English American Literature Name___________________________ Collaborative Worker, Complex Thinker, Effective Communicator Per. _____/_____ Date ___/___/___ Junior Project/SCANS skills: Presentations/Information Manipulation/Technology/Interpersonal Skills -Research Paper Presentation Using PowerPoint A research paper can be written to serve different means. It can be made to reflect, persuade, or inform. The student will make their own distinction of this once they have been given their topic and found out information about it. The basic skills needed in writing a research paper is information gathered in the form of primary or secondary sources. These will be gathered from databases and internet. It is from these utilities that the presentation will be based upon. Topics will include current issues in modern day American or influences afar which affect American societ All presentations will link the presentation to the descriptions in Your Chosen Topic using textual evidence to support statements. All presentations will end by drawing conclusions about how the topic has impacted or is impacting the new millennium using NEWS ARTICLES for textual evidence. (This conclusion, however, is NOT the closing remark/conclusion required of each presenter regarding his/her topic.) You MUST keep well-documented source logs and source logs for EVERY source that is used to create the presentation. SOURCES: A. Each person must research a minimum of 4 sources. B. The simple (and required) place to begin research is the internet. This may count as one source. By starting at the text, you know the information for which you must continue to look. C. Only one encyclopedia/electronic encyclopedia may be used as a source. D. Other sources may include reliable Internet sites (not chat rooms) or books, CDROM, SIRS, Primary Source Documents, etc. NOTE: To be counted as a source, the source must provide at least 5 “pieces” of information that are utilized significantly for the presentation E. Projects that do not meet the minimum requirements for sources will receive a ZERO. F. The source logs must, of course, have all bibliographic information which will be used for the Works Cited slide. G. Source logs must follow the format below. Log’s topic in upper left corner. This is NOT the main topic of the presentation. It is a subtopic. EX: Fashion or Suffrage is a subtopic of “The Changing Role of Women Descriptive Heading ONE FACT: either quoted or paraphrased (Source page #) Exact quotes must be in “ ” marks MLA Citation ALL INFORMATION IN THE PRESENTATION MUST BE DOCUMENTED WITH A NOTE OR THE ENTIRE PROJECT WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR PLAGIARISM—STUDENT HANDBOOK ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY. STUDENTS WILL PRODUCE THE SOURCE OF THE Source Log TO ESTABLISH DOCUMENTATION IN THE Resource Notebook Dossier. STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO DO SO WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR PLAGIARISM AS NOTED ABOVE. ALL RESOURCES FROM THE INTERNET MUST BE DOCUMENTED WITH THE INTERNET ADDRESS. EX: http://www.linkline.com IF YOU DO NOT COPY THE ADDRESS EXACTLY AND THE TEACHERS CANNOT CONTACT THE SITE WITH THE ADDRESS, THE INFORMATION WILL BE CONSIDERED PLAGIARIZED AND THE ENTIRE PRESENTATION WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. NO CHAT ROOMS! REMINDERS: A. All research MUST begin with the Internet. A minimum of 4 sources is required for the project. ENCARTA or other electronic encyclopedias only count as ONE source each. To be counted as a source, the source must provide at least 5 note cards that are utilized significantly for the presentation. Projects that do not meet the minimum requirements for sources will receive a ZERO. B. A Works Cited Slide will be included as the last slide in the presentation. The Works Cited Slide must follow the prescribed MLA format. Formats that are still incorrect the day of the presentation must be corrected within 3 days or the entire presentation will receive a ZERO. C. Student Who do not contribute to a group will not “reap the benefits” of student who work. In fact, non-Productive members may be “sent to the office.” D. Students who do not present on their assigned day must makeup the presentation after school within 3 school days. Students who are absent during the makeup days will not receive extra time. Students who do not present on the assigned day and do not present admits for excused absences for the missed day of presentation will be docked a minimum of 10%. I understand the consequences for careless documentation as described above AND lack of cooperation and contribution to group as described above. Student signature____________________ Date_________ Parent signature ____________________ Date_________ The PowerPoint presentation is the vehicle for quality research. Technologically “snazzy” presentations with poor information will NOT receive a higher score. However, there are certain minimum technological requirements for the project. Each project will begin with an appropriate Title Slide _____ Initials have an Introduction Slide _____ Initials incorporate at least 3 topic slides _____ Initials have a minimum of ONE slide describing the topic “reflections” with appropriate textual evidence ____Initials have a minimum