CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST IN PSYCHOTHERAPY FERGUSON RODGER PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTRE LEVERNDALE HOSPITAL INFORMATION PACK REF: 40432D CLOSING DATE: NOON ON 4TH JANUARY 2015 SUMMARY INFORMATION RELATING TO THIS POSITION POST: CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST IN PSYCHOTHERAPY BASE: FERGUSON RODGER PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTRE, LEVERNDALE HOSPITAL Applications are invited for this 10 session post based at Leverndale Hospital in South Glasgow. There is a well-developed psychotherapy team, which is accommodated in high standard, refurbished rooms. You would be working alongside another Consultant Medical Psychotherapist, and there is close contact with the other Psychiatric Consultants in the South Division. The post-holder will have, or will achieve, Approved Medical Practitioner status in accordance with the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2013. Applicants must have full GMC registration, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to a CCT in Medical Psychotherapy or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from the date of interview. Non-UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training. MRCPsych or equivalent CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST IN PSYCHOTHERAPY SOUTH GLASGOW PSYCHOTHERAPY SERVICE FERGUSON RODGER PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTRE LEVERNDALE HOSPITAL (10 Programmed Activities) 1. THE POST Applications are invited from a dynamic and enthusiastic individual for this post, which falls free due to retirement. Greater Glasgow and Clyde has well established and resourced psychotherapy services which offer a comprehensive range of treatments and provide excellent opportunities for training of mental health professionals. Each of the five existing psychotherapy services maintains close links with the general psychiatric services in their areas. There are well established and valued links with colleagues in all branches of psychiatry in south Glasgow. The successful applicant will be expected to maintain and foster these and to participate in a range of activities such as internal teaching and management structures. He/she will join 34 other Consultants in South Glasgow and will take part in a combined on call rota on a pro rata basis: the rota is joined with Clyde and currently is a 1:32 rota, with permanent 2nd on call service provided by Higher Trainees. The post is based at the Ferguson Rodger Psychotherapy Centre, Leverndale Hospital. 2. PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY SERVICE PROVISION Mental Health Services in Glasgow are delivered in conjunction with the Glasgow CHCP South Sector and other outlying CHCPs for the whole of Greater Glasgow & Clyde. The Lead Associate Medical Director for Health and Learning Disability is Dr Michael Smith, who is based at William Street Clinic. Services in Glasgow & Clyde are divided into four geographical areas (North/East, South, West and South Clyde). There are five psychotherapy services, one each in North, East, South and West. There is also a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy leading the Glasgow wide “Homelessness Personality Disorder Service”. The Management Team for South Glasgow is based at Leverndale Hospital, the Head of Mental Health is Fiona McNeil and the Clinical Director is Dr Gwen JonesEdwards. The mental health services in South Glasgow provide care for a total population of 320,000. All the inpatient provision for south Glasgow is provided on the Leverndale Hospital site. This is surrounded by various new housing schemes and a public road runs through the middle of it. The South Glasgow Psychotherapy Service is based at Leverndale in the Ferguson Rodger Psychotherapy Centre which is in the Administration Building, co-located with the psychology department and near to rehabilitation psychiatry. The department has recently been refurbished. There are excellent clinical and non-clinical support services available in south Glasgow including the full range of psychiatric sub-specialities. Community services are well established and based around generic community mental health teams enhanced by the Crisis teams, a First Episode Psychosis team (Esteem), a Perinatal team, an Eating Disorder team, Addictions teams and Primary Mental Health Care teams. Community adult services are based in seven general adult Resource Centres. There are 7 General Adult Resource Centres covering Gorbals/Govanhill, Castlemilk, Rutherglen/Cambuslang, Govan/Ibrox, Pollok/Darnley, Pollokshaws/Pollokshields, and Barrhead/Eastwood. Child and Adolescent Services are based at the Twomax Building in the Gorbals and there are 10 Learning Difficulty assessment beds at Blythswood House, Renfrew and a Community Learning Disability Team. Leverndale Hospital has 216 inpatient beds