are simple terms; missing 2 terms 3 Questions Has less than 3 questions Article Relevance No article attached Not much thought is behind the 3 questions Article is vague, not scientific and not valid Brief outline of ethical issue Is not explained in an easily understood manner Contains 3 terms, well defined, and are challenging terms Article is not current (within 2 years) Paper (20 points) Aesthetics Sources Issue explanation 0 1 2 3 The paper was covered in grammar and/or spelling errors; not proofread; >5 errors Sources are not listed Does not explain the ethical issue Paper is less than a page in length or paper has 3 spelling/grammar errors Paper is not typed Correct length (13); no spelling or grammar errors; typed Pro Side Does not summarize the pro side of the issue Con Side Does not summarize the pro side of the issue 4 5 Thorough but not well described Is not explained in an easily understood manner Clearly defines the issue and is easily understood and well described; supported by source knowledge Is easily understood and well described in your own words Is not explained in an easily understood manner Is easily understood and well described in your own words Sources are listed Vague description and is not clear as to what the issue is Issue is described but has no proof of research made; no factual information given Is written biasedly; is not a fair explanation of this side of the issue Is written biasedly; is not a fair explanation of this side of the issue Lacking detail; does not show much knowledge on the topic Opinion Essay (20 points) 0 Original opinion Does not have original opinion Current opinion (X3) Does not explain the ethical issue 1 Vague description and is not clear as to what the issue is or which side you are truly on 2 3 4 5 No support is given for why original opinion Very limited support is given for why original opinion Lacking detail; does not show much knowledge on the topic Reason for interest in the topic not mentioned Opinion and why topic was chosen are clearly explained Clearly defines opinion and is easily understood and well described; supported by source knowledge Issue is described but has no proof of research made; no factual information given Thorough but not well described