one Conclusion Slide explaining how the topic relates to the current American issues or values supported by a news article _____ Initials each of the topic slides information will be cited using MLA parenthetical citation format on PowerPoint _____ Initials end with a Works Cited Slide utilize at least ONE scanned graphic _____Initials have appropriate Transitions between slide _____ Initials animate text in the chronological/topical order of the information _____ Initials AVOID use of the “typewriter” animation except for very short words have NO spelling errors because a spell check was run _____ Initials optionally include additional graphics and sound/music either from the PowerPoint program or Encarta or the Internet, etc. I have reviewed our PowerPoint presentation with my teacher and guarantee that it contains all of the minimum requirements listed by my initials above. Quality Control Lead’s Signature __________________________________ Date___/___/___ PROJECT MANAGEMENT Source Cards due_____/_____/_____ Individual Assignment Answers to Guidance Questions due_____/_____/_____ Group Assignment (you may share research materials Thesis Statement with 3 supporting facts and a closing remark/conclusion about your part of the simulation. due_____/_____/_____ Individual Assignment Oral Presentation Cards due_____/_____/_____ Individual Assignment Presentation: see Assignment Log for dates. TOPIC AND PRESENTATION SKILL REQUIREMENTS The Presentations must contain information which answers the following questions for your topic. Therefore, while your presentation is being made, students listening should be able to answer the questions. However, your presentation should NOT be just a bland reciting of the answers to the questions. Presenters must begin their part of the presentation with a thesis statement and end with closing remarks or conclusion. See the rubric! Saying, “My part of the topic is. . . IS NOT A THESIS! A thesis might be, “The advent of the inexpensive automobile change American’s culture.” Then the data you present supports that statement. Political Policies of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover? 1. What did President Harding mean by “normalcy?” 2. What policies did Harding put into place to ensure “normalcy?” 3. How did the Harding administration support business? 4. According to Coolidge, what was the business of America? 5. How did this statement reflect the business climate in America? 6. What was Hoover’s campaign slogan? What does the slogan imply? 7. How did Hoover believe that government should be run? Attacks on Civil Liberties 1. What was the “Red Scare?” 2. How did Attorney General, A. Mitchell Palmer respond to the conditions of the “Red Scare?” 3. How did these so-called “Palmer Raids” violate civil liberties? 4. What was the evidence presented in the Sacco-Vanzetti Trial? 5. What comments did those participating in the trial make which point to a verdict tainted by prejudice? Who made these comments? 6. What was the worldwide response to the trial? 7. How was this case part of a bigger picture of America’s xenophobia called the Red Scare? Prohibition 1. What was the wording of the Prohibition Amendment? 2. What was the Volstead Act? 3. What was the HOPE of the persons who campaigned to have Prohibition enacted? 4. What was the REALITY of Prohibition? (What actually happened?) 5. How was the amendment enforced? What were the problems of enforcement? 6. What do the terms speakeasy, bathtub gin, and bootlegger mean? Organized crime 1. What were the three major crimes with which Organized Crime was involved? 2. What was the term used to describe a major crime figure? 3. Who was one of the most infamous crime figures? Describe his illegal activities. 4. What organization was created to fight organized crime? 5. Why was it necessary to create this organization? (don’t say because criminals needed to be stopped!) 6. Who was the head of this organization? 7. What leadership did he bring to the organization? A. Racism highlighting the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan as an example of blatant racism and immigration quotas as examples of more subtle racism. 1. In what ways did racism “rear its ugly head” during the 1920’s? 2. Why did the KKK gain popularity during the 1920’s? 3. What does the 1925 KKK march down Pennsylvania Blvd in Washington D.C. reveal about the “boldness” of those who harbored racist beliefs? 4. What were the immigration quotas enacted by Congress? 5. What do these quotes reveal about xenophobic feelings prevalent in the 20’s? B. Describe Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa Movement” explaining the positive nature of Garvey’s contributions despite the fact that the movement failed 1. What was the “Back to Africa Movement?” 2. Why was Marcus Garvey popular among many African Americans? 3. Why did some other African American leaders criticize Garvey’s movement? 4. Why did Garvey’s movement ultimately fail? 5. What were the positive results of Garvey’s leadership despite the fact that the movement failed? The Harlem Renaissance 1. What was it like to live in Harlem in the 1920’s? 2. What was the Harlem Renaissance? 3. What were the specific styles and themes which emerged as driving factors for the literature of this movement? 