across all specialties. The general adult wards have recently been reconfigured and refurbished, with two wards and a perinatal unit being reprovided in modern new buildings. The Liaison Service remains at the Southern General Hospital. The psychotherapy service is well integrated with the services in the south. There are excellent links with colleagues in psychiatry, psychology, CMHT’s and primary care teams. Psychological therapies are planned and co-ordinated via a senior staff multidisciplinary group, the South Psychological Therapies Group which links with all other community and inpatient management planning groups. Psychotherapy plays a full and active part in this group. The service provides regular consultation on complex cases to several clinical teams and to other colleagues on an individual basis by request. Currently one team member is running a reflective practice group for staff in an acute area and other developments with staff working in the in-patient setting are being planned. The philosophy of South Glasgow Psychotherapy Service is to be accessible and to provide the highest quality range of services possible within the limited resourcing available and remaining mindful of government targets on waiting times. There is a continuing commitment to offer longer term treatments (both group and individual) to the most complex cases and the team have been supported to undertake training to enable this to happen. Various team members have also undertaken further training in other therapies such as MBT and DIT and also in supervision. Secondment opportunities for other members of mental health services to gain experience in the psychotherapy service have been regularly offered over the years. The Consultant Psychotherapists from each of the Glasgow services meet as the Division of Psychotherapy and together with other Consultant Psychotherapists in the West of Scotland form a network of colleagues who meet regularly to discuss clinical matters. There are additional medical structures for consultant psychotherapists which link the various psychotherapy services in GG&C. The post holder is expected to participate in and foster these important and valued links. These both meet three monthly. The Division of Psychotherapy reports to the Psychiatric Advisory Committee and the West of Scotland Postgraduate Psychotherapy Sub-committee Committee reports to the Committee in Psychiatry which oversees matters of training and education. There is a peer CPD meeting for all West of Scotland psychotherapy consultants – the psychotherapy workshop – which meets fortnightly in term time. Additionally, there is a CPD academic programme for psychotherapists, consultants and higher trainees. 3. DUTIES OF THE POST (a) Clinical Along with one other Consultant colleague, Dr Lawrence Martean, the post holder will share responsibility for providing and co-ordinating psychodynamic psychotherapy services in south Glasgow. South Glasgow Psychotherapy service provides a full range of psychodynamic treatments including assessment, brief and long term individual psychotherapy, group analytic therapy, an intensive group programme (which includes a psychodrama element), MBT and DIT. There is a strong commitment to providing longer term treatments to the most complex patients while also being mindful of making maximum use of the resource available. Referrals are received from colleagues in primary and secondary mental health care, from other specialist teams and directly from general practitioners. The post holder will be responsible for detailed assessment of patients referred and for planning their treatment. He/she will also be responsible for providing treatment to the most complex patients referred. The post holder will be responsible for offering expert advice to colleagues on clinical issues. There will be a substantial supervisory role in relation to the work of other nonmedical staff in the psychotherapy team and to junior medical staff on placement. (b) Teaching/Training There is a weekly psychotherapy team CPD programme which includes case discussion, journal club, audit presentation and management meetings. Along with the other consultant, the post holder will be the Educational Supervisor to junior medical staff on placement in the department. The post holder will also be expected to supervise psychiatric trainees across the wider South Glasgow and Clyde Psychiatry Rotation in developing competencies in psychotherapy. Currently this involves running a reflective practice group for all trainees in south Glasgow (core, FY2 and GP trainees), supervising psychiatric trainees with their psychodynamic cases and liaising with psychiatric tutors in south Glasgow. There will be a role in contributing to the training of any higher trainee in psychotherapy who might be on placement in the service. The post holder will be involved in the teaching of undergraduate medical