ORGANISATION: Start Date: Late March 2015 to early April 2015 Flu Vaccination Package 2015 Flu vaccinations (CSL) for 2015 will cost $22.00 per person + GST, this includes the cost of a qualified and experienced immunisation nurse to administer the vaccine. Please note there is cheaper vaccine on the Australian Market however we recommend Australian made due to previous quality issues with other vaccine. As most of you are aware our nurses take a little longer; this is a deliberate business decision used for quality control and safety. We vaccinate 30 employees an hour for each nurse every individual receives a vaccine brief and possible side effects brief (swelling at the site etc). All relevant first aid procedures will be covered by the nurse including oxygen support and adrenaline if needed. (This is standard emergency management for the administering of an influenza flue shot.) Inspections Batch Inspection, Adrenaline inspection, oxygen support inspection – paperwork provided to HR A nurse will be able to administer the vaccine on the date specified. CSL Vaccine for 2015 will cover; Product Information (15) (A) Brisbane (A) Uruguay (B) Florida Product information will be available to every individual being vaccinated. I have also enclosed a copy of the consent form for this year we will collect them the morning of the testing so the nurse can review them. Important Information If individuals are taking any medication Capital Health Care strongly advises they contact their general practitioner to receive clearance. In most cases this can be done with a simple phone call. PLEASE ADVISE ALL STAFF THAT THEY ARE NOT TO LEAVE THE BUILDING FOR 15 MINUTES AFTER THE VACCINATION…. Please allow for 30 people to be tested in 1hr (see attached booking sheet). If you require further technical information on CSL and its administration please call. Bookings 2015 Vaccination bookings please call 0410431310 we now have an immediate wireless laptop booking system (booking conformation via email and dates immediately confirmed) we are now ready to book 2009 vaccinations. Thanks again David Medlock Testing Officer / Director Capital Health Care Mobile: 041 043 1310 Phone: (02) 62991821 STANDARD VACCINATION PROCEDURES HR INFORMATION The following vaccination procedures are recommended. 1. Check availability of the protocols, equipment and drugs necessary for the management of anaphylaxis, before each vaccination session. (Inspection Nurse & OH&S) 2. Maintain and monitor vaccine refrigerator, and other ‘cold-chain’ components, according to current recommendations, and preferably check prior to each working day. All Capital Health Care’s Vaccine is stored at Capital Medical Supplies in Phillip. 3. Provide, to the person to be vaccinated, or that person’s parent/caregiver, appropriate information about the risks and benefits of vaccination and the risks of vaccine preventable diseases. (Consent form) 4. Perform a pre-vaccination assessment to determine the employees medical fitness for vaccination. If the vaccinating nurse have any concerns about the person’s eligibility for vaccination this must be discussed with a medical practitioner, pediatrician or public health physician with expertise in vaccination. (Please phone State /Territory public health authorities.) Nurses, If a person’s health status or suitability for vaccination cannot be determined, defer vaccination. Individual to consult their practitioner. Or call Australian Capital Territory Immunisation Line: (02) 62052300 5. Following the provision of appropriate information, (see 3. above) and the prevaccination assessment (4. above), obtain valid consent from the person to be vaccinated, or from that person’s parent/caregiver. This should be documented. 6. Advise the person to be vaccinated or that person’s parent/caregiver that the employee should remain under observation in a designated place for a minimum of 15 minutes after the vaccination. 7. The schedule, dose, route and technique of administration of the vaccines must be in accordance with NHMRC guidelines. Note: each individual dose must be checked to see that the expiry date has not lapsed, and that there is no particulate matter or color change in the vaccine. 8. Administer the vaccine(s). Also check the vaccination status of other family members and offer catch-up vaccination where appropriate. 9. Dispose of needles, syringes and vaccine vials in accordance with standard infection control guidelines. 10. Advise the person, or the parent/caregiver of a child who has just been vaccinated, on the management of the common adverse events that may occur following immunisation. It is important that they be given a contact phone number in case a significant adverse event occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the vaccination. PHONE: 000 11. Before departure, inform the person or the child’s parent/caregiver, preferably in writing, of the date of the next scheduled vaccination. 12. Document the details of vaccination: (i) on a record to be retained by the person, or the parent/caregiver of the person; (ii) on the relevant clinical record; and (iii) on an ACIR (or equivalent) encounter form, for children under the age of 7 years. 13. Promptly report any significant adverse event following immunisation to the Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC), or in some instances to the relevant State/Territory Health authorities. The Standard Procedure 1.2, above for vaccinations in the Australian Capital Territory has been adopted by Capital Health Care Pty Ltd and hence is the standing order for vaccinations with our company.. Skin cleaning When the skin is visibly clean, there is no evidence that skin antisepsis is necessary. 4 If the skin needs to be cleaned, alcohol and other disinfecting agents must be allowed to dry before injection of vaccine, since they can inactivate live vaccine preparations and increase injection pain. Route of administration Almost all vaccines are given by either intramuscular (IM) injection or subcutaneous (SC) injection. (inserted at a 45° angle) Additional Information HR What to do to manage injection site discomfort.. Many vaccine injections may result in soreness, redness, itching, swelling or burning at the injection site for 1 to 2 days. Paracetamol might be required to ease the discomfort. Sometimes a small hard lump may persist for some weeks or months. This should not be of concern and requires no treatment. Jelly Beans We have lots……………