4. Who were some of the key contributors? 5. What was the nature of their contributions? (Discuss specific works and include excerpts.) Music and Culture: Jazz and the “new” dances 1. What were the characteristics of Jazz? 2. What were the names and characteristics of the popular new dances? 3. What club symbolized the night club entertainment that emerged during the 20’s? 4. Why was this club so popular? What was ironic about the club? 5. How the music and dance reflect the values of the period? C. Media Madness—the Movies and Radio—Influence on culture 1. What was the new technology that affected the movie industry? 2. What impact did the first film utilizing this technology have on the industry? 3. How were some 1920’s stars “unmade” by the new technology? 4. How did the movies and the stars change the way Americans though, acted, lived, dressed and played? 5. What types of radio programs were popular? 6. How did the radio impact the American family in a pre-television era? D. The Automobile Culture featuring Ford and the Assembly Line and explaining the auto’s impact on Society 1. How did the automobile change the way Americans lived? 2. How was Ford instrumental in starting this rapid transformation of American life? 3. What were the additional business practices that effected such monumental change? 4. How did the automobile a person owned reflect social status? Prosperity of the 1920’s—Consumerism and Advertising change the American Lifestyle 1. How did consumer tastes and habits change in the 1920’s? 2. What were the new electric conveniences available? 3. How could people afford the new conveniences advertised? 4. How did advertising impact sales? 5. What were the advertising strategies? E. The Changing Role of Women as characterized by women receiving the vote and the “flapper” 1. Who were the major leaders of the Women’s Vote Movement? 2. What were their rationales and strategies for women to receive the vote? 3. How did the roles of women change in the 1920’s? 4. What were the educational and occupational opportunities available? 5. What was a “flapper?” 6. How were the changing roles reflected by the change in fashion embraced by the flapper? F. Sports Mania—including the Black Sox Scandal 1. Why did Americans flock to sporting events during the 1920’s? 2. What were two of the most popular sports? 3. Who were some sports celebrities? 4. Why did these sports and celebrities become so popular? 5. How did the “Black Sox” scandal affect American and its love affair with sports? REMINDER: All presentations will end with an explanation of the impact of the events upon America’s culture/society/beliefs. Rice is Burma’s chief crop, and rice fields cover more than half the farm land. Much of the rice is exported. Other crops include seeds, corn, wheat, millet, tobacco, jute, cotton, and rubber. Energy sources: Burma produces oil and natural gas, but not enough to meet its needs. Hydroelectric plants supply more than half the country’s electricity. Oil, gas, and coal produce the rest. Much more effective use of slide. Information is bulleted to make it easier to read. Audience can quickly decipher the main points of the presentation. Speaker can give more description about agriculture. All information relates to the slide topic. Graphics reinforce presentations points Text size is large enough to be read from the TV screen. Poor organization of information in slide. Information is crowded together which makes it visually difficult to read. Audience will be trying to decipher instead of listening. Some information does not relate to slide topic. Text is to small— when shown on TV screen it would be unreadable. •Rice is Burma’s chief crop •Rice fields cover more than half of the farm land in Burma. •Much of the rice is exported. •Other crops include •grains such as corn,wheat, and millet •fiber crops such as jute and cotton •tobacco •rubber. English Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations 95-100 85 75 65 Presentation begins with a strong or creative opening with a clear thesis. Presenter thoroughly and accurately addresses all parts of the topic content. Presenter seamlessly integrates extensive and clear supporting evidence (including visuals if required) into the presentation citing sources. Presentation appears to be the culmination of extensive research and preparation. Presenter uses polished delivery techniques such as establishing eye contact, using variable voice inflection, displaying appropriate body language, and dressing appropriately. Presenter displays enthusiasm or confidence. Presentation ends with memorable close or strong conclusion. Presentation effectively uses time allotted. Presentation begins with a clear thesis. Presenter accurately addresses all parts of the topic content. Presenter integrates supporting evidence (including visuals, if required) into the presentation. Presentation appears to be the culmination of thorough research and preparation. Presenter uses effective delivery techniques by attempting to establish eye contact, use variable voice inflection, display appropriate body language, and dressing appropriately. Presenter displays enthusiasm or confidence. Presentation ends with a clear conclusion. Presentation effectively uses time allotted. Presentation begins with a statement of the