students of the University of Glasgow. It is anticipated, in recognition of this, that Glasgow University will grant the status of Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychological Medicine. The post holder will also be expected to take part in post graduate teaching of psychiatrists in training and, on occasions, other disciplines. The post holder will be a member of the Psychotherapy Subcommittee of the West of Scotland Committee in Psychiatry which takes to do with the psychotherapy component of psychiatry training at all levels. (c) Consultation/Liaison Close links with psychiatry are well established and valued. The post holder will be expected to maintain these, for example by attending and taking part in the internal teaching programme of case conferences, journal clubs and other teaching organised through the general psychiatry service. The post holder will also be responsible for offering consultation to other colleagues and teams in their clinical work as requested. In addition the post holder will be expected to develop these links by looking at the interface between the psychotherapy and the psychiatric services. The particular ways that this might occur would be influenced by the interests and expertise of the post holder together with the needs of other services. (d) Management/Administration Along with the other consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy, the post holder will be expected to provide medical leadership to the psychotherapy team and assist with further development of the service. The post holder will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of patients and the proper function of the clinical team. He or she will also be expected to participate in the broader aspect of administration and management within the South Glasgow Division of Psychiatry. It is expected that the successful candidate will take part in Job Planning, Appraisal, Peer Review and Continuing Professional Development. Participation in audit or research is actively encouraged. The post holder will be supported by a Medical Secretary. 4. STAFF AND FACILITIES The psychotherapy team is based at Ferguson Rodger Psychotherapy Centre, and the post holder will have his or her own office there. The other staff in the team are: 1.0 WTE Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy (Vacancy) 0.8 WTE Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy (Dr Lawrence Martean) 1 WTE Band 7 Nurse Therapist/Group Analyst (Mrs Maureen Cannell) 1 WTE Band 7 Nurse therapist/ Adult Psychotherapist (Mr William Dickson) 1 0.4 WTE Band 7 Nurse Therapist/Psychodrama Psychotherapist (Mr Ian Gidley) 1 WTE Band 7 Nurse Therapist (Ms Mandy Carruth) 1 WTE Medical Secretary (Mrs Carol Moretti) 1 Medical Secretary – 25 hours (Mrs Caroline Nimmo 5. MEDICAL STAFFING IN SOUTH GLASGOW Consultant Staffing Dr Stephen Byers Dr Wai Lan Imrie Dr Alison Cheyne Dr Carole Mitchell Dr Pavan Srireddy Dr Graham McMillan Dr John Summers Dr Derek Palmer Dr Iain Mitchell Dr Una Graham Dr Justin Crean Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards Dr Douglas Gray Dr Evonne Shek Dr Sarah Holmes Dr Lucy Carrick Dr Veena Math Other Consultants Dr Ciara Kelly Dr Roch Cantwell Dr Susie Brown Dr Elizabeth Quinn Dr Alison Mitchell Dr Ewan Neilson Dr Stuart Ritchie Dr Julia Gray Dr Sarah Ward Dr Adam Burnel Dr Lawrence Martean Vacancy Dr Anupam Agnihotri Vacancy Dr Robin McGilp Dr Elita Smiley Dr Dianne Forsyth - Brand Street Resource Centre - Brand Street Resource Centre - Florence Street Resource Centre - Florence Street Resource Centre - Florence Street Resource Centre - Stewart Resource Centre - Stewart Resource Centre - Eastvale Resource Centre - Eastvale Resource Centre - Rossdale Resource Centre - Rossdale Resource Centre - Waterside Team, Rossdale RC (Clinical Director) - IPCU, Leverndale - Waterside Team - Eastwood Team, Barrhead Health Centre - Eastwood Team, Barrhead Health Centre - Levern Valley Team, Barrhead Health Centre - Rehabilitation Dept, Leverndale - Perinatal Psychiatry - ESTEEM – First Episode Psychosis - South Lanarkshire CHCP, Clinical Director for Old Age Psychiatry - Glasgow City CHP (South Sector) - Glasgow City CHP (South Sector) - Glasgow City CHP (South Sector) - East Renfrewshire CHCP - South Lanarkshire CHCP - Liaison Psychiatry - Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy - Addictions Psychiatry - Addictions Psychiatry - Learning Disability Psychiatry - Learning Disability Psychiatry (Clinical Director) - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry There are also 23 Junior Doctor posts, 17 Speciality Grade posts and a varying number of ST4-6s. 6. OTHER INFORMATION Informal enquiries will be welcomed by Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Clinical Director, Leverndale Hospital (0141 211 6602) or Dr Lawrence Martean, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, South Glasgow Psychotherapy