thesis. Presenter addresses may only superficially address parts of the topic content. Presenter provides some evidence supporting the premise of the presentation. Evidence may appear “tacked on” (or presenter may simply refer to visual, if required) Presentation appears to be the culmination of adequate research and minimal preparation. Presenter may lack effective delivery techniques, tending to read from Oral Presentation Cards, use little voice inflection, has distracting mannerisms. Dress may be appropriate. Presenter may display nervousness or disorganization. Presentation ends with a simple restatement of the thesis. Presentation adequately uses time allotted. Presentation may or may not begin with a thesis or thesis is inadequate or superficial. Presenter addresses only parts of the topic content. Presenter provides only superficial evidence or relies on generalizations or “blanket statements.” Evidence may appear “tacked on” to presentation (or presenter may just point out visual.) Presentation appears to be the culmination of inadequate research and inadequate preparation. Presenter may read from Oral Presentation Cards and use little voice inflection. Presenter may appear to be “winging it.” Presenter uses weak delivery techniques, displaying nervousness, disorganization or “I don’t care” attitude. Presentation’s conclusion may be unclear. Presenter may end with phrases like, “Well, I guess that’s it,” or “That’s all,” or “That’s all I have.” Presentation poorly uses time allotted. Presentation Guidelines Adapted from Dale Carnegie Training® Introduction Delivering your presentation effectively involves using a proven four-step process: Plan, Prepare, Practice, and Present. Follow these guidelines and you and your message will have high impact on your audiences. Plan • Know your audience – What is the knowledge base of your audience? – What experiences has your audience had in class so far? – What are the needs the other students have that will be met by your presentation? – What are your goals for the presentation? Define the purpose of your talk based on the outcome you seek with your audience: – Inform – Persuade – Motivate to action – Sell – Teach – Train Prepare • Establish a positive Mind-Set – Value your message. – Visualize yourself succeeding. – Visualize your audience responding. – Approach the presentation with enthusiasm. • • Ensure Content Accuracy – Information is clearly researched and documented from reliable sources – Clearly convey what you have learned and conclusions you have drawn – Address guidance questions if provided by the instructor. Prepare an attention-getting Opening relating the Thesis which provides a preview of your topic – Use a question related to the audience’s need to understand your topic – Relate a relevant incident regarding your topic Refer to a visual which creates interest for your audience Illustrate and support Key Points with evidence and visuals. English American Literature Name___________________________ Collaborative Worker, Complex Thinker, Effective Communicator Per. _____/_____ Date ___/___/___ Junior Project/SCANS skills: Presentations/Information Manipulation/Technology/Interpersonal Skills • – Statistics – Analogies Demonstrations – Testimonials – Incidents – Quotes from Experts, Interviews, Documents or Literature Prepare a memorable Close – Dramatize your ideas. – Throw down a challenge. – Use a motivating statement. – Draw a conclusion by restating the key ideas. – Deliver a convincing summary. Practice— Dale Carnegie Training® has found that the three E’s are fundamental to successful presentations. Build your confidence and effectiveness by establishing for yourself – Why you have earned the right to deliver this talk due to your thorough research and preparation. – Why you are excited about the subject. – Why you are eager to share with your audience. • • Practice your presentation and review your visuals for – Clarity – Relevancy – Eye-appeal – Visibility – Quality – Memorability Practice your presentation before an audience, coach, video camera. Receive feedback and coaching on – Strong opening. – Clear key points. – Logical flow/organization. – Credible evidence. – Memorable close. – Clarity of message. – Identifying distracting mannerisms. – Non-verbal communication such as eye contact, stance, and facial communication – Confidence Present • Assume the attitude of a PRO in delivering presentations: – Privilege—because you have prepared – Responsibility—because you have met or exceeded the presentation requirements – Opportunity—for you to demonstrate you knowledge and skill • • Make a positive first impression: – Establish eye contact. – Establish a professional stance by displaying poised, confident body language. – Dress and Appearance are appropriate: Be well groomed. Hold the attention of the audience: – Be enthusiastic using vocal variety and appropriate tone. – Use vivid words avoiding slang. – Pronounce words correctly and express yourself clearly and concisely. – Tell a story. – Have an upbeat voice with appropriate projection and rate. – Have proper body animation. After the presentation • Strive for continuous improvement: – Measure the success of your talk. – Identify the strengths as well as areas to improve. – Decide how you will improve the next talk.