Service, Ferguson Rodger Psychotherapy Centre (0141 211 6690) PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST IN PSYCHOTHERAPY SOUTH GLASGOW DAY HOSPITAL / LOCATION TYPE OF WORK Monday From / To: Leverndale Supervision, clinical team meeting, team management meeting, journal club/case presentation, , Division of Psychiatry meeting (monthly) Tuesday From / To: Leverndale Outpatients Wednesday From / To: Leverndale Outpatients/supervision Leverndale/various venues (am) Supporting Professional Activities/Teaching Leverndale (pm) Direct Clinical Care/Supporting Professional Activities Leverndale Direct Clinical Care Thursday From / To: Friday From / To This job plan is negotiable and will be agreed between the successful applicant and the Clinical Director. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde initially allocates all full time consultants 10 PAs made up of 9 PAs in Direct Clinical Care (DCC) and one core Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) for CPD, audit, clinical governance, appraisal, revalidation, job planning, internal routine communication and management meetings. The precise allocation of SPA time and associate objectives will be agreed with the successful applicant and will be reviewed at annual job planning. PERSON SPECIFICATION (South Glasgow Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy) QUALITIES REQUIRED Essential Applicants must have full GMC registration, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to a CCT in Medical Psychotherapy or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from the date of interview. Non-UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training. MRCPsych or equivalent Section 22 approval or be eligible for section 22 training and approval An ability to interact professionally with colleagues, patients and carers A commitment to and working knowledge of multi-disciplinary working Leadership skills Knowledge of current issues in Medical Psychotherapy Experience of working with complex patients either directly or through consultation Desirable Further specialist training in group or individual psychotherapy leading to postgraduate qualification Experience in providing teaching and training at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Demonstrate a flexible approach to reflect various learning styles Demonstrate breadth of knowledge and understanding of clinical governance agenda and use of audit to achieve patient-centred improvement. Publications in the medical literature and/or presentations at Royal College or similar events UK driving licence TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council. TYPE OF CONTRACT Permanent GRADE AND SALARY Consultant £ 76,761 - £ 103,490 per annum (pro rata) New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer. HOURS OF DUTY Full Time 40.00 SUPERANNUATION New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but under seventy five will be enrolled automatically into membership of the NHS Pension Scheme. Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can be made to do this via: REMOVAL EXPENSES Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to appointment. EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of appointment. TOBACCO POLICY NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds. DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made. REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential. DISABLED APPLICANTS A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you are selected for interview. GENERAL NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy. NOTICE The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our website on View all our vacancies at: Register for Job Alerts at: Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Informal enquiries will be welcomed by Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Clinical Director, Leverndale Hospital on 0141 211 6602 or Dr Lawrence Martean, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, South Glasgow Psychotherapy Service, Ferguson Rodger Psychotherapy Centre on 0141 211 6690 with whom visiting arrangements can also be made. HOW TO APPLY To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3 Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open) Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice Immigration Questionnaire Alternatively please visit and click on the “How to Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information. RETURN OF APPLICATIONS Please return your application by email to or to the recruitment address below; Medical and Dental Recruitment Team NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Recruitment Services, 1st Floor Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital 1055 Great Western Road GLASGOW G12 0XH CLOSING DATE The closing date will be 4th January 2016 INTERVIEW DATE The interview date will be 